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聽美劇學(xué)英語-摩登家庭第四季 第16集:喬寶寶剪發(fā)的事





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0:00:03.01, Okay, here's the number for poison control. 拿好 這是中毒搶救中心的電話
0:00:05.39, Ask for Carol. 找卡羅就行了
0:00:06.42, Honey, we're gonna be fine. 寶貝 我們沒問題的
0:00:07.64, Enjoy your reunion. 好好享受同學(xué)聚會去吧
0:00:09.10, Oh, it'd be a lot more fun if you were there. 如果你能一起去的話就更好了
0:00:10.63, I really am sorry about that. 真抱歉我去不了
0:00:12.14, I just can't miss the chance to bowl on Jay's team. 我不能錯過和杰同隊打保齡球的機會
0:00:15.12, That's why I ordered these glide rights. 所以我才買了這雙極速滑翔鞋
0:00:17.29, If you break'em in properly, they're supposed to give you 只要你穿法正確 這雙鞋能帶給你
0:00:19.10, a completely frictionless-- 毫無阻力的滑行
0:00:23.05, If I'm being honest, the reunion might be a little more fun 老實說 如果菲爾不去的話
0:00:26.16, if Phil isn't there. 同學(xué)聚會才會更好玩
0:00:27.36, Otherwise, I spend the whole weekend telling him who's who 否則 我整個周末都得給他介紹誰是誰
0:00:29.81, and explaining inside jokes. 解釋他聽不懂的小圈子笑話
0:00:31.70, And if all that explaining is going out, 如果我的時間都用來給他解釋
0:00:33.57, the alcohol is not going in. 就沒時間喝酒了
0:00:36.40, Hey, mom. Before you go, you have to sign this for school. 媽 你走之前得簽一下學(xué)校的這張表
0:00:38.86, You don't have to read it. It's all boilerplate. 不用看了 都是些套話
0:00:40.47, Honey, I am running really late. Ask your dad. 寶貝 我要遲到了 讓你爸簽吧
0:00:43.28, Right here, buddy. 老爸在這兒呢
0:00:44.27, S--uhh! 我擦
0:00:45.51, I have to get the letter signed 我得找家長簽字
0:00:46.61, because I failed my assignment on the Revolutionary War. 是因為我的《美國革命戰(zhàn)爭》作業(yè)不合格
0:00:49.61, I recreated the battle of Bunker Hill 我重現(xiàn)了邦克山戰(zhàn)役
0:00:51.36, using one of my old science projects. 用了以前的科學(xué)實驗?zāi)P?/span>
0:00:53.30, Seemed pretty revolutionary to me. 在我看來這挺有"革命性"的啊
0:00:55.47, The brave patriots made their way up the hillside, 勇敢的愛國者們攀登高山
0:00:58.18, prepared for whatever the devious Red Coats might inflict next. 準(zhǔn)備好了迎戰(zhàn)狡詐的英國紅衫軍
0:01:02.24, Now you work?! 這回你倒噴發(fā)了
0:01:06.01, - So, dad... - One second, buddy. 爸...-稍等 老弟
0:01:08.10, The salesman said when you're breaking these shoes in, 賣鞋的說 當(dāng)你開始適應(yīng)這種鞋
0:01:09.97, it's easier to move side to side. 左右移動會變得更容易
0:01:12.56, Son of a gun. 好家伙
0:01:14.13, He was right. 他說得對啊
0:01:15.61, What do we got here? 要我簽什么
0:01:26.81, 第四季 第十六集  
0:01:32.05, I've waited a year for this day-- 我等這一天等了一年了
0:01:34.11, The annual trade association scratch bowling tournament. 一年一度的同行工會保齡球錦標(biāo)賽
0:01:37.34, Last year, we lost to our biggest rival. 去年 我們輸給了最強的對手
0:01:39.47, Frazier had Ali. 弗雷澤有勁敵阿里
0:01:39.47, [指喬·弗雷澤與他的勁敵拳王阿里]  
0:01:41.12, Pritchett's Closets has Closets, Closets, Closets, Closets. 普里契特衣柜隊有"衣柜衣柜衣柜衣柜隊"
0:01:44.62, It's a stupid name, but those cats can bowl. 他們名字很傻 但球技不容小覷
0:01:48.35, Ay, I knew the pancakes would bring you down. 我就知道 你聞到煎餅味就會下來
0:01:51.26, Just coffee for me today. 今天只喝咖啡好了
0:01:52.98, Black, like I feel on the inside. 黑咖啡 正如我的心情一般黑暗
0:01:54.99, Ay, Manny. Please, it was only one bad audition. 曼尼 拜托 只是一次試唱失敗而已
0:01:58.51, No, three bad auditions-- 不 是三次試唱失敗
0:02:00.61, Fall Assembly, "Phantom," 秋季匯演 《歌劇魅影》
0:02:02.29, and now the Spring Sing. 以及這回的春季歌唱節(jié)
0:02:04.13, I'm a disaster. 我弱爆了
0:02:05.24, You're always so dramatic. 你總是這么夸張
0:02:06.76, Dramatic, mother? 你說我夸張嗎 媽媽
0:02:07.64, I am sure that Cam is gonna call you today 我相信小卡今天就會打來
0:02:09.56, and give you the solo. 把獨唱部分安排給你的
0:02:10.54, You're always so hard on yourself. 你對自己要求太嚴苛了
0:02:12.54, Remember that you said that you didn't have a face for hats? 還記得你說過你的臉型不適合戴帽子嗎
0:02:16.38, And?-I look great in every hat. 結(jié)果呢-我戴什么帽子都好看
0:02:18.61, I can't hear you. 我聽不到
0:02:19.75, I look great in every hat. 我戴什么帽子都好看
0:02:21.42, Well, enjoy that while it lasts. 趁好看的時候好好臭美吧
0:02:23.53, I had a pretty good hat run, 我曾以為自己戴帽子很好看
0:02:24.65, but then I saw a photo of myself from the dude ranch. 但后來看到一張在農(nóng)場度假時拍的照片
0:02:28.10, [美國鄉(xiāng)村歌手瑞芭·麥肯泰爾]  
0:02:28.10, I looked like Reba at the Grammys. 看著就像格萊美上的瑞芭一樣奇葩
0:02:30.04, I see that you found the fur. 看來你找到皮草了
0:02:31.25, Yes. Uh, you wouldn't happen to have a feather boa, would you? 是的 對了 你有羽毛圍脖嗎
0:02:34.38, Are you wearing that to your Oscar Party? 你要在你們的奧斯卡派對上戴嗎
0:02:35.81, No, Manny. We're not cliches. 不是的 曼尼 我們才沒那么俗氣
0:02:37.89, Cam's decorating the party 小卡在做派對布置
0:02:39.06, with photos of Lily dressed as different starlets from the-- 用莉莉打扮成各個明星的照片來...
