什么是“road rage”?

2016-11-07 09:01:48  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)
  路面上的車越來(lái)越多,高峰時(shí)段的交通擁堵就難免。而這個(gè)時(shí)候,開車的人們能夠保持心平氣和的似乎也不多,稍有不慎便有可能言語(yǔ)相向,甚至動(dòng)手。當(dāng)然,堵車至堵心的行為雖然不當(dāng),還算事出有因。在路上還有那么一群人,開車無(wú)章法,蠻橫無(wú)理,還隨時(shí)想要欺負(fù)其他的司機(jī),這樣的行為就有點(diǎn)病態(tài)了,在英語(yǔ)里,我們管這種行為叫做road rage。不管在哪里生的氣,放到路面上來(lái)發(fā)泄怎么說(shuō)都是不合適的。你說(shuō)呢?


  Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, or making threats. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults, and collisions which result in injuries and even deaths. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive driving. The term supposedly originated in the USA during the 1980s.


  The following are common manifestations of road rage:


  Generally aggressive driving, including sudden acceleration, braking, and close tailgating.


  Cutting others off in a lane, or deliberately preventing someone from merging.


  Sounding the vehicle's horn or flashing lights excessively.


  Driving at high speeds in the median of a highway to terrify drivers in both lanes.

