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聽(tīng)美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)-摩登家庭第四季 第2集:海莉上大學(xué)





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0:00:04.12, Can I get everybody's attension. Real quick. 各位安靜一下 聽(tīng)我簡(jiǎn)單說(shuō)幾句
0:00:07.69, Um, on this wonderful occasion-- 在這個(gè)美好的日子里
0:00:09.74, Our daughter leaving tomorrow for college... 我們的女兒明日即將離家步入大學(xué)
0:00:12.75, If I could get everyone to raise their glass. 請(qǐng)各位一起舉杯
0:00:15.56, As I quote from one of our nation's great fathers-- 容我引用我國(guó)一位偉大的父親
0:00:18.05, Jefferson. 杰斐遜
0:00:19.48, George Jefferson. 喬治·杰斐遜
0:00:21.39, I never dreamed that one of my own 我沒(méi)想到我的孩子
0:00:22.59, would be going off to a university, 有朝一日會(huì)進(jìn)入大學(xué)
0:00:24.14, but here I stand, a proud black man, 但今天我作為一個(gè)自豪的黑人
0:00:26.04, knowing that all those hours I put in at the dry cleaner--" 明白我耗費(fèi)在干洗機(jī)上的日日夜夜
0:00:28.31, Phil.-Not now,Weezie. 菲爾-別打岔 維茲
0:00:30.22, Where was I? 我說(shuō)到哪兒了
0:00:30.92, Quoting that president. 你在引用杰弗遜"總統(tǒng)"的話(huà)
0:00:32.16, Okay, if she's the future of America, 如果她也算是美國(guó)的未來(lái)
0:00:33.58, we should start using Chinese money now. 我們還是趕緊用人民幣吧
0:00:35.63, We already are. 我們?cè)缇驮诨ㄖ袊?guó)人的錢(qián)了
0:00:37.06, My arm is tired. To Haley. 我手都舉酸了 祝賀海莉
0:00:39.26, To Haley! 祝賀海莉
0:00:41.09, And before everyone puts their glasses down, 在各位放下杯子以前
0:00:43.20, uh, uh, we're also very proud of Lily. 我們也有莉莉的喜事宣布
0:00:45.42, Tomorrow is her first day of kindergarten. 明天是她第一次上幼兒園的日子
0:00:49.53, - To Lily. - Oh, Lily. 祝賀莉莉-莉莉
0:00:50.87, To Lily. And you'll be impressed to know 祝賀莉莉 你們要知道
0:00:52.45, that she's gonna be one of the smartest girls there. 她會(huì)是全班最聰明的小姑娘
0:00:54.01, Lily, sweetie, what's the square root of 64? 莉莉?qū)氊?64的平方根是幾
0:00:56.34, 8 8
0:00:57.12, Wow. Hey! 好厲害啊
0:00:58.05, Nice trick. 真狡猾
0:00:58.97, Hey, Lily, what's the square root of this potato? 莉莉 土豆的平方根是幾
0:01:01.60, 8 8
0:01:02.30, Congratulations. You have a parrot. 恭喜你們 養(yǎng)出只大鸚鵡來(lái)
0:01:06.16, We couldn't even get through the toast to Haley 海莉的祝酒詞還沒(méi)結(jié)束
0:01:08.19, before you pulled focus to Lily. 你就讓莉莉來(lái)?yè)岋L(fēng)頭了
0:01:09.90, Oh, come on. It's--it's a big day for both of them. Huh? 拜托 今天是她們倆的大日子好嗎
0:01:12.67, Haley going to college is a miracle. 海莉能進(jìn)大學(xué)是奇跡
0:01:14.79, Lily going to kindergarten is the law. 莉莉進(jìn)幼兒園卻是法律強(qiáng)制規(guī)定
0:01:17.37, Well, Haley and Lily aren't the only ones starting school. 海莉和莉莉不是唯一開(kāi)始上學(xué)的人
0:01:20.90, My mom and jay are going to parenting class. 我媽和杰要去上育兒班了
0:01:23.05, We're doing it for the baby. 我們是為了寶寶才去的
0:01:24.33, Not this baby. That baby. 不是她肚子里這個(gè) 是那個(gè)活"寶"
0:01:26.73, Manny doesn't believe that we know what we're doing. 曼尼不相信我們能盡好父母之職
0:01:29.58, A couple of new hairs under his arm, 腋窩的毛剛長(zhǎng)出幾根
