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For the first time in nearly a century, Miss America contestants will not strut onstage in swimsuits this year, the organizers announced on Tuesday, as the pageant tries to redefine its role in an era of female empowerment and gender equality.

美國小姐(Miss America)選美大賽的主辦方于周二宣布,今年的選手不會穿泳裝走臺,這是近一個世紀(jì)以來的第一次。在一個女性賦權(quán)和性別平等的時代,美國小姐比賽正試圖重新定義自己的角色。

Miss America and swimsuits have been synonymous since its first contest in 1921 on the Atlantic City boardwalk. But what started as contestants wearing one-piece bathing suits, conservative by today’s standards, became women in revealing bikinis and high heels parading around for a leering television audience.


Now under mostly female leadership, the Miss America Organization said Tuesday that it was scrapping the swimsuit competition, starting at the national contest in September, in a sweeping change that will also reshape local and state contests.

美國小姐大賽組織(Miss America Organization)周二宣布,將從9月的全國比賽開始取消泳裝比賽。這一重大變化也將重塑地方和州一級的選美比賽。現(xiàn)在,該組織的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層中大部分是女性。

“I’ve talked to tons of young people who’ve said to me, ‘I’d love to be a part of that program, but I don’t want to parade around in a swimsuit,'” Gretchen Carlson, a former Fox News anchor who is now the organization’s chairwoman, said in an interview. “I get it.”

“我和很多年輕人談過,他們對我說,‘我想?yún)⒓颖荣?,但我不想穿著泳衣到處走?rsquo;”曾是??怂剐侣?Fox News)的主播,現(xiàn)在是美國小姐大賽組織主席的格雷琴·卡爾森(Gretchen Carlson)在接受采訪時說。“我明白了。”

The organization, confronting its own harassment scandal and searching for its place in the #MeToo era, had worked on the new format for several months. The nine members of the board of directors — seven are now women — unanimously approved the change in March. It was kept a secret until two days ago, when state directors and former Miss Americas were informed.


Carlson, who assumed a prominent voice for women’s rights in the workplace after filing a harassment lawsuit in 2016 against the former Fox chairman Roger Ailes, said the competition would focus more on the contestants’ talents, intelligence and ideas.

卡爾森說,比賽會更加注重選手的才華、智力和想法。她為職場女性權(quán)益高調(diào)發(fā)聲,2016年還曾對??怂骨爸飨_杰·艾爾斯(Roger Ailes)提起騷擾訴訟。

“We are not going to judge you on your outward appearance,” Carlson, who was Miss America in 1989, said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday. “We are moving it forward and evolving it in this cultural revolution.”

“我們不會以你的外表來評判你,”卡爾森周二在ABC的《早安美國》(Good Morning America)節(jié)目上說。“在這場文化革命中,我們正推動它向前發(fā)展。”她本人是1989年的美國小姐。

The changes will be immediate for Miss America, but will take longer to arrive at local and state events, Carlson confirmed. Since state contests are underway, they will not adopt the new format until after the national competition in September.


The Miss America Organization has undergone a rapid change in the past six months. Carlson was named chairwoman in January, and several women were appointed to the organization’s highest ranks.


Those changes came after emails surfaced in December showing that Sam Haskell, the former chief executive, had made disrespectful and misogynistic comments about former pageant winners. Miss America is also confronting dwindling viewership as people turn away from live televised events.

在發(fā)生這些變化之前,去年12月,多封電子郵件顯示,該組織的前首席執(zhí)行官薩姆·哈斯凱爾(Sam Haskell)對以前的比賽冠軍發(fā)表過不敬和歧視女性的言論。美國小姐還面臨觀眾減少的問題,因為人們不再關(guān)注在電視上直播的活動。

Miss America started as a beachside beauty pageant in 1921 in an effort by Atlantic City to extend the summer vacation season. At the first competition, the top finisher was crowned Miss America and a runner-up received the swimsuit trophy.


Over the decades, the Miss America Organization struggled to reconcile its stated mission — empowering women and handing out millions of dollars in scholarships — with requiring contestants to wear revealing attire.


The organization’s leaders have said for more than 20 years they had thought about altering the swimsuit competition. Until recently, though, they continued to defend it, asserting that the competition is about poise in uncomfortable situations and fitness, not thinness.


In last year’s edition of the instruction manual for state-level judges, the organization noted that many view the swimsuit portion as exploitative. “It is the Miss America Organization’s belief that those who feel that way really don’t understand the competition itself,” it said. “Regardless of what we may each believe about the role of the Miss America Organization’s titleholders, the American public has an expectation that she will be beautiful and physically fit.”


Yet some former contestants have spoken out against the swimsuit competition, saying it led to serious physical and mental problems. Kirsten Haglund, who was Miss America in 2008, wrote on Facebook on Tuesday that the swimsuit portion “perpetuated the objectification of women more than it empowered them.”

但一些曾經(jīng)參加比賽的選手公開表達(dá)了對泳裝比賽的反對,稱其會導(dǎo)致嚴(yán)重的身體和心理問題。2008年的美國小姐克里斯滕·哈格倫德(Kirsten Haglund)周二在Facebook上寫道,泳裝部分“延續(xù)了對女性的物化,而非賦予她們更多力量”。

The directors of the Miss America state contests, who were told of the changes two days ago, offered a range of reactions to the announcement, with some welcoming it and others expressing dismay. On Twitter, the Miss Georgia pageant reassured fans that its contest next week will still include swimsuits.


“It’s discouraging to hear, I was definitely a proponent of it,” said Chaz Ellis, the interim executive director of the Miss South Carolina Scholarship Organization, adding that he supported the national group despite the changes. “It’s about physical fitness, it’s about a healthy lifestyle.”

“聽到這個消息讓人沮喪,我肯定是它的支持者,”南卡羅來納小姐獎學(xué)金組織的臨時執(zhí)行董事夏茨·埃利斯(Chaz Ellis)說,并補(bǔ)充說,盡管有所改變,他仍然支持全國組織的決定。“這是關(guān)于身體健康的,關(guān)注的是健康的生活方式。”

Not everyone in the pageant world, however, agreed that the swimsuit portion was entirely about judging fitness. “I don’t know if that’s completely honest or accurate,” said Leah Summers, the executive director of the Miss West Virginia Scholarship Organization, who won that state’s title in 1991.

在選美圈子里,并非所有人都同意泳裝部分完全是對健康的評判。“我不知道這是否完全誠實或準(zhǔn)確,”曾在1991年獲得西弗吉尼亞小姐頭銜,現(xiàn)為該獎學(xué)金組織執(zhí)行董事的利亞·薩默斯(Leah Summers)說。

Summers said she anticipated “pretty dramatic changes” from the national organization after the appointment of a new chairwoman and new female board members. She said the new leaders are trying to keep Miss America relevant.


And, she noted, the news would no doubt bring contestants a measure of relief. “There’s something to be said about not having to think about walking across a stage in a bikini,” she said.


Beth Knox, executive director of the Miss North Carolina Scholarship Pageant, said that she was thrilled at the development: A woman’s goals and aspirations were far more important than how she looked in a swimsuit.

北卡羅來納小姐獎學(xué)金選美比賽的執(zhí)行董事貝斯·諾克斯(Beth Knox)說,她為這一發(fā)展感到激動:女性的目標(biāo)和志向遠(yuǎn)比她穿泳裝的模樣重要得多。

“If people really listen with an open mind to the reason this change is being implemented, I just do not see how anyone could not support this improvement,” Knox wrote in an email.



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