
2016-09-29 09:11:38  每日學英語

More often than not, depression comes without any warning.

Everyone gets a chance to be inflicted.

Most people will choose to wear a "smiling" mask, pretending they are ok.

No one else can figure it out except you yourself because it is so easy to disguise.

The happier you are, the harder for people to sense your true feeling.

You will have a breakdown at one moment.

But, it's ok.

Don't feel ashamed.

There are people who can understand how you feel.

They will love you and support you.

Talk with them!

You can gain energy and confidence to fight against depression.

"We are together."

You are unique.

You are loved.

And,you are not alone.

Deal with this world with patience.

And most importantly, treat yourself with patience.

Every day is a new brand start, providing us with a chance to grow up.

We will be with you, forever.
