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When Nuno Sebastião enrolled on the London Business School MBA programme, he looked beyond the traditional careers of consultancy and investment banking. In fact, he decided to fight hackers instead.

當(dāng)努諾•塞巴斯蒂昂(Nuno Sebastião)就讀倫敦商學(xué)院(LBS) MBA課程時,他的目光超越了咨詢和投行等傳統(tǒng)職業(yè)。實際上,他決定對抗黑客。

This was not for purely ideological reasons. Having witnessed hacking attacks on computer networks at his former employer, the European Space Agency, his MBA training enabled him to spot a lucrative niche for somebody with business and communication skills to enter the technical field of cyber security.

這并非出于純粹的意識形態(tài)原因。他在前雇主歐洲航天局(European Space Agency)那里目睹過針對電腦網(wǎng)絡(luò)的黑客攻擊,他的MBA培訓(xùn)讓他得以發(fā)現(xiàn)一個有利可圖的利基市場:讓具備商業(yè)和溝通技能的人進軍網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全這個技術(shù)領(lǐng)域。

“It was clear to me [even] in 2009 that there was an issue here that needed to be addressed,” he says.


After graduation he set up Feedzai, a company that identifies fraudulent payment transactions, with two fellow engineers from his native Portugal. “I was the one who identified the business problem,” he says. His California-based company has 150 employees, with plans to grow to 300 this year.


Mr Sebastião is far from the only MBA candidate or graduate to have spotted an opportunity in cyber crime. Many are becoming interested in picking up skills that leaders of the future will need to fight hacking crises, while a clutch of schools have added cyber security content to their MBA courses.


The shortage of cyber security experts at a technical level is acknowledged. A less well-known problem, however, is a corresponding lack of management executives who possess the technical know-how to deal with hacks.


“When companies hire cyber security people they are very strong in the technical skills but they miss the soft skills and the business acumen,” says Gianluca D’Antonio, chief information officer of Spanish construction and services company FCC Group and chair of the Spanish Association for the Advancement of Information Security.

西班牙建筑和服務(wù)公司FCC Group首席信息官、西班牙信息安全促進協(xié)會(Spanish Association for the Advancement of Information Security)主席詹盧卡•丹東尼奧(Gianluca D’Antonio)表示:“在公司聘用網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全員工時,他們的技術(shù)能力很強,但缺乏軟技能和商業(yè)智慧。”

He says that the people who are working in cyber security are not able to communicate the risk to the board. “It’s about communications, it’s about management. Everybody now is talking about the incredible digital future but nobody is talking in a proper way about the digital risk.”


Hack to the future


At IE Business School in Madrid, José Esteves, a professor of information systems, teaches a digital innovation class to MBAs during which he hacks into the accounts of his own students to show them how easy it is. IE is also launching a cyber security masters degree in October for future business leaders.

位于馬德里的西班牙企業(yè)學(xué)院(IE Business School)信息系統(tǒng)教授約瑟夫•埃斯特韋斯(José Esteves)向MBA學(xué)員教授數(shù)字創(chuàng)新課程,他在課堂上侵入學(xué)生的賬號,向他們演示這有多么容易。今年10月,該商學(xué)院還將為未來的企業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者推出網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全碩士學(xué)位課程。

Meanwhile, Iese Business School in Barcelona has brought in Deloitte to help provide sessions on cyber security in one of its MBA electives.

與此同時,位于巴塞羅那的IESE商學(xué)院(Iese Business School)邀請德勤(Deloitte)幫助在MBA選修科目之一提供網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全課程。

“It [cyber security] is not something you can delegate, it’s about the security and the reputation of the company,” says Javier Zamora, a senior lecturer in information systems at Iese.

