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聽美劇學英語-摩登家庭第四季 第5集:萬圣節(jié)





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0:00:04.01, Why there are giant lolipops all over the front yard? 前院里怎么有那么多巨型棒棒糖啊
0:00:06.87, And why they taste so bad? 怎么味道那么怪呢
0:00:08.24, Because they are made of cardboard, mouth breather. 因為是硬紙板做的 蠢蛋
0:00:10.30, Hey, the world needs more dreamers, Luke 世界需要夢想家 盧克
0:00:12.88, Never stop licking things. 舔舐不息 夢想不止
0:00:14.60, I know it's lame, 我知道很挫
0:00:15.58, but after last year we promised the neighbours 可是去年答應了鄰居們
0:00:17.32, we would keep our decorations more family friendly. 我們會把裝飾弄得和諧一點
0:00:20.31, We can't carve a pumpkin? 我們連刻個南瓜都不行嗎
0:00:21.58, The petition was very specific. 他們的請愿書寫得十分具體
0:00:23.46, Every Halloween, we have the best house. 每次萬圣節(jié) 我們家裝扮得最恐怖
0:00:26.14, Last year, I took things to a whole new level. 去年 我的水平更上一層樓
0:00:29.13, But appearently it's too scary for some kids. 但顯然對于某些孩子來說太恐怖了
0:00:31.55, And one adult. 外加一個大人
0:00:34.78, Trick-or-treat! 不給糖就搗蛋
0:00:36.65, Would you like some candy? 你們想要點糖吃嗎
0:00:38.57, Yeah! 是的
0:00:39.95, Or would you rather have this? 還是更想要這個呢
0:00:54.67, Come on. You're fine. 別裝了 才嚇不著你呢
0:00:57.25, I don't care what anyone says. 我才不管別人說什么
0:00:58.34, You did not give that man a heart attack. 反正不是你害的那人心臟病發(fā)作
0:01:00.23, Thank you. 謝謝
0:01:00.94, I mean, you're not even scary. 你根本就不嚇人
0:01:03.09, Can I grab a little bit of this candy 我能抓點糖嗎
0:01:04.23, for my open house tonight? 給今晚看房的客戶們吃
0:01:05.30, Uh, yeah, sure, but... 可以 當然 可是
0:01:06.60, It's genius. An open house on Halloween. 太有才了 在萬圣節(jié)辦開放參觀
0:01:10.68, Millions of bored parents, 當?shù)鶍尩臒o聊透了
0:01:11.82, just trying to keep their... kids out of traffic. 平常忙著照看孩子 不出車禍
0:01:14.45, Now they can get away from all that, 現(xiàn)在他們可以脫身啦
0:01:15.90, And see a nice house. 去參觀一座好房子
0:01:17.63, What do you mean, I'm not even scary? 什么叫我根本就不嚇人啊
0:01:19.63, I literally almost scared the life out of a man. 我差點嚇出一條人命來
0:01:22.63, You literally scared a little saliva 你就是把人家嚇出了點白沫
0:01:24.67, And a little urine out of him. 嚇出了點尿
0:01:25.93, That happens to me every time I see a monkey wearing people clothes. 我每次看到猴子穿著人的衣服鬧騰就這樣
0:01:28.91, I was plenty scary. 我相當嚇人
0:01:30.08, I used professional-grade makeup. 我的妝容可是專業(yè)等級的
0:01:31.79, That's the point, Claire. It was overkill. 說到點子上了 克萊爾 你太過了
0:01:34.79, You're the kind of person 你是那種
0:01:35.49, who can be twice as scary without wearing any makeup. Bye. 不化妝才嚇死人的女人 再見
0:01:48.39, 第四季 第五集  
0:01:52.57, You remembered to pick up the costumes, right? 你記得去把戲服取回來了 是吧
0:01:54.12, Yes, they're right over there. 對的 放在那兒了
0:01:55.16, Very excited. 太激動人心了
0:01:56.04, Cam has lost a lot of weight-- 小卡減了不少肥
0:01:57.82, No. 打住
0:01:58.51, So we're throwing a Halloween party 所以我們打算開個萬圣節(jié)派對
0:02:00.31, to debut the new him. 讓全新的小卡粉墨登場
0:02:01.54, I'll be dressed as a matador. 我將扮成斗牛士
0:02:04.12, Wh-what is it now, 30? 小蠻腰現(xiàn)在尺寸多少 30英寸嗎
0:02:05.38, 32.4 32.4英寸
0:02:07.65, So I've lost Lily. 相當于我把莉莉生出來了[丟了]
0:02:10.29, Where is lily? 莉莉去哪兒了
0:02:11.64, - Do you--you don't have her? - No. -你 她沒有跟你一起嗎 -沒
0:02:12.97, Why would I have her? 她怎么會跟我在一起呢
0:02:13.77, - I don't have her in my pocket. - Cam? 我又沒把她裝在口袋里-小卡
0:02:15.14, What about the tiara? 皇冠頭飾呢
0:02:16.61, Uh, we didn't buy one. 我們沒買
0:02:17.55, You can just use the one from last year. 你可以戴去年的
0:02:19.07, Are we poor? 我們變窮了嗎
0:02:20.19, No, sweetheart, but you don't need two tiaras. 不是 甜心 你用不著兩個皇冠頭飾啊
0:02:23.35, How about next Halloween you try a different costume? 明年萬圣節(jié)你換套服裝怎么樣啊
