
2017-07-31 08:21:30  每日學(xué)英語

  這才是所謂的身體藝術(shù)——繪制在裸體女性身上的令人贊嘆的紫外線圖像。通過日落、熱帶海洋和月光下的山形圖像來展現(xiàn)女性形象 。小編看了都只能贊嘆不已地說“藝術(shù)啊藝術(shù)~”,快來看看吧~

  In a project which marries the beauty of the female form with spectacular scenes from nature, an artist has created stunning UV images on women's backs.


  John Poppleton, from California, creates incredible works of art painted directly onto human skin using fluorescent shades of lilac, orange and green and then photographs them with stunning results.

  來自加利福尼亞州的約翰·波普爾頓(John Poppleton)創(chuàng)造出令人咂舌稱奇的藝術(shù)作品,將紫丁香,橙色和綠色的熒光色調(diào)直接涂在人體皮膚上,然后拍出了驚人的效果。

  His project, called Under Black Light, consists of 'bodyscapes' of spectacular natural phenomena such as African sunsets, tropical oceans during rainstorm, and mountain ranges under moonlight.





  John Poppleton, from California, creates mindblowing works of art painted directly onto human skin using fluorescent paints

  來自加利福尼亞州的約翰·波普爾頓(John Poppleton)創(chuàng)造出用熒光顏料直接涂抹在人體皮膚上的藝術(shù)作品




  Under Black Light is a series of black light photography by artist John Poppleton.

  “暗夜之下”是由藝術(shù)家約翰·波普頓(John Poppleton)拍攝的一系列黑光攝影

  In more otherworldly, eerie designs the artist depicts cosmic scenes of stars, galaxies and shimmering auroras.


  His gorgeous painterly scenes are photographed under black light to produce the seemingly glowing images.


  John incorporates the curves and shapes of the models into his paintings, and in some the canvas is stretches beyond the back of the model onto the background behind.





  The artist dabbled in photography as a hobby until several friends convinced him to photograph their weddings in 1993. He then became a professional portrait photographer as has flourished in the industry for more than 20 years.


  It has always been John's goal to create something original and different but fantasy portraits were never part of the plan. 'I wasn't looking for it, it found me', he says.

  約翰一直把原創(chuàng)和與眾不同作為目標(biāo),但夢幻風(fēng)情的肖像并不在計劃之中。 他說:“我沒有尋找它,是它找到了我”。

  'Around 2003 Photoshop introduced a new tool called liquify and just to show what it could do I stretched a brides ears and turned her into an elf. ('Lord of the Rings' was in theatres about this time.) It turned out so nice I put a copy in my portfolio and it just evolved from there.

  “2003年左右,Photoshop推出了一款名為liquidify的新工具。展示一下它的功能——我可以拉長新娘的耳朵,把她變成精靈。 (《指環(huán)王》那時在電影院熱映中)。事實證明,將它拷貝到我的作品集中是明智之舉,它也是從中演變而來的。


'But things really took off when the owner of a faerie collectable store asked me to create 12 images for a calendar. That's what gave me the biggest push.'


  In 2010, while suffering from a sleepless night in a hotel room bed, John received his inspiration for using black light and he was off on what has become the biggest adventure of his career.


  John has received numerous awards for his wedding and fantasy portraits through Wedding & Portrait Photographers International, and his work has been featured in many acclaimed photography books.


  He now lives in the quiet little town of Wellsville in Northern Utah, with his wife Becky and their three children



A model's hair is also painted so that the waterfall scene etched onto her back appears to begin fro the top of her head (left) and a stunning lilac sunset (right)



