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聽美劇學(xué)英語- 破產(chǎn)姐妹第一季 第95期:雨過天晴





I hope I didn't ruin Christmas for all those sweet children. 希望我沒有毀掉那些小朋友的圣誕節(jié)

No, you didn't. 不,你沒有

All they saw was a crotchless elf freaking out.  他們看見的不過是個穿開襠褲的抓狂精靈

But "Mary Christmas" will never recover.  但"圣誕瑪麗"估計一輩子都好不了了

They'll find her in her studio apartment in two weeks hung from the chimney with care. 兩周內(nèi),他們會發(fā)現(xiàn)她在公寓慎重地吊死在煙囪上

Well, this is all kind of your fault.  這都怪你

You told me to come to the dark side.  是你讓我棄明投暗的

I just told you to get in touch with your feelings.  我只是讓你正視自己的感覺

I didn't think you'd turn into Darth Caroline.  我可沒想到你會變身成"黑洛林"

Once I went there, I couldn't get back.  一旦黑化,就難以回頭嘛

Yeah, and chugging that elf juice didn't help.  是啊,狂喝精靈果汁"沒有"推波助瀾

It wasn't just the drink.  不只是那飲料

Before those presents came crashing down on me, reality did. 在那些禮物讓我崩潰前,現(xiàn)實早把我擊垮了

I have no money and a father in prison who didn't even want to see me on Thanksgiving. 我身無分文,我那個坐牢的爸爸不愿意在感恩節(jié)見我

Yeah, well, there are a lot of people way worse off than you.  是啊,這世上還有很多比你更慘的人

Yes, your father's in prison,  沒錯,你爸是在坐牢

but at least you have one and you know where he is.  但至少你有爸爸,還知道他在哪兒

And you have a home and a job.  你有一個家,有一份工作

And you have a freaking horse.  你還他娘的有匹馬

So...  所以...

Happy holidays. It is a wonderful life.  節(jié)日快樂,生活的確很美好

You're right. I am so lucky.  你說得對,我很幸運

Well, since right now is the closest to the Christmas spirit we're probably gonna get, 既然現(xiàn)在咱倆很可能是最有節(jié)日精神的時刻

Santa wanted me to give you your Christmas present now.  圣誕老人托我把你的圣誕禮物給你

It's our new mixer.  我們的新攪拌器

We're gonna old-school it.  我們得用傳統(tǒng)方法了

Aw, you spooned me.  你送我個勺子

I feel bad. I didn't get you anything.  我覺得慚愧,沒給你準備禮物

Max, you got me everything.  麥克斯,你給了我一切

Before you, I was living on a subway, and now look...  遇到你之前,我只能住在地鐵里,你看現(xiàn)在...

I'm living near a subway.  我住在地鐵附近

So did you buy this?  是你買的嗎

No, it's from Santa.  不,圣誕老人送的

Jingles, did you steal this?  小叮鐺,是你偷的嗎

Yeah.  是

I grabbed it when they were throwing us out.  在他們?nèi)釉蹅兂鋈r,我趁亂拿的

Wow, Caroline Channing.  卡洛琳·錢寧

You keep this up, and you won't have to ask permission to visit your father in prison. 繼續(xù)努力的話,想去監(jiān)獄看你爸就再不用經(jīng)過批準了

But I did give $2 of our cupcake-fund money to the Salvation Army Santa. 但我有從蛋糕基金里拿出兩塊錢給救世軍的圣誕老人

So God bless us, everyone! It's a wonderful life!  上帝保佑我們大家,生活很美好

It's times like this I really miss Darth Caroline.  像這種時候,我就會超級想念"黑洛林"


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