IESE商學(xué)院信息系統(tǒng)高級講師哈維爾•薩莫拉(Javier Zamora)表示:“(網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全)無法委托,它關(guān)乎公司安全和聲譽。”

Even the most secure networks are vulnerable to cyber attacks, as data breaches at Yahoo and Sony showed. Attacks by hackers cost global businesses $280bn in 2016, according to consultancy Grant Thornton, which cites reputational damage as the major risk corporations face.

就連最安全的網(wǎng)絡(luò)在網(wǎng)絡(luò)攻擊面前也很脆弱,就像雅虎(Yahoo)和索尼(Sony)數(shù)據(jù)泄露事件所顯示的那樣。根據(jù)咨詢公司均富(Grant Thornton)的估算,2016年,黑客攻擊導(dǎo)致全球企業(yè)損失2800億美元,該公司把聲譽損害列為公司面臨的主要風(fēng)險。

The high-level ramifications of cyber attacks mean they have to be addressed by executives who steer corporate strategy, instead of being left to the techies, says Stuart Madnick, professor of IT and engineering systems at MIT Sloan School of Management.

麻省理工斯隆管理學(xué)院(MIT Sloan School of Management) IT和工程系統(tǒng)教授斯圖爾特•馬德尼克(Stuart Madnick)表示,網(wǎng)絡(luò)攻擊的高層次后果意味著,它們必須由指導(dǎo)公司戰(zhàn)略的高管負(fù)責(zé)應(yīng)對,而不是留給技術(shù)人員。

Mr Madnick, who teaches cyber security on the school’s MBA course, says dealing with hacks takes extremely nimble management thinking because they can be less predictable than natural disasters.


“A hurricane doesn’t change direction because you know it’s coming, but cyber attackers can.”


A big part of the problem for managers is the complexity of dealing with such issues, says David Upton, professor of operations management at Oxford’s Saïd Business School.

牛津大學(xué)(Oxford)薩伊德商學(xué)院(Saïd Business School)運營管理教授戴維•厄普頓(David Upton)表示,對于管理者而言,很大一部分問題在于這類問題在應(yīng)對上的復(fù)雜性。

Cyber attacks encompass everything from state-sponsored espionage to petty criminal acts for financial gain, he adds.


But defending against a catastrophic negative event is also “inherently unsexy” for many business leaders, he adds. “Managers’ eyes tend to glaze over when you mention it.”


Nevertheless, he says, the risk must be addressed at board level and include all corporate departments.


A job for the board


Prof Upton has helped design a board-level executive course and teaches a compulsory course on Saïd’s MBA. “There is a whole global industry that is at work on this and we have managers that are asleep at the wheel,” he says.


Iese’s Prof Zamora also believes cyber security issues will permeate every aspect of a business, as technology spreads, from HR to insurance risk.


Security is often an afterthought, with speed to push the latest gadgets to market taking precedence. “Whenever you design a product or a service you have to build in cyber security from the beginning,” says Prof Zamora. “It’s an integral part of the design issue.”


At Harvard Business School, associate professor Ben Edelman defends his fellow academics’ reluctance to engage with these problems, because the technical aspects are at odds with a general management approach. But it has not stopped him. “I thought these were really important issues and jumped right in with two feet,” he says.

在哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School),副教授本•埃德爾曼(Ben Edelman)為學(xué)者們不愿討論這些問題做出辯護,因為技術(shù)層面與總體管理策略格格不入。但這并未阻止他。他表示:“我認(rèn)為這些問題確實很重要,于是全身心投入了。”

In Mr Edelman’s teaching he presents a hypothetical case in which a company’s systems are hacked and the students have to decide how the manager should respond. The case goes to a core ethical issue: should the manager close the company network to prevent further hacking or hope to tackle it behind the scenes without informing customers.


“Obviously these are difficult questions but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t tackle these issues,” says Prof Edelman.


Mr Sebastião likens the situation to the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis. “No one was interested and then the whole world came crashing down and then all sorts of mechanisms were put in place to prevent it happening again. It is exactly the same in cyber security.”



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