0:02:41.76, W-we--we're cliches. 好吧 我們的確俗氣
0:02:43.17, Hey, Gloria, 歌洛莉亞
0:02:44.62, look what I found in my bowling bag. 看我在保齡球包里找到了什么
0:02:46.49, Second place prize in last year's tournament-- 去年錦標(biāo)賽的二等獎
0:02:48.72, A spa day. 免費水療
0:02:51.25, Oh, but it expires today. 但過了今天就作廢了
0:02:52.90, Oh. Sorry. 不好意思
0:02:54.02, I just wish that I could use this. 我真希望能用上
0:02:56.14, But today's the nanny's day off, 但是今天保姆放假了
0:02:57.62, and I have a million things to do. 我有一大堆的事情要做
0:02:59.28, I have to buy diapers, I have to go pick up the stroller, 我得去買尿布 取嬰兒車
0:03:03.11, I have to go to the doctor. 我還得去看醫(yī)生
0:03:05.01, I hate wasting this, but... 我真不想浪費掉 可是
0:03:07.08, I just don't have any time today. 我今天真的沒時間
0:03:09.67, Yes, I would have loved to go to the spa, 是的 其實我很想去做水療
0:03:12.52, but having a baby has changed completely 但自從我生了孩子
0:03:15.40, the way that Jay's family look at me. 杰全家人對我的看法完全變了
0:03:17.71, I am not anymore just Gloria that has her hair done, 我不再是只會去做頭發(fā)的歌洛莉亞
0:03:21.50, Gloria that goes to the gym. 只會去健身的歌洛莉亞
0:03:23.58, Now I am Gloria the new mother-- 現(xiàn)在我是新媽歌洛莉亞
0:03:25.97, the "I don't know how she does it" lady. 讓人驚呼"真不知她是如何辦到的"的女人
0:03:28.90, If the feather boa is not here, 如果羽毛圍脖不在這兒
0:03:30.19, it's at my cousin's. 就是在我表妹那兒
0:03:31.49, I will go get it after the doctor, after the pharmacy, 等我看完醫(yī)生買完藥 去嬰兒用品店前
0:03:33.93, before the baby store, okay? 就去幫你拿 好嗎
0:03:35.61, Honestly, Gloria, 說真的 歌洛莉亞
0:03:36.40, I don't know how you do it. 我真不知道你是如何辦到的
0:03:37.63, Ah, found it! 找到啦
0:03:40.38, - Help me. - Careful. 扶我一把-小心點兒
0:03:43.75, Oh, Gloria! Are you all right? 歌洛莉亞 你沒事吧
0:03:45.77, Ay, I told you to help me! 我說了叫你扶我一把
0:03:47.16, - I am so sorry! - I twisted my ankle. 真對不起-我扭到腳了
0:03:49.40, Okay. Sit down right here. 來 坐這里
0:03:51.00, I don't have time for this. 我沒時間坐著了
0:03:52.55, No, you--you can't walk around on that all day. 不行 你不能這樣走一整天啊
0:03:54.75, No, I'm good. I'm good. 不 我沒事 我沒事
0:03:56.52, No. I will use... 沒事 我會用
0:03:59.49, the baby carrier as a... as a cane. Okay? 嬰兒車當(dāng)拐杖的 行不
0:04:03.18, O-okay. 行吧
0:04:05.94, Now hold that. Hold that. Good, good, good. 保持住 就那樣 好的 好的
0:04:08.09, Now smolder. Smolder. 表情憂郁點 憂郁
0:04:09.97, Perfect. Perfect. 完美 太好了
0:04:11.93, Let me guess-- 我猜猜看
0:04:12.82, You couldn't remember if I said "Boa" or "Baby," 你忘了我說的是"圍脖"還是"寶寶"
0:04:14.97, so you brought both. 所以干脆兩樣都帶回來了
0:04:17.05, Gloria hurt herself, 歌洛莉亞受傷了
0:04:18.49, and it was kinda my fault, so I offered to watch Joe. 有我的責(zé)任 所以我主動提出照看喬
0:04:22.06, Can I take a break? I wanna be alone. 我休息一下可以嗎 我想一個人待會兒
0:04:24.65, Okay, where was that attitude when we were doing Greta Garbo? 扮葛麗泰·嘉寶時你怎么沒這股酷勁兒
0:04:28.18, Okay, fine. Take five. 好吧 休息5分鐘
0:04:30.19, Hi, baby Joe. 你好啊 小喬喬
0:04:32.45, Why don't you just sit a spell? 你要不要來坐一會兒呢
0:04:34.19, We're just makin' pictures. 我們正在拍照照哦
0:04:35.71, - Why are you being all Missouri? - I don't know. 干嘛用密蘇里州口音-不知道
0:04:37.30, I guess I'm excited to go back to the farm. 大概是要回農(nóng)場太興奮了吧
0:04:38.69, Is it that obvious? 有那么明顯嗎
0:04:39.62, You said "dagburn" at breakfast. 你吃早飯時候說了"該屎"這個詞
0:04:41.29, Have you booked our tickets yet? 你給我們訂機票了沒
0:04:42.31, You know, I-I'm not sure if I can get off work. 我不確定上班時能不能走得開
0:04:44.19, Yeah, but you have to get the tickets 好吧 但你得趁早訂到票
0:04:44.98, before all the good seats are taken. 不然好座位都被搶光了
0:04:46.88, You mean the ones that aren't on a plane to Missouri? 你是說那些不飛往密蘇里的航班吧
0:04:48.46, Okay, sweetie, break's over. 好了 親愛的 休息時間結(jié)束
0:04:49.74, It hasn't been five minutes. 還沒到5分鐘呢
0:04:51.22, Yes, but it has been five animal crackers. 是的 但你都吃掉5塊動物餅干了
0:04:53.22, Which is five too many to eat on a shoot day. So... 按規(guī)定在拍攝日是一塊都不能吃的 所以...
