Tests on pregnant mice showed the growth of immune cells that protect against lung disease was interrupted in babies when their mothers were given common antibiotics before birth.
Previous research on humans has indicated that antibiotics can affect the development of a baby’s immune system by wiping out both good and bad bacteria in the gut.
“We wanted to establish how this happens and find out if there is a mechanism for us to prevent it from happening,” lead researcher Hitesh Deshmukh, from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, told The Independent.
“We took pregnant mice and gave them two or three of the most commonly used antibiotics in the neonatal period, four to five days before birth. Humans are usually only given antibiotics 48 hours, or maybe 72 hours before birth, so it’s a close approximation.
“We showed that if you give antibiotics, you interrupt the development of lymphoid cells in the lungs, which are the ones that mediate protection against infections, from pneumonia, due to viruses or fungi,” said Dr Deshmukh.
Antibiotics are routinely given to women who give birth through caesarian section to prevent infection, and in some cases during vaginal labour to protect against a potentially deadly bacteria called Group B Streptoccoccus (GBS).
The human immune system takes around a year to develop, meaning weaknesses introduced while it is being built could be long-lasting and even permanent, warned Dr Seshmukh.
The scientists behind the research, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, now plan to undertake a clinical study to evaluate the benefits of limiting antibiotic use among pregnant women and newborns.
In the UK, doctors’ guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) say women undergoing Caesarean section should be offered prophylactic antibiotics “before skin incision”.
The 2012 guidance adds: “Inform them that ... no effect on the baby has been demonstrated.” Many newborn babies in neonatal intensive care units also receive antibiotics. The treatments protect against GBS, the leading cause of deadly infections in newborns.
“They also provide further proof if proof is needed that antibiotics are potent medicines that should only be used for significant human bacterial infections and that the current policy of reducing antibiotic prescribing should be accelerated.”