
2016-08-29 09:29:11  每日學(xué)英語

A: Did you call the manager?
A: 你給經(jīng)理打電話了嗎?

B: Yes. He said he'd come over tomorrow.

B: 打了,他說他明天過來。

A: Did he say what time?

A: 說幾點過來了嗎?

B: Yes. He said he'd be here at 9 o'clock.

B: 說了,明天9點過來。

A: Did he understand what the problem is?

A: 他知道是什么問題嗎?

B: Yes. I told him our doorbell doesn't work.

B: 知道,我告訴他咱們的門鈴不管用了。

A: It shouldn't take him long to fix it.

A: 修一下應(yīng)該用不了多長時間。

B: I don't even know why we need to fix it.

B: 我都不知道我們?yōu)槭裁匆匏?/p>

A: In case we have visitors.

A: 因為會有客人過來。

B: But they can just knock on the door.

B: 但是他們可以敲門啊。

A: Actually, I want him to look at our carpet, too.

A: 其實,我也想讓他看看咱的地毯。

B: Yes, it would be nice if he'd give us a new carpet.

B: 恩,要是他給我一塊新地毯就好了。