0:02:25.64, No. I have to be a princess. 不行 我必須扮公主
0:02:27.83, Every year? Why? 每年都要嗎 為什么
0:02:29.19, Because my mom's a princess, 因為我媽媽是個公主
0:02:31.08, Just like you told me. 你告訴我的
0:02:34.07, Cam and I have always known that someday, 我和小卡都知道早晚有一天
0:02:36.06, we were gonna have to have the big talk with lily, 我們得和莉莉談談
0:02:38.11, about who her mom was. 她媽媽的事
0:02:40.78, We--we were gonna pick the right time 我 我們會找準時機
0:02:42.73, and do it together, 一起跟她談
0:02:44.57, Carefully following an agreed-upon script. 嚴格按我們商量好的劇本上演
0:02:48.65, Then I got tired. 然后有一天我累了
0:02:50.65, And she was the most beautiful princess in all the land. 她是人間天堂魔幻三界最漂亮的公主
0:02:54.34, The end." 劇終"
0:02:56.27, Again. 多少遍了啊
0:02:58.11, Why is Tyler's mommy so fat? 為什么泰勒的媽媽那么肥
0:03:02.18, Oh, that's because she has-- she has a baby in her belly. 那是因為她 她懷著個小寶寶
0:03:05.17, Okay? Good night. 行了吧 晚安
0:03:06.52, Was I in my mom's belly? 我媽媽也懷過我嗎
0:03:10.04, Lily, no more questions, all right? 莉莉 不許再問了 好吧
0:03:11.43, Just--just go to sleep. 快 快睡覺
0:03:13.26, Where's my mom now? 我媽媽現(xiàn)在在哪兒
0:03:15.71, Um, she's... 她在
0:03:17.82, in a faraway land. 在遙遠的國度
0:03:20.37, Why? 為什么
0:03:21.72, Because she's a princess. 因為她是個公主
0:03:24.35, And she's... very, very busy. 并且她 很忙很忙
0:03:28.68, Okay. 好吧
0:03:30.46, I thought that she'd forget about it by the next morning. 我以為她第二天早晨就忘了呢
0:03:32.34, I mean, I did. 反正我是忘了
0:03:34.43, Oh, I knew I was gonna have to tell Cam, 我知道終究是要告訴小卡的
0:03:36.03, and he was gonna be furious, 他知道了肯定會很生氣
0:03:37.32, but I was hoping that he'd see the bigger issue. 但我希望他能意識到更嚴重的問題
0:03:40.02, You know, I was really tired. 我當時真的累慘了
0:03:44.32, Hey, Cam, you know this whole thing 小卡 你知道莉莉
0:03:45.89, about Lily wanting to be a princess again? 今年又想打扮成公主嗎
0:03:48.12, Well, I-I think it might be because I let her believe 我想 那可能是因為我讓她相信
0:03:49.88, - her mother was-- - This is a nightmare. 她媽媽是-真是場噩夢
0:03:52.26, - It was just a mistake. - More like a disaster. 只是犯了點小錯-簡直是災難啊
0:03:55.48, They sent the matador costume in your size, 他們送來的斗牛士服是按你的尺寸做的
0:03:58.40, and the bull costume in mine. 而公牛服按我的尺寸做的
0:04:00.29, Oh. I didn't notice. Um... 我沒注意到
0:04:01.68, Now no one's gonna see my bod 穿著這件肥大的公牛服
0:04:03.27, in this bulky bull costume. 別人看不到人家的好身材了啦
0:04:05.39, It was--it was honestly a mistake. 這個 真的是無心之過啦
0:04:07.17, L-listen, um, you--you could do that other thing that you thought of. 聽著 你也可以嘗試你以前想試的造型
0:04:09.52, You could put on that gorgeous white suit 你現(xiàn)在也可以穿那套
0:04:11.17, that fits you so well now, 超美超合身的白色西服
0:04:13.22, and you could be Mr. Roarke, 然后扮演洛克先生
0:04:13.22, [電視劇《夢幻島》男主角和他的小搭檔]  
0:04:14.40, and Lily could be your Tattoo. 讓莉莉扮你的"小紋身"
0:04:15.95, No! I have to be a princess! 不行 人家就要當公主
0:04:18.18, Oh, but, Lily, you were a princess last year. 但是莉莉 你去年就扮過公主了呀
0:04:19.99, No! You promised! I'm being a princess! 不行 你答應過我的 我就要當公主
0:04:24.29, Why is she so obsessed with princesses? 她為什么這么癡迷于公主
0:04:26.99, Well... 怎么說呢
0:04:29.05, Like we weren't at that age? 誰小時候沒有癡迷的東西啊
0:04:30.83, I mean... 我是說
0:04:34.29, I'm not mad about the ticket. 我不是因為這罰單生氣
0:04:35.52, It's just the first time I couldn't charm my way 只是這是我第一次沒能成功地
0:04:37.24, Out of one of these things. 利用個人魅力免于處罰
0:04:38.64, The way I see it, it's not a ticket. 在我看來 這不是罰單問題
0:04:40.80, It's a conversation. 而是社交問題
0:04:42.52, No offense. You don't need that siren. 無意冒犯 但你根本不需要警笛
0:04:44.01, You could stop traffic just getting out of that squad car. 你一下警車 別人就都停下來盯著看了
0:04:46.52, License and registration, please. 請給我你的駕照和車輛注冊證
0:04:48.97, I, uh...