0:04:55.70, No more! I quit! 受夠了 我不干了
0:04:58.79, Oh, my gosh. What has gotten into her? 我的天吶 她這是鬼上身了嗎
0:05:00.18, We've been doing this for six hours, 我們拍了6個小時
0:05:01.43, and now all of the sudden, she doesn't love it? 怎么突然之間 她就不愛玩了呢
0:05:02.81, You know, I have a theory. 我一直有種看法
0:05:04.43, Okay. 好吧
0:05:05.44, Well, we're only halfway through 我想拍的照片
0:05:06.60, all the pictures that I wanted to do. 剛剛拍完一半
0:05:07.79, Lightbulb. Hello, baby Joe! 靈光一現(xiàn) 你好啊 小喬喬
0:05:11.51, Well, you may as well be 你甚至可以扮作
0:05:13.05, a dead hobo in the woods of a small town after a rainstorm, 暴風(fēng)雨過后小鎮(zhèn)樹林里的死流浪漢
0:05:16.54, because you have just been discovered. 因為你被我這個大星探發(fā)現(xiàn)咯
0:05:19.46, I'm looking less and less forward to this trip to Missouri. 我真是對密蘇里州之行越來越?jīng)]興趣了
0:05:23.38, Hey, handsome. 你好 帥哥
0:05:24.57, Uh, can you sign this? You don't need to read it. 你能不能在這上面簽個字 不用看的
0:05:26.83, Never do! 從來不看
0:05:28.99, Right there. 就在這兒
0:05:30.95, Oh. Quick--nature's sure-fire sunburn remedy? 快問快答 大自然的高效曬后修復(fù)品是
0:05:34.31, Aloe? 蘆喂[蘆薈+喂]
0:05:36.68, Hey, Jay. Super excited about our big match. 杰 想到我們的大賽我就超興奮吶
0:05:39.46, I dreamt about it last night. 我昨天晚上夢到比賽了
0:05:40.71, Guess what? We won! 你猜怎么著 我們贏了
0:05:42.34, Phil, I like you too much to sugarcoat 菲爾 我太愛你了就不跟你
0:05:44.33, what I'm about to say-- you're off the team. 拐彎抹角的了 你被隊里開除了
0:05:47.04, Good one. Loosen me up with some pre-match humor. 有意思 用幽默讓我在賽前放松
0:05:49.19, I like it. 我喜歡
0:05:49.91, Nah, I found somebody better-- Rudy Sorrenson. 不是 我找到更好的選手了 盧迪·索倫孫
0:05:52.88, He's in, you're out. 他參賽 你退出
0:05:54.29, Hilarious! 好笑
0:05:56.17, Stickin' with the bit. 堅持不懈啊
0:05:57.54, I love that this is our relationship now. 我們倆變得這么親密無間真讓我高興
0:05:59.59, This match is too important, and you're a wild card. 這場比賽關(guān)系重大 你的發(fā)揮又不穩(wěn)定
0:06:01.46, I'm sorry. 抱歉
0:06:02.25, Jay...
0:06:03.82, I'm not sure I like where this is headed. 我不喜歡你現(xiàn)在跟我來這么一出
0:06:06.29, Phil, this is nothing personal. It's bowling. 菲爾 不是針對你 只是個保齡球賽
0:06:08.95, No, no, no. I get it. 沒關(guān)系 我明白
0:06:11.06, Listen, um... I should get goin'. 聽著 我得掛了
0:06:14.05, My allergies are starting to cry. 我的過敏癥讓我快要流淚了
0:06:21.56, Hey, Gloria. I was just about to leave. 喂 歌洛莉亞 我就要出發(fā)了
0:06:23.24, What's up? 什么事
0:06:23.84, Manny just texted me. Did he tell you the news? 曼尼剛給我發(fā)了短信 他跟你說了沒
0:06:26.34, Yes. Wonderful. We'll celebrate later. 說了 太好了 我們晚點再慶祝
0:06:28.80, No. He didn't get the solo. 不 他沒得到獨唱的機會
0:06:30.80, I think he's very upset. 他好像非常難過
0:06:32.70, My glove. 手套沒拿
0:06:34.44, Where are you? 你在哪里
0:06:35.31, At the doctor. He's checking my ankle. 在看醫(yī)生 他在為我檢查腳踝
0:06:38.03, Jay, I think you should try to cheer him up. 杰 我覺得你應(yīng)該去安慰他一下
0:06:40.56, Why don't you take him shopping? 你何不帶他去逛逛街呢
0:06:42.25, Gloria, my match is at 5:00. 歌洛莉亞 我5點鐘比賽
0:06:43.72, I have a ritual. 我還有儀式要做
0:06:45.02, I walk the lanes. I play two or three warm-up games. 我得走走球道 還要打兩三場熱身賽
0:06:48.03, He's fine. I'll let you talk to him. 他沒事的 我讓他跟你說
0:06:52.43, Darkness, please. 保持黑暗 拜托
0:06:54.10, Aw, shoot. He's out in the pool. 糟糕 他在外面游泳呢
0:06:55.66, What do I have to do to make you go away? Sing? 我怎樣才能讓你離開呢 唱歌嗎
0:06:57.87, Uh, I'll have him call you back. 我會讓他給你回電的
0:06:59.76, My life is a music-less, gray hellscape. 我的生活是沒有音樂的灰色地獄
0:07:02.27, Wow. Well, this doesn't look 看你這樣子
0:07:03.92, like anything shopping can help you with. 就算帶你去逛街也沒用吧
0:07:05.83, It's worth a shot. 值得一試
0:07:17.18, Sorry I was so indecisive back there. 抱歉我剛才猶豫不決的
0:07:19.24, I'm out of it today. 我今天狀態(tài)不好
0:07:20.24, Well, you got what you want, 你買到你想要的了
0:07:21.29, and that's what today is all about. 今天的任務(wù)完成了
0:07:22.37, Turn that frown upside-down. 別皺眉了 笑一個
0:07:24.32, Now you're gonna take this 15 local to get home. 你坐15號線回家吧
0:07:26.57, Keep both your hands tight on that bag 雙手抓緊那袋子
0:07:28.18, because it goes through a few sketchy blocks. 那趟公交途經(jīng)的幾個街區(qū)不太安全
0:07:29.97, You're not driving me? 你不載我回去嗎
0:07:31.18, Well, you kinda used up your drive time 你把原本可以載你的時間都浪費于
0:07:32.89, deciding between those identical belts. 在一堆同樣的皮帶里挑選了
0:07:35.07, Okay. It's just hard. You know, Jay? 好吧 我只是難以接受 杰
