汽車后窗驚現(xiàn)“女鬼” ,專治濫用遠光燈,你贊同嗎?

2016-11-24 08:51:29  每日學(xué)英語



  Sick of getting temporarily blinded by drivers using their high-beam headlights at night, more and more Chinese are equipping the rear windows of their cars with scary reflective decals featuring ghosts, vampires or monsters.


  Dozens of shops on large e-commerce sites like Taobao are selling scary rear-window decals with graphics ranging from ghostly figures and women with bloody mouths to vampires and yellow-eyed werewolves, and judging by the number of photos currently doing the rounds on Chinese social media, people are actually using them to deter drivers from keeping their high beam headlights on when driving behind them. The bizarre stickers are apparently barely visible in the dark or normal lighting conditions, but light up when a bright light is shone on them.



  temporarily:['temp(?)r(?r)?l?] adv. 臨時地,臨時

  high beam:n. 遠光燈

  decal:['di?kæl] n. 貼花紙;貼花釉法

  rear:[r??] vt. 培養(yǎng) adv. 向后 adj. 后方的 n. 后面

  ghost:[g??st] n. 鬼,幽靈 vt. 作祟于

  vampires:['væmpa??] n. 吸血鬼; 吸血蝙蝠

  Dozens of:幾十;許多

  deter:[d?'t??] vt. 制止,阻止

  bizarre:[b?'zɑ?] adj. 奇異的(指態(tài)度,容貌,款式等)



  Most of the shop selling these decals are actually advertising them as a cheap way to scare and discourage other drivers from using their high-beam unnecessarily, and, at this point, people will try anything. The decals sell for $3 – $18 on Taobao, depending on their size, and are fairly easy to apply on the window.


  According to the South China Morning Post, traffic policeman in Jinan, eastern Shandong province, have noticed an increasing number of cars sporting pictures of ghosts with pale skin and other creepy characters on their rear window, and warned that they could pose a threat to road safety. Drivers caught with such decorations on their cars through the city risk a fine of 100 yuan ($15). In Beijing, it is not illegal to decorate car windows with decals, but police say people may have to bear responsibility for any accidents caused by scaring other drivers.



  fairly:['fe?l?] adv. 相當(dāng)?shù)?公平地

  sporting: ['sp??t??] adj. 運動的;冒險性的 v. 娛樂

  pale:[pe?l] adj. 蒼白的;無力的 vt. 使失色

  creepy:['kri?p?]adj. 詭異的;令人毛骨悚然的

  illegal :[?'li?g(?)l] adj.非法的 n. 非法移民

  bear:[be?] vt. 結(jié)果實 vt. 忍受;承受 n. 熊

  responsibility:[r??sp?ns??b?l?t?] n. 責(zé)任,職責(zé);義務(wù)



  However, no cases of accidents caused by these scary decals have so far been reported. The same cannot be said about the irresponsible use of high-beam headlights. Chinese media has so far covered dozens of fatal car crashes involving drivers dazzled by bright, full beam headlights.



  irresponsible:[??r??sp?ns?bl] adj. 不負(fù)責(zé)任的;不可靠的

  fatal:['fe?t(?)l] adj. 致命的;重大的

  dazzle:['dæz(?)l] n. 耀眼的光 vt. 使……目