0:04:50.95, I'm no stranger to the police academy myself. 我對警察學校挺熟的
0:04:50.95, [名為《警察學校》的系列電影]  
0:04:53.28, Seen all seven of them. 我看過全7部電影
0:04:54.48, Sir, no one's seen all seven. 先生 沒人看過7部全輯
0:04:56.41, - Is this information accurate? - Yeah. 上面的個人信息都準確嗎-是的
0:04:58.50, Uh, except for the weight. 除了體重
0:05:00.16, I thought they wanted to know how much I could curl. 可能是他們想看看我能蜷縮到什么程度
0:05:03.93, I must be getting rusty with my moves. 我的技能日漸生疏了啊
0:05:05.87, Moves? What moves? 技能 什么技能
0:05:07.04, You know, flash the baby blues, 用魅力震懾那些新女警
0:05:08.55, hit 'em with the devilish grin. 用奸笑迷惑他們
0:05:10.33, In case of emergency, break glass 緊急情況下 砸破車窗
0:05:11.68, and bust out the dimple. 露出我迷人的酒窩
0:05:13.04, Hey, isn't that one from the smallpox? 那不是天花留下的疤嗎
0:05:15.36, cause I'm 100. Chicken pox. 你當我100歲了啊 是水痘
0:05:15.36, [天花在美國很早就已滅絕]  
0:05:17.82, And it doesn't matter where it's from. 是什么留下的疤不重要
0:05:18.92, It always worked. 管用就行了
0:05:20.68, Hey, mom. 媽我回來了
0:05:21.35, Manny, why are you coming back from school so late? 曼尼 你怎么這么晚才從學?;貋?/span>
0:05:23.61, I got sent to the principal's office. 我被叫到校長辦公室去了
0:05:25.03, Oh. I am sending him an angry e-mail, 我要發(fā)電子郵件罵他去
0:05:26.88, because I don't like when-- 因為我不知道什么時候
0:05:27.90, No, no, no. It's not his fault. 不不不 不是他的錯
0:05:29.13, - What did you do wrong? - Nothing. 你做錯了什么事-沒有
0:05:31.21, Oh, that's it. I'm calling him. 就這樣定了 我給他打電話
0:05:32.65, - I hate when he tries to-- - Nothing on purpose. 我討厭他故意-不是故意的
0:05:34.94, It was between periods, right before this big test. 下課時 在一場大考之前
0:05:37.79, [美國著名演員 導演]  
0:05:37.79, I was clearing my mind by practicing 我在練習吉恩·凱利的舞步
0:05:39.40, some of my Gene Kelly dance moves. 來排除雜念
0:05:40.92, - As one does. - Right. 竟然真有人那樣做-沒錯
0:05:43.01, And my umbrella accidentally snagged the fire alarm. 我的雨傘不小心勾到了火警警報
0:05:45.52, The principal thought I did it on purpose 校長以為我是故意這樣做
0:05:46.88, - so we'd miss the test. - But you didn't! 為的是逃避考試-但你不是
0:05:48.95, That's it! I'm going to his house! 就這樣 我要找他去
0:05:50.22, Mom! You gotta stop doing this. 媽 你千萬別這樣
0:05:52.36, I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy, 我不知道是不是因為懷孕
0:05:53.71, which we both know isn't your fault... 當然 懷孕并不是你的錯
0:05:58.11, But lately you've been such a hothead. 但最近你總是很暴脾氣
0:05:59.48, I am not a hothead! I am Colombian. 我不是暴脾氣 我是哥倫比亞人
0:06:02.29, We get excited. 我們這叫興奮
0:06:03.30, My country is covered in coffee. 我們國家到處是咖啡
0:06:05.62, Just like the Starbucks girl 那個星巴克服務員
0:06:06.61, when she got your order wrong? 聽錯你訂單之后的反應也叫興奮嗎
0:06:07.81, Half-caf, non-fat wet soy latte. 半"咖灰" 無脂 "絲豆辣鐵"
0:06:09.84, How hard is that to hear?! 這很難聽清嗎
0:06:20.85, You don't get to be 2-time nonconsecutive 不按常規(guī)思考的人不可能
0:06:22.48, district salesman of the year without thinking inside the box. 兩次奪得年度跨區(qū)域推銷員稱號的
0:06:25.25, That's right. I said "Inside." 沒錯 我說的就是 按常規(guī)
0:06:27.95, You know why? 'cause while everyone's 知道為什么嗎 因為當每個人
0:06:28.98, chasing each other around outside the box, 都試圖打破常規(guī)時
0:06:30.86, You know what the box is? 你知道常規(guī)是什么嗎
0:06:33.71, Empty. 常規(guī)里空無一人
0:06:35.60, Which brings us back to our formal dining room. 現(xiàn)在我們又回到了正式的用餐室
0:06:38.59, Now any questions? 有什么問題嗎
0:06:39.96, Can we have our candy now? 可以給我們糖果了嗎
0:06:41.63, Just as soon as we go over 想要糖果很簡單
0:06:42.71, what you're gonna tell your parents. 先重復一遍回去后要跟爸媽說的話
0:06:44.40, - Now what was our style? - Pre-war craftsman. 我們的風格是什么-戰(zhàn)前工匠
0:06:47.74, Good, good. And how many square feet? 好 很好 面積是多少平方英尺
0:06:49.62, 3,500.00 三千五
0:06:53.62, Still no trick-or-treaters? 還沒有要糖的搗蛋鬼上門嗎
0:06:55.24, - Not yet. - Well, maybe people are going out later this year. 還沒-可能今年大家出門晚吧
0:06:58.92, Well, the street's full of kids, 大街上全是小孩
0:07:00.40, but they're actively detouring around our house. 但他們都遠遠地避開我們家
0:07:03.80, Move along. 往前走
0:07:12.41, Who wants some candy? 誰要糖糖
0:07:13.94, Plenty of name-brand... 好多知名品牌
0:07:15.58, - family-friendly candy right here. - Oh! It's a trap! 家庭友善型糖糖在這里-那是圈套
0:07:18.13, No. I--ooh, how about you? Hey-- 沒有 我 哎呀 你呢
0:07:20.91, You want some candy, right? Come on, 你要糖糖嗎 來嘛
0:07:22.40, - have some candy! - Mom! Mommy, she's got me! 拿糖糖-媽 媽媽 她抓住我了
0:07:23.71, No, I don't-- I'm not trying-- 不是 我不是故意的
0:07:25.22, - My candy! - Just leave it! 我的糖-不要了
0:07:36.57, Jay, you have to get ready for Mitch and Cam's party. 杰 你得準備去米奇和小卡的派對了
0:07:39.55, Gloria, does my skin look looser to you? 歌洛莉亞 你看我的皮膚是不是松了很多
0:07:42.93, What? 什么
0:07:43.92, Maybe I should try some of that fancy neck cream of yours. 或許我應該試試你的頸部緊致霜
0:07:45.96, Don't you have some with specks of diamonds in it or something? 你不是說那里面有什么鉆石精華還是什么的
0:07:49.45, Trick-or-treat. 不給糖就搗亂
0:07:50.82, You guys don't even have costumes. 你倆連戲服都沒穿
0:07:53.11, I'm a skeleton. 我扮的是一副骨架
0:07:54.06, And I'm--I'm a lemon. 我扮的是一顆檸檬
0:07:55.30, Aren't you too old to be trick-or-treating? 你們玩不給糖就搗蛋也太超齡了吧
0:07:56.98, Aren't you too old to be having a baby? 你一大把年紀生孩子不也超齡了嗎
0:07:59.72, Ah, you find that funny, lemon? 你覺得好笑嗎 檸檬
0:08:01.79, Here's a better joke. 還有更好笑的
0:08:03.30, Knock, knock. What's gone? 開門 開門 啥沒了
0:08:06.06, Your candy! 你們的糖糖
0:08:10.99, What was that? 怎么了
0:08:11.62, Some rude dummies, that they think that they can-- 沒禮貌的傻瓜 他們以為他們能...