0:07:37.87, I mean, I've never been a quitter. 我從來都不是一個輕言放棄的人
0:07:39.62, Well, new chapter for you. You got any change? 你的生活將開啟新的篇章 有零錢沒
0:07:42.02, I mean, I always imagined I'd be a performer for life. 一直以來 我都夢想成為一名演員
0:07:44.71, I guess some dreams you just have to give up on. 大概有些夢想是不得不放棄的
0:07:46.43, Know when to fold 'em. 適時放棄才是好小伙
0:07:47.33, Here's a $50. Someone will have change. 這是50塊 會有人有零錢的
0:07:49.86, I can't sing, period. 我唱歌不行 就是這樣
0:07:53.37, What am I thinking? 我真是老糊涂了
0:07:55.64, The 11 goes right by the house, and there she is. 11號線就經(jīng)過家門口 車來了
0:07:58.50, Now text your mom when you get home. 到家了給你媽發(fā)個短信
0:08:02.16, Good luck with your bowling! 祝你打保齡好運
0:08:03.76, Thanks, kid! 謝了 孩子
0:08:10.93, Yes. Yes! 對 對
0:08:12.82, We've had my dad's baby for 45 minutes, 我爹的娃剛在我們這兒待了45分鐘
0:08:14.67, and he's already in a dress. 就已經(jīng)被穿上裙子了
0:08:15.64, Okay, Lily, I think we're ready for our most important setup-- 好了 莉莉 我們的重頭戲可以上了
0:08:18.64, - Miss Shirley Temple. - Here. 秀蘭·鄧波兒小姐-給你
0:08:20.57, Oh, wow. You're an even better assistant than you are a model. 你真是個好助理 勝過當(dāng)模特哦
0:08:23.04, I don't care. 我不在乎
0:08:24.10, Okay, well, that came through in her modeling. 好吧 她還是當(dāng)模特時那股冷漠勁兒
0:08:26.25, Our daughter. 她可是我們的女兒
0:08:27.28, Okay, I know, but it just hurts, Mitchell. 我知道 我只是有些傷心 米奇爾
0:08:29.32, It's the first one of our things that she's outgrown. 那是她長大后拋棄的第一個我們的喜好
0:08:32.14, Well, you know, but isn't it great that we've raised her 但我們把她培養(yǎng)得有自己的
0:08:34.04, to have opinions and interests of her own? 想法和愛好 難道不好嗎
0:08:36.10, But this early? She's still so daggum young. 但要這么早嗎 她還"恁"小呢
0:08:38.58, Okay, is that another southern thing, 這又是什么南方方言
0:08:39.85, or are you just trying to remember her Vietnamese name? 還是你在回憶她的越南名字
0:08:41.98, Oh, my gosh. This thing is stuck. 我的神啊 這玩意兒卡住了
0:08:43.84, What? How--how could it be? 什么 怎么會呢
0:08:45.40, - It is stuck. - Oh! 卡住了-天啊
0:08:46.80, I glued it. 我用膠水粘的
0:08:48.64, W-w-why--why would you do that? 你 你為什么要那么做
0:08:50.88, Because the Jane Crawford wig kept falling off him. 因為這珍·克羅弗德假發(fā)總是往下掉
0:08:53.44, It's Joan Crawford. 是瓊·克羅弗德
0:08:54.80, cause that's what's important here. 你真分得清輕重緩急
0:08:55.88, - Okay. - It's--it's glued to his actual hair. 好吧-粘到他自己的頭發(fā)上了
0:08:58.75, Okay, Lily, 好吧 莉莉
0:09:00.71, This is bad. This is very, very bad. 這種行為很惡劣 非常惡劣
0:09:03.16, Sorry. I was trying to help. 對不起 我只是想幫忙
0:09:05.34, Okay. Well, I should've seen this coming. 好吧 我應(yīng)該料到的
0:09:06.91, I replaced her with somebody younger, 我用一個更年輕的模特取代了她
0:09:08.31, and she sabotaged Joe's shoot out of sheer jealousy. 她純粹是因為嫉妒 搞砸了喬的拍攝
0:09:11.18, Maybe she does have what it takes to be a model. 也許她真有當(dāng)模特的天分
0:09:13.96, Can you... 你能...
0:09:20.79, - Sing! - What? 唱歌-什么
0:09:22.29, I've heard you sing in the shower. 我聽過你洗澡的時候唱歌
0:09:23.51, You sing in the car with me. You never miss a note! 你坐我車的時候也唱過 你從沒跑調(diào)過
0:09:25.77, Your problem is doing it around people. Sing! 你的癥結(jié)在于不能在別人面前唱 唱啊
0:09:28.01, - You want me to sing now? - Yeah! 你要我現(xiàn)在唱-對
0:09:29.60, It's all in your head! 那都是你思想在掌控
0:09:30.78, When you get over that little stage fright, 只要你克服怯場
0:09:32.34, you'll never choke an audition again. Sing! 就再也不會在試音時卡殼了 唱啊
0:09:35.30, *I've been a puppet, a pauper 傀儡 乞丐*
0:09:37.30, - *a pirate, a poet* - That's not singing! -*海盜 詩人* -那不叫唱歌
0:09:38.89, - Attack it! - *a pawn and a king -放開唱 -*人質(zhì) 國王*
0:09:41.25, *I've been up and down and over and out 起起伏伏 跌跌宕宕*
0:09:44.83, *And I know one thing 我總銘記一事*
0:09:46.03, What's that thing?! 什么事
0:09:46.96, *Each time I find myself 每次摔得*
0:09:50.44, - *flat on my face* - Yeah! Now you got it! -*灰頭土臉* -對 你做到了
0:09:52.63, *I pick myself up 我都會重新爬起*
0:09:54.32, Get in that bag! I know you want to! 伸進購物袋取出帽子吧 我知道你想那么做
0:09:56.50, *and get back in the race 回歸到行列*
0:09:57.90, - Yeah! - *That's life -對 -*所謂生活*
0:09:59.11, - *That's life* - Sing it to me, baby! -*所謂生活* -唱給我聽 寶貝
0:10:00.91, *That's what all the people say 正如人們平常所說*
0:10:03.97, Oh, my god. Is that Janie Gibbs? 我的天啊 那是珍妮·吉布斯嗎
0:10:06.41, Yikes. Her skin looks like 天啊 她的皮膚看上去像
