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聽(tīng)美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)-摩登家庭第四季 第7集:海莉被學(xué)校開(kāi)除





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0:00:04.38, Night.-No. 半夜-不
0:00:05.41, - Middle of the phone. I got it. - Get it. -電話時(shí)分 我去接 -快接
0:00:07.47, - Oh! My arm's asleep! My arm's asleep! - Get the phone. -我手臂睡麻了 我手臂睡麻了 -快接電話
0:00:09.22, Phil, get the phone. 菲爾 接電話
0:00:10.84, That's me. Hello! Hi. 那是我 你好
0:00:12.87, Yes, this is she. 是的 我是克萊爾
0:00:14.24, Who is it? 是誰(shuí)打來(lái)的
0:00:15.20, Okay. Oh, God. 是嗎 我的天
0:00:16.65, Tell me what's happening here! 快告訴我發(fā)生什么事了
0:00:17.80, Haley has been arrested. 海莉被逮捕了
0:00:19.43, What? 什么
0:00:21.48, Phone! Phone. I bet that's mama. 電話 電話 肯定是我媽
0:00:24.19, I was just dreaming it was raining chickens! 我剛夢(mèng)到天上下小雞
0:00:25.68, Mitchell, answer the phone! 米奇爾 接電話
0:00:27.51, Look what I am doing. Look what I am doing, huh? 我不正接著嘛 不正接著嘛
0:00:29.49, Hello?-Hey,Mitchell. 喂-米奇爾
0:00:30.92, I'm sorry to wake you up, but Haley got arrested. 抱歉吵醒你們 但海莉被逮捕了
0:00:33.53, Oh, God. Haley got arrested. 天啊 海莉被逮捕了
0:00:36.20, That explains the chickens. 難怪我夢(mèng)到小雞了[女孩]
0:00:37.28, It does. It adds up. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 的確"很靈驗(yàn)"
0:00:38.84, What's she get arrested for? 她為啥被抓了
0:00:40.30, Oh, she got caught drinking at some party. 她是因?yàn)樵谂蓪?duì)喝酒被抓的
0:00:42.97, Look, could you drive up to the college with us? 你能和我們一起開(kāi)車去學(xué)校嗎
0:00:45.22, - I think we're gonna need a lawyer. - Yes, of course. 我們大概需要一個(gè)律師-當(dāng)然沒(méi)問(wèn)題
0:00:47.09, And Cam and Lily can come over and stay with Alex and Luke. 小卡和莉莉可以去你家陪著艾麗克斯和盧克
0:00:49.45, I'll guard them with my life. 我誓將用生命守護(hù)他們
0:00:50.77, I hate to bother him. 我不愿意麻煩他
0:00:52.32, No, no, don't be silly. He's happy to do it. 不 別這么說(shuō) 他很樂(lè)意幫忙
0:00:54.32, Okay, we'll be over in a little bit. 好吧 我們一會(huì)兒就過(guò)來(lái)
0:00:56.41, Oh, I get it. 行 我懂了
0:00:57.61, When you told Claire I would come over and watch the kids, 當(dāng)你告訴克萊爾我會(huì)去她家照看孩子時(shí)
0:00:59.71, She was resistant 她語(yǔ)氣很抵觸
0:01:00.55, because she doesn't trust my parenting skills. 因?yàn)樗恍湃挝規(guī)Ш⒆拥哪芰?/span>
0:01:02.84, No. Don't be silly. She just didn't want to put you out. 不 別說(shuō)傻話了 她只是不愿意麻煩你
0:01:04.90, She's got a daughter behind bars 她女兒都進(jìn)局子里了
0:01:06.17, and she's got the nerve to say I'm a bad parent? 還敢指責(zé)我不會(huì)教育孩子
0:01:08.48, - You didn't defend me. - Because she didn't say anything. 你都不為我辯解-因?yàn)樗裁炊紱](méi)說(shuō)
0:01:10.63, Why are you protecting her? 你這么護(hù)著她干什么
0:01:11.75, Why is no one protecting me? 怎么就沒(méi)人護(hù)著我呢
0:01:15.45, No. 這套不行
0:01:18.12, Ay! Answer! Answer! 接電話 接電話
0:01:23.32, This better be good. 你最好是有什么好事要說(shuō)
0:01:25.18, Haley got arrested for drinking. 海莉因?yàn)楹染票淮读?/span>
0:01:26.86, We gotta go bail her out. 我們要去把她保釋出來(lái)
0:01:28.10, Do you still have a connection to that judge upstate? 你和州北的法官還有聯(lián)系嗎
0:01:30.00, - He died. - Ay! Who died? 他已經(jīng)死了-誰(shuí)死了
0:01:31.34, An old friend of mine. 我的一個(gè)老友
0:01:32.33, Ay, Jay, I'm so sorry. 真令人遺憾 杰
0:01:33.79, He died five years ago. 他五年前就死了
0:01:35.43, Then why are they calling us in the middle of the night 那他們大半夜把我們吵起來(lái)
0:01:37.51, to wake us up?! 是為了什么
0:01:38.50, Nobody died. Haley's in jail. 沒(méi)人死了 是海莉被抓了
0:01:40.49, Okay. That makes more sense. 好 這還說(shuō)得通
0:01:41.66, Claire has to go bail her out. 克萊爾要去保釋她
0:01:42.93, Okay. Give me that. 好 電話給我
0:01:44.86, Claire, listen to me-- 克萊爾 你聽(tīng)我說(shuō)
0:01:46.62, Take a lot of cash. 帶上大量的現(xiàn)金
0:01:48.30, And when you flash it to the police, 然后在警察面前亮出綠油油的票子
0:01:50.00, Do not speak about it. 千萬(wàn)別張口提錢的事
0:01:52.57, Let the eyes do all the talking, okay? 用眼神來(lái)交流 懂了嗎
0:01:55.97, I heard the phone. Who died? 我聽(tīng)到有電話來(lái) 誰(shuí)死了
0:01:57.49, Jay's friend. 杰的朋友
0:01:58.51, Oh, Jay, I'm so sorry. 杰 太令人遺憾了
0:02:00.10, Okay. I can't do this again. 夠了 我聽(tīng)不下去了
0:02:11.57, 第四季 第七集  
0:02:14.66, It's breakfast 早飯熱騰騰
0:02:16.14, It's breakfast time 早餐時(shí)間到
0:02:17.46, It's breaky breaky time 早早吃飯身體好
0:02:19.41, Uncle Cam. I thought I heard your voice. 小卡舅夫 我就覺(jué)得聽(tīng)到你聲音了
0:02:21.10, What are you doing here? Where are my parents? 你在我家干什么 我爸媽呢
0:02:22.52, Well, the school called, and your sister won a big award. 大學(xué)打了電話來(lái) 說(shuō)你姐姐得了大獎(jiǎng)
0:02:25.40, Nice try. The only person 編得不錯(cuò) 可這種謊言
0:02:26.47, who would believe that Would be Haley. 也只能騙騙海莉自己了
0:02:28.13, She's in jail. 她進(jìn)監(jiān)獄了
0:02:29.77, Jail? 監(jiān)獄
0:02:30.52, Lily, what did I say? 莉莉 我說(shuō)過(guò)什么來(lái)著
0:02:31.57, That it was only a matter of time. 說(shuō)她進(jìn)監(jiān)獄是遲早的事
0:02:33.25, Okay, no. Didn't say that. 不 我可沒(méi)這么說(shuō)
0:02:34.51, Okay, so here's the truth. 好吧 事情的真相是
