
2016-02-03 09:08:15  每日學英語
Then there was the preacher who decided to sell his horse. A prospective buyer was impressedwith the animal, but the preacher said, " I must warn you-he only responds to 'church talk'. Gois 'Praise the Lord', and stop is 'Hallelujah"'.


"I've worked with horses all my life," said the buyer, "and I've never heard of anything likethis." Mounting the horse, he said skeptically, " Praise the Lord." The horse began to trot. Herepeated "Praise the Lord" and the horse broke into a gallop. Suddenly the buyer saw a cliffdead ahead. Frantic, he yelled "Hallelujah", and they came to a stop a foot from the edge.


Wiping the sweat from his brow, the buyer said, "Praise the Lord!"

