
2017-09-11 08:25:46  每日學英語


  We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community which movies you need to watch if you're about to head off to college. Here are their recommendations, guaranteed to give you all the feels. 



1. Boyhood (2014)





  —You know how everyone’s always saying”Seize the moment”?

  —I don’t know. I’m kinda thinking it’s the other around. You know, like, the moment seizes us. It’s like it’s always right now, you know?



"I watched it with my mom the weekend before I started college and felt ALL the feels. It really helped me process the idea of leaving home for the first time and got me excited for my next adventure."—maggiel4fd


2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)





  —Life moves pretty last. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


"It shows you how important it is to step away and take a break from the real world every now and then."—funnybunny02


3. Toy Story 3 (2010)





  —So long, partner.


"I was in a puddle of tears watching that movie. The fact that Andy was growing up and leaving his childhood behind just like I was...I was a mess. Great movie, but watch at your own risk. You will cry, especially if you're emotional like me!"—oliviab4a17c


4. The Pursuit of Happiness (2006)





  —Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something. You got a dream, you got to protect it. If you want something, go get it. Period.


"It's important to remember that you're gonna go through hard times, that's inevitable, but you can't let that stop you. It's up to you to work hard, push through, and fight for what you want." —sarahwainschel


5. Mona Lisa Smile (2003)





  —My parents say my future is right on the horizon.

  —Tell them the horizon is an imaginary line that recedes as you approach it.



"I love how the movie deals with all the different types of relationships you'll have in college. Plus, a lot of the issues navigated by the characters like contraception, sexual orientation, and infidelity, are still relevant today. None of the characters are perfect, which is refreshing."—meganf4e54


6. How to be Single (2016)





  —The thing about being single is ,you should cherish it. Because, in a week or a lifetime of being alone, you may only get one moment. One moment, when you’re not tied up in a relationship with anyone. One moment, when you stand on your own.


"It's a nice reminder that you don't need to meet your soulmate in college. Self-improvement and personal growth are important, and college is a good time for that!"—Heather O'Halloran, Facebook

  “這部電影提醒你,不需要在大學遇到靈魂伴侶。自我提高和個人成長十分重要,而大學就是一個好時機!”—Heather O'Halloran, Facebook(臉書)

7. Pitch Perfect (2012)





  —You call yourself ”Fat Amy”?

  —Yeah, so twig bitches like you don’t do it behind my back.



"It always got me excited to go to college. It inspired me to get involved, to meet a group of girls like that, to step out of my comfort zone, to allow myself to change and grow, but to always stay true to myself in the process. Watching it now makes me nostalgic for freshman year."—emilym4b80


8. Now and Then (1995)





  —Have you ever been French kissed?

  —Are you kidding? I don’t wanna get pregnant.



"It's such a beautiful movie that reminds you of summer days spent with neighborhood kids and how those friendships formed you as a person. I remember identifying with every single character in that movie, and I always cackle when the girls think sex is like watering a plant."—briak2


9. Superbad (2007)





  —How old are you, Mclovin?

  —Old enough.

  —Old enough for what?

  —To party.





"It came out the week before I left for my freshman year of college and was the perfect film to watch before leaving for school."—kelseyf423


10. Accepted (2006)





  —There are plenty of successful people who didn’t go to college. Albert Einstein, you know. Pocahontas never went to college.

  —很多名人都沒有上過大學。像愛因斯坦、印第安公主 波卡紅塔絲(動畫電影風中奇緣女主角)都沒上過。

"As someone who went to college as the 'nose-in-the-books' type, it was a great reminder that there are many ways to be smart, your classmates will also teach you valuable things, and it's not that damn serious. Plus, the movie is hilarious!"—bellaselene


11. I Love You Beth Cooper (2009)





  —Thank you for loving me.

  —What’s not to love?



"It's a hilarious movie about a geek and the queen bee going on an unexpected adventure around their home town on the night of their graduation. Not only is it so funny, but there are also some really touching scenes and it reminds us that we're more than just the labels we wear!"—katieg4a39


12. Animal House (1978)





  "It's a classic comedy. My dad introduced me to it last year and I've watched it a few times before leaving for school."—elaineb429


13. Legally Blonde (2001)





  —Most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.


"While it's an iconic movie for many reasons, it really hit me while watching it that it has some deep messages in it. Elle Woods taught us that if we want something, we're gonna have to push hard to get it. She also taught us that even if it feels like everyone has turned against us, there will always be a silver lining." —brgardiner


14. College Road Trip (2008)





  "It's a really funny movie that'll help you prepare to take that first step into adulthood. It might even make you miss your dad a little, too."—nicholefrancois


15. Mean Girls (2004)





  —Grool. I meant to say cool and then I started to say great.


"Just a funny movie about finding yourself in a new place."—sassystyles467



16. The Roommate (2011)





  "It honestly prepared me for the worst case roommate scenario. Then when I got to school and realized that my roommate wasn't all that bad, I was super relieved."—tyd49b6


17. The Cheetah Girls (2003)





  —You know, we call ourselves ‘The Cheetahs’. Because the cheetah is the cheetah. And the fiercest feline in the jungle. Let’s bounce, girls.


"I watched it the day before I left for college. It made me laugh and even cry a little bit. 10/10 would recommend."—meghanj4ca


18. Can't Hardly Wait (1998)





  —Fate. There is fate. But it only takes you so far... because once you’re there, it’s up to you to make it happen.


"It was a good reminder that while one was chapter closing, a new one was opening. If you really want to cry, listen to 'Vitamin C' while watching it."—samantham4261


19. St. Elmo's Fire (1985)





  "It's that one movie that made you realize no matter how old you and your friends get, or what paths you go down, you'll always be there to save each other."—janeazuonwuu


20. Monster's University (2013)





  —Oh man! I can’t be late on the first day! I made it! My first day at class!

  —The school year is over, son. You missed it.



"It brings back childhood memories while you're about the to enter the threshold of all-nighters and cold pizza."—madisons487


21. The Graduate (1976)





  "That movie has so many important lessons for college students, like how it's OK to not know exactly what you wanna do with your life."—madelineb4381


22. Girl's Trip (2017)





  "I just saw Girl's Trip with all my best girlfriends and it was a good reminder of our unconditional love for each other and how much we'll miss one another. It made us reminisce about all the good times we had and how much we have to hold on to those memories as we all go our different ways."—carolynk4835


23. Grease (1978)





  —Well, here we are again.

  —Yeah, but this time we’re serious.

  —And we’re gonna rule the school.




"It's a great movie on its own, but I think the theme of growing up and starting anew might make going off to college less intimidating."—samg4b648


24. High School Musical 3 (2008)





  —You know how life can be. It changes overnight.


"It's a Disney movie that was meant for preteens, but once you watch the entire series in one sitting up to the graduation, you feel so much from it! Almost like a proud mother crying in excitement for the next journey; it'll get you hyped up for when you make it to that point in your life."—k46d8b

  “這是一部拍給 青春期前兒童的迪士尼電影,但是如果你在畢業(yè)前看完了一整個系列,你能感受到很多東西!就像驕傲的母親為下一次旅行興奮地哭泣;當你到了人生的那一刻,它也會讓你興奮不已。”—k46d8b

25. Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)





  —You can’t just sit there and put everybody’s lives ahead of yours and think it counts as love.


"It taught me that things aren't always in my control, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world."—seanw4c75b