0:02:35.54, Your sister was caught drinking. 你姐姐因?yàn)楹染票蛔チ?/span>
0:02:37.12, But it's no big deal. 但沒(méi)什么大不了的
0:02:38.25, Your parents are there taking care of it right now. 你父母已經(jīng)趕去了 正在處理這事
0:02:40.35, So... 所以
0:02:41.05, This is so awesome! 太棒了
0:02:42.46, I hope she hits the weights 我希望她會(huì)在牢里開(kāi)始健身
0:02:43.50, so she's totally ripped when she gets out. 這樣她出來(lái)時(shí)就化身肌肉女了
0:02:45.47, Okay. Let's change the subject. 好了 我們換個(gè)話題
0:02:46.48, Have a seat. Have some breakfast. 坐下來(lái) 吃點(diǎn)早餐
0:02:47.96, See if there's anything on that plate you like a lot. 看看盤子里有什么是你們最愛(ài)吃的
0:02:53.52, Is this bacon? 這是培根嗎
0:02:54.95, Of course it is, silly. 當(dāng)然是了 小笨蛋
0:02:56.13, Been on a little bit of a health kick lately, 鄙人最近有點(diǎn)小沉迷于健康養(yǎng)生
0:02:58.59, so I took a vegan cooking class, 所以我去上了素食烹飪課
0:03:00.68, and my new thing is "Fakon." 現(xiàn)在我最愛(ài)做的就是"素根"了
0:03:03.75, It's like real bacon. 跟真正的培根沒(méi)有區(qū)別
0:03:04.86, Except for the look, the texture, and the taste. 除了外觀 口感和味道上的明顯差異
0:03:06.85, Maybe the store-bought kind. 超市里賣的可能如此
0:03:07.77, But I make my own, so it's not even real fakon. 但我的"素根"是自己做的 連"素根"都該算不上
0:03:09.68, It's faux-fakon. "Faux-kon." 山寨素根 "山寨根"
0:03:13.20, It's faux-kon disgusting. 反正是"根"難吃
0:03:14.66, You can't tell the difference. 你根本就吃不出差別
0:03:15.93, And guess which one's the real one? 猜猜哪一盤是真培根
0:03:17.19, That one. 那一盤
0:03:18.33, That one. 那一盤
0:03:21.13, Still that one. 還是那一盤
0:03:24.24, This is the best bacon I've ever had. 這是我吃過(guò)最香的培根了
0:03:26.06, Oh, well. 太好了
0:03:27.60, I can't wait to tell your uncle ,Mitchell that you love it. 我恨不得馬上告訴你米奇舅舅你喜歡這個(gè)
0:03:29.91, Why would uncle Mitch care? 為什么米奇舅舅在意這個(gè)
0:03:30.91, Because, my dear, 親愛(ài)的 因?yàn)?/span>
0:03:31.92, that bacon you're eating isn't bacon at all, 你現(xiàn)在吃的培根根本不是培根哦
0:03:34.57, No, no, no. 不是哦
0:03:35.28, It's made entirely of soy. 完全由大豆制成
0:03:37.10, Luke's allergic to soy! 盧克對(duì)大豆過(guò)敏
0:03:38.55, His throat closes! He can't breathe! 他的喉嚨會(huì)噎住 不能呼吸
0:03:40.33, =-Hello?-Never 'F: inting
0:03:41.88, Okay, okay. 好吧好吧
0:03:42.52, We have to, uh, get you to the, uh, hospital! 我們得馬上把你送到那個(gè) 醫(yī)院去
0:03:44.54, Lily! Come on, baby. 莉莉 來(lái) 寶貝
0:03:45.66, Okay, Luke! Put the fakon down! 盧克 快把假培根放下
0:03:47.24, I'm using it to scratch my throat! 我在用它撓我的喉嚨
0:03:48.78, - Okay. Okay. Let's go. Come on. - Go. -好了好了 快走吧 快點(diǎn) -走
0:03:50.74, Cam? C-cam? 小卡 小 小卡
0:03:53.10, That was weird. 真奇怪
0:03:54.77, Hey, Claire, do you wanna pick it up a little bit? 克萊爾 你能不能開(kāi)快點(diǎn)
0:03:56.22, Since when do you drive at speed limit? 你從什么時(shí)候起按限速開(kāi)車了
0:03:58.47, My daughter has been arrested for drinking. 我女兒因喝酒被捕了
0:04:00.29, I would like her to sit in jail and think about that. 我希望她在監(jiān)獄里痛定思痛
0:04:02.64, As a matter of fact, I might stop 其實(shí) 我想停車
0:04:03.59, and do a little outlet shopping. 上直銷店買點(diǎn)東西
0:04:05.27, Who wants a pair of last year's sunglasses, huh? 誰(shuí)想要買一副去年款式的太陽(yáng)鏡
0:04:08.44, Honey... 親愛(ài)的
0:04:09.76, Try to relax. 放松點(diǎn)
0:04:10.72, I don't feel like relaxing, Phil! 我放松不下來(lái) 菲爾
0:04:12.14, She has been in college for six weeks. 她進(jìn)大學(xué)才六個(gè)禮拜
0:04:14.11, Yeah, and everyone goes a little crazy at first. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 每個(gè)人剛?cè)サ臅r(shí)候都會(huì)有點(diǎn)瘋狂
0:04:16.41, I remember one night freshman year, 我記得大學(xué)頭一年的一個(gè)晚上
0:04:17.93, a bunch of us on the frisbee golf team 我們飛盤高爾夫球隊(duì)的一些人
0:04:19.48, got a case of zima. Enough zaid. 拿一箱芝馬酒 不必多說(shuō)
0:04:22.56, More than enough. 說(shuō)得夠多了
0:04:24.52, I'm not gonna lie. 說(shuō)實(shí)話
0:04:25.76, Sometimes it bothers me how calm Phil is under pressure. 菲爾面對(duì)壓力還那么淡定有時(shí)候讓我很惱火
0:04:28.97, It's like... 感覺(jué)像是
0:04:29.96, like I'm the one who's overreacting. 像是我反應(yīng)過(guò)激了一樣
0:04:32.16, That's good. Let it out. It's g-- 很好 宣泄出來(lái) 這樣
0:04:33.67, I'm going to kill you. 我要?dú)⒘四?/span>
0:04:37.36, Jay, do you have some time today? 杰 你今天有時(shí)間嗎
0:04:39.12, We need to go and pick out a stroller. 我們得去選一輛嬰兒車
0:04:40.69, Just get whatever you want. 你想買什么樣的就買去吧
0:04:41.77, I mean, it's what you're gonna do anyway. 反正你也從來(lái)不會(huì)聽(tīng)我的意見(jiàn)
0:04:43.25, What I want is a husband 我想要的是一位
0:04:44.30, who likes to go shopping for a stroller with me. 喜歡陪我逛街買嬰兒車的丈夫
0:04:46.31, If you had a husband who liked picking out strollers, 如果你丈夫有挑選嬰兒車的愛(ài)好
0:04:47.97, you wouldn't be having a baby. 你就不會(huì)懷上孩子了
0:04:50.28, So who wants to come with me 誰(shuí)要陪我去
0:04:51.79, to the Spoken Word Festival this evening? 今晚的演講節(jié)
0:04:53.70, I only have two tickets, 我只有兩張票
0:04:54.68, so somebody's gonna be disappointed. 有人可能要失望了哦
0:04:56.23, I think it's gonna be you. 我想是你要失望了
0:04:57.13, Ay, Manny, I would go with you, but I'm so tired. 曼尼 我想跟你一起去 可是我好累啊