0:10:08.04, crumpled tinfoil you try to smooth out and use again. 被重新弄平準(zhǔn)備再利用的皺巴巴的錫紙
0:10:10.73, Remind me not to get old in front of you. 提醒我千萬不能在你面前顯現(xiàn)老態(tài)
0:10:14.71, I don't even see the kids' faces anymore. 我甚至見不著孩子們的面了
0:10:17.61, I know them by the decals on their laptops. 我靠他們筆記本上的貼畫來認人
0:10:21.24, Professor Cooke. 庫克教授
0:10:23.25, Still the sexiest man on campus. 依舊是校園里最性感的男人
0:10:25.24, - Wanna know a little somethin'? - You dated him. 想知道個小秘密嗎-你跟他約會過
0:10:27.13, How did you know that? 你怎么知道的
0:10:28.30, We were so careful with that secret. 我們一直小心保守秘密
0:10:29.98, You wore an oversized tweed jacket to breakfast 你有天穿了件大號的粗呢夾克去吃早餐
0:10:32.54, and called my rabbit convertible "Bourgeois." 還管我的兔子叫可轉(zhuǎn)變的資本家
0:10:34.27, Well, it kinda was. 確實是啊
0:10:35.76, We were so jealous of you. 我們都好嫉妒你
0:10:37.63, He was so hot. 他好性感
0:10:38.94, Jogging around campus in those dolphin shorts. 穿著海豚短褲在校園里慢跑
0:10:41.31, And that wasn't even why I was with him. 那不是我和他在一起的原因
0:10:43.33, It was his mind. 我是看上了他的聰明才智
0:10:44.94, Do you know those people 你知道有些人
0:10:46.02, who make you feel smart 光是在他們周圍就會讓人覺得
0:10:47.78, just by being near them? 自己也變聰慧了
0:10:49.47, I watched you guys once. 有次我看到你們做了
0:10:51.95, Claire! 克萊爾
0:10:53.22, Claire's friend! 克萊爾的朋友
0:10:54.32, He remembers me. 他居然記得我
0:10:56.19, Hello, professor. 你好 教授
0:11:00.54, It's so good to see you. 見到你真好
0:11:02.21, Clearly, the academic life agrees with you. 顯然 學(xué)術(shù)生活很適合你
0:11:05.15, Oh, I guess we're all doing pretty well. 看來我們都混得不錯
0:11:07.53, Cheers.-Cheers. 干杯-干杯
0:11:08.92, Here's lookin' at you, too. 我也在默默看著你呢
0:11:10.43, Were you always like this? 你那時也老這樣嗎
0:11:12.47, Claire? 克萊爾
0:11:13.16, Oh, my God. No way. 我的天吶 怎么可能
0:11:14.53, Tater! Oh, my gosh! Aah! 土杜 我的上帝
0:11:17.76, I heard you're hugely successful. 聽說你混得相當(dāng)不錯
0:11:19.86, Yeah, well, you know, when all the hot girls call you "Tater," 還行吧 你們美女都喊我"土豆"了
0:11:22.60, You tend to try a little harder. 我怎么也得努把力
0:11:24.03, Adorable. Adorable! 真可愛 你真可愛
0:11:26.03, - You're adorable! - Claire! 你太可愛了-克萊爾
0:11:27.64, Honey! Hey! 親愛的 好啊
0:11:29.29, Hi, Phil! What are you doing here? 菲爾 你來干什么
0:11:32.82, Uh... Your dad dumped me from his bowling team, 你爸不讓我參加他的保齡球賽了
0:11:34.85, So I thought I'd surprise you. 所以我就來給你個驚喜
0:11:37.64, Okay. Wait. Come here a second. 好吧 過來一下
0:11:40.27, I-I thought you'd be happy to see me. 我 我以為你看見我會很開心呢
0:11:41.90, I am! No, I am! 我開心啊 真的
0:11:43.59, I am happy. 我很開心
0:11:44.56, Is something wrong? 出什么事了嗎
0:11:47.47, It's just-- it's a little bit embarrassing. 就是 就是會有點尷尬
0:11:48.91, The guy that I dated right before you is here, so... 我的前男友也在這兒 所以...
0:11:51.77, Oh. Well, that's nothing to be embarrassed about. 那也沒什么好尷尬的啊
0:11:53.14, We all have exes. 誰沒有舊愛啊
0:11:53.98, So the guy you dumped right before you met me is here. 你在遇到我之前甩掉的男人在這兒
0:11:55.86, No big deal. 沒什么大不了啊
0:11:57.12, Well... 其實嘛...
0:11:58.71, He might've dumped me. 是他甩的我
0:12:00.23, I thought you said you'd never been dumped. 你不是說從來都是你甩別人嗎
0:12:02.55, Well...Maybe one time. 其實嘛...就有一次
0:12:05.72, So...He dumped you, 那...他甩了你
0:12:08.60, You healed completely, and then you met me. 你情傷痊愈后就遇到了我
0:12:11.67, Well... 其實嘛...
0:12:14.95, I've regretted throwing away things way more beaten up than Claire. 我扔過一些比克萊爾差勁很多的東西都深感后悔
0:12:18.55, So if this campus Casanova had thoughts of reclaiming her, 如果那個校園花花公子想和她重修舊好
0:12:21.51, Guess what, hot shot? 猜猜怎么著 萬人迷
0:12:22.89, Legally, I still own her. 法律上來說 她仍然是我的
0:12:26.08, Man, I always wondered who'd be lucky enough 伙計 我總是在想誰這么有福氣
0:12:28.32, to marry the beautiful Claire Pritchett. 會把大美人克萊爾·普里契特娶回家
0:12:31.09, No luck involved, hombre. 跟運氣不沾邊 小伙
0:12:32.55, She saw, she liked, 她遇見我 愛上我
0:12:33.99, she got pregnant, she had to. 懷了我的娃 非我不嫁
0:12:35.40, Hey! Stop hogging this guy. 好啦 別霸占著他了
0:12:37.32, I haven't seen him in 20 years. 我們都20年沒見面了
0:12:38.93, My Tater. 我的土杜
0:12:39.60, Look, I've gotta run, 我得走了
0:12:40.90, But I'd love to have you guys by my apartment 但我很想請你們?nèi)ノ壹彝嫱?/span>
0:12:42.97, for a cocktail before dinner. 喝杯餐前雞尾酒
0:12:44.74, Oh! We are totally doing that. 我們當(dāng)然會去
0:12:46.30, Oh. We might have to go back to the hotel-- 我們可能得回賓館...