0:08:13.15, All right, listen. Let's just calm down. 好了 要冷靜
0:08:17.16, Get ready for the party. 準備去參加派對
0:08:18.05, Calm down what? 冷什么靜
0:08:19.56, You think I'm a hothead, like Manny? 你也和曼尼一樣覺得我脾氣暴躁嗎
0:08:21.49, No!
0:08:22.88, You can be emotional. Volatile, maybe. 你有些情緒化 可能有點些易怒
0:08:25.88, Still, that's a far cry from-- 但遠遠算不上...
0:08:28.17, You put egg on my house, 你們往老娘家扔雞蛋
0:08:29.81, I kill what you love! 你們是不想好了
0:08:32.23, psycho. 精神病
0:08:34.55, - Plush utility room? - Yeah, right. 豪華儲物間-是啊 沒錯
0:08:36.24, I know a hall closet when I see one. 我怎么沒見著大套間
0:08:37.88, And your dad never lies? 就像你爹從來不撒謊似的
0:08:39.36, What medical school 你那給電器看病的老爹
0:08:40.09, did the great appliance doctor attend? 上的是什么醫(yī)學院來著
0:08:42.02, -Hey, Delgado. - Oh, no! Durkas! 迪爾加多-不 是德卡斯
0:08:44.33, What I wouldn't give for this umbrella to have 只要讓這把傘擁有瑪麗·波平斯仙女的魔力
0:08:44.33, [迪斯尼劇集《歡樂滿人間》中的角色]  
0:08:45.69, Mary Poppins' powers. 我什么都愿意
0:08:46.78, Oh, I pray he didn't hear that. 但愿他沒聽見
0:08:48.62, Heard you pulled the fire alarm today 聽說你今天拉響了防火警報
0:08:49.82, and got us out of that test. 讓我們逃掉了一場考試
0:08:51.51, - Good job. - Thanks, Mr. Durkas. 干的不錯-謝謝夸獎 德卡斯先生
0:08:53.21, You know what? You don't need to call me that anymore. 知道嗎 你以后不用那么稱呼我了
0:08:55.82, Anyway, we're all meeting at the playground at 8:00 還有 我們大家八點鐘在操場上集會
0:08:57.61, And heading out, if you want to join. 然后出去玩 你想來就一起吧
0:08:59.61, You're totally going to that. 你一定要去
0:09:00.91, Yeah, if you want to ruin your reputation. 是嘛 那樣可就毀了你好學生的美名了
0:09:02.70, You're finally gonna be in with the cool kids. 你總算能和那些酷小孩一起玩了
0:09:04.40, You need to talk at the school assembly on Monday 那樣你周一就得在全校大會上
0:09:06.30, and apologize to all the teachers. 向全體老師道歉
0:09:08.14, Teachers. More like public sector parasites. 老師 更像是政府企業(yè)中的寄生蟲
0:09:10.48, Be strong, Manny. 堅強點 曼尼
0:09:11.69, Be smart. Adventures, parties. 放聰明點 冒險 派對
0:09:13.82, Juvie, heartache. 少管所 心臟病
0:09:15.04, Girls! 小美妞們
0:09:15.78, But not the kind we want. 但不是我們想要的那種
0:09:17.31, They're all the kind we want. 那全都是我們想要的
0:09:19.02, Mr. Dur-- 德拉斯先...
0:09:20.54, Conrad! 康納德
0:09:24.20, Take one. I'm an egg donor. 拿一個 我是捐蛋人[卵子捐獻者]
0:09:27.56, I love your costume, too, Cam. Adora-bull. 我也喜歡你的裝扮 小卡 可愛的牛牛
0:09:29.76, Oh, well, thank you. It's all in fun. 謝謝 都是為了搞笑
0:09:31.64, I half-wanted to wear something tighter. 我其實想穿比較緊身的戲服
0:09:33.00, - You know, I've been reducing. - I can see. -你懂的 我瘦了 -能看出來
0:09:34.79, - Well, you say it like you can't. - No, no, no. I totally can. 你言不由衷啊-沒 我真看出來了
0:09:39.63, Impressive, huh? 不錯吧
0:09:41.30, Yeah. I'm--I'm gonna... 是 我 我得...