0:04:59.18, You just woke up. How are you tired? 你才剛剛起床 怎么會(huì)累
0:05:00.62, Maybe because I'm turning food into a human! 因?yàn)槲艺诎咽澄锛庸こ扇?/span>
0:05:03.54, Jay will take you. 杰會(huì)帶你去
0:05:05.30, Sorry, I would love to go to the spoken word festival, 抱歉 我也很想去
0:05:08.47, but I'm already going to the 但我得去
0:05:09.61, I'd-rather- blow-my-brains-out jamboree. 不如炸掉我腦袋狂歡節(jié)
0:05:11.40, I can't believe this. 難以置信
0:05:12.42, I'm living in a cultural wasteland. 我居然生活在一片文化荒原
0:05:14.00, With a heated pool. 配備溫水泳池
0:05:15.34, Manny, vamos. You're gonna be late for school. 曼尼 快點(diǎn) 上學(xué)快遲到了
0:05:22.64, Oh, jeez. 老天
0:05:25.81, Hello, DeDe. 你好啊 迪迪
0:05:26.73, Good morning, Jay. Namaste. 早上好 杰 合十致敬
0:05:29.02, Let's not do this. 別這樣
0:05:30.09, Oh, fine, silly. 好吧 小傻瓜
0:05:31.93, I'm on my way to a retreat in Ojai, 我在去奧哈伊的一家靜修所的路上
0:05:34.77, and since I'm passing through town, 既然我將路過(guò)市中心
0:05:36.43, I thought I'd pick up that photo album. 我想順便拿那本相冊(cè)
0:05:38.56, You know, it's really not a good time. 現(xiàn)在可真不是時(shí)候
0:05:40.36, Oh, please. 拜托
0:05:42.33, All right. I'll meet you on the street. 好吧 我到街上等你
0:05:44.08, Drive by slow with the window open. 車窗打開(kāi) 開(kāi)慢點(diǎn)
0:05:47.19, I was dreading DeDe finding out that Gloria's pregnant. 我正擔(dān)心迪迪發(fā)現(xiàn)歌洛莉亞懷孕了
0:05:49.83, It's one thing DeDe's hung on to, 迪迪很在乎的一件事就是
0:05:51.79, that she's the mother of my kids. 她是我孩子的母親
0:05:53.58, And considering their history... 考慮到她們以往的恩怨
0:05:58.17, I-I wanna... 我想
0:05:59.36, - rip your head off! - What? 扭斷你的脖子-什么
0:06:01.00, No! Please stop it! Whoa! 別這樣 快停下
0:06:03.23, Eh? No! DeDe! 別 迪迪
0:06:07.92, I wasn't exactly looking forward to round four, 我不希望還有第四輪較量
0:06:10.72, especially now that Gloria's a bigger, slower target. 特別是歌洛莉亞現(xiàn)在體積龐大 行動(dòng)遲緩
0:06:15.13, I'd normally be having breakfast right now. 往常這時(shí)候我在吃早飯呢
0:06:20.43, Hi, dad. 老爸好
0:06:21.50, Hey, Claire. Any updates? 克萊爾 有什么新進(jìn)展嗎
0:06:22.85, Not yet, but we're almost there. 沒(méi)有 不過(guò)我們快到了
0:06:24.25, Last time you were over at the house, 上次你來(lái)家里
0:06:25.55, you were looking at that photo album. 看了一本相冊(cè)
0:06:26.88, What'd you do with it? 你把它放哪兒了
0:06:27.88, Oh, dad, that was me. 老爸 那是我
0:06:29.50, I think I put it on the shelf behind the bar. 我大概是把它放在吧臺(tái)后面的架子上了
0:06:31.63, What are you doing there? 你在那做什么
0:06:32.70, They asked me to come along 他們讓我陪他們過(guò)來(lái)
0:06:33.78, in case they needed a lawyer. 以防他們需要位律師
0:06:35.20, Shouldn't they have a real lawyer? 他們不該請(qǐng)一位真律師嗎
0:06:36.60, Oh, God. Should we? 天吶 我們?cè)摬辉撃?/span>
0:06:37.80, I am a real lawyer, people. 我就是位真律師 各位
0:06:39.61, Environmental law is a thing. 環(huán)境法也是法啊
0:06:41.27, Don't get all sensitive on me. 別對(duì)我的話那么挑刺
0:06:42.73, I mean someone who doesn't defend pandas. 我的意思是 別找個(gè)替大熊貓辯護(hù)的律師
0:06:44.64, Yeah, dad, 'cause that's what I do. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 老爸 那正是我的工作
0:06:46.00, I-I defend pandas in court. 我在法庭上替大熊貓的權(quán)益辯護(hù)
0:06:47.72, That's adorable. 真可愛(ài)
0:06:48.89, You know what I'm talking about. 你知道我是什么意思
0:06:49.80, Haley needs somebody who knows criminal law, 海莉需要懂刑法的人
0:06:51.37, like Perry Mason. 比如佩瑞·梅森 [美偵探小說(shuō)虛構(gòu)人物]
0:06:52.47, Okay, so I'm not a real lawyer, but Perry Mason is? 所以我不是真正的律師 佩瑞·梅森倒是了
0:06:55.91, Oh, hell. 見(jiàn)鬼
0:06:59.81, Hello, DeDe. How're you doing? 你好 迪迪 你怎么樣啊
0:07:01.45, Oh, mostly fine. 還不錯(cuò)
0:07:03.40, I have something called a telescoping uterus. 我安了一種叫做伸縮式子宮的東西
0:07:07.34, - Long story. - Aw, jeez. 說(shuō)來(lái)話長(zhǎng)-上帝
0:07:10.41, Out of my way! 給我讓開(kāi)
0:07:11.27, - Out of my way! - I can't breathe! 讓開(kāi)-我喘不上來(lái)氣了
0:07:13.17, This boy can't breathe. 這孩子喘不上來(lái)氣了
0:07:14.26, He's having a severe allergic reaction. 他有過(guò)敏反應(yīng)
0:07:15.94, No. You're squeezing me. 不是 是你壓的
0:07:17.53, He needs medicine. His throat is closing up. 他得吃藥 他嗓子要堵上了
0:07:19.37, Okay. Hold on. 好 等等
0:07:21.49, We have an allergic reaction. 有一名過(guò)敏反應(yīng)病人
0:07:22.74, A young boy. Obstructed breathing. 是個(gè)小男孩 呼吸不暢
0:07:25.23, What happened? 怎么了
0:07:26.31, Well, somebody gave him some soy bacon... 有人給他吃了大豆做的培根
0:07:27.94, That was so good, he couldn't tell the difference. 做得太好了 他沒(méi)看出來(lái)差別
0:07:31.24, Mitchell, I can't talk right now. 米奇爾 我現(xiàn)在說(shuō)話不方便
0:07:32.42, Cam, it's Claire. My phone died. 小卡 是克萊爾 我電話關(guān)機(jī)了
0:07:33.90, I just wanted to make sure the kids got to school okay. 我就是想確認(rèn)下孩子們已經(jīng)順利到學(xué)校了
0:07:35.71, Oh, yeah, of course they did. Why wouldn't they have? 是的 他們當(dāng)然去了 怎么會(huì)沒(méi)有
0:07:37.08, - I hear we got a boy who can't breathe? - Right here. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)有位男孩不能呼吸-在這里
0:07:39.27, What was that? 什么情況
0:07:40.23, Oh, I'm just watching an original Lifetime movie 我正看一部生活臺(tái)原創(chuàng)電影
