When it comes to personal independence, there is no satisfaction comparable to the ability to pay your own bills. Financial independence means that you control your income and expenditure and you are not answerable to anybody. Independent people naturally tend to be a little more confident on handling issues affecting their lives.
Being independent therefore means that you will be more likely to try out new things that you want, rather than what or how you are expected to.
Being emotionally independent means that you can make the most of your personal decisions and go through challenging life situations without necessarily dragging other people into it. More emotional independence can also mean less suffering and disappointment, since you do not depend on others to meet your emotional needs.
Being independent makes decision making an easy task; this is because you have proven to yourself that you are the only person that will be really affected by the decisions you make. Independence can help increase yourself-value and self-esteem.
The achievement of financial, emotional, social, career and personal independence gives you a sense of accomplishment that eventually changes how you rate yourself and how others view you.
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