
2016-05-03 09:50:08  每日學(xué)英語
Kathy :Jim, I heard you took a trip to San Diego. Is that right?

Kathy :Jim. 我聽說你去圣地亞哥玩了一趟,是嗎?

Jim :Yeah, I just got back this morning.

Jim :是啊,今天早上才回來。

Kathy :That sounds really nice. What did you do there?

Kathy :聽起來不錯。你去那兒都玩什么了?

Jim :Well, we were only there for three days, so we didn't do too much.We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times. At night we walked around the city with some friends.

Jim :嗯,我們只在那兒呆了三天,沒怎么玩。購物,還出去吃了幾次晚飯。晚上,我們和一些朋友出去在市里逛了逛。

Kathy :Did you take any pictures?

Kathy :照照片了嗎?

Jim :Yes, I have them with me. Do you want to look at them?

Jim :嗯,我?guī)е兀阆肟磫?

Kathy :Sure, I love looking at photos.

Kathy :當然了,我喜歡看照片。

Jim :This one is of my wife and me on the beach, and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife.

Jim :這張是我和我妻子在海灘。站在我妻子旁邊的是我女兒。

Kathy :Your daughter looks like her mother.

Kathy :你女兒很像她媽媽。

Jim :I know, they look very similar.

Jim :我也這么覺得,她們長得很像。

Kathy :Where was this picture taken?

Kathy :在哪兒照的這張?

Jim :That was taken at the train station before we left.

Jim :我們走之前,在火車站照的。

Kathy :Did you have time to go to the zoo?

Kathy :有時間去動物園嗎?

Jim :No, not this time. We went there last time.

Jim :沒有,這次沒去。上次去了。

Kathy :It looks like you all had a nice time.

Kathy :看起來玩的不錯。

Jim :Yeah, it was a lot of fun.

Jim :是啊,可好玩了。