0:07:42.03, called "The boy who can't breathe." 叫做《不能呼吸的男孩》
0:07:42.94, That sounded like Alex. 聽(tīng)著像艾麗克斯的聲音
0:07:43.82, Nope. Just Amanda Bynes. Okay, gotta go. 不是 是阿曼達(dá)·拜恩斯 我得掛了
0:07:47.88, Cam. Cam? 小卡 小卡
0:07:50.69, That's weird. 奇了怪了
0:07:51.72, Can you believe how many waffle places we passed? 你能想象我們路過(guò)了多少家華夫餅店嗎
0:07:54.11, I can't believe how much dad belittles me. 我無(wú)法想象老爸有多么輕視我
0:07:55.70, What were there? Five? Six? 有多少來(lái)著 五家 六家
0:07:57.16, I edited the law review. 我做過(guò)法律評(píng)論編輯
0:07:58.50, I passed the bar on my first try. 司法考試一次就過(guò)了
0:08:00.09, I have a briefcase. 我還拎著公文包
0:08:01.29, I'm counting them on the way back. 回去的路上我得數(shù)數(shù)
0:08:02.32, Can we focus? 注意力集中
0:08:03.77, Uh, hi. We're here for Haley Dunphy. 你好 我們是為海莉·鄧菲來(lái)的
0:08:05.48, I'm Mitchell Pritchett. I'm Miss Dunphy's attorney. 我是米奇爾·普里契特 鄧菲小姐的律師
0:08:07.83, She won't be needing a lawyer today. 她今天不需要律師
0:08:09.28, Oh, I think I'll be the judge of that. 我覺(jué)得這該由我說(shuō)了算
0:08:10.89, I'd like to confer with my client now. Thank you. 我現(xiàn)在要和我的當(dāng)事人談?wù)?謝謝
0:08:13.03, All you have to do is post bail, and she's all yours. 你們只需要交上保釋金就可以把她帶走了
0:08:15.21, Really? Oh. That--that's fantastic. 真的嗎 那 那太好了
0:08:18.64, Sir, I am in no mood 長(zhǎng)官 我今天真沒(méi)想
0:08:20.86, - to defend my daughter today, believe me. - Okay. -袒護(hù)我的女兒 相信我 -好了
0:08:22.25, But do you think it is the best use of resources 不過(guò) 你覺(jué)得因?yàn)樾@里的孩子喝點(diǎn)兒酒
0:08:24.38, to lock up college kids who've had a few drinks? 就把他們押起來(lái)不是濫用公共資源嗎
0:08:26.30, Ma'am, your daughter was charged with resisting arrest 女士 你的女兒被控拒捕
0:08:28.76, and assaulting a police officer. 并且襲警
0:08:30.67, What? 什么
0:08:33.48, You probably should have called a real lawyer, 或許你該找個(gè)真正的律師
0:08:35.96, Cause I don't... I'm not... 因?yàn)槲野?那個(gè)...
0:08:44.81, Look, this has gotta be some kind of mistake. 恐怕是有什么誤會(huì)吧
0:08:46.60, Our daughter's tiny. 我家女兒那么瘦小
0:08:47.44, There's no way she assaulted anyone. 她怎么可能襲擊別人呢
0:08:49.06, Insulted, maybe. 侮辱人還有點(diǎn)可能
0:08:50.43, Was--was the cop wearing white socks and dark shoes? 那警察當(dāng)時(shí)穿的是不是白襪子配黑皮鞋
0:08:52.94, Cause that really sets her off. 那種搭配會(huì)讓她抓狂
0:08:54.28, Maybe you should watch this. 或許你該看看這個(gè)
0:08:56.20, Stop! 停下
0:08:57.53, Put your hands where I can see 'em! 把手放在我能看見(jiàn)的地方
0:09:00.37, Okay. Now that's very blurry footage. 這組鏡頭非常模糊
0:09:02.94, How can we be sure that that's Haley? 我們?cè)趺创_定那就是海莉
0:09:05.95, Don't you move. 別動(dòng)
0:09:06.89, Don't hurt me! I'm just a student! 別傷害我 我只是一名學(xué)生
0:09:08.04, I'm Haley Dunphy! 我叫海莉·鄧菲
0:09:12.66, So hot. 真熱啊
0:09:16.09, Hot in here. 這里真熱
0:09:19.37, How long is this gonna take? 還要多久
0:09:20.89, I should be in school. I'm missing biology right now. 我應(yīng)該上學(xué)去的 我已經(jīng)錯(cuò)過(guò)了生物課了
0:09:23.48, You're in a hospital. Just step out into the hallway. 你可是在醫(yī)院啊 只要走到走廊上
0:09:25.26, Listen to the nurses and doctors talk. 聽(tīng)聽(tīng)醫(yī)生護(hù)士們聊天
0:09:27.40, You'll learn more about science and humanity here 學(xué)到的科學(xué)知識(shí)和人性
0:09:29.31, than you would in a classroom in an entire semester. 比在課堂里待一學(xué)期學(xué)的都多
0:09:31.94, Attention! 注意
0:09:33.48, If there's a yogurt in the fridge that says "Theresa," 如果冰箱里有瓶寫著"特麗莎"的酸奶
0:09:36.05, then only Theresa gets to eat it! 那么只有特麗莎才能喝
0:09:37.70, Drama. Soak it in. 生活如戲 好好學(xué)著
0:09:40.83, - Oh, good god. - Okay, Luke, 老天爺啊-盧克
0:09:41.78, the opening is supposed to be in the back. 那衣服開(kāi)口應(yīng)該在背面
0:09:43.62, No way. I don't want people to see my butt. 沒(méi)門兒 我才不想別人看到我的屁股
0:09:45.63, Do I have to get another shot? 我還得打一針嗎
0:09:47.10, Are you going to cry again? 你又要哭了嗎
0:09:48.53, - Should she be here? - Okay. You know what? 她有必要在這里嗎-得了 你知道嗎
0:09:50.03, Nobody's getting any more shots. 不需要再打針了
0:09:51.41, We just have to wait for the swelling to go down. 我們只要在這里等著消腫就行了
0:09:53.02, All right? I'm gonna go check on a little paperwork. 好嗎 我得去看看一些文件
0:09:54.54, I'll be right back. 馬上就回來(lái)
0:09:57.91, But if it doesn't go down, 不過(guò) 如果不消腫的話
0:09:59.98, that leg might have to come off. 就得卸掉你的腿
0:10:02.00, Sweet. Take them both. 太好了 兩條腿都卸了吧
0:10:03.74, Then I could get some of those blade legs 那我就能裝上那種刀鋒腿
0:10:05.25, and finally be able to dunk. 終于可以灌籃了
0:10:06.84, How you feeling, champ? 感覺(jué)怎樣 小子
0:10:07.94, What do we got here? 我來(lái)看看是什么情況
0:10:08.78, The patient presents bronchial inflammation, 病人支氣管發(fā)炎
0:10:11.07, Dermal pruritus, and minor angioedema. 皮膚瘙癢 伴有輕度神經(jīng)性水腫
0:10:13.50, Who can tell me the cause? 誰(shuí)能說(shuō)出病因
0:10:18.08, It's an allergic reaction to soy. 是大豆引起的過(guò)敏反應(yīng)
0:10:21.40, Very good. 很好
0:10:22.58, The rest of you have a lot to learn. Let's keep moving. 其他人學(xué)著點(diǎn) 去下一病房
0:10:27.30, Stay with Luke. 你守著盧克