0:12:47.92, No, no, no. Ah, that's what this weekend's for. 不不不 這周末我們就是來玩的嘛
0:12:50.11, Having a laugh, meetin' new people. 盡情歡笑 認識新朋友
0:12:52.49, I don't want to miss any of it. 我可一點都不想錯過
0:12:55.84, And I don't miss much. 我可不會錯過什么[警惕]
0:13:02.06, Close the door! You're letting the steam out! 快關(guān)門 蒸汽都跑出去了
0:13:03.78, Is the wig coming loose? 那假發(fā)摘下來了嗎
0:13:04.95, Oh, yes, Mitchell. It's completely off his head. 是啊 米奇爾 早就摘下來了
0:13:07.10, We're just staying in here 我們在里面待這么半天
0:13:08.02, because there's nothing babies and big guys love more 只因為我們大丈夫和小寶貝
0:13:10.13, than 100% humidity. 純粹喜歡蒸桑拿
0:13:11.45, Oh, my God. 我的上帝
0:13:11.95, Do you realize what Gloria's gonna do when she sees this? 歌洛莉亞看見了會怎么修理我啊
0:13:14.49, She punched me when I got Manny that henna tattoo. 上次我給曼尼畫了個印度彩繪 她都揍了我一頓
0:13:16.81, And not the side-of-the-hand way that I do it. 不是我平常那種輕輕打
0:13:19.60, This had rings and knuckles. 是戴著結(jié)實的大鉆戒用硬拳揍的
0:13:21.51, Don't worry. I'm working on a plan "B." 別擔(dān)心 我想了個B計劃
0:13:24.54, Or should I say... 或者應(yīng)該說...
0:13:26.07, - Plan Bieber? - No. 比伯計劃-不行
0:13:28.28, No, I just gave him a little bit of a haircut. 別啊 我只是給他設(shè)計了個發(fā)型
0:13:29.48, - Give me the baby. I know. - Yes! -把孩子給我 我懂的 -好吧
0:13:37.30, I mean, that's the great part of my schedule. 那是我行程中最好的部分
0:13:38.96, We make it to Europe almost every summer. 幾乎每個夏天都能去趟歐洲
0:13:41.47, But I'm sure you guys travel. 你們肯定也經(jīng)常旅行吧
0:13:43.11, Well, honestly, I don't think I've been anywhere 說實話 我這15年去的地方
0:13:45.05, without a water slide in 15 years. 基本就是兒童游樂場
0:13:48.44, That's funny. 真有意思
0:13:49.28, She's mentioned Esther, Dougie, 她提過埃斯特 道格
0:13:51.82, Tripp, Afro Judy... 特里普 艾弗羅·喬迪
0:13:54.29, The name "Tater" 但土杜這名字
0:13:55.02, has literally never even come up once in the last 20 years. 她過去20年確實從沒提過一次
0:13:58.79, Oh, I don't know why I'm surprised. 我一點都不奇怪
0:14:00.20, I was madly in love with her for four years... 我瘋狂地愛了她四年
0:14:02.06, And I was basically invisible 可她從來對我視而不見
0:14:03.56, until the day I choked on that tater tot. 直到某天我被炸土豆噎到她才注意到我
0:14:05.53, Wait. Uh, I-I thought you were her ex. 等等 我還以為你是她的舊愛呢
0:14:07.81, I wish. 我倒是想
0:14:11.29, Oh! So, Phil, are you here all weekend? 菲爾 這周末你都在嗎
0:14:13.61, No. 才不
0:14:15.13, Well, that's too bad. I was gonna suggest some activities. 真遺憾 我還想推薦幾項活動呢
0:14:17.94, The Palmer Center is doing 朝圣者中心要舉辦
0:14:18.84, a wonderful retrospective of impressionists. 印象派畫家的回顧展
0:14:21.32, Oh. That is a shame. 確實很遺憾
0:14:23.03, [印象派也有模仿秀的意思]  
0:14:23.03, That's a field I know quite a bit about. 那個領(lǐng)域我倒是挺有研究
0:14:25.13, Phil. No. 菲爾 別丟人了
0:14:26.54, Uh, you can see the influence, can't you, 從我身上能看出
0:14:28.39, of the, uh, early impressionists? 早期模仿秀演員的神韻吧
0:14:31.41, The, uh... 比如...
0:14:32.87, Rich Little, 里奇·利特
0:14:34.00, the Frank Gorshin, 弗蘭克·高辛
0:14:35.32, on the... Jimmy Fallon, if you will. 再比如吉米·費倫節(jié)目上的
0:14:38.09, He meant the painter kind. 人家說的是畫家
0:14:39.20, Yes. 好吧
0:14:39.98, - Freshen your drink? - No. No, not done. 再來點喝的嗎-不了 沒完呢
0:14:42.28, You'd know if I was finished with something, 你是不是盼著我倆玩完呢
0:14:43.76, And I'm not. 才不會玩完呢
0:14:45.94, - Just the one then. - Yeah. 那就只有一杯咯-是啊
0:14:49.06, What are you doing? 你干什么呢
0:14:49.65, Sorry. Did I embarrass you in front of your ex-boyfriend? 對不住 我在你前任面前讓你難堪了嗎
0:14:51.84, Yeah, I know about that. 我就知道
0:14:52.96, Because I told you. Come on. You can't seriously be jealous. 我都告訴你了 你不會真吃醋吧
0:14:57.07, Phil, it was 20 years ago. 菲爾 都是20年前的事了
0:14:59.00, Reign it in. 控制一下
0:15:01.02, Come on. You're embarrassing me a little. 拜托啦 你讓我覺得有點難堪了
0:15:03.21, Fine, but do you deny that part of the reason 行 但你能否認你之所以
0:15:04.94, you wanted to come back here by yourself is that guy? 想一個人來 部分原因就是為了那家伙嗎
0:15:07.97, I'm not even sure it's a bad thing, Claire. 我覺得那不一定是壞事 克萊爾
0:15:09.64, We all wonder about the paths we didn't follow, 人都會好奇自己沒選的那條路通往何方
0:15:11.51, But you could admit it. 你盡可放心大膽承認
0:15:15.03, Well, you can't be mad at me if I do admit it. 我要是承認了 你可不準(zhǔn)生氣
0:15:17.78, I won't. 不會的
0:15:20.19, Well, I'm not... admitting it, 我不是在承認
0:15:21.98, Because I couldn't be happier than I am in my life with you. 沒有你的話我不會這么幸福
0:15:25.07, But, mm... 可是
0:15:26.95, I mean... Maybe... 我是說 或許
0:15:29.14, a tiny part of me just wanted to sort of peek through the window 我略微想過 偷偷地瞄一眼