0:01:31.41, and now he thinks he knows more than his own mother. 他就覺(jué)得自己比他媽懂得多了
0:01:33.77, I know not to embarrass my son 我至少懂得不去
0:01:35.13, as he stands on the threshold of manhood. 羞辱兒子青春期的正常發(fā)育現(xiàn)象
0:01:36.73, I don't know why I have to go to this thing. 我干嘛非要去上那個(gè)課
0:01:38.33, In case you've forgotten, I raised two kids. 你們應(yīng)該記得 我?guī)Т罅藘蓚€(gè)孩子
0:01:42.13, Stop pulling my hair. 別扯我的頭發(fā)
0:01:42.89, - Stop twisting my nipple. Ow! - Shut up. Shut up. 別擰我的奶頭-閉嘴閉嘴
0:01:46.74, Why look at me? It was their mother's fault. 干嘛看我 都是他們老媽的錯(cuò)
0:01:49.20, I was barely around. 我基本就不在家
0:01:50.38, No! Ow, ow! 好疼
0:02:01.90, 第四季 第二集  
0:02:05.56, Haley, this is, like, the third bag 海莉 你這些化妝用品
0:02:06.95, of makeup and hair care products. 和護(hù)發(fā)器材都裝滿(mǎn)第三箱了
0:02:08.30, Dad, if you want me to get good grades, I have to look cute. 爸 要想得高分 就得靠臉蛋
0:02:10.84, Don't say a word. 別吐我的槽
0:02:11.89, No. No. I agree with that premise. 不 我同意你那句話(huà)的假設(shè)前提
0:02:13.46, Thank you. Wait. 謝謝啊 等一下
0:02:16.26, Yeah, thank you. 好吧 謝謝你
0:02:20.23, Claire. 克萊爾
0:02:21.71, In Haley's stuff, a box of condoms. 海莉的行李里有一盒保險(xiǎn)套
0:02:24.28, Yeah. Um, I-I bought those for her. 是的 是我買(mǎi)給她的
0:02:26.67, What? Why don't you just buy her some fishnet stockings 什么 你怎么不直接給她買(mǎi)雙漁網(wǎng)襪
0:02:29.25, and a nurse's outfit? 再加套護(hù)士制服裝呢
0:02:30.92, Not that that's my thing. That just popped into my head. 我不是制服控 只是腦海突然冒出了這畫(huà)面
0:02:33.07, Honey, she's an adult, and she's going to college. 親愛(ài)的 她已成年了 又將去上大學(xué)
0:02:35.41, I want to be realistic. 我必須現(xiàn)實(shí)一些
0:02:36.66, I don't want her to get caught unprepared. 我不希望她"套到用時(shí)方恨少"
0:02:38.37, 24 times? What, are you buying her a 4-year supply? 24個(gè)套套 你這是準(zhǔn)備了4年份嗎
0:02:41.40, Please. Phil, that would've lasted me 拜托 菲爾 那才夠我
0:02:43.33, and my college boyfriend, like, a long-- 和大學(xué)男友來(lái)一次長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的
0:02:44.53, La, la, la, la, la, la, la! 不聽(tīng)不聽(tīng)不聽(tīng)
0:02:47.41, Okay, we gotta hit the road. 好 我們?cè)撟吡?/span>
0:02:49.01, Give your sister a hug good-bye. 你們姐妹倆擁抱再見(jiàn)吧
0:02:52.78, Don't dork up our room. 別把房間弄得太書(shū)呆氣了
0:02:53.92, Don't slut up your college. 別在大學(xué)里和同學(xué)睡成一片
0:02:59.45, Seriously, though, don't study too hard, okay? 說(shuō)真的 別太努力學(xué)習(xí)了
0:03:02.23, I'm totally going to have fun. 我會(huì)玩得很開(kāi)心的
0:03:04.08, I'm Iceland in the mock U.N. 我在模擬聯(lián)合國(guó)中代表冰島呢
0:03:06.90, Mom, we're gonna lose her. 媽 我們要失去她了
0:03:08.27, I am doing my best. 我會(huì)盡力阻止的
0:03:10.39, Luke, come say good-bye to your sister. 盧克 過(guò)來(lái)和姐姐說(shuō)再見(jiàn)
0:03:12.67, I'm right here. 我來(lái)了
0:03:15.54, Bye, Haley. Have fun. 再見(jiàn)海莉 玩得開(kāi)心點(diǎn)
0:03:17.76, Don't drink too much beer and shots of tequila. 別喝太多啤酒和龍舌蘭