0:10:30.85, What is taking so long? 怎么這么久
0:10:32.91, Well, in my experience, these things can take time. 以我的經(jīng)驗(yàn) 這種事可能要等很久
0:10:35.44, So... settle in. This--this could be a while. 所以 坐好吧 估計(jì)要等上一陣了
0:10:38.94, There she is. 她出來(lái)了
0:10:39.84, Damn it. 該死
0:10:40.81, Oh, thank god. 謝天謝地
0:10:42.51, - You're okay? - Yeah, I'm fine, mom. 你還好嗎-我沒(méi)事 媽媽
0:10:44.66, Oh! What the hell were you thinking? 你當(dāng)時(shí)腦子是進(jìn)水了嗎
0:10:46.01, What happened? 怎么回事
0:10:46.83, It's not a big deal, okay? 沒(méi)什么大不了的 好嗎
0:10:48.23, There was a party, and people were drinking... 我們?cè)陂_(kāi)派對(duì) 大家喝得正酣
0:10:50.16, so the police showed up, 警察就過(guò)來(lái)了
0:10:51.57, and everybody ran, so I did, too. 所有人都往外跑 我也跟著跑
0:10:53.65, And I started climbing down this fire escape... 我順著消防梯往下爬
0:10:55.99, And then I heard a cop yell to put your hands up, 然后我聽(tīng)到一個(gè)警察喊 把手舉起來(lái)
0:10:57.90, so I did and I fell... onto him. 我照做了 于是就掉...在他身上了
0:11:00.90, You could have been killed. 你可能會(huì)沒(méi)命的
0:11:02.25, Haley, you're supposed to be an adult. 海莉 你應(yīng)該成熟一點(diǎn)了
0:11:04.20, How could you do something so childish... 怎么能做出這么幼稚的事來(lái)呢
0:11:05.21, - Okay, okay, okay, okay. - And so stupid? 好了好了-還這么愚蠢
0:11:06.78, Let's calm down. We're all a little tired and cranky. 冷靜一下 我們都有點(diǎn)累有點(diǎn)暴躁
0:11:09.87, Best thing we can do right now 現(xiàn)在我們最好
0:11:11.23, is get out of here, go get some waffles-- 出去買些華夫餅吃
0:11:13.22, I don't want waffles, Phil, okay? 菲爾 我不想買什么華夫餅 好嗎
0:11:15.35, I'm upset and I want to deal with this. 我很生氣 我要處理這件事
0:11:16.83, All right, I got some bad news here. 聽(tīng)著 我這里有個(gè)不好的消息
0:11:18.01, Um, this afternoon, 今天下午
0:11:19.44, Haley has to appear before a disciplinary board, 海莉要接受紀(jì)律委員會(huì)的審訊
0:11:21.84, which will decide whether or not she gets kicked out of school. 而他們會(huì)決定是否要開(kāi)除她的學(xué)籍
0:11:24.35, What? 什么
0:11:25.49, Oh, wait. Wait, no. I got that wrong. 慢著 等等 不對(duì) 我弄錯(cuò)了
0:11:27.08, Oh, no, I got it right! 沒(méi)有 我沒(méi)弄錯(cuò)
0:11:29.03, Yes! Score. One for me. 好樣的 了不起 加我一分
0:11:32.85, It's what it sounds like. 聽(tīng)起來(lái)雖然是那樣
0:11:34.74, It literally telescopes. 它真的會(huì)縮小
0:11:36.88, You see, what happens is... 是這樣的
0:11:37.69, DeDe, I hate to rush this, 迪迪 抱歉我不能和你聊了
0:11:39.03, but I'm late for a meeting. 我開(kāi)會(huì)要遲到了
0:11:40.50, And it's been great seeing you, but can I walk you out? 很高興見(jiàn)到你 但我可以送你出去了嗎
0:11:42.67, Okay. Sure. 好吧 當(dāng)然
0:11:46.59, Ay, Jay, it's so weird. 杰 好奇怪
0:11:48.29, The moment I came through the door, 我剛一進(jìn)門
0:11:49.94, the baby started kicking like crazy, 寶寶就開(kāi)始瘋狂踢我
0:11:51.62, like it's trying to claw its way out of me. 好像想從我肚子里爬出來(lái)似的
0:11:55.33, Bruja! 老巫婆
0:11:56.46, Oh, my god. 天吶
0:11:58.45, What is she doing here? 她怎么會(huì)在這里
0:11:59.32, You're going to have a baby? 你們要有小寶寶了嗎
0:12:01.46, I don't believe it. 難以置信
0:12:02.69, Uh, DeDe, don't get all crazy about this. 迪迪 別反應(yīng)過(guò)度
0:12:07.46, What's happening? 這是怎么了
0:12:08.55, Her brain. It snapped. 她腦子 壞掉了
0:12:10.40, Oh! You're going to be a father again at your age. 你這把年紀(jì)居然又喜當(dāng)?shù)?/span>
0:12:13.88, And here you were thinking 而你還滿心以為你可以
0:12:15.12, you would just sail off into the sunset 與你年輕漂亮的嬌妻
0:12:17.81, with your beautiful young wife, 安享晚年
0:12:20.07, not a care in the world. 無(wú)憂無(wú)慮
0:12:21.89, This is fantastic! 這太美妙了
0:12:24.23, I think my uterus just fixed itself. 我覺(jué)得我的子宮就這么不治而愈了
0:12:28.20, Don't ask. 什么也別問(wèn)
0:12:32.32, Oh no. Who lives like this? 不是吧 怎么會(huì)有人過(guò)成這樣
0:12:34.95, When I had a dorm room, it was... 我住宿舍的時(shí)候 那可是
0:12:36.65, oh--it was spotless. 那是一塵不染的
0:12:37.72, Can we just agree that girls are dirtier than boys? 大家同不同意女孩就是不如男孩愛(ài)干凈
0:12:39.75, - What should we do? - Well, I'd like to start 我們?cè)趺崔k-我覺(jué)得可以先從
0:12:41.12, by picking up some of these clothes. Then-- 收拾這堆衣服開(kāi)始 然后
0:12:42.31, I meant about the hearing, Felix. 我是說(shuō)聽(tīng)證會(huì)怎么辦 威猛先生
0:12:44.88, Do we have a game plan? 我們有應(yīng)對(duì)策略嗎
0:12:45.94, I think the best thing we can do is 我認(rèn)為最好的策略是
0:12:46.79, walk in there as a family 去表現(xiàn)出五好家庭的樣子來(lái)
0:12:48.12, and let them know we support Haley no matter what. 告訴他們無(wú)論如何我們都支持海莉
0:12:48.12, [Support:支持/供養(yǎng)]  
0:12:50.00, At this rate, we are going to be supporting Haley 照這樣下去 我們下半輩子
0:12:51.92, for the rest of our lives. 都得養(yǎng)著海莉了
0:12:53.11, Okay. Oh, I... 好吧 我
0:12:54.24, I just sat on half a peach, so I--no. 我屁股下面有半個(gè)桃子 不行
0:12:56.16, I can't do this. I'm--I'm waiting outside. 我忍不了了 我去外面等著
0:12:59.71, Disgusting. 真惡心
0:13:00.43, What are you wearing? 你穿的這是什么啊
0:13:01.72, What? What's wrong with it? 怎么了 這有什么不妥的
0:13:02.71, Honey, you are fighting for your future 寶貝 你是要去跟紀(jì)律委員會(huì)
0:13:04.95, in front of a disciplinary committee, 為自己的未來(lái)作斗爭(zhēng)
