Jen: That's a difficult question because I'm very, I would say I'm very addicted to my phone because I keep on checking it every five minutes. I feel like without my phone my head doesn't, my brain stops working, you know?
Todd: Wow.
Jen: I would say the maximum I can stay without it would be one or two hours.
Todd: You've got to be kidding me.
Jen: I mean, if you asked me in the past, yeah, I could stay without it for a while, but nowadays, I don't even own a watch so that would be my time as well, so, I have to keep checking it. What about you?
Todd: We are polar opposites. Actually, I am so bad about not using my phone, and that's a smart phone, actually I have two. I have an Android Galaxy and I have an iPhone. I set them down and forget where they are, and go days without actually checking them sometimes. I'll go to work and somebody will be like, are you mad at me? I've been trying to reach you and you won't ... And I'm like, no, I'm not mad at you, why? I'm like, oh, I haven't checked my phone in two days.
Jen: That sounds so crazy to me because I could never go without my phone for two days.
Todd: Well, one, there's a couple things. One, it's old school, right? And two, I get all my information on the Internet on a PC. So I'm working, so I get everything on the Internet, like Facebook, news, stuff like that. The computer, like you said, tells the time. So I actually forget about my phone.
Jen: I think if I have a PC then I would also forget my phone.
Todd: But your generation, it's all in your hand, right?
Jen: That's right because it's more convenient.