0:09:44.40, - Hey, Cam. - Mm? 小卡-怎么
0:09:45.72, I'm hearing a rumor that you keep flashing our guests. 我聽說你在我們的客人面前脫衣服
0:09:47.58, Oh, well, not in a perverted way. 不是變態(tài)的啦
0:09:49.19, I just want people to see my body 我只是希望讓大家看看我隱藏在
0:09:50.73, under this stupid costume. 這套爛戲服下的苗條身材
0:09:52.39, That's very close to what actual flashers say. 這理由跟真正露陰癖的說辭差不多
0:09:54.34, Daddy?-Yeah,one second,honey. 爸爸-等一下 寶貝
0:09:55.88, I'm just tired of throwing out compliments 我已經(jīng)厭倦了不斷贊美他人
0:09:57.11, and not getting anything back. 卻一句好話也聽不到
0:09:58.03, I told Roberto his spray tan looked real. 我跟羅伯托說他的美黑做得很自然
0:09:59.79, Look for yourself. It's on two of our pillows and our cat. 你自己看 把我們家枕頭和貓都染黑了
0:10:02.37, Daddy. Yeah? 爹地 怎么了
0:10:03.83, Lookit. It's my mommy. She came. 看 那是我媽咪 她來了
0:10:06.43, Oh. Oh, no, honey, that's not your mommy. 不 寶貝 那不是你媽咪
0:10:08.74, It's not? 不是嗎
0:10:09.47, No, no. That's just one of daddy's friends. 不是的 那只是爸爸的一個朋友
0:10:11.81, - What's going on? - Oh, nothing. 什么情況-沒什么
0:10:12.89, She just wants one of these cupcakes. 她只是想吃蛋糕了
0:10:14.23, - But I already had... - Oh, there you go, honey. 但我已經(jīng)吃過...-給你吃 寶貝
0:10:16.01, Okay, off you go. Mingle! Mingle! 好了 去吧 去交朋友 交起來
0:10:21.94, Looks like some people came by. 看來有人來過了
0:10:23.55, Yeah. Oh, yeah, we had a few. 是的 沒錯 有好幾個人呢
0:10:25.19, I saw that. 我看到你給踢下去了
0:10:28.45, Hello? 你好
0:10:29.14, Hey, honey. 嘿 親愛的
0:10:30.91, Hi. How's your open house? 你的開放參觀搞得怎樣
0:10:33.39, Pretty empty, actually. 沒什么人來 其實
0:10:35.10, I kind of just took it out 我把氣撒在一個
0:10:35.97, on a Harry Potter. 扮成哈利·波特的孩子身上了
0:10:37.72, Seriously, though, a Gryffindor 不過說真的 格蘭芬多的學生
0:10:38.84, letting his mom carry his Quidditch broom? 怎么會讓他媽幫他拿魁地奇飛天掃帚
0:10:40.52, How Hufflepuff is that? 那有多赫奇帕奇作風啊
0:10:42.03, It's pretty lonely here, too. 我這里也很凄涼
0:10:43.69, We have been shunned by the whole neighborhood. 我們被所有鄰居列入黑名單了
0:10:45.34, That's ridiculous. 太荒謬了
0:10:46.26, All over some mild little gag you pulled? 就因為你那個溫柔的小把戲嗎
0:10:49.74, It was not mild. There was an investig... 那并不溫柔 都有人來調查...
0:10:54.57, Oh, I-I thought I heard someone. 我想我聽到有人進來
0:10:56.12, I guess it was just trees tapping against the window. 可能只是樹枝敲得窗戶響
0:10:59.47, It's pretty creepy over here in this rattly old house. 在這陳舊得格格直響的房子里真恐怖
0:11:03.07, Anyway, I'll probably give it another 30 minutes, 總之 我可能再呆半小時
0:11:05.12, then I'll see you at home. 然后就回去了
0:11:06.61, Okay. Bye. 好的 再見
0:11:08.93, What are you laughing about? 你笑什么呢
0:11:10.21, Oh, it's just your poor dad, you know. 笑你可憐的老爸 你懂的
0:11:13.03, Your poor, dumb dad. 你可憐的傻老爸
0:11:24.57, I'll fill you in at the staff meeting 我明天員工大會上再告訴你
0:11:25.68, after Keneally's done telling us about his morning commute. 不過先得等克萊利說完他早晨上班路上的事
0:11:29.41, That's hilarious! You sound just like him. 太逗了 你學他學得真像
0:11:31.83, You are so doing that at Christmas talent night. 圣誕才藝表演時你一定得來一段
0:11:34.48, Dude, "Rich Girl", "Sara Smile"... 哥們 《千金小姐》 《莎拉的微笑》
0:11:34.48, [都是Hall & Oates樂隊的歌曲]  
0:11:37.17, then a "Maneater" Encore. 以及返場的《少男殺手》
0:11:39.58, It was scary how good they were. 他們簡直棒得可怕
0:11:41.90, Close your eyes, it could have been the real band. 閉上眼睛聽 跟真的樂隊演唱一樣
0:11:44.47, Yeah, he got lucky in the football pool once, 他賭球時走運了那么一次
0:11:46.24, and now he wants to double the stakes. 現(xiàn)在就要加倍下賭注了
0:11:48.34, Oh, I'm so scared! 我好怕怕
0:11:51.10, Right? 有沒有
0:11:53.36, Well, this night was a bust. 今晚弱爆了
0:11:55.17, not a single person even... 一個人都沒有...
0:11:58.92, Or did I speak too soon? 還是我過早斷言了
0:12:01.56, Was someone in the mood to be a bad little ghoul? 有人想扮壞小鬼了嗎
0:12:05.17, Oh, Connie, I didn't mean you. 康尼 我不是說你
0:12:07.96, I'm...hey, that's just...that's just the divorce talking. 我 那 那只是離婚的事影響了你
0:12:11.88, Hang in there. 堅持住
0:12:13.24, Bye-bye. 再見
0:12:25.78, Well, someone decided to take a trip 看來某人終于決定變裝成
0:12:26.91, to Fantasy Island after all. 《夢幻島》里的人物了
0:12:28.52, Well, I'm tired of people not noticing my new physique. 我好討厭人們注意不到我全新曼妙的體形
0:12:30.18, If this doesn't work, I'm breaking out the diaper 要是這還不成 我就穿上尿布
0:12:31.45, and top hat and going as Baby New Year! Hello. 戴上大禮帽扮作新年寶寶 你好
0:12:33.04, Oh, my god! 天吶
0:12:35.26, John-John, is that you? 囧囧 是你嗎
0:12:37.70, - You look amazing. - Thanks! 你看起來太棒了-謝謝
0:12:39.93, That's what happens when you lose 100 pounds. 減掉一百磅 身材自然棒
0:12:42.01, Oh, come on. What a... 靠 他個小賤...
