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聽美劇學英語- 破產(chǎn)姐妹第一季 第102期:談判告吹





The man's not here yet.  那人還沒來呢

Damn it, turn us around Max, we have to enter again.  靠,轉回去,我們得重新進場

This is the third time.  這都是第三遍了

Max, come on, we borrowed these coats from Oleg to make a dramatic star entrance. 拜托嘛,麥克斯,跟奧列格借大衣不就是為了巨星般的入場嗎

If you want me to fake it again, you have to buy me dinner and call me pretty. 如果你想讓我再假一次,你得請我吃飯,叫我美人兒

Fine, then help me down quickly.  好吧,那快幫忙放我下來

I don't wanna be mid-dismount when the stable guy walks in.  我不想下馬的丑樣被馬房的人撞見

God, ugh. You just sat on my face. 天啊,你剛坐到我臉上了

Like I haven't done enough for you.  好像我還沒有"受"夠一樣

Oh, hello, are you Tony?  你好,請問你是湯尼嗎

Last time I checked.  沒記錯的話,我是

Oh, jeez.  天啊

I'm Caroline Channing. We spoke on the phone.  我是卡洛琳·錢寧,我們通過電話

And this is Chestnut.  他是栗寶

Max, step back.  麥克斯,往后退

Oh, great. I'll just be over here  很好,我就去那邊

like the awkward father in the background on Toddlers and Tiaras. 跟《桂冠幼童》節(jié)目背景里尷尬的父親一樣站著

Well, here he is.  主角在這兒

And as we discussed, Chestnut is a champion jumper  我們談過的,栗寶是只冠軍跳欄馬

his dressage is impeccable, he's ribboned three times at the Hampton Classic, 他的馬術表演無懈可擊,他在馬術表演賽上得過三次獎

and he comes from a historically elite line of distinguished show horses. 血統(tǒng)來自十分精英薈萃的表演馬家族

And he pees like a civil rights fire hose.  他尿起尿來跟鎮(zhèn)暴水柱一樣威猛

Max, step further back.  麥克斯,再往后退退

Come on, let's cut to the chase.  得了,咱們就打開天窗說亮話吧

He's nice, brown, he looks sick in leggings, and he's free, so take him or leave him. 他是匹好馬,棕色,穿襪褲的樣子超惡心,他還不要錢,要不要隨便你

When'd you say he was a jumper?  你說他是什么時候的跳欄馬

From 2005 to 2010.  2005至2010年

He was in a class by himself.  他以前可是有專人指導的呢

Well, maybe he was a jumper, but he isn't anymore. 或許他過去是個跳欄馬,但他已經(jīng)廉頗老矣了

What?  什么

Well, he's a little out of shape.  他身材有點走樣了

Well, you have a gut.  你丫的有種啊

Whoa! I'm just saying he's seen better days.  別激動,我只是說他曾勇猛過

I'm just saying your hair is falling out in fistfuls.  我也只是說你曾不禿過

Okay, okay.  好了,好了

Let's not get personal, we all want this to work.  別搞人身攻擊,這生意還得談呢

He's the one who's getting personal going after Chestnut like that. 他這么說栗寶才是人身攻擊吧

Okay, you tell me, when's the last time he's exercised?  好吧,那你告訴我他上一次運動是什么時候

When's the last time you exercised?  你上一次運動又是什么時候

Wow, show business is rough.  看來娛樂界不好混呀

All right, it's Tony, right?  好了,你是湯尼,對吧

Last time I checked.  沒記錯的話,是的

All right, Tony, you'll have to forgive her.  湯尼,你必須得原諒她

She really loves him and wants this to work out.  她真的很愛這匹馬,并希望這能談成

Bottom line is, even a free horse isn't free.  重點是,天下沒有免費的馬

I still have to feed him and take care of him and truth be told, this horse isn't gonna make me a penny. 養(yǎng)他要錢,照顧費神。而老實說,這匹馬給我賺不來一個子兒

If my film guy comes in here, he's gonna pick that beauty over this one. 電影合作商過來,肯定也是選那匹靚馬而不是這匹

So it's not gonna work out, girls.  所以這事談不成,姑娘們

All right, well, we got other offers, fatty.  好吧,你不要還有別人要呢,死胖子

Come on, let's go.  來,咱們走

You know, maybe next time before you let someone ride five Miles across Brooklyn in a toxic, Russian, 下次你害人穿著借來的有毒又帶廉價古龍水味的皮毛大衣

cologne-soaked rent-a-fur,  騎了五英里穿過布魯克林時

you should be clear that the film business, even for horses, is ageist and elitist. 你應該搞搞清楚,電影業(yè),即使選馬,也偏愛有年紀跟精英血統(tǒng)的

And, yes, we may have seen better days,  沒錯,我們的確是走下坡的老將

but with hard work, determination and a little luck, one day we'll be back on top. 但只要努力與決心和一點點運氣,誰說老將就不能再上巔峰

Yeah, and I'm not impressed by your big star pony overthere.  對了,你的大明星馬根本就無聊到爆

He's just standing still.  只會傻站著一動不動

You wanna impress me?  要想打動我的心

Have him meow and ring the doorbell.  讓他學貓叫,然后去按門鈴吧

Don't take it personally, Chestnut.  別放在心上,栗寶

Those horses have had work done.  那些馬都是整形的


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