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聽美劇學(xué)英語- 破產(chǎn)姐妹第一季 第104期:和栗寶告別





Oh, Max, look at him. He's smiling. 麥克斯,你瞧他,他在笑呢

He likes this place.  他喜歡這地方

Yeah, it's almost worth you being humiliated on reality TV.  是啊,也快值得你在真人秀上被人羞辱了

Oh, I'll never be on that show. I didn't sign the release. 我不會出現(xiàn)在那節(jié)目上的,我沒有簽授權(quán)書

What?  什么

Old money don't sign.  老派富人不會隨便簽名

You're gonna love it here, huh?  你會喜歡這兒的,對吧

Aren't you gonna love it here? A nice big stable. 你是不是會喜歡這呀?又好又大的馬房

Maybe I will, maybe I won't.  我可能喜歡,也可能不喜歡

Maybe I should come home and live with my best friend, Max.  也許我該跟我的摯友麥克斯回家住

What about Caroline? She can sleep under the tarp. 那卡洛琳怎么辦?她可以睡在防水布下

So I guess you found your weed.  我猜你找到你的大麻了

No, this is just something we do when we're alone together. It's kind of our thing. 不,我和栗寶單獨相處時,都這么玩。這是我們的小秘密

You really love Chestnut, don't you?  你真的很愛栗寶,對吧

He's all right. He's no kitten. 還好啦,他又不是貓咪

Okay, I'll see you soon, Chestnut.  好吧,我們很快會再見的,栗寶

You want a minute alone? I'll be out front. 你想單獨跟他待會兒嗎?我在外面等你

This is probably gonna seem ridiculous to you  我知道這些話可能有點可笑

because you're a horse and I'm just some lady that's been slipping you carrots for the last few months, but...  因為你只是匹馬,而我只是某個在過去幾個月一直喂你胡蘿卜的女人

I really got attached to you.  我真的愛上你了

This is way more than most horses get out of me.  這待遇可是其他馬兒沒有的

I wasn't even this upset when they discontinued tan M&Ms.  罐裝巧克力豆停產(chǎn)那會兒,我都沒這么難過

I, um... I really haven't had much go right for me in my life,  我...我這一生有許許多多的不如意

and I'm pretty sure things are gonna keep getting worse but, you were a good thing. 我也確信未來只會愈加艱難,可你卻如此的好

And when everything sucked, you were the best thing we had going. 當一切都不如人意時,你是我們生活中唯一的美好

And you're fuzzy too.  而且你還毛絨絨的

You're so fuzzy, and no one can argue that touching a warm, fuzzy thing isn't straight up lovely. 你超毛茸茸的,而且誰敢說摸著一個暖融融毛絨絨的東西不有愛啊

So, thank you for everything you did for us, but... especially for being fuzzy. 感謝你給我們帶來的一切,尤其是長得這么毛絨絨

Max, are you okay?  麥克斯,你還好吧

Yeah, I'm fine, I'll always be fine.  嗯,我沒事,我絕不會有事

Are you crying?  你在哭嗎

Yeah, I'm crying, 'cause I wish I could live here. 是的,我在哭,因為我也想住在這里

Don't worry, we'll come visit, and we'll find a way to bring him home in the spring. 別擔心,我們可以來看他,我們會想到法子,等春天來了就帶他回家

Come on. I have a pocket full of dimes.  好啦,我有滿滿一口袋銅板呢

Let's go get some convenience store taquitos and wash 'em down with blue raspberry wine coolers. 我們?nèi)ベI點便利店玉米卷,配著藍覆盆子酒,大快朵頤一番吧

They're on sale at the bodega.  雜貨店在特賣呢

Two four packs for five dollars.  八瓶只要五塊

You know exactly what to say to cheer a broke sista up.  你還真懂怎么讓傷心的姐妹打起精神

And when we get home, I found a video of a kitten singing Bruno Mars. 等回到家,給你看個小貓,他會唱火星哥的歌呢


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