0:12:43.39, - Who wants to lift me? - Me. 誰想舉我-我
0:12:44.68, Come on. How could he have not called us? 拜托 他怎么能不打電話就過來呢
0:12:47.18, Oh, my god, he's as light as a feather. 天吶 他輕得像羽毛一樣
0:12:49.32, You know what? I'm gonna go lift him 你猜怎么著 我要去舉舉他
0:12:50.85, and shake him till his staples pop. 然后晃到他眼球爆出來
0:12:52.40, Cam, stop! 小卡 別這樣
0:12:53.33, Just saying that we could have caught those kids. 我只是說我們原本可以抓住那兩個小子
0:12:55.42, What, and chase them around all night? 怎么著 要追著他們跑一晚上嗎
0:12:57.22, I'm not a young man anymore, 我不是個年輕小伙子了
0:12:58.70, as the world keeps pointing out. 世人都不斷提醒我那一點
0:13:00.58, What did that waiter just call you outside? 剛剛外面那個服務生叫你什么
0:13:02.10, Medieval Knievel. 中世紀的科尼爾
0:13:04.01, That is hilarious. 好好笑哦
0:13:05.38, I love when people put some thought into their outfit. 我喜歡人們在裝扮上花心思
0:13:07.22, [《非法外星人》為電影名 也有非法移民的意思]  
0:13:07.22, Illegal Alien, Sugar Daddy. 你是非法外星人 我是甜爹
0:13:09.15, Why do you say "illegal"? 你為什么說"非法"
0:13:10.48, Because antennas are alien, and you're... 因為戴著天線代表外星人 而你是...
0:13:12.13, What? Illegal? 怎樣 非法移民嗎
0:13:13.65, Because of the color of my skin? 就因為我的膚色嗎
0:13:15.71, Why don't I dump your baby in your gas tank? 我干脆把你的寶寶扔進這煤氣罐里吧
0:13:18.57, Gloria! Uh, no hard feelings, please. 歌洛莉亞 別這樣 請別介意
0:13:20.50, Just enjoy the party, okay? 盡情享受你的派對 好嗎
0:13:23.12, First of all, relax. We're at a party. 首先 放輕松 我們在派對上呢
0:13:24.74, Secondly, you've been deported twice. 其次 你已經(jīng)被驅逐出境兩次
0:13:27.06, You're not allowed to be that defensive. 你不能再這么敏感了
0:13:29.59, What is it with me lately? 我最近是怎么了
0:13:31.40, Manny's right. I'm such a hothead. 曼尼是對的 我真是個暴脾氣
0:13:33.30, It happens. You're pregnant. 這是難免的 你懷孕了
0:13:36.07, That's what it is, isn't it? 就是這個原因 對嗎
0:13:37.86, It's the baby. It's angry in there. 因為這個寶寶 他在里面生悶氣
0:13:41.32, - No! - Yes! 不是的-就是
0:13:42.60, You just said it yourself. I have changed. 你剛剛自己說的 我變了
0:13:45.95, I have an angry baby inside of me making me do bad things! 我肚子里有個憤怒的娃 逼著我干壞事
0:13:48.79, It's just hormones. 荷爾蒙而已
0:13:50.54, It's your mama bear instinct kicking in. 是你的熊媽媽本能在發(fā)作
0:13:50.83, [熊媽媽異常護犢子 所以把情緒激烈的孕期母親稱作熊媽媽]
0:13:52.24, And that's a good thing, 不是什么壞事
0:13:53.10, because that means you're gonna be a great mom--again. 因為這說明你會是一個好母親 第二次
0:13:58.49, Do you really think so? 你真這么想
0:13:59.47, You got a lucky little kid in there. 你肚里的娃真幸運
0:14:00.91, He's got a mom who's not gonna let anyone harm him. 他的媽媽可不會讓任何人傷害他
0:14:04.32, Or her. 或她
0:14:06.30, Or--or him. 希望是兒子
0:14:07.51, Trick-or-treat. 不給糖果就搗蛋
0:14:13.69, Go ahead. 去吧
0:14:14.97, You better run! 你們最好跑快點
0:14:19.12, Oh, my gosh, 我的天吶
0:14:19.65, Is that the most precious thing you've ever seen? 看看多萌啊
0:14:21.53, Oh, my god. 我的天
0:14:23.56, Do you know other princesses? 你還認識其他公主嗎
0:14:25.67, Trust me. I know lots. 相信我 我認識一大堆呢
0:14:27.07, Okay. Bedtime. 好了 該睡覺了
0:14:28.23, Oh, no, it's not that late. 別 沒那么晚
0:14:29.65, Do you know my mom? She's a princess. 你認識我媽媽嗎 她就是個公主
0:14:32.40, She's exhausted. 她累壞了
0:14:33.32, She's not making sense. She's so tired. 說胡話呢 她太累了
0:14:35.16, Daddy, you told me! 爸爸 是你跟我說的
0:14:36.71, What is she talking about, Mitchell? 她說什么呢 米奇爾
0:14:38.24, My real mom. She is, right? 我的親身母親 她是公主 對吧
0:14:40.55, Okay, I think we need to have a little talk. 好了 我想我們需要談談
0:14:43.30, Sam, do you notice how slim Cam's getting? 薩姆 注意到小卡變苗條了沒
0:14:45.37, Nice try. I will be back for that answer. 少來 等我回來再聽你的回答
0:14:52.00, This isn't gonna work, Claire... 沒用的 克萊爾
0:14:54.53, cause I know you're here. 我知道你在這兒
0:14:58.26, What's the plan, anyway? 打算怎么嚇我呀
0:15:00.44, You gonna pop out at me? 冷不丁蹦出來嗎
0:15:02.39, It's gonna take more than that to scare this-- 要想嚇到我這還差得遠
0:15:03.96, - Hello?! - Hi! 有人嗎-嗨
0:15:05.72, Is the house still open? 還能看房嗎
0:15:06.99, Oh, yes! Yes! I'll be right down. 能 是的 我馬上下來
0:15:09.59, Claire, this is serious! I have a job! 克萊爾 別鬧了 我有工作
0:15:11.93, Not that you don't. You work 24/7 并不是說你沒工作 你全年無休
0:15:13.53, and you don't get half the appreciation you deserve. 得到的回報遠少于付出的
0:15:15.26, Can we talk about this later? 但我們能過會再說不
0:15:17.03, As you potential buyers can see, 如你們潛在買家所見
0:15:19.19, This is a, uh, a beautiful home. 這是 一座漂亮的房子
0:15:21.59, What's behind here? 這后面是什么
0:15:22.39, Oh, I wouldn't go in there! 是我就不過去
0:15:24.29, Unless you love formal dining rooms. 除非你們喜歡正式餐廳
0:15:28.60, - Honey, look at this. - I'm in the kitchen. -親愛的 瞧瞧這個 -在廚房呢
0:15:30.23, Oh, we should probably stay together. 我們最好呆在一起
0:15:32.78, Come on, Sheila. 趕緊的 希拉
0:15:34.55, - Phil, one question. Are these-- - Wait, wait. -菲爾 問個問題 這些是 -等等
0:15:35.86, I just love to see people's reactions 我超愛看人們的反應
0:15:37.68, When I show them-- 當我向他們展示
0:15:38.72, So much storage. What? It's crazy! 如此大的存儲空間 靠 太瘋狂了
0:15:42.08, I think you guys will find that this house 我想你們會發(fā)現(xiàn)這所房子
0:15:43.56, is full of so many... delightful surprises 驚喜重重
0:15:47.01, That you'll be happy here for-- 你們會很高興...
