
2016-06-15 09:10:10  每日學(xué)英語
You can lose your hair, lose your temper or even lose your mind. But can you lose your empathy?

Why care about empathy?


The practice of empathy builds trust and increases safety in your family and work environments. It supports the social fabric required for communication and shared activities. A world with empathy is nurturing and supportive – it creates an environment where people can be creative and take risks.


Empathy Traps (Anti-patterns)


Trap #1: Even Worse – the basic idea here is to compare the persons’s problem with someone else’s problem that is even much bigger. On the surface this may seem like we’re helping them. What we are really doing is that we are saying that their problem and feelings are invalid or unworthy.


Trap #2: Look on the Bright Side – When we focus on the positive, rather than acknowledge a person’s feelings, we ignore and dismiss them as unimportant. The net result is that we invalidate the other person.


Trap #3: Problem Solving – Typically, we start by assuming the person has invited us to solve their problem by telling us about their situation. (Why else would they tell us?) With this trap, we avoid acknowledging or recognizing the emotion and keep it just to the facts of the situation.


What to do about this?


1. Notice when you are running these anti-patterns and STOP TALKING. Saying nothing is much better than falling in these traps. Rewind the conversation if you need to. It’s never too late to go back.


2. Be kind to yourself. You are human like the rest of us. You’ve probably been running these patterns for years and years – it’ll take time to get better.


3. Take a deep breath and practice your empathy muscles. Yes! You can learn these skills.


What can be done to turn around this empathy decline? Fortunately, a good deal. And we can start by learning the four elements of empathy.

同理心滑坡,我們?cè)撛趺崔k?幸運(yùn)的是,有很多辦法可以做出改變。 先從同理心的四個(gè)特點(diǎn)開始吧,看看能給我們什么啟示。

Four Elements of Empathy-Teresa Wiseman


Teresa Wiseman is a nursing scholar, whostudied professions—very diverse professions where empathy is relevant, and came up with four qualities of empathy:

Teresa Wiseman是名護(hù)理學(xué)者,她研究職業(yè)--與同理心相關(guān)、非常不同的職業(yè),并提出四種同理心的特性:

Perspective taking (the ability to take the perspective of another person, or recognize their perspectives as their truth), staying out of judgment (not easy when you enjoy this as much as most of us do), recognizing emotion of another people, and then communicating that.



So what is empathy? And why is it very different than sympathy?

Empathy fuels connection. Sympathy drives disconnection. Empathy is very interesting.

Teresa Wiseman is a nursing scholar, whostudied professions—very diverse professions where empathy is relevant, and came up with four qualities of empathy:

Perspective taking (the ability to takethe perspective of another person, or recognize their perspectives as theirtruth), staying out of judgment (not easy when you enjoy this as much as mostof us do), recognizing emotion of another people, and then communicating that.

Empathy is feeling with people. And to me,I always think of empathy as this kind of sacred space when someone's kind ofin a deep hole, and they shout out from the bottom and they say, "I'm stuck. It's dark. I'm overwhelmed." And then we look and we say,"Hey," and climb down, "I know what it's like down here, andyou're not alone."

Sympathy is, "Woo! It's bad, ahuh?Now, you want a sandwich?"

Empathy is a choice. And it's a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling. Rarely, if ever, does an empathic response begin with "at least."

I had a...yeah, and we do it all the time,because, you know what, someone just shares something with us that's incrediblypainful, and we're trying to silver lining that. I don't think that's a verb,but I'm using it as one.

We're trying to put this silver lining around it, so "I had a miscarriage."

"At least, you know you can getpregnant."

"I think my marriage is fallingapart."

"At least, you have a marriage."

"John's getting kicked out ofschool."

"At least, Sarah, he's anA-student."

But one of the things we do sometimes inthe face of very difficult conversations is we try to make things better.

If I share something with you that's very difficult, I'd rather you say, "I don't even know what to say right now.I'm just so glad you told me," because the truth is rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection.
