
2015-11-04 08:55:58  每日學英語

  I promise. 我保證。

  That's rough. 這太狠了。

  Straight up. 坦白說。

  Forgive me. 原諒我。

  Oh, fire away! 好吧,開始吧!

  Watch yourself. 小心點,當心點兒。

  Sounds nice. 聽上去不錯。

  Nailed it. 搞定


  Don't act stupid! 別裝傻了!

  Nothing makes sense.一切都說不通。

  Keep me updated.一有消息就通知我。

  First things first.事有輕重緩急。

  Use your words說話呀。

  Check this out.看看這個。

  Better than good.好的不能再好了。

  Ready to order? 準備好點餐了嗎?

  You tell me. 你說呢?

  Ready to serve. 準備就緒/隨時候命。

  Looks that way. 貌似是那樣。

  Are we cool? 我們沒事兒了吧。

  No offense taken. 我不介意。

  Question for you. 問你個問題。

  Break a leg! 好運!

  Let me explain. 聽我解釋。

  Are you sure? 你確定?

  Be right back. 馬上回來。

  That explains it. 這就解釋得通了。

  Watch your mouth. 說話客氣一點/嘴巴放干凈點兒。

  I'm mocking you. 我嘲笑你呢。

  Not a chance.絕不可能


  You are kidding me!你在開玩笑!

  Once and for all一勞永逸。

  You have my word. 我保證。

  I'm gonna be direct. 我就直說了。

  I'm on your side. 我支持你。

  Did you hear me?你聽見我說的話了嗎?

  I'm not done here. 我還沒講完呢

  You're in good hands. 接管你的人很可靠。

  How does that sound? 聽起來怎么樣?

  Let's talk this through. 讓我們好好談談。

  Our hands are tied. 我們束手無策;

  I got the message. 我懂你的意思了。

  Tell me about it. 可不是嘛。

  Nothing came of it沒有任何結果。

  Do yourself a favor為了你自己;

  Give me a second請稍等。

  You are very direct你真直率。

  We caught him off我們讓他措手不及。

  I'd be honored我會非常榮幸。

  No more of this夠了(別再說這個了)

  I got your back. 我頂你

  I didn't mean to. 我不是存心的。
