
2016-07-25 08:58:19  每日學(xué)英語
1. Image and Video Editing 圖像視頻編輯


For image editing, the easiest and most widely used program to learn is Photoshop, but if you know that professionals in your field use other programs such as Corel Paintshop Pro X6, learn that instead.

對于圖像編輯,最簡單和使用最廣的程序是Photoshop,但如果知道行業(yè)專業(yè)人士使用其他程序譬如Corel Paintshop Pro X6,那就學(xué)習(xí)這個(gè)。

For video editing, there are tons of different programs you can use, including Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Lightworks and Sony Vegas. Possessing the ability to work with multimedia is a great asset for your resume and for future employment.

對于視頻編輯,有許多不同的程序你可以使用,包括Final Cut Pro,After Effects,Lightworks和Sony Vegas。在你的簡歷和未來工作中,擁有使用多媒體工作的能力都是一項(xiàng)巨大資質(zhì)。

2. CPR and First Aid 心肺復(fù)蘇和急救

Not only is this an impressive skill to have for a job, it's also useful in your daily life. To get your two-year CPR certification, you can take classes at three specific organizations: the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association or the National Safety Council.


While you will need to take a refresher course every time your certification expires, you will be able to help people in medical situations and show your potential employers how responsible you are. If you want to take it a step further, you can get your EMT certification as well.


3. Serving Alcohol 侍酒服務(wù)


You can look for classes in your area or learn the basics online, and with practice, you could be serving fine wine at a sophisticated dining establishment in no time.


4. Blogging 博客

It seems as if everyone has a blog these days, but having an online space to write out your ideas can actually impress future bosses. Crafting well-written pieces on a blog can show strong writing proficiency and a self-starting attitude.


Blogging also helps you find your own distinctive voice and writing style, which takes time and effort to develop, especially depending on your field. It even gives you the chance to shine by showing off awesome HTML designs and features.


5. Project Management 項(xiàng)目管理


Learning how to work with a budget, assign tasks and manage necessary paperwork are useful skills for many different vocations. It may be difficult for some, but it doesn't hurt to try to see if this is a role that suits you.


6. Microsoft Office 微軟辦公軟件

You're probably familiar with the many programs of Microsoft Office, including Word and Powerpoint. While many people know the basic functions, there are hidden features which can turn your report or presentation from passable to unforgettable.


Mastering Excel can be especially beneficial, like grasping the concept of pivot tables, and can help fast-track your career.


7. Notarizing 公證人資格

Becoming a certified notary public is a lot easier than most people think. Depending on state regulations, there is an exam followed by and an oath. Requirements include a clean record and being a legal resident of the state in which you are seeking certification.


8. Scuba Diving 深潛

It isn't likely that scuba diving will be tied directly to your prospective field, but it's important to develop your interests as well as take steps to achieve your professional goals.


It takes less than six months to learn how to scuba dive, and it shows that you're not only naturally curious but you also understand the importance of following regulations and safety codes. You can also learn to cook or earn a pilot's license in six months, all of which have benefits and lessons you can bring to an office or other professional setting.


9. Public Speaking 公開演講


Public speaking is a crucial skill to develop, especially in a field where you need to present information or communicate with others frequently. There are typically classes at local colleges or other learning institutions, but you can also attend Toastmasters meetings to become more eloquent while working on leadership skills.


10. Foreign Language Basics 外語基礎(chǔ)


Improving your language skills to get up to a working proficiency can really help pump up your resume. If you have no background in other languages, consider taking sign language classes. Even though some countries have region-specific sign languages (American and British sign languages are different, despite both intended for English), it opens up the possibility to communicate with even more people.


Not all languages are used for communicating person to person — there are various programming languages that you can learn. If your field is mainly online, it's good to start with HTML. There are code-specific classes you can take, and there are great online lessons on sites such as Codecademy. If this is your first coding experience, note that it may take a little longer than six months to understand it fully.