0:13:06.19, not entertaining the Secret Service. 不是去給特務(wù)機(jī)關(guān)提供娛樂(lè)服務(wù)的
0:13:08.09, In "Legally Blonde," Elle won her case 《律政俏佳人》里面的艾爾能打贏官司
0:13:10.15, because she was true to herself and dressed cute. 是因?yàn)樗龍?jiān)持自我 而且打扮俏麗
0:13:12.08, Haley, this is real life, 海莉 這是現(xiàn)實(shí)生活
0:13:13.00, not an excellent movie. 不是在演一部好電影
0:13:14.32, Honey, just put on something else, 寶貝 去找件別的衣服穿
0:13:16.13, and take down the makeup. 再把妝化淡一點(diǎn)
0:13:17.20, Why are you guys acting like this is my fault? 你們干嘛表現(xiàn)得好像這都是我的錯(cuò)一樣
0:13:19.86, Everybody was drinking, everybody ran. 每個(gè)人都喝酒了 也都逃跑了
0:13:21.93, I just got caught. 我只是被逮住了而已
0:13:23.23, If anything, I'm the victim here. 我甚至算得上是受害者
0:13:24.65, What?! Just stop-- just stop talking, Haley. 什么 別 別說(shuō)了 海莉
0:13:28.73, You're not the victim here. You're the one who screwed up! 你不是受害者 你犯了錯(cuò)
0:13:31.37, You made one bad decision after another, 你做了一個(gè)又一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤的決定
0:13:33.22, and now you're about to blow everything 而現(xiàn)在你有可能會(huì)葬送你媽媽和我
0:13:34.42, your mother and I worked so hard to give you. 辛辛苦苦為你打造的一切
0:13:36.31, And the worst thing is, you don't seem to care. 最讓人寒心的是 你看起來(lái)根本不在乎
0:13:38.87, We all got up at 3:00 a.m. this morning 我們凌晨三點(diǎn)就起床
0:13:40.40, to bail you out of jail! 來(lái)保你出獄
0:13:42.45, We haven't eaten a thing, 一點(diǎn)東西都沒(méi)吃
0:13:43.29, and you know what I haven't heard from you yet? 而你有些話到現(xiàn)在都還沒(méi)說(shuō)
0:13:44.71, I'm sorry, mom. I screwed up, dad. 對(duì)不起 媽媽 我錯(cuò)了 爸爸
0:13:47.17, Please forgive me." 請(qǐng)?jiān)徫?quot;
0:13:48.50, Now put on some real clothes. 現(xiàn)在去找件正經(jīng)的衣服穿上
0:13:50.30, We'll see you at the hearing. Do not be late! 我們?cè)诼?tīng)證會(huì)上見(jiàn) 不許遲到
0:13:53.18, Come on.
0:13:54.35, Where are you going? 你們?nèi)ツ膬?/span>
0:13:55.31, To get that man a waffle. 去給那個(gè)男人買華夫餅
0:14:04.11, There. There. Did you feel it kicking? 有了 有了 你感覺(jué)到它踢我了嗎
0:14:05.65, Oh, yes! Oh, I remember those. 感覺(jué)到了 記憶猶新啊
0:14:08.81, Yeah, Claire kicked me as soon as she grew legs, 克萊爾一長(zhǎng)腿就開(kāi)始踢我
0:14:12.45, and she didn't stop until she was 4. 長(zhǎng)到4歲才不踢了
0:14:15.82, Not Manny. 曼尼沒(méi)這樣
0:14:16.88, He was so calm, 他非常淡定
0:14:17.90, I think that he was reading in there. 我覺(jué)得他是在我肚子里看書呢
0:14:20.95, This is beautiful. 太美好了
0:14:21.76, Look at you two, having a conversation like old friends. 瞧你們兩個(gè) 跟老朋友似的聊天
0:14:24.23, Well, it's easier to talk to her when she's not choking me. 她不掐我的時(shí)候很好相處
0:14:27.41, I'm sorry. 很抱歉
0:14:28.66, I went through a bad patch there 那是我的人生低谷
0:14:30.65, when I was trying to find the right balance with my Meds. 吃藥吃的有點(diǎn)多
0:14:34.52, I recently discovered my cat Frances 最近我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的貓弗朗西斯
0:14:37.29, buried in the backyard. 被埋在后院了
0:14:39.12, I'm just praying that she died first. 我只祈禱它不是被我活埋的
0:14:41.60, Maybe you can dogsit for the shoe-eater one day. 或許哪天你能來(lái)當(dāng)那條吃鞋狗的看護(hù)
0:14:44.89, Oh, well, she is a... funny-looking thing. 那小東西長(zhǎng)得真幽默
0:14:48.92, Don't listen to them. You're beautiful. 別聽(tīng)她們的 你很漂亮
0:14:50.85, Turns out Gloria being pregnant 歌洛莉亞的大肚子倒是讓迪迪
0:14:52.33, somehow made DeDe think of her as less trophy, more human. 對(duì)她的敵意大減 反而關(guān)愛(ài)有加
0:14:57.57, And all the animosity she had for Gloria 她對(duì)歌洛莉亞的憎恨
0:14:59.73, just wafted up in the air... 也全都煙消云散了
0:15:02.64, I hope you're hiring a nanny, 希望你雇了保姆
0:15:04.85, because this one won't lift a finger. 因?yàn)檫@家伙手都懶得抬一下
0:15:09.22, And landed right on top of me. 批評(píng)都落到我頭上了
0:15:11.95, I don't remember him changing a single diaper. 我記得他連一塊尿布都沒(méi)換過(guò)
0:15:15.44, What's that supposed to mean? 這話什么意思啊
0:15:16.86, You can't even remember killing your cat. 你連活埋了自己的貓都不記得
0:15:18.88, Oh, I don't think I did. 我記得我沒(méi)這么干
0:15:20.49, But I'm sure that you never changed any diapers. 但是我很確定你從沒(méi)換過(guò)尿布
0:15:23.65, It's just that you were better at it than I was. 那只是因?yàn)槟惚任疑瞄L(zhǎng)換尿布嘛
0:15:25.59, Oh, so I guess I was better at late-night feedings 這么說(shuō)半夜喂奶 清理嘔吐物
0:15:28.96, and cleaning spit-up, too. 我也比你擅長(zhǎng)咯
0:15:31.09, You know what? 說(shuō)到這個(gè)
0:15:32.58, He wouldn't help me pick up a stroller 他也不愿意陪我挑手推車
0:15:34.59, or a blanket or a bouncy chair. 毯子和嬰兒搖椅
0:15:37.49, Oh, well, I had to get that stuff on my own. 那些東西我也是自己去買的
0:15:41.36, He was just useless. 他一點(diǎn)用都沒(méi)有
0:15:43.72, You poor thing. 你太可憐了
0:15:45.65, Makes all sense now why you became so crazy. 我算是知道你為啥變得這么瘋了
0:15:48.99, Right? 是吧
0:15:50.57, Listen to me, Jay Pritchett. 聽(tīng)好了 杰·普里契特
0:15:52.59, If you don't change your useless ways, 你要是不肯把自己變廢為寶
0:15:55.25, You're gonna make me crazy, too! 我也會(huì)發(fā)瘋的
0:15:57.64, Like DeDe! 瘋的像迪迪