0:03:20.03, Why are you wearing that mask? 你帶著面具干什么
0:03:22.21, Uh, I like it. 我喜歡
0:03:23.58, He doesn't want you to see him cry. 他是不想讓你看到他流淚
0:03:25.14, He's literally masking his emotions. 他用面具罩住了自己的情緒
0:03:26.99, No! 不是的
0:03:27.69, - That's so sweet. - Come here. 真感人-過(guò)來(lái)
0:03:29.66, It's not sweet. I'm an evil cyborg. 沒(méi)什么感人的 我是邪惡電子人
0:03:32.37, Half my face was burned off in an industrial accident, 半邊臉都在工業(yè)事故中燒毀了
0:03:35.13, and the mask is hiding the servos that control my mouth. 面具是用來(lái)掩飾讓我的發(fā)聲設(shè)備的
0:03:40.28, Yes, I am sad Haley is leaving, 是的 海莉離家我很難過(guò)
0:03:42.37, but I'm gonna be okay knowing I've done everything I can 但我很放心 因?yàn)槲乙呀?jīng)盡了一切努力
0:03:45.20, to get her set up and prepared and off on the right foot. 讓她萬(wàn)事俱備 即將邁出自立的第一步
0:03:49.38, Not me. When we're standing in her dorm room saying good-bye, 我沒(méi)有 我們?cè)谒奚嵯蛩绖e的一刻
0:03:52.19, it's gonna be one of the most emotional moments of my life. 將是我人生中最激動(dòng)的時(shí)刻之一
0:03:55.50, I'm gonna cry harder than the first time I saw "Air bud"... 我會(huì)比第一次看《神犬巴迪》哭得還厲害
0:03:59.24, Especially when I give her this. 尤其是在我交給她這個(gè)時(shí)
0:04:02.33, Phil's-osophy. 《菲爾之道》
0:04:03.76, A hardbound collection of all the life lessons I've learned, 我總結(jié)出的人生道理精裝版
0:04:06.67, such as... 比如
0:04:10.62, Always look people in the eye, 永遠(yuǎn)直視對(duì)方的雙眼
0:04:12.82, even if they're blind. 哪怕對(duì)方是盲人
0:04:14.26, Just say, 'I'm looking you in the eye.'" 告訴他們 我正看著你的雙眼
0:04:17.62, Or... 或者
0:04:19.66, If you get pulled over for speeding, 如果你因超速被攔住
0:04:22.54, tell the policeman your spouse has diarrhea." 告訴警察你同伴有拉肚之急"
0:04:28.64, Phil's-osophy. 《菲爾之道》
0:04:32.47, Look how much fun you're gonna have here, Lily. 看看這里多好玩啊 莉莉
0:04:35.11, So many great toys to play with, 這么多好玩的玩具
0:04:36.94, and you're gonna make so many new friends. 你會(huì)交到好多朋友的
0:04:39.19, Oh, I wish I was in kindergarten again. 真希望我再讀一次幼兒園
0:04:40.87, Oh, not me. Did I ever tell you about David Anthony? 我可不要 我說(shuō)過(guò)大衛(wèi)·安東尼的事沒(méi)
0:04:42.54, He used to call me "Cam the ham." 他以前叫我"肉卡"
0:04:44.31, - Okay, Lily's day. - Yeah, you're right. 今天的主角是莉莉-你說(shuō)得對(duì)
0:04:45.70, You know what? It's gonna be a great day. 知道嗎 你今天一定會(huì)很開(kāi)心
0:04:47.68, I'm just saying, it's difficult to grow up 不過(guò) 名字和"火腿肉"押韻
0:04:48.84, with a name that rhymes with "ham." 成長(zhǎng)過(guò)程就比較艱辛
0:04:50.11, Hello? Mitch? Witch. Twitch. 是嗎 米奇 巫氣 抽泣
0:04:52.99, Bitch. 賤器
0:04:54.08, Elaine Stritch. 伊萊恩·斯特里奇
0:04:55.24, What? 什么
0:04:56.01, Not all bullies are straight. 不是只有直男才欺負(fù)人
0:04:57.80, Okay, parents... 好了 各位家長(zhǎng)
0:04:59.62, Oh! We'll see you at 12:00. 12點(diǎn)再來(lái)接孩子吧
0:05:01.54, All right. Mm! 穩(wěn)住
0:05:02.69, This is when the crying starts. 這時(shí)候眼淚就開(kāi)始止不住了
0:05:05.07, Does it ever stop? 有停止的時(shí)候嗎
0:05:06.44, Come on, Cam. 別這樣 小卡
