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Bees can use their wings to ‘surf’ themselves to safety


When stuck in water, honeybees are able to use their wings to generate waves that they then surf on to safety, a new study has revealed.


Like most of us, bees get thirsty on hot days. After a long day at the hive slaving away for the queen, they will fly to the local watering hole to drink and cool off. However, this can quickly turn lethal. If their wings make contact with the water surface, it’s very easy for bees to get stuck, and they can drown in a matter of minutes.


Honeybees, however, have found a way out of this dilemma, according to California Institute of Technology engineer Chris Roh, who observed the bees’ efforts in a standing water fountain while walking around campus one day.

然而,據(jù)加州理工學(xué)院的工程師Chris Roh稱,蜜蜂已經(jīng)找到了解決這一難題的方法。一天,他在校園里散步時,在一個靜水噴泉里觀察了蜜蜂的活動。

“It was a hot summer day and this honeybee was apparently trapped on the water surface,” Roh said in an interview with Fox News. “And the sunlight was just right so it cast a shadow on the ripples it was creating. That’s what I first noticed, and then on the water surface, I saw the bee struggling to get out of the water but also moving around quite adequately.”

Chris Roh在接受??怂剐侣劜稍L時說:“那是一個炎熱的夏日,這只蜜蜂顯然被困在水面上。陽光正好投射在它所激起的漣漪上。這是我第一次注意到的,然后在水面上,我看到蜜蜂掙扎著要從水里出來,但也充分地移動著。”


Roh began observing other honeybees trapped on the surface of standing water. He watched as they would somehow generate thrust, moving across the water as their wings twitched. He collected a few of the insects and took them to his lab, where he and his adviser (and study co-author) Mory Gharib placed them one at a time in a pan of water, so their wings would become stuck to the water.

Chris Roh開始觀察其他被困在死水表面的蜜蜂。他看著它們以某種方式產(chǎn)生推力,當(dāng)它們的翅膀抖動時,它們就會在水面上移動。他收集了一些昆蟲并把它們帶到他的實驗室,在那里他和他的導(dǎo)師(也是這項研究的合著者)莫里·加里布(Mory Gharib)一次一只地把它們放在一鍋水里,這樣它們的翅膀就會粘在水里。

With a filtered light casting a shadow on the floor of the pan, Roh and Gharib noticed the tiny asymmetrical wave pattern being generated by the wings. Soon after, the bees would start moving along the surface of the water, surfing — albeit very slowly — on the tiny waves.

隨著濾過的光線在鍋底投射出陰影,Chris Roh和加里布注意到翅膀產(chǎn)生的微小的不對稱波圖案。不久之后,蜜蜂開始在水面上移動,在微小的海浪上沖浪——盡管速度很慢。

The act is performed by effectively pulling on the water surface with the sticky underside of their wings, creating tiny waves that can propel them forward.


“When they get stuck on the water, what happens is that the bottom side of the wing gets wet, but the other side is dry,” Roh explained. “And when they try to free themselves, it’s very difficult for them to completely free their wings so that they can regain their aerodynamic ability. So instead what they do is pull on the water that’s stuck on the bottom side of the wing and when they’re pulling on the water, the water pulls on the bee- kind of like they’re playing a tug of war.”

Chris Roh說:“當(dāng)它們被困在水里的時候,機翼的底部會變濕,而另一邊是干的。“當(dāng)它們試圖讓自己自由時,很難讓翅膀完全自由,這樣才能重新獲得空氣動力學(xué)能力。所以它們所做的是拉住粘在翅膀底部的水,當(dāng)它們拉住水的時候,水就拉住蜜蜂,就像在玩拔河游戲。”

These wingbeats generate a large-amplitude wave with an interference pattern behind the bee that it can then surf on to safety. A slow-motion video showed that the bee’s wings curve downward to push down the water and curve upward when pulling up out of the water. This pulling movement propels it forward, and the pushing motion is the bee’s recovery stroke. The bee is also somehow able to keep the water then accelerating towards it from being a deterrent.


“When the bee pulls on the water, water pulls on the bee and it, therefore, moves forward,” Roh added “But the problem with the propulsion pulling effect is that water, once it’s pulled, is moving towards you. So if you interact with that accelerating water, it will probably stop you, so they seem to be doing it so that they pull on the water and then move over it so they don’t have to be slowed down.”

Chris Roh說:“當(dāng)蜜蜂拉動水的時候,水也拉動蜜蜂,因此,蜜蜂向前移動。但是,水一旦被拉動,它就會向你移動。所以如果你和加速的水相互作用,它可能會阻止你,所以它們似乎在這樣做,它們拉著水,然后在上面移動,這樣它們就不必減速。”

Creating the waves is more taxing than flying, wearing the bee out in an estimated 10 minutes. Hopefully, that’s enough time to make it to shore, where the insect can pull itself out.


According to Roh, the way the bees move on the water is different from any other aquatic insect seen before. He and his fellow researchers are hoping the discovery will lead to a new wave of bio-inspired technology, and they’re currently developing a small robot that can fly through the air as well as move on water.

Chris Roh說,蜜蜂在水面上移動的方式不同于以前見過的任何其他水生昆蟲。他和他的同事們希望這一發(fā)現(xiàn)能帶來一波新的仿生技術(shù),他們目前正在開發(fā)一種小型機器人,它可以在空中飛行,也可以在水上移動。

“A lot of flying in biology seems to rely on the flapping-wing system, but what we’ve thought out [for robotics] is you can keep that flapping wing system to fly but you don’t have to change much,” Roh continued.

Chris Roh說:“生物學(xué)中很多飛行似乎都依賴于撲翼系統(tǒng),但我們(為機器人)想到的是,你可以保持撲翼系統(tǒng)飛行,但不需要改變太多。”

“When [the robot] actually falls in water or needs to do any sort of mission on the water surface and have some functionality there, you can use [the wings] by just pulling on the water. So that part is what intrigued us, [that there’s] another way you can move around on the water surface.”


The researcher has been published in the scientific journal PNAS.



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