0:15:58.76, Gloria. Gloria. 歌洛莉亞 歌洛莉亞
0:16:02.68, I just love our little visits. 我可喜歡你來(lái)拜訪了
0:16:06.84, Mom, I'm home! 媽媽 我回來(lái)了
0:16:08.16, Oh, hi, Manny. 嗨 曼尼
0:16:09.16, DeDe. How are you? 迪迪 你好嗎
0:16:11.89, Good. 很好
0:16:13.77, DeDe. It's me. 迪迪 是我呀
0:16:16.09, How are you really? 你到底怎么樣啊
0:16:17.92, I'm on a better path. 我的生活好多了
0:16:19.82, It's a journey. 生命是一次旅途
0:16:21.39, Thank you for asking, Manny. 謝謝你的關(guān)心 曼尼
0:16:23.51, And thank you for your letters. 還有謝謝你的來(lái)信
0:16:26.04, It's a lost art. 那是門沒(méi)落的藝術(shù)
0:16:27.21, No one puts pen to paper anymore. 沒(méi)有人愿意用紙筆寫信了
0:16:30.46, Haley Dunphy? 海莉·鄧菲
0:16:31.56, Yes, that's me. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 是我
0:16:32.78, I'm Dean Miller with admissions. 我是負(fù)責(zé)招生的院長(zhǎng)米勒
0:16:33.87, - This is Professor Williams. - Hi. 這位是威廉姆斯教授-您好
0:16:35.51, And this is our student representative, 這位是我們的學(xué)生代表
0:16:37.16, - Aidan Feldman. - Nice to meet you. 艾頓·費(fèi)德曼-見(jiàn)到你很高興
0:16:38.71, Seriously? 不是吧你
0:16:40.06, We sit next to each other in econ. 經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)課上我就坐你旁邊
0:16:41.93, - Oh, right. - Don't. -哦 對(duì)呀 -少來(lái)
0:16:44.07, It insults both of us. 對(duì)于你我都是一種侮辱
0:16:45.81, Mostly me. 主要是對(duì)于我
0:16:46.85, Move it along, Aidan. 繼續(xù)進(jìn)行吧 艾頓
0:16:47.97, This is a disciplinary hearing, not JDate. 這里是懲戒聽(tīng)證會(huì) 不是猶太交友網(wǎng)
0:16:51.05, You are charged with public drunkenness, 你被控告公共場(chǎng)所酗酒
0:16:53.12, resisting arrest, and assaulting a police officer, 拒捕 以及襲警
0:16:55.77, all of which obviously violate our school's code of conduct. 顯然都違反了我們學(xué)校的行為準(zhǔn)則
0:16:59.66, Sir, if I may speak on behalf of my client... 先生 容我代表我的委托人說(shuō)兩句
0:17:01.98, Who are you? 你是哪顆蔥
0:17:02.50, I'm Mitchell Pritchett, 在下米奇爾·普里契特
0:17:03.62, I'm Miss Dunphy's attorney. 鄧菲小姐的律師
0:17:04.73, We require students to speak for themselves. 我們要求學(xué)生為自己代言
0:17:06.93, There are no attorneys allowed. You shouldn't even be here. 不允許雇用律師 你都不應(yīng)該來(lái)這兒
0:17:10.08, What if I just sat in this chair and I was really super quiet 那我坐這兒保持沉默 側(cè)耳聆聽(tīng)
0:17:11.80, and I just listen? 您意下如何
0:17:12.59, I'll allow it. 準(zhǔn)了
0:17:13.69, Knock it off, Aidan. 別鬧了 艾頓
0:17:15.51, Miss Dunphy, is there anything 鄧菲小姐 你有什么
0:17:16.98, you would like to say in your defense? 要為自己辯護(hù)的嗎
0:17:18.60, Actually, I have no defense. 事實(shí)上 我沒(méi)什么可辯護(hù)的
0:17:21.71, I was drinking. I am underage. 我是喝了酒 不到合法年齡
0:17:24.90, I ran from the police. 我逃避抓捕
0:17:26.72, And even though it was an accident, I injured an officer. 雖說(shuō)是意外 可我的確對(duì)那名警官造成了傷害
0:17:29.41, I am very, very sorry. 我非常極其的抱歉
0:17:32.41, I've made a lot of bad decisions since I've been here, 自從來(lái)到這里 我犯了很多錯(cuò)
0:17:34.82, and it's time I take some responsibility. 現(xiàn)在也該擔(dān)起責(zé)任了
0:17:37.91, Like sometimes in the dining hall, 比如有時(shí)候我在食堂里
0:17:39.38, I slip my pinky under the scale when they weigh my salad. 他們給沙拉稱重的時(shí)候我把稱往下按了
0:17:42.83, Also, I've missed more morning classes than I've been to. 并且 我逃掉的晨課比上的還多
0:17:46.22, I don't know what the policy is on dating T.A.S, 我不知道電話約會(huì)的規(guī)則
0:17:48.78, But I think I broke it. 但我覺(jué)得我違反了
0:17:50.86, Twice.-Oh,man. 兩次-天吶
0:17:51.97, Oh, and if we're gonna be completely honest, 要是絕對(duì)坦誠(chéng)的話
0:17:54.06, on my application to get in here, 我的大學(xué)申請(qǐng)書
0:17:55.48, - I lied about the fact that I was-- - Uh, objection! 我說(shuō)了謊其實(shí)我是...-反對(duì)
0:17:58.32, - On what grounds? - Oh, he gets to say it?! He gets to-- 基于何種理由-憑什么他就能說(shuō)
0:18:00.56, Miss Dunphy, Miss Dunphy, 鄧菲小姐 鄧菲小姐
0:18:02.22, We appreciate your... candor. 我們很欣賞你的坦率
0:18:05.33, Is there anything else you'd like to add? 你還有什么要補(bǔ)充嗎
0:18:08.30, Go, wildcats? 加油 野貓
0:18:10.38, Oh, boy. 我的天
0:18:12.08, That's not even our mascot. 野貓根本不是我們的吉祥物
0:18:15.63, What does this do? 這個(gè)是做什么的
0:18:17.44, I don't know, but thanks Obama, you're paying for it. 不知道 不過(guò)多謝奧巴馬 你買單
0:18:20.22, Hey. You're looking a lot better. How you feeling? 你看起來(lái)好多了 感覺(jué)怎樣
0:18:22.78, Better than kidney stones over there. 比那邊的腎結(jié)石強(qiáng)多了
0:18:24.77, Yeah, you know what? Now that you're doing better, 知道嗎 現(xiàn)在你好轉(zhuǎn)了
0:18:26.19, I think I should call your mom and tell her what happened. 我應(yīng)該打電話給你媽 告訴她這件事
0:18:28.93, You know, I know it was a bit of a rough ride in the beginning, 我知道開(kāi)頭不是很順利
0:18:31.03, but the important thing is, is I handled it. 但重要的是 我處理好了
0:18:33.14, - And everybody's okay. - What happened to her? 大家都平安-她這是怎么了
0:18:36.26, - Hello? - She passed out watching a C-section. 喂-她在看剖腹產(chǎn)時(shí)暈過(guò)去了
0:18:38.93, Cam? 小卡
0:18:39.99, Never mind! 沒(méi)事兒
0:18:46.92, What are you looking for? 你在找什么
0:18:48.52, Nothing! I am making a lot of noise because I'm angry! 沒(méi)什么 我制造嗓音是因?yàn)槲一鸫?/span>
