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A new study based on evidence from past warm periods suggests global warming may be double what is forecast.


Future global warming may eventually be twice as warm as projected by climate models and sea levels may rise six metres or more even if the world meets the 2°C target, according to an international team of researchers from 17 countries.


The findings published last week in Nature Geoscience are based on observational evidence from three warm periods over the past 3.5 million years when the world was 0.5°C-2°C warmer than the pre-industrial temperatures of the 19th Century.

這項(xiàng)研究已經(jīng)發(fā)布在上周的《Nature Geoscience》上:據(jù)過(guò)去350萬(wàn)年的三個(gè)溫暖期的觀測(cè)證據(jù),這幾個(gè)時(shí)期的世界溫度比19世紀(jì)前工業(yè)化時(shí)期水平高0.5-2攝氏度不等。

The research also revealed how large areas of the polar ice caps could collapse and significant changes to ecosystems could see the Sahara Desert become green and the edges of tropical forests turn into fire dominated savanna.

該研究還表明,極地冰蓋可能會(huì)大面積崩潰,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的重大變化可能會(huì)讓撒哈拉沙漠變成綠洲,而熱帶森林的邊緣之處也成了稀樹(shù)草原。(稀樹(shù)草原是炎熱、季節(jié)性干旱氣候條件下長(zhǎng)成的植被類型,其特點(diǎn)是底層連續(xù)高大禾草之上有開(kāi)放的樹(shù)冠層,即稀疏的喬木。世界最大片的稀樹(shù)草原見(jiàn)于非洲、南美洲、澳大利亞、印度、緬甸 -泰國(guó)地區(qū)和馬達(dá)加斯加。)

"Observations of past warming periods suggest that a number of amplifying mechanisms, which are poorly represented in climate models, increase long-term warming beyond climate model projections," said lead author, Prof Hubertus Fischer of the University of Bern."This suggests the carbon budget to avoid 2°C of global warming may be far smaller than estimated, leaving very little margin for error to meet the Paris targets."

來(lái)自伯恩大學(xué)的第一作者休伯特斯 · 費(fèi)希爾教授說(shuō):“對(duì)過(guò)去變暖期的觀察表明,氣候模型中代表性較差的一些放大機(jī)制,揭示了我們可能會(huì)經(jīng)歷長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的溫暖期,這在當(dāng)初天氣模型的預(yù)測(cè)之外。而這就意味著,因?yàn)橹肮烙?jì)錯(cuò)誤,所以2攝氏度目標(biāo)難以實(shí)現(xiàn),而《巴黎協(xié)定》的誤差就得另當(dāng)別論了。”

To get their results, the researchers looked at three of the best-documented warm periods, the Holocene thermal maximum (5000-9000 years ago), the last interglacial (129,000-116,000 years ago) and the mid-Pliocene warm period (3.3-3 million years ago).

為了得出結(jié)論,研究人員觀察了三個(gè)記錄最佳的溫暖期,分別是全新世(5000 - 9000年前)、最后一次間冰期(129000 - 116000年前)和上新世中期暖期(330- 300)萬(wàn)年前。

The warming of the first two periods was caused by predictable changes in the Earth's orbit, while the mid-Pliocene event was the result of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations that were 350-450ppm – much the same as today.


Combining a wide range of measurements from ice cores, sediment layers, fossil records, dating using atomic isotopes and a host of other established paleoclimate methods, the researchers pieced together the impact of these climatic changes.In combination, these periods give strong evidence of how a warmer Earth would appear once the climate had stabilized. By contrast, today our planet is warming much faster than any of these periods as human caused carbon dioxide emissions continue to grow. Even if our emissions stopped today, it would take centuries to millennia to reach equilibrium.

研究人員對(duì)冰芯、沉積物層、化石記錄進(jìn)行了研究,利用原子同位素測(cè)量和大量其他的測(cè)量方式,并對(duì)結(jié)果進(jìn)行了綜合性考量,最后得出:這些時(shí)期已經(jīng)足以說(shuō)明,一旦氣候穩(wěn)定下來(lái),地球?qū)?huì)變得很“溫暖”。 相比之下,今天的地球的變暖速度比以上任何一個(gè)時(shí)期都快,因?yàn)槎趸寂欧帕咳栽诔掷m(xù)增長(zhǎng)。 即使我們?cè)诮裉炀屯V古欧?,地球也需要幾個(gè)世紀(jì)甚至是幾千年才能達(dá)到平衡。

The changes to the Earth under these past conditions were profound – there were substantial retreats of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and as a consequence sea-levels rose by at least six metres; marine plankton ranges shifted reorganising entire marine ecosystems; the Sahara became greener and forest species shifted 200 km towards the poles, as did tundra; high altitude species declined, temperate tropical forests were reduced and in Mediterranean areas fire-maintained vegetation dominated.

過(guò)去,地球發(fā)生了一系列的重大變化——南極和格陵蘭冰原大量退縮,因此海平面至少上升了6米; 海洋浮游生物使得整個(gè)海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)重組; 撒哈拉綠色區(qū)域更多了,森林物種向兩極移動(dòng)200公里,苔原也不例外; 高海拔物種減少,溫帶熱帶森林減少,地中海地區(qū)也是以可燒林火的植被為主。

"Even with just 2°C of warming – and potentially just 1.5°C – significant impacts on the Earth system are profound," said co-author Prof Alan Mix of Oregon State University. "We can expect that sea-level rise could become unstoppable for millennia, impacting much of the world's population, infrastructure and economic activity."

俄勒岡州立大學(xué)的艾倫 · 米克斯教授是論文的合著者,她說(shuō):”不說(shuō)2攝氏度,哪怕只有1.5攝氏度,對(duì)地球的影響也是巨大的??梢韵胍?jiàn),在未來(lái)的千年之內(nèi),我們都無(wú)法阻止海平面上升,這對(duì)世界的人口、基層建筑、經(jīng)濟(jì)活動(dòng)都有影響。”

Yet these significant observed changes are generally underestimated in climate model projections that focus on the near term. Compared to these past observations, climate models appear to underestimate long term warming and the amplification of warmth in Polar Regions.


"Climate models appear to be trustworthy for small changes, such as for low emission scenarios over short periods, say over the next few decades out to 2100. But as the change gets larger or more persistent, either because of higher emissions, for example a business-as-usual-scenario, or because we are interested in the long term response of a low emission scenario, it appears they underestimate climate change," said co-author Prof Katrin Meissner, Director of the University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre."This research is a powerful call to act. It tells us that if today's leaders don't urgently address our emissions, global warming will bring profound changes to our planet and way of life – not just for this century but well beyond."



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