0:15:33.19, and... see the life that might've been. 那曾經(jīng)可能會屬于我的生活
0:15:37.94, Never get tired of those three flights. 連個電梯都沒有 爬樓累死老娘了
0:15:39.99, Maggie! 麥琪
0:15:41.56, Say hi to everyone. 跟大家打個招呼吧
0:15:43.72, In a second, angel. 等會兒 天使寶貝
0:15:45.29, Mama's had a day. 老娘這一天過得不太順
0:15:48.13, Oh, I thought that was the bedroom. 我還以為那是臥室呢
0:15:49.90, You're in the bedroom, honey... 這屋就是臥室 親愛的
0:15:51.71, And the living room and the study 也是客廳 書房
0:15:54.08, and the gym. 和健身房
0:15:55.48, Mm. But anyway... 可不管怎么說
0:15:56.34, Listen to me. I'm being rude. 聽我說 不好意思失禮了
0:15:58.00, How is everybody? How's things? 大家都好吧 家里怎么樣啊
0:16:00.47, - Not too bad. - Actually... 還不錯-其實
0:16:01.22, No, I'm literally asking you, how is it to have things? 不 我就是問 家里什么都有感覺如何
0:16:07.04, Yep, right on schedule. 噪音每天準(zhǔn)點啊
0:16:08.92, Keep it down, ya hood rats! 小聲點 吵死了
0:16:10.64, Maggie, you were once a student. 麥琪 你當(dāng)年也是個學(xué)生
0:16:12.62, I remember. 我記得呢
0:16:13.85, That's when I boarded this little rocket ship to the moon. 就是那時候上的這條一窮二白的賊船
0:16:22.13, Phil, wait. Thank you. 菲爾 等會 謝謝你
0:16:23.72, - For what? - Everything. 謝什么-感謝一切
0:16:26.72, I'm not sure how that guy got to be a professor. 真搞不懂那家伙怎么當(dāng)上教授的
0:16:28.37, He'd have to be pretty stupid to dump you. 他蠢到什么份上才能甩了你啊
0:16:32.04, Hey, the party's starting, 派對要開始了
0:16:33.30, and there's a really good-looking guy 有個賞心悅目的大帥哥
0:16:35.33, I was hoping to do a little dancing with, so... 我盼著跟他跳舞呢
0:16:36.80, - You mean me? - Yes. 你指我嗎-當(dāng)然
0:16:38.02, Wait. Before we go, 等等 走之前
0:16:38.98, are there any more exes I should know about? 我想知道那里還有沒有前男友
0:16:40.72, Honey, what do you think I was like? 親愛的 你把我想成什么了
0:16:42.32, Hey, Claire Pritchett! 克萊爾·普里契特
0:16:44.24, Hey, Dean Stoller! 斯特勒院長
0:16:46.83, Super quick story. 那只是段小情史
0:16:50.60, All right, it's not too late for plan "C"-- 還好 有時間實施C計劃
0:16:53.17, We drop the baby and run. 放下寶寶我們就溜
0:16:54.71, What? No. You have to tell her what you did. 什么 不行 你得跟她坦白
0:16:57.38, You scalped her baby. 你剃了人家孩子的頭發(fā)
0:16:58.62, I had to cut that wig off. 我得把假發(fā)剪下來
0:17:00.61, What did you expect me to do? 那你說怎么辦
0:17:02.13, He keeps pulling his hat off. 他不肯戴帽子
0:17:03.38, Okay, well, you could've let me do it. 你可以放著我來啊
0:17:04.54, I have 32 hours of Vidal Sassoon training. 我接受過維達·沙宣的32小時美發(fā)訓(xùn)練
0:17:07.02, What? I left the program over creative differences. Shut up. 因為創(chuàng)意分歧我罷課了 住嘴吧
0:17:10.90, Hola! 你們好
0:17:11.78, - Hola! - Hola! 你好-你好
0:17:14.71, Oh! There's my little angel. 我得寶貝小天使
0:17:17.56, How was he? 他怎么樣啊
0:17:19.37, Uh... There--there's a funny story here. 說 說起來好笑
0:17:21.47, Gloria! 歌洛莉亞
0:17:22.27, Forgot about that baby... 別管那寶貝
0:17:24.47, And check out this one! 看看這個寶貝
0:17:26.75, You beat closets, closets, closets, closets, closets?! 你打敗了衣柜衣柜衣柜衣柜衣柜隊嗎
0:17:30.17, We destroyed them! 我們把他們打趴下了
0:17:31.57, And it's closets, closets, closets, closets. 是衣柜衣柜衣柜衣柜隊
0:17:33.54, What did I say? 我說的是什么
0:17:34.20, We went through this for a half-hour yesterday. 我昨天教了你半個小時
0:17:35.41, I can't do it again. 別折磨我了
0:17:36.77, Nope. You're gonna have to tell her. 不 你去告訴她
0:17:38.51, What? Why? 什么 憑什么呀
0:17:39.53, Because she has two new rings. 她手上那兩枚戒指跟兇器似的
0:17:41.13, That--that's gonna take the meat right off the bone. 一拳能刮掉我一塊肉
0:17:42.78, Okay, Cam, you take the fall for me, 小卡 只要你替我背黑鍋
0:17:44.59, And I will go with you to Missouri. 我就陪你去密蘇里州
0:17:46.46, I'll even go for a whole week. 待一禮拜都行
0:17:47.93, Make it ten days. 十天
0:17:49.40, Okay, fine. 好吧
0:17:50.02, But I don't want to meet anything on Monday 但我不希望周一見到的動物
0:17:51.46, that I'm gonna eat on Friday. 周五時成為我的盤中餐
0:17:52.67, Oh, well, that's gonna happen. 那是必然的
0:17:54.05, Oh! My perfect angel! 我完美的小天使
0:17:56.92, You got this. You're good. 交給你了 你最棒了
0:17:59.82, You know, Gloria, do you remember 歌洛莉亞 你還記不記得
0:18:00.77, that chafing dish I lent you a couple months back 幾個月前我把火鍋借給你
0:18:02.66, that you returned with a chip in it? 你還給我時卻有個缺口
0:18:03.92, Every time that Luke comes over, 每次盧克來
0:18:06.15, he takes things out of the attic and leaves them just... 都會把閣樓里的東西翻出來
0:18:08.89, everywhere! 到處亂放
0:18:09.90, Yeah. 是啊
0:18:11.26, Well, you know, funny thing about that chafing dish 你知道嗎 有趣的是 那個火鍋
0:18:13.51, is it was my grandmother's, and it was given to her-- 是我祖母的 她是從...