0:18:51.76, Gloria, I'm gonna help you with the baby. 歌洛莉亞 我會(huì)和你一起照顧寶寶的
0:18:53.86, I am not young like with Manny. 我現(xiàn)在不像生曼尼時(shí)那么年輕
0:18:55.72, I am tired already, 我已經(jīng)很累了
0:18:57.13, and it's gonna get harder from here! 而且以后任務(wù)更艱巨
0:18:59.51, I can't do this on my own, 我一個(gè)人沒(méi)法搞定
0:19:01.17, and you did this to me, 我懷孕都是你的"杰做"
0:19:02.64, so you're going to be here this time! 所以這次你要擔(dān)起做父親的責(zé)任
0:19:04.76, Back then, we were living paycheck to paycheck. 那時(shí)候 我們的日子很拮據(jù)
0:19:07.46, the reason I wasn't around is I was working all the time. 我沒(méi)有照顧孩子是因?yàn)槲铱傇诠ぷ?/span>
0:19:10.25, Believe me,Dede wasn't the only one having sleepless nights. 相信我 不是只有迪迪一個(gè)人夜不能眠
0:19:13.31, But now it's different. 現(xiàn)在不同了
0:19:14.93, Now I can help you with everything. 現(xiàn)在什么事我都可以幫你
0:19:18.67, Really? 真的嗎
0:19:21.89, Let's start right now. 從現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始
0:19:22.96, - I like that one. - Which one? 我喜歡這個(gè)-哪個(gè)
0:19:24.64, That silver stroller. 銀色的嬰兒車
0:19:25.96, No, we're going to get the green one. 不 我們買那個(gè)綠色的
0:19:27.69, Great. What's next? 好的 接下來(lái)呢
0:19:28.37, How about I pick out the wrong crib? 我挑個(gè)你不喜歡的嬰兒床怎么樣
0:19:31.07, How you doing, Alex? 你還好嗎 艾麗克斯
0:19:32.17, I'm fine, except for the crushing blow 我很好 就是受到了嚴(yán)重打擊
0:19:33.70, of knowing I'll never be a doctor. 知道自己永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)做醫(yī)生
0:19:35.41, Or have a baby. 也不會(huì)生小孩
0:19:37.06, I wonder what's going on with Haley. 不知道海莉怎么樣了
0:19:38.64, I don't know. 不知道
0:19:39.41, I've been so petty about your mom judging my parenting, 我今天一直不爽你媽懷疑我為人父的能力
0:19:41.51, I haven't even thought about what she's going through today. 我根本沒(méi)想過(guò)她今天都經(jīng)歷了些什么
0:19:44.05, I feel awful. You know what? I should call her. 我感覺(jué)好糟糕 算了 我應(yīng)該打給她
0:19:46.05, What are you talking about? Mom thinks you're a great parent. 你說(shuō)什么呢 我媽覺(jué)得你是個(gè)很棒的家長(zhǎng)
0:19:48.77, She does? 真的嗎
0:19:49.64, Yeah, she just thinks you can't bake. 是啊 她只是覺(jué)得你烤的東西難吃
0:19:51.87, Hello?
0:19:52.83, Never mind. 沒(méi)事兒
0:19:56.63, Making a child is the easy part. 造人是最簡(jiǎn)單的
0:19:59.04, The hard part is everything that comes after. 難的是后面接踵而來(lái)的事
0:20:02.13, Keeping them safe... 保護(hù)他們的安全
0:20:03.15, Well, you can tell your mother that my scones 你可以告訴你媽我的烤餅
0:20:05.26, are appropriately crunchy on the outside 外面脆得恰到好處
0:20:06.91, while delightfully dense on the ins-- 里邊綿密得讓人愛(ài)不釋口
0:20:09.27, Saw that. Saw it. 看見(jiàn)了 看見(jiàn)了
0:20:10.67, Making sacrifices for them... 為他們做出犧牲
0:20:12.87, Hey, kid. 兒子
0:20:15.05, I'll take you to that poetry reading thing tonight. 今晚我送你去參加那個(gè)詩(shī)歌朗誦什么的
0:20:17.74, Actually, Dede and I were just talking. 迪迪和我正在說(shuō)這事兒
0:20:20.07, She's a huge fan of spoken word... 她非常喜歡口語(yǔ)詩(shī)
0:20:21.95, And I would love to escort him. 我非常樂(lè)意送他去
0:20:24.17, Please.-Go. 拜托了-去吧
0:20:26.61, And standing by them, even when they let you down. 支持他們 哪怕他們讓你失望
0:20:29.70, I really am sorry. 真的對(duì)不起
0:20:31.14, We appreciate that. 好樣的
0:20:32.58, It's good that you stepped up today. 你今天肯承擔(dān)責(zé)任是好事
0:20:34.09, Yeah. Sometimes it's healthy to get a fresh start. 是啊 有時(shí)候一個(gè)新的開(kāi)始也不錯(cuò)
0:20:39.92, I can't believe this. What am I gonna do? 難以置信 我該怎么辦
0:20:43.37, Well, they said you could reapply next year. 他們說(shuō)了你可以明年再申請(qǐng)入學(xué)
0:20:45.51, In the meantime, you're gonna get a job 與此同時(shí) 你要找份工作
0:20:47.36, and you're gonna take some classes. 上一些課
0:20:49.03, Well, I'm gonna buckle down and get a lot more serious. 我會(huì)努力認(rèn)真對(duì)待的
0:20:51.95, - Good for you. - Yeah. 好樣的-對(duì)
0:20:53.45, Where are my keys? 我的鑰匙呢
0:20:54.43, Oh, they're right there on the makeup table. 在化妝臺(tái)上
0:20:56.45, Oh, honey... 親愛(ài)的
0:20:57.72, That's a desk. 那是書桌
0:21:07.83, Oh, my god. What are you doing here? 我的天 你怎么回來(lái)了
0:21:09.53, I got kicked out. 我被學(xué)校趕出來(lái)了
0:21:10.65, So go ahead, make your jokes. Get it out of your system. 來(lái)吧 要笑盡管笑 有話盡管說(shuō)
0:21:13.20, No, that's horrible. I'm so sorry. 不 那太糟糕了 真替你難過(guò)
0:21:15.82, It'll be fine. I'm sure of it. 沒(méi)事的 我肯定
0:21:17.88, Thank you. 謝謝
0:21:19.58, Ew, what did you do to my room?! 瞧你把我的房間弄的
0:21:21.98, Well, it's not exactly your room. It's--it's mine. 這不全是你的房間 也是我的
0:21:23.70, This goes. This goes. I hate that. 這個(gè)滾蛋 這個(gè)滾蛋 我討厭那個(gè)
0:21:26.28, - This is ugly. - Haley, stop! 這個(gè)好丑-海莉 別這樣
0:21:28.10, - Mom! - Mom! 媽-媽
0:21:29.14, What is this? A solar system? 這是什么 太陽(yáng)系嗎
0:21:31.12, It's molecules. 那是分子
0:21:32.25, They're nerdy balls. 就是傻蛋球
0:21:33.47, Alex, don't fight with her. 艾麗克斯 別跟她吵
0:21:35.15, She might have a shiv. 她可能有刀
0:21:37.12, We cool? 我們沒(méi)事吧


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