
2016-11-18 08:48:22  每日學(xué)英語




  1. Don't hit the snooze button 別把止鬧按鈕關(guān)了

  早晨鬧鐘響后很多人都會按下snooze button(止鬧按鈕),繼續(xù)have a short doze(小睡一會),然后才會起床上班。不過即使起床之后,人一天也還會打很多個盹


  Sleep specialists say that snooze alarms are not a good idea. The truth is that every time you hit snooze and fall back asleep, you enter a sleep cycle you won’t be able to finish. So when you wake up, you’ll feel very tired and lazy.


2. Don't stay curled up in bed別蜷縮著睡覺



  When you wake up, stretch your legs and arms while you are still lying in bed. The more you stretch, the more confident and happy you will be during the day. Those who wake up curled like a cat tend to be much more stressed and sleepy.



  3.Never check your e-mail first thing in the morning 早起第一件事千萬別查收郵件



  Checking e-mails as soon as you get up distracts you from the important tasks you need to do. Focus on productive actions instead of mindlessly scrolling through your inbox.


  4. Make your bed整理床鋪


  Leaving your bed made is associated with increasing your productivity for the rest of the day. In addition, this important habit is the first step to help other good habits take hold.


  5. Avoid drinking coffee避免喝咖啡

 If you are one of those people who drinks a cup of coffee in the morning to wake up, it’s time to reconsider this habit of yours. Between 8 and 9 in the morning, our body produces large amounts of the energy-regulating hormone called cortisol. If you drink coffee before 9:30, your body will reduce production of cortisol and you will have less energy.


  6. Don't wake up in the dark 別在黑暗中醒來


  Our body’s internal clock is sensitive to light and darkness. If you wake up in low light, your brain could be confused and make you feel sleepy. Open the curtains, and, if it is still dark outside when you wake up, just turn on a strong light.


  7. Habits are everthing習(xí)慣是一切

  According to scientists, your willpower is limited and if you spend it doing small things to lengthen your morning, you will have less energy throughout the day. Focus on getting ready, and create a routine that allows you to move "in automatic mode" in the mornings and save your willpower reserves for the rest of the day.

