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卡卡英語(yǔ) 第230期:愛(ài)德華的故事(1)







His father, King George V, was a tall, cold man who did not like children.'Why does Edward talk all the time?'he once said.'He's a very noisy child!'
His mother, Queen Mary, agreed.'It doesn't matter if Edward is happy or unhappy, ' she said.'A child must be silent and strong.'
Buckingham Palace was very big, and people sometimes got lost. One night my mother, my father and I were sitting in the dining room. We were waiting for our dinner. We waied and waited, but the food did not come. After twenty minutes my father was very angry. He stood up and went to the kitchen.'Where is the cook?'he shouted, and where is my food?'
'But, Sir, ' the cook replied, 'your dinner left the kitchen fifteen minutes ago. Hasn't it arrived yet?'
'No, it hasn't, 'my father shouted, 'and I'm hungry.'
The King left the kitchen and began to look for the food. Ten minutes later he saw a woman who was carrying three plates of meat and potatoes.'What happened to you?'my father said.'Why didn't you bring us our dinner?'
'I' m sorry, Sir, 'the woman replied.'There are a lot of dining rooms. I couldn't remember where to go. But if you return to the table, Sir, this time I can follow you to the right room.'
'I never played with other children and I didn't have any friends. I lived in the most beautiful house in England but I was always lonely and sad. I saw my mother once a day at din-ner time and I saw my father three or four times a week, but they never gave me any love. I was afraid of them and every-thing I did was wrong.'

1 一個(gè)孤獨(dú)的孩子
他的父親喬治五世國(guó)王身材高大, 性情冷漠。他不喜歡孩子。“愛(ài)德華為什么總是說(shuō)個(gè)不停?”有一次, 他說(shuō), “這孩子真鬧人!”
他的母親瑪麗王后也這么想。“愛(ài)德華高興與否并不重要, ”她說(shuō), “小孩子一定要沉靜而堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。”
白金漢宮非常大, 人們有時(shí)會(huì)迷路。一天晚上, 我和我的父母親坐在餐廳里等著吃晚飯。我們等呀等呀, 但飯菜遲遲沒(méi)有送上來(lái)。等了20分鐘, 我父親火了。他起身去廚房。“廚師呢?”他喊道, “我的晚餐在哪兒?”
“可是, 陛下, ”廚師說(shuō), “您的晚餐15分鐘之前就送走了。難道還沒(méi)有送到嗎?”
“沒(méi)有, ”我父親高聲叫道, “我餓壞了。”
國(guó)王離開廚房, 開始去找晚餐。10分鐘后, 他看見一個(gè)女傭正端著3盤子肉和土豆。“你是怎么回事?”我父親問(wèn), “你為什么不把晚餐給我們端來(lái)?”
“對(duì)不起, 陛下, ”女傭回答道, “這兒有很多餐廳。我記不起應(yīng)該進(jìn)哪一間。但要是您能回到餐桌旁去, 陛下, 這次我會(huì)跟著您找到該去的餐廳。”
“我從未和其他孩子一起玩過(guò), 我也沒(méi)有朋友。我住在英國(guó)最漂亮的房子里, 卻總是感到寂寞、悲傷。我每天只是在吃飯的時(shí)候才見我母親一面, 父親每星期見三、四面, 但他們從不給我愛(ài)。我害怕他們, 在他們看來(lái), 我做的每件事都不對(duì)。”

2 The Prince of Wales
In the spring of 1911 King George called Edward into his room and said:
'Next month I'll make you Prince of Wales and these are your clothes for the ceremony.'
The King opened a small cupboard and Edward started to cry.'But father, 'he said, 'I'm sixteen years old now. I can't wear soft shoes and a skirt. I'll look like a girl. Why can't I dress like other people?'
'Because you're different and special, 'his father replied, 'and one day you'll be King.'
Edward cried for the next two days, but there was nothing he could do.

2 威爾士親王
1911年春天, 喬治國(guó)王把愛(ài)德華叫到自己的房間, 說(shuō):
“下個(gè)月我要封你為威爾士親王, 這是你要在典禮上穿的衣服。”
國(guó)王打開一個(gè)小柜子, 愛(ài)德華哭了起來(lái)。“可是父親, ”他說(shuō), “我現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)16歲了。我不能穿軟鞋和裙子。那會(huì)使我看上去像個(gè)女孩子。為什么我不能穿得像其他人一樣?”
“因?yàn)槟愫退麄儾灰粯? 你是特別的, ”他的父親回答, “有朝一日你會(huì)成為國(guó)王。”
接下來(lái)的兩天, 愛(ài)德華哭個(gè)不停, 但他沒(méi)有辦法。

3 The Royal Star
'Edward is the first royal star, 'one newspaper wrote, 'and he is now the most famous man in the world. In the old days princes were cold and bored. But Edward is different. He gets out of his car and walks down the street. Every two or three minutes he stops and speaks with the crowd. He laughs. He smiles. He shakes a thousand hands. He is a man of the people with a heart of gold.'

3 皇族明星
“愛(ài)德華是第一位皇族明星, ”一家報(bào)紙這樣寫道, “他是目前全世界最有名的人。以前的王子都態(tài)度冷漠而厭煩。但愛(ài)德華不同。他從汽車?yán)锍鰜?lái), 在街上走。每隔兩三分鐘, 他就停下來(lái)和人們交談。他有時(shí)開懷大笑, 有時(shí)面露微笑。他和上千人握手。他平易近人, 有顆金子般的心。”

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