
2016-07-18 09:06:28  每日學(xué)英語

A: Have you seen our waiter?
A: 你見到剛給我們點(diǎn)餐的服務(wù)員了嗎?

B: Here he comes now.

B: 他來了。

A: We've been sitting here for almost 10 minutes.

A: 我們在這等了將近10分鐘了。

B: Oops, I guess I was wrong. That isn't our waiter.

B: 哎呀,我想我搞錯(cuò)了,他不是剛才給我們點(diǎn)餐的服務(wù)生。

A: We can give him five more minutes, and then leave.

A: 我們再給他5分鐘,要還不來,我們就走。

B: I'll go up front and talk to the manager.

B: 我到前臺,去和經(jīng)理說說。

A: That's a good idea.

A: 那到是個(gè)好主意。

B: Maybe they'll give us free drinks for waiting so long.

B: 沒準(zhǔn)兒他們還會給我們提供免費(fèi)飲料,畢竟我們等了這么久。

A: Maybe he'll send us our waiter immediately.

A: 可能他馬上就要來了。

B: Every time we eat out, it's an adventure.

B: 每次我們出來吃飯,就像是來一場大冒險(xiǎn)。

A: Last time, we got seats next to the kitchen.

A: 上次,我們就坐在廚房邊兒上。

B: We'll never go there again.

B: 我們再也不要去那里吃了。
