I ran away from him as fast as possible,and did not stop until Ifound myself in some fields.The grass was about seven metreshigh,and the corn about thirteen metres high.It took me anhour to cross just one field,which had a hedge at least fortymetres high.The trees were much taller than that.
Just as I was trying to find a hole in the hedge,so that I could get into the next field,I saw an-other giant coming towards me.He seemed as tall as a mountain,and every one of his stepsmeasured about ten metres.In fear and astonishment I hid in the corn,and hoped he wouldnot notice me.
He shouted in a voice like thunder,and seven other giants appeared.They seemed to be hisservants.When he gave the order,they began to cut the corn in the field where I was hiding.
As they moved towards me,I moved away,but at last I came to a part of the field where rainhad knocked down the corn.There was no longer anywhere for me to hide,and I knew I wouldbe cut to pieces by the giants' sharp knives.I lay down and prepared to die.I could not stopmyself thinking of Lilliput.
There, I myself had been a giant,an important person who had become famous for helping thepeople of that small country.Here,it was the opposite.I was like a Lilliputian in Europe,and Ibegan to understand how a very small creature feels.