
2016-06-07 08:56:10  每日學(xué)英語
Improve Your Mind.


Meditate or pray.冥想或祈禱。

Write in a journal.寫日志。

Take five deep breaths.做5次深呼吸。

Sit silently and be mindfully observant of everything around you.安靜地坐著,并用心觀察周圍的一切。

Write a list of five things for which you’re grateful.寫下你感激的5件事。

Write a list of five things that bring you joy.寫下帶給你快樂的5件事。

Integrate at least one thing that brings you joy into each day.每天至少做一件能帶給你快樂的事情。

Laugh out loud.大聲地笑。

Play with a pet.和寵物玩。

Read a book.讀一本書。

Listen to music.聽聽音樂。

Watch the sunrise or sunset.看看日出或日落。

Send texts, emails or handwrite a brief note of friendship, love or gratitude to a friend.給一位朋友發(fā)一封有關(guān)友誼、愛或感激的短信、郵件或手寫一張簡單的便條。

De-clutter a messy home or work area.收拾一下亂七八糟的家或工作區(qū)域。

Write down five terrific things about your body, appearance or performance.寫下與你的身體、相貌或是成績有關(guān)的5件了不起的事情。

Make plans to go out with friends or family.有計(jì)劃地與朋友或家人一起出門。

Soak in a tub.泡在浴缸里。

To wind down before you go to sleep, spend five minutes laying in muted light reflecting on one positive highlight of your day.睡覺前先放松一下,拿出5分鐘躺在柔和的燈光下回顧一天中最精彩的部分。

Eat Well.吃好。

Remove processed or refined foods from your kitchen.丟掉廚房中的加工食品或精制食品。

Chop vegetables.


Make a smoothie.做奶昔。

Learn how to read a nutrition label.學(xué)習(xí)閱讀營養(yǎng)成分標(biāo)簽。

Pack your lunch or snacks.自帶午餐或零食。

Create a lovely ambiance for eating – a place setting, music, table flowers, or whatever else you wish to include; it’s worth reiterating, the TV and all other devices and screens should be turned off.為進(jìn)餐創(chuàng)造一個(gè)令人愉快的氛圍——餐位餐具、音樂、桌花或者你希望包括的任何其他事物;要重申的是,關(guān)掉電視和所有的其他設(shè)備以及屏幕。

Write your grocery list.寫下你的購物清單。

Identify three to five foods you might binge on and substitute in a tasty, healthy substitute for each.確定3~5樣你可能會(huì)猛吃猛喝的食品,給每樣找一種健康又美味的替代品。

Sign up for a food-tracking app or program.注冊(cè)一個(gè)食品追蹤應(yīng)用軟件或程序。

Learn a new recipe.學(xué)習(xí)新食譜。

Schedule a family or friends shared meal date.為家人或朋友安排一次共進(jìn)晚餐的約會(huì)。

Log your foods in a journal or on a tracker.把你的食品記錄在日志或追蹤系統(tǒng)中。

Strengthen Your Body.強(qiáng)身健體。

Get up and move your body for five minutes after 45 minutes of sitting.坐45分鐘后,站起來,花5分鐘動(dòng)動(dòng)身體。

Take a five-minute walk.散步5分鐘。

Walk stairs.爬樓梯。

Walk hills.爬山。

Crank up the music and dance.打開音樂跳舞。

Jump rope.跳繩。

Choose a wearable tracking device.選擇可穿戴的追蹤設(shè)備。

Do a combination of one or more exercises, such as bent-knee or total body push-ups, wall squats, standing on one leg.結(jié)合一項(xiàng)或多項(xiàng)鍛煉,如彎曲膝蓋或全身俯臥撐,或在墻側(cè)下蹲或單腳站立。

Strength train using one or more body parts, such as your back and biceps.加強(qiáng)身體的一個(gè)部位或多個(gè)部位的鍛煉,如背部和肱二頭肌。

Do yoga poses.做瑜伽。

Do pilates.做普拉提。

Run in place, on a treadmill or outdoors.在跑步機(jī)上或戶外跑步。

Use any cardio equipment, such as a treadmill or a cycle.使用鍛煉心肺功能的運(yùn)動(dòng)器材,如跑步機(jī)或自行車。

Choose new exercise music.鍛煉時(shí)選擇新的音樂。

De-clutter your workout clothes closet area.整理放運(yùn)動(dòng)服的衣櫥。

Launder and organize your workout clothes.清洗、晾干衣服,整理運(yùn)動(dòng)服。

Pack your gym bag.收拾好運(yùn)動(dòng)時(shí)帶的包。