0:05:07.42, Okay. You know what, Lily, sweetie? 莉莉 我的寶貝
0:05:09.35, I know this is gonna be difficult-- 我知道離別總是傷人心
0:05:10.77, Bye! 再見(jiàn)
0:05:12.12, Okay. That was a knife to the heart. 好吧 真是一刀直戳我心
0:05:14.24, No, it's--it's a good thing. Come on. 別 這是好事 別這樣
0:05:16.85, Oh, you know what? She forgot her snack. Oh. 糟了 她忘了拿零食
0:05:20.96, Where'd she go? 她去哪兒了
0:05:22.58, Ow! That hurts! Ow! That hurts! 好疼 好疼
0:05:25.97, Oh, Lily, honey! 莉莉?qū)氊?/span>
0:05:26.67, Sweetheart, come here. Come here. 寶貝 過(guò)來(lái) 快過(guò)來(lái)
0:05:29.37, If you ever put your hands on my daughter again, 你再把你那小臟手伸向我女兒
0:05:33.20, I will string you up by your feet, run you up the flagpole, 我就把你倒栽蔥掛在旗桿上
0:05:35.42, and let the birds peck out your eyes. 讓鳥(niǎo)活生生啄出你的眼珠子來(lái)
0:05:38.93, You understand? 你聽(tīng)懂了嗎
0:05:40.26, Mr. Tucker, put that boy down! 塔克先生 把那孩子放下來(lái)
0:05:46.26, He pulled my daughter's hair. 他拉了我女兒的頭發(fā)
0:05:47.79, Please apologize to Connor 請(qǐng)你向康納道歉
0:05:49.47, for using your hands instead of your words. 因?yàn)槟銊?dòng)了手 而非動(dòng)口
0:05:53.53, Sorry, little fella. 對(duì)不起了 小家伙
0:05:55.67, I would like to see you in my office. Right. 請(qǐng)你們到我辦公室來(lái)
0:05:57.66, - Now, please. - Me, too? Oh. 現(xiàn)在就來(lái)-我也要去嗎
0:06:07.68, Stop it. Leave him alone. 夠了 別惹他了
0:06:17.56, Mr. Tucker, what happened out there was unacceptable. 塔克先生 剛才的事是不可接受的
0:06:19.78, I agree. Is this kindergarten or "The hunger games"? 我同意 這是幼兒園還是饑餓游戲啊
0:06:22.31, I'm speaking of your behavior. 我說(shuō)的是你的行為
0:06:24.13, We've never had an incident like this, 我們從沒(méi)遇到這種事
0:06:25.62, and now we've had one on the first day, 現(xiàn)在開(kāi)學(xué)第一天就發(fā)生了
0:06:27.23, Before circle time. 還沒(méi)到班級(jí)集合時(shí)間呢
0:06:28.90, What the fudge were you thinking? 你們到底在想什么
0:06:30.52, Now the boy's parents are coming in, and trust me, 現(xiàn)在這孩子的家長(zhǎng)也來(lái)了 相信我
0:06:32.51, they're mad as hello kitty. 她們簡(jiǎn)直是憤怒的凱蒂貓
0:06:33.94, Oh, you told his parents on us? 你向他家長(zhǎng)告狀啦
0:06:36.56, That is--that is so not cool. 這實(shí)在 太不夠意思了
0:06:38.12, Well, I'm sure once they hear what their boy did, 我相信一旦他們聽(tīng)到自己兒子的所為
0:06:39.52, they will be understanding. 他們也會(huì)理解的
0:06:42.15, All right, whoever made our son cry 哪個(gè)吃了雄心豹子膽
0:06:43.70, has messed with the wrong moms. 敢惹我們家寶貝兒子
0:06:47.22, Lesbians. 拉拉們
0:06:49.17, While often lumped together, gay men and lesbians 雖然基佬和拉拉常被人扯在一起
0:06:51.46, have less in common than one might think. 但實(shí)際我們之間并沒(méi)有什么交集
0:06:53.49, Like in the Venn Diagram of sexual identity, 就好比性別認(rèn)同的交集圖
0:06:56.47, You have gay men... 我是基佬
0:06:57.77, And straight men. 我是直男
0:06:59.81, Both the same gender. 我們性別一樣
0:07:01.58, Then you have gay men... 我是基佬
0:07:03.26, And straight women. 我是直女
0:07:04.97, Both attracted to the same gender. 我們都愛(ài)男人
0:07:07.53, But gay men and lesbians? 可基佬和