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Go ahead and sulk. Unhappiness won’t kill you.


A study published on Wednesday in The Lancet, following one million middle-aged women in Britain for 10 years, finds that the widely held view that happiness enhances health and longevity is unfounded.

《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)周三刊登的一篇研究論文發(fā)現(xiàn),高興有利于健康和延年益壽這個(gè)廣泛流傳的觀點(diǎn)是沒有依據(jù)的。該研究對英國的100萬名中年女性進(jìn)行了長達(dá)10年的跟蹤調(diào)查。

“Happiness and related measures of well-being do not appear to have any direct effect on mortality,” the researchers concluded.


“Good news for the grumpy” is one way to interpret the findings, said Sir Richard Peto, an author of the study and a professor of medical statistics and epidemiology at the University of Oxford. He and his fellow researchers decided to look into the subject because, he said, there is a widespread belief that stress and unhappiness cause disease.

論文作者之一、牛津大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)統(tǒng)計(jì)與流行病學(xué)教授理查德·皮托爵士(Sir Richard Peto)表示,“對脾氣壞的人來說是好消息”是對研究結(jié)果的一種解讀方式。他說,自己和其他研究人員之所以決定研究這個(gè)問題,是因?yàn)槿藗兤毡橄嘈牛o張和不高興會(huì)導(dǎo)致疾病。

Such beliefs can fuel a tendency to blame the sick for bringing ailments on themselves by being negative, and to warn the well to cheer up or else.



“Believing things that aren’t true isn’t a good idea,” Professor Peto said in an interview. “There are enough scare stories about health.”


The new study says earlier research confused cause and effect, suggesting that unhappiness made people ill when it is actually the other way around.


The results come from the so-called Million Women Study, which recruited women aged 50 to 69 from 1996 to 2001, and tracked them with questionnaires and official records of deaths and hospital admissions. The questionnaires asked how often the women felt happy, in control, relaxed and stressed, and also instructed them to rate their health and list ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, arthritis and depression or anxiety.

上述結(jié)果來自一個(gè)名為“百萬女性研究”(Million Women Study)的項(xiàng)目。1996到2001年間,該研究項(xiàng)目招募了大批年齡在50到69歲之間的女性,并用調(diào)查問卷以及正式的死亡和入院記錄對她們進(jìn)行跟蹤調(diào)查。問卷會(huì)詢問她們感到高興、一切盡在掌握之中、放松和緊張的頻率,同時(shí)指導(dǎo)她們評定自己的健康狀況,并列出高血壓、糖尿病、哮喘、關(guān)節(jié)炎、抑郁或焦慮等疾病。

The researchers included questions about happiness “because it’s something a lot of people were interested in,” Professor Peto said.


When the answers were analyzed statistically, unhappiness and stress were not associated with an increased risk of death. It is not clear whether the findings apply to men.


Professor Peto said particularly important data came from 500,000 women who reported on their baseline surveys that they were in good health, with no history of heart disease, cancer, stroke or emphysema. A “substantial minority” of these healthy women said they were stressed or unhappy, he said, but over the next decade they were no more likely to die than were the women who were generally happy.


“This finding refutes the large effects of unhappiness and stress on mortality that others have claimed,” Dr. Peto said.


Unhappiness itself may not affect health directly, but it can do harm in other ways, by driving people to suicide, alcoholism or other dangerous behaviors, he warned.


This type of study, which depends on participants’ self-assessments, is not considered as reliable as a rigorously designed experiment in which subjects are picked at random and assigned to a treatment or control group. But the huge number of people in this study gives it power.


Still, some observers noted that measuring emotions is more nuanced and complex than simply declaring happiness or unhappiness.


“I would have liked to see more discussion of how people translate these complicated feelings into a self-report of happiness,” said Baruch Fischhoff, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University who studies decision-making, who was not involved in the study. “Think about everything that’s going on in your life and tell me how happy you are. Happiness is a squishy measure.”

“我會(huì)想看到更多的討論,有關(guān)人們?nèi)绾伟堰@些復(fù)雜的感受轉(zhuǎn)化成自我評定的高興度,”卡內(nèi)基梅隆大學(xué)(Carnegie Mellon University)研究決策過程的心理學(xué)者巴魯奇·費(fèi)施霍夫(Baruch Fischhoff)說。“想想生活里發(fā)生的一切,然后說出自己有多高興。但高興是一個(gè)彈性評價(jià)。”費(fèi)施霍夫沒有參與此項(xiàng)研究。

The results of earlier studies have been mixed, with some finding that unhappiness causes illness and others showing no link, Dr. Fischhoff said.


“It looks to me like people have collected a lot of data without finding a clear signal,” he said. “So if there is some correlation out there, it’s not very big.”


An editorial accompanying the study in The Lancet noted that it had “the largest population so far in happiness studies,” and praised its statistical methods. But it also said more research was needed.


Professor Peto said he doubted that the new study would change many minds because beliefs about the perils of unhappiness are so ingrained. “People are still going to believe that stress causes heart attacks,” he said.



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