0:15:48.43, - Oh, my god! - I don't know her! 我的天吶-那人我不認識
0:15:50.56, Is this the original tub? 這是原裝浴缸嗎
0:15:52.02, What? Yes, it is. 什么 是的
0:15:54.15, It is, uh, the original tub. 它是 原裝浴缸
0:15:55.80, Um, original fixtures, beveled mirror, 原始夾具 斜面鏡
0:15:58.09, Just a-a huge stall shower. 有個寬敞的淋浴隔間就足夠了
0:15:59.79, If you guys would, uh, want to have a party. 如果你們將 想搞個派對的話
0:16:01.96, I'm kidding, of course. 我開玩笑呢
0:16:03.18, But, um, just a house with a real personality. 這是座 個性鮮明的房子
0:16:09.78, We'll be right in, sweetie. 我們馬上就來 甜心
0:16:11.56, We agreed to tell Lily about her mother together, 我們說好要一起告訴莉莉她娘的事
0:16:13.44, wearing calming earth tones, 一起穿著大地色有鎮(zhèn)靜作用的衣服
0:16:14.64, and we agreed to tell her the truth. 而且我們說好要告訴她真相的
0:16:16.50, I know, but haven't you ever said something dumb to Lily 我知道 但難道你就從沒向莉莉說過
0:16:18.59, that you wish she would just forget? 任何希望她轉眼忘掉的蠢話
0:16:20.01, This isn't about me. Let's just fix this. 別扯上我 趕緊解決這事吧
0:16:22.38, Okay, great. Although... 好的 挺好 但是...
0:16:24.99, the way you agreed so quickly makes me wonder 你答應得如此爽快讓我不得不懷疑
0:16:26.44, what sort of things you've told her. 你又對莉莉說過些什么
0:16:28.03, I may have told her her fibs kills birds. 我可能告訴過她說謊會害死小鳥
0:16:30.37, Wow. We're coming back to that one. 你真行 等下再來談這事
0:16:33.92, Oh, hi, princess. 嗨 公主
0:16:35.17, Hey, Lil. Could we talk to you for a second? 乖女兒 能說個小話不
0:16:37.53, Am I in trouble? 我闖禍了嗎
0:16:38.79, Oh, gosh, no. Of course not, sweetie. 我的天 沒有 當然不是 甜心
0:16:41.93, Um... Well, do you remember how we used to tell you 你還記得我們過去老跟你說
0:16:44.56, there was a heaven for all the flowers that die? 枯萎的花會到達天堂的事嗎
0:16:46.78, What do you mean, "used to"? 過去老說是神馬意思
0:16:47.95, Sorry, I let it slip. We'll deal with it later. 抱歉 說漏嘴鳥 過會兒再談
0:16:49.78, Much much are you not telling me? 乃到底瞞著我多少事
0:16:51.19, Why are you talking like this? 乃們?yōu)槭裁催@么說話
0:16:53.32, Daddies took a little side trip. 爸爸們剛說岔了
0:16:54.35, - Sorry, sweetie. - Um, so sometimes, uh, -不好意思 甜心 -有時候
0:16:57.41, we tell you things like that to make you feel better. 我們說一些話只是想讓你高興
0:17:00.38, And I might have done the same thing 當我告訴你你媽媽是公主時
0:17:03.15, when I told you that your mom is a princess. 也只是想讓你高興
0:17:06.81, So she's not? 那她不是公主
0:17:10.10, Well, you know what? 你知道嗎
0:17:11.44, - She might be. - She might be. 她可能是-可能是的
0:17:13.44, But we can't know for sure, honey, 但我們不能肯定 寶貝
0:17:15.17, Because... well, we don't know where she is 因為 我們不知道她在哪里
0:17:18.83, Or... what she's doing. 或是 她在做什么
0:17:21.39, B-but what--what we do know 但我們知道的是
0:17:22.78, is that she loved you very, very much... 她非常非常愛你
0:17:24.70, And she knew that she couldn't take care of you, 她知道自己沒法好好照顧你
0:17:26.40, so she made sure that you went 所以她讓你來到了
0:17:28.49, with the most loving family she could find. 她能找到的最有愛的家庭
0:17:31.90, And that's how the three of us became a family. 所以我們?nèi)齻€人組成了一個家
0:17:34.58, Does that make sense, sweetie? 這樣說你能接受嗎 親愛的
0:17:37.28, Do you have any questions for us? 你有問題要問我們嗎
0:17:39.05, Why did you say a fib and kill a bird? 你們?yōu)槭裁匆f謊 害死一只鳥
0:17:45.32, I noticed you walking in with your wife earlier. 我剛才注意到你和你太太一起來的
0:17:47.31, She's stunning. 她好漂亮
0:17:48.23, You know my favorite part of that compliment? 知道你這句恭維話里我最喜歡什么嗎
0:17:49.75, You knew she was my wife. 你認為她是我太太
0:17:50.81, Half the world thinks she's my daughter. 全世界一半的人認為她是我女兒
0:17:52.61, Well, if you ask me, she's a lucky girl. 要我說 幸運的是她
0:17:55.14, Bummer for me, though. 對我來說就不幸了
0:17:56.46, Handsomest man in here, and he's taken. 大帥哥在這里 卻已經(jīng)名草有主了
