
2016-04-15 08:51:08  每日學英語
How to Make Breakfast in Bed for Your Mom  支招為還在床上的媽咪做早餐  · Instructions  指南  You will need  你需要  · Breakfast food  早餐食材  · A piece of construction paper  一張卡紙  · A pen or magic marker  一支鋼筆或馬克筆  · A tray  · Two cloth napkins  兩張布餐巾  · Plate or bowl  盤子或碗  · Utensils  器皿  · A flower  一束鮮花  · real or fake  真花假花都可以  · A bud vase or tall glass  一個花瓶或高一點的杯子  · A clean dishtowel  一條干凈的洗碗巾  · A cheese spreader  抹刀  Step 1 Pick mom’s favorite Pick one of mom’s favorite breakfast foods.  第一步:挑選媽媽最喜歡的東西。  Cereal? A frozen waffle? Toast with jelly? Remember, leaving a big mess in the kitchen won’t be a very nice gift for her!  選擇一種媽媽最喜愛的早餐。麥片粥?冷凍華夫餅?果醬吐司?記住,過后把廚房弄得一片狼藉可不是什么好事!  Quick Tip:  小提示:  If you need to use the toaster or microwave, ask your dad or an older brother or sister to help you.  如果要用到烤面包機或微波爐,向你的爸爸或哥哥姐姐尋求幫助。  Step 2 Make a menu  第二步:制作一份菜單。  Take a piece of colored construction paper and write a fancy menu for the tray, including the date. It will be a nice keepsake for Mom.  用一張彩紙,為飯菜制作一份精美的菜單,寫上日期,好讓媽媽保存起來。  Step 3 Prepare the tray  第三步:準備托盤  Before you get the food ready, prepare the tray. Spread a cloth napkin or a clean dish towel on the tray. Add a napkin and Mom’s good cutlery.  在飯做好之前,準備托盤。在托盤上鋪上一層布餐巾或一條干凈的洗碗巾。再放一張餐巾紙和媽媽的餐具。  Step 4 Add a flower Add a flower.  第四步:送上一朵花  If you can’t pick a fresh one, see if there’s a fake arrangement in the house that you can pluck one from. Put it in a bud vase, if you have one. If not, a tall drinking glass will do just as nicely.  送媽媽一朵花。如果你找不到一朵鮮花,看看屋子里有沒有假花,看看是不是能抽出一朵先用用。有花瓶,就把花插在花瓶里。沒有花瓶,就插在一個喝水的高一點的杯子里也可以。  Quick Tip:  小提示:  Don’t serve breakfast too early—part of your present should be letting Mom sleep in!  別給媽媽端去早餐太早了——你的禮物的一部分就是讓媽媽睡個懶覺!  Step 5 Pour juice  第五步:倒果汁  Pour mom a small glass of juice and put it on the tray.  為媽媽倒一小杯果汁,放在托盤上。  Step 6 Add extras  第六步:放點別的東西。  Add whatever extras mom may need—pats of butter, a tiny pot of jam, a small pitcher of syrup. If you have someone older helping you, heating the syrup is a nice touch.  放上任何媽媽可能需要的東西——幾塊黃油,一小罐果醬,一小罐糖漿。如果有比你大的人幫你的話,加熱一下糖漿會更好。  Quick Tip:  小提示:  If you’re including butter, cut a pat and then use a cheese spreader to cut it into a heart shape.  如果你還準備了黃油, 切一小塊而,用奶酪抹刀把它切成心形。  Step 7 Prepare the food  第七步:準備食物  When everything else is in place, prepare the food. You want to make sure you can serve it warm—unless cold cereal is on the menu, of course!  一切就緒后,準備食物。確保端過去的時候食物是熱乎的——當然菜單上寫的冷麥片粥除外。  Step 8 Sit with Mom Sit with Mom as she enjoys her breakfast in bed.  第八步:媽媽在床上吃飯時,坐在她旁邊陪她。  The only thing Moms like better than breakfast in bed is spending time with you!  媽媽比在床上享用早餐還喜歡的就是和你在一起。  Did You Know:  你知道嗎:  One-quarter of moms say they’d love breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day.  四分之一的媽媽說她們喜歡在母親節(jié)那一天在床上享用早餐。
How to Make Breakfast in Bed for Your Mom


· Instructions


You will need


· Breakfast food


· A piece of construction paper


· A pen or magic marker


· A tray

· Two cloth napkins


· Plate or bowl


· Utensils


· A flower


· real or fake


· A bud vase or tall glass


· A clean dishtowel


· A cheese spreader


Step 1 Pick mom’s favorite Pick one of mom’s favorite breakfast foods.


Cereal? A frozen waffle? Toast with jelly? Remember, leaving a big mess in the kitchen won’t be a very nice gift for her!


Quick Tip:


If you need to use the toaster or microwave, ask your dad or an older brother or sister to help you.


Step 2 Make a menu


Take a piece of colored construction paper and write a fancy menu for the tray, including the date. It will be a nice keepsake for Mom.


Step 3 Prepare the tray


Before you get the food ready, prepare the tray. Spread a cloth napkin or a clean dish towel on the tray. Add a napkin and Mom’s good cutlery.


Step 4 Add a flower Add a flower.


If you can’t pick a fresh one, see if there’s a fake arrangement in the house that you can pluck one from. Put it in a bud vase, if you have one. If not, a tall drinking glass will do just as nicely.


Quick Tip:


Don’t serve breakfast too early—part of your present should be letting Mom sleep in!


Step 5 Pour juice


Pour mom a small glass of juice and put it on the tray.


Step 6 Add extras


Add whatever extras mom may need—pats of butter, a tiny pot of jam, a small pitcher of syrup. If you have someone older helping you, heating the syrup is a nice touch.


Quick Tip:


If you’re including butter, cut a pat and then use a cheese spreader to cut it into a heart shape.

如果你還準備了黃油, 切一小塊而,用奶酪抹刀把它切成心形。

Step 7 Prepare the food


When everything else is in place, prepare the food. You want to make sure you can serve it warm—unless cold cereal is on the menu, of course!


Step 8 Sit with Mom Sit with Mom as she enjoys her breakfast in bed.


The only thing Moms like better than breakfast in bed is spending time with you!


Did You Know:


One-quarter of moms say they’d love breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day.