0:18:16.42, Luke! 盧克
0:18:21.94, Oh, hey, Manny. Glad I ran into you. 曼尼 看到你真是太好了
0:18:24.12, Listen, I'm gonna give you the solo. 聽著 獨唱的角色歸你了
0:18:26.48, Really? You must've heard what happened to me today. 真的嗎 你肯定是聽說了我今天的事
0:18:29.09, I feel confident now and I know I can do-- 我現(xiàn)在很自信 我知道我可以
0:18:30.60, Yeah, I don't care about ,any of that stuff. 我才不在乎呢
0:18:31.84, I just need you to tell you mom 我只需要你跟你媽說
0:18:33.29, that you gave your brother joe a haircut, okay? 你給你弟弟喬剪了頭發(fā) 好嗎
0:18:35.04, No problem. How bad could it be? 沒問題 能有多難看
0:18:41.00, Anyway, I heard you need a letter from school signed. 總之 我聽說你有一封信需要家長簽名
0:18:43.44, I kinda nailed my declaration of independence replica. 我的《獨立宣言》仿制品做得可真了
0:18:46.13, Forged every signature with this pen. 用這支筆偽造了所有的簽名
0:18:48.16, So...-Stop. 那么-不用多說了
0:18:49.26, We have a deal. 我們成交
0:18:50.61, I'll say I cut the baby's hair. 我說寶寶的頭發(fā)是我剪的
0:18:52.30, And you give me that cool pen. 你這支神筆就歸我
0:18:53.61, - What? No. No, that's not what I was going to... - A deal's a deal. -什么 我不是這意思 -就這么定了
0:18:57.72, A thief, Lily. 莉莉 有小偷
0:18:59.02, That's who ate my last piece of cake 偷吃了我媽特地
0:19:01.32, that my mother send me specially from Colombia. 從哥倫比亞寄來的蛋糕的最后一塊
0:19:04.55, It helps you make the milk. 那蛋糕可以催母乳
0:19:09.95, Such a cool trophy. 這個獎杯真不錯
0:19:11.85, Say, how'd that new guy Rudy Sorrenson do? 那個新來的盧迪·索倫孫表現(xiàn)怎么樣
0:19:14.01, He was great. 非常棒
0:19:14.89, It's funny how he has the same name 真有意思 他居然和以前的
0:19:16.44, as one-time pro bowler Rudolph Sorrenson, 職業(yè)選手盧道夫·索倫孫同名
0:19:19.22, which would be against league rules. 真是這樣的話 可是違反聯(lián)賽規(guī)則的
0:19:22.16, Well, I'd find it funny. 我覺得挺有意思的
0:19:25.71, Jay, hurry up. You have to take the kids to the movie. 杰 快點 你得帶孩子們?nèi)タ措娪?/span>
0:19:29.46, And why does the baby still have that hat on? 為什么寶寶還戴著帽子
0:19:31.75, He's going to burn up. 他會熱死的
0:19:32.87, Gloria, I have a confession to make. 歌洛莉亞 有件事我要坦白
0:19:35.35, I gave Joe a haircut. 我給喬剪了頭發(fā)
0:19:37.90, It's bad. 很難看
0:19:38.65, Why would you do that? 你為什么這樣做
0:19:39.78, My dad used to cut my hair when I was a kid, 我小時候 我爸經(jīng)常給我剪頭發(fā)
0:19:41.94, And I thought it'd be a nice way for the baby and me to bond. 我覺得這樣可以增進我和寶寶間的感情
0:19:44.17, But I just made a mess of things... 但是我搞砸了
0:19:47.98, Like I... make a mess of everything. 我把一切都搞砸了
0:19:50.60, Let me take a look at this. 我看看
0:19:53.38, - Ay, dios mio! - Wow. It's really bad. 我的天-太難看了
0:19:54.77, Dad, why would you do that to your own son? 爸 你為什么要對親生兒子下這種毒手
0:19:57.34, He's just a baby. 他才這么小
0:19:58.75, Plus you ate that cake. 而且你還偷吃蛋糕
0:20:00.16, Okay, enough. Leave him alone. 夠了 別再怪他了
0:20:02.41, He could have invented some crazy story, 他本來可以編些瘋狂的謊話
0:20:04.94, but instead he decided to tell the truth. 但他卻說了實話
0:20:07.50, That's what families do. 家人就應(yīng)該這樣
0:20:08.82, - Yes, it is. - Right. 是的-對
0:20:09.87, Okay, go. Go, go, go. 好了 快走吧
0:20:12.24, Lily, sweetie, we're leaving! Come on! 莉莉 寶貝 我們走了 快來
0:20:14.52, I know that they expected me to go all Colombian crazy. 我知道他們都以為我會大發(fā)哥倫比亞式脾氣
0:20:18.40, But this was just another opportunity for me to show them 但這又是一次機會 我讓他們明白
0:20:21.55, that I was not the superficial Gloria that I used to be. 我不再是以前那個膚淺的歌洛莉亞
0:20:25.05, Plus I was very relaxed after the day I had. 而且 今天享受后我很放松
0:20:33.07, Where are you? 你在哪里
0:20:35.38, At the doctor. He's checking my ankle. 在看醫(yī)生 他在檢查我的腳踝
0:20:38.29, What? Did you think I was gonna throw away a whole spa day? 怎樣 你覺得我會把全天SPA享受就這樣扔掉嗎
0:20:45.21, I'm coming, Fulgencio! 媽媽來了 弗漢希歐
0:20:58.33, Why am I doing this again? 我為什么要這樣做
0:20:59.51, Dad'll get a kick out of it. 老爸會很開心的
0:21:00.98, Like when we were young and used to wear his shoes. 就像我們小時候那樣 經(jīng)常穿他的鞋子
0:21:03.42, Now get up and take a few steps. 現(xiàn)在起來走幾步
0:21:11.10, Did dad ask for this? 這是老爸要求的嗎
0:21:12.87, No, but he'll love it. Maybe dance around. 不 不過他會喜歡的 跳下舞吧
0:21:18.93, Okay, now jump. 好吧 跳起來
0:21:21.31, What kind of video is this? 這算哪門子的視頻啊
0:21:22.54, You know what? I've gotta go to work. I'm sorry. 知道嗎 我要上班了 抱歉
0:21:24.49, Okay, thanks! 謝了
0:21:25.97, What the hell? 怎么不摔跟頭了
0:21:33.12, Finally! 終于摔了


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