今天你玩嗨了嗎?Let's live it up !

2016-05-03 08:48:57  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)

今天你玩嗨了嗎?Let's live it up !


馬上就是五一勞動(dòng)節(jié)了,寶寶們想好去哪里玩耍了嗎?今天小編要教大家一個(gè)短語(yǔ),意思是盡情狂歡, 假期里可以使用哦,快快學(xué)起來(lái)吧~



live it up: [俚語(yǔ)] 過(guò)奢侈的生活;(一反常態(tài)地)縱情快樂(lè)



It's your birthday, so let's live it up! 



I have decided to take a two-week holiday and live it up in a tropical resort.



Let's live it up today! 


Because tomorrow will show up on time 


來(lái)自貓頭鷹之城樂(lè)隊(duì)Owl City的單曲《live it up》,是一首向往未來(lái)的自由的很陽(yáng)光歌曲!






Let's live it up !



 Lead the way and let's get it started.

Seize the day and reach for the sky

Carry on 'cause those broken hearted days are gone so wave goodbye!

We are gonna blow up because wegot nothing to lose

We are gonna rise up above when we break up the rules

We are gonna rewrite the book 'cause it's long overdue

Tear up the script this is it'cause it's all up to you


Because tomorrow we'll show up on time,

It's gonna follow the night of your lights

you know tomorrow begins when you say tomorrow is on its way 

so let's live it up today!


Let's live it up today!


Pack your bags,

adventure is waiting,

gonna have the right of your life.

Smile wide cause there's no debating 

cause it feels so right so hold on tight.

We are gonna blow up because we got nothing to lose

We are gonna rise up above when we break up the rules

We are gonna rewrite the book 'cause it's long overdue

Tear up the script this is it 'cause it's all up to you

Because tomorrow wll show up on time

It's gonna follow the night of your lights

you know tomorrow begins when you say tomorrow is on its way

so let's live it up today!


Today !

let's live it up let's live it up today,let's live it up today.

Because tomorrow we'll show up on time

It's gonna follow the night of your lights

you know tomorrow begins when you say tomorrow is on its way

so let's live it up today!

so let's live it up today! *4【本句重復(fù)4次】

We are gonna live it up today

