Luis has come to the southeastern corner of Utah. Today this is wild west country, a stop-off on the way to the Grand Canyon, and its past is equally epic.
All the rocks you can see around here are mostly of Jurassic Age, so this is prime dinosaur country.
At the time of the Jurassic, the dinosaurs were in their prime. And this was their home. But it was a very different world. Back then this area was a wash with streams and flood plains. It was the perfect habitat for the largest land animals that had ever lived, the sauropods, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaurs.
It’s just a phenomenal place. It's beautiful and it's filled with clues about the ancient life.
In a vast desert, most of us wouldn't have a hope of finding those clues. But if you know what you are looking for, the hint of a different colour on the ground is all it takes.
Let me take a closer look. You can see the bones, right here, and here and here. It’s difficult to see what exactly they may be. They are very thin. It will be probably worth coming back and cleaning this a little bit and taking a close of look at what they may be.