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Beyoncé’s seemingly effortless performance at the 59th annual Grammy Awards earlier this month was all the more remarkable given that she is pregnant with twins. (She had been scheduled to headline Coachella in April but, on doctors’ orders, pulled out on Thursday.)


Because pregnancy can make it harder to talk, let alone belt out a tune. “It’s unfair, but it is temporary,” said Dr. Anthony Jahn, the medical director at the Metropolitan Opera.

懷孕會(huì)讓說話更困難,更別提唱歌了。“的確不公平,但那是暫時(shí)的,”紐約大都會(huì)歌劇院(Metropolitan Opera)的醫(yī)務(wù)總監(jiān)安東尼·雅恩(Anthony Jahn)說。

Growing babies crowd the lungs and diaphragm, and the flood of estrogen and other hormones that comes with pregnancy can make vocal cords swell and vibrate differently. More effort is necessary, too. Expectant women have to exhale with added force to get vocal cords to vibrate and get the sound out.


So singers with a baby or two on the way often have to rethink how they breathe. Breathing deep into the abdomen is typically considered to be the most efficient way to perform, said Dr. Jahn, a Manhattan otolaryngologist at Mount Sinai West, but singers who are pregnant may have to switch to chest breathing, which is “less effective, more labor intensive and more fatiguing.”

所以,懷著一兩個(gè)孩子的歌手通常需要重新考慮如何呼吸。作為曼哈頓西奈山西醫(yī)療中心(Mount Sinai West)耳鼻喉科專家的雅恩表示,腹式呼吸通常被認(rèn)為是最有效的演唱方式,但懷孕的歌手可能必須切換成胸式呼吸,后者“效果更差,更費(fèi)力,更累人”。

Still, he said, “singers with Beyoncé’s talent and ability have great vocal reserves and the musical intelligence to compensate for these temporary limitations and still deliver a great performance.”


On stage at the Grammys, Beyoncé appeared to be breathing strategically. “Since her babies are under her lungs she can’t expand down, so she expands her lungs out,” on the sides, said Adrienne B. Hancock, an associate professor in the department of speech and hearing sciences at the George Washington University. “Her power and control is off the charts.”

在格萊美的舞臺(tái)上,碧昂斯呼吸得很巧妙。喬治·華盛頓大學(xué)(George Washington University)的言語和聽力科學(xué)系副教授阿德里安·B·漢考克(Adrienne B. Hancock)說,“因?yàn)閮蓚€(gè)孩子在肺下面,所以她不能向下用力,只能把肺向兩邊擴(kuò)展。她的力量和控制力非同凡響。”

Asked at the Grammys what it’s like to sing with twins on board, Celine Dion, who had twin boys in 2010, exclaimed, “Whoa.” Then she told reporters that when she performed while pregnant she was 65 pounds larger and scared to move. But she said of Beyoncé, “She’s a trouper. If somebody can do it, she can.”

在格萊美頒獎(jiǎng)典禮上,當(dāng)席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)被問及懷著雙胞胎唱歌是什么感覺時(shí)——她曾于2010年懷過一對(duì)雙胞胎男孩——她感嘆道:“哇唔。”然后,她對(duì)記者們說,她懷孕期間表演時(shí),比平常重了65磅,不敢走動(dòng)。但她說碧昂斯“是老手了。只要有人能做到,她就能做到。”

Usually a jellylike layer enables the surface of the vocal cords, the folds of mucous membrane and muscle that stretch within the voice box, or larynx, to vibrate, said Dr. Paul E. Kwak, a laryngologist at New York University’s Langone Voice Center.

紐約大學(xué)(New York University)蘭貢人聲中心(Langone Voice Center)的喉科醫(yī)生保羅·E·郭(Paul E. Kwak)表示,通常,一個(gè)果凍樣表層讓聲帶表面、黏膜的褶皺以及喉部拉伸的肌肉震動(dòng)。

That layer, called the superficial lamina propria, is full of blood vessels that can become engorged during pregnancy, causing the surface to thicken and grow sluggish. Making sounds requires extra energy and breath.


It’s a double whammy. “The breath is shallower and the tissue is thicker, so it vibrates less easily,” Dr. Kwak said.


That reduced flexibility can make it trickier to hit high notes, so some pregnant singers avoid them altogether. But Beyoncé persisted.


A common worry is that the voice will crack, which can be embarrassing, Dr. Hancock said. Another concern is that “blood vessels are so fragile during pregnancy, you could burst one, and have a little hemorrhage.” If that occurs, complete vocal rest, including no talking, is required.


Not every singer experiences vocal changes during pregnancy. “It’s highly individual,” said Aaron Johnson, a speech-language pathologist also at N.Y.U.’s voice center.

不是每位歌手都會(huì)在懷孕期間出現(xiàn)嗓音改變。“它的個(gè)體差異很大,”紐約大學(xué)蘭貢人聲中心的言語病理學(xué)家阿倫·約翰遜(Aaron Johnson)說。

Actually, one of Dr. Kwak’s patients, an opera singer, has not noticed any difference in vocal quality while pregnant. “She’s been able to keep her range,” he said, though she “has noticed limitations in the length of the breaths she is able to take.”


Acid reflux, a common plague in pregnancy, can also make singing painful, because stomach acid can well up and irritate the throat and drip down onto the voice box. “It’s like having heartburn in your throat,” Dr. Johnson said. “The tissue is raw, possibly swollen, making it more difficult to get the voice out.”


Hormonal changes, not just during pregnancy but during the monthly cycle and throughout the life span, further complicate the picture. The days leading up to a singer’s period can impact her voice. “The most difficult time is the week before your period, when you retain excess fluid,” said Dr. Jahn, who has worked with a variety of professional singers. “The voice may lose color and clarity, and singers often have difficulty singing softly in their higher range.”


Dr. Johnson’s lab is researching how menopause affects the voice. In menopause, estrogen levels plummet as levels of androgens, male sex hormones, rise, which can lead to swollen vocal cords. A result may be a deeper voice for some women.


Those kinds of changes can also affect a pregnant woman if she breast-feeds after giving birth. “Until you stop lactating, you usually don’t resume your periods,” Dr. Jahn said, so you “are in a sort of temporary mini-menopause from the vocal point of view.”


Thanks a lot, Mother Nature.



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