0:17:58.80, I'll bet you do all right with the boys. 我敢肯定你的追求者不少
0:18:01.82, I do. 的確
0:18:03.25, It's the men I'm interested in. 而我感興趣的是你
0:18:04.88, You just put it all right out there, don't you? 看來你是個很直接的人啊
0:18:06.57, I always try to hold a little something back. 我一直想嘗試含蓄些
0:18:10.79, Oh, my gosh. 我的天
0:18:11.56, No, no, no, no, no, no. Leave him. 別過去 別管他們
0:18:13.47, - No, but you know that's a-- - I know. He needs this. 可你知道這是...-知道 他需要這個
0:18:16.13, Okay. 好吧
0:18:16.59, - It was great meeting you, Jay. - You, too, Sam. -很高興認識你 杰 -我也是 薩姆
0:18:18.94, Wow! Looks like somebody really likes you. 哇 看來某人很喜歡你啊
0:18:21.34, What can I say? I still got it. 我能說什么呢 魅力不減當年啊
0:18:22.93, I've been meaning to ask you-- have you lost some weight? 我一直想問你 你瘦身了嗎
0:18:24.95, - Because you look good. - Wow, you have no idea 你看起來棒極了-你不知道
0:18:27.41, what that means to hear from you, Jay. 你這句話對我來說多重要 杰
0:18:29.02, Uh, turn it that way. 抱那邊
0:18:30.70, I thought this might cheer you up. 我覺得這樣會讓你開心起來
0:18:32.69, Da plane! Da plane! 灰機 灰機
0:18:34.94, Baby girl! 寶貝女兒
0:18:36.60, Look you! You even taught her the catchphrase. 瞧你 連經(jīng)典詞都教給她了
0:18:38.77, Yeah. Jay, have you seen my new tattoo? 杰 來見見我的新"紋身"
0:18:41.09, - Be in touch. - Well, thanks so much for coming. 再聯(lián)系-多謝前來
0:18:42.60, - Yeah. Thanks. - Okay. 多謝-客氣了
0:18:49.01, Okay, Claire, they're gone. You can come out now. 克萊爾 他們走了 你可以出來了
0:18:53.65, Claire? 克萊爾
0:18:55.38, Honey, I'm sorry I said you weren't scary. 親愛的 很抱歉我之前說你不嚇人
0:18:57.76, It's been such a long day. 今天太累了
0:18:59.36, Can we please just go home? 我們回家好嗎
0:19:07.46, All right. I'm leaving without ya. 好了 我自己走咯
0:19:27.90, So... this remote you know how to use. 看來 你會用這個遙控器啊
0:19:47.22, Yes?
0:19:47.77, Phil, where are you? 菲爾 你在哪里
0:19:49.34, Claire? Where are you? 克萊爾 你在哪里
0:19:51.77, I came over to scare you, but then I heard you 我過去嚇你 但聽到你帶那對夫妻
0:19:53.70, showing the house to that couple, 參觀房子
0:19:55.09, so I got out of your way. 所以我就沒妨礙你
0:19:57.75, Are you at home? 你在家里嗎
0:19:58.66, Yeah. I got here ten minutes ago. 是 我十分鐘前就回來了
0:20:00.71, S-so... So you're saying... 那 那你是說
0:20:04.04, This call isn't coming from inside the house? 這通電話不是從這間房子里打來的
0:20:07.34, What are you talking about? Just get home. 你說什么呢 快回家吧
0:20:08.95, The kids and I are hungry. 孩子們和我都餓了
0:20:10.42, Yeah, hurry up, dad. 快點 爸
0:20:11.69, We miss you! 我們想你
0:20:14.51, Miss you, too, buddy. 我也想你 小老弟
0:20:53.42, Trick-or-treat! 不給糖就搗蛋
0:20:58.11, I wasn't really that scared. 其實我也沒那么害怕啦
0:21:03.38, Okay. 好吧怕死了
0:21:12.06, Hey, you never told me if you hit those kids with that egg. 你還沒說你有沒有用蛋砸到那些小子
0:21:14.44, They blended into the crowd, 他們混進了人群
0:21:15.58, but there was a slow one with them. 但有個動作慢的
0:21:17.62, He couldn't run so fast, 他跑不快
0:21:18.72, and I nailed him pretty good. 所以我好好地用蛋給他洗了下
0:21:21.28, - I warned you. - Okay, Reuben. 我警告過你的-好啦 羅本
0:21:23.62, Where are your cool friends now? 你那些酷朋友現(xiàn)在去哪里了
0:21:25.22, Not q-tipping your ear, that's for sure. 沒用棉簽替你清洗耳朵 這是肯定的
0:21:27.17, Okay, Reuben. 得了 羅本
0:21:28.98, This is why I never hang out with cool kids. 這就是我不和酷孩子混在一起的原因
0:21:30.82, Yeah, you rejected them, 是啊 是你拒絕了他們
0:21:32.40, Shortly after you and your mom 就在你和你媽在達人秀上
0:21:33.44, roller danced at the talent show. 表演滾軸溜冰舞之后
0:21:35.08, Oh... we were robbed. 我家被燒了缺錢
0:21:36.38, Couldn't have been the song you picked. 反正跟你們選的歌一點關系都沒有
0:21:37.81, Wind beneath my w-- Ow! 《翼下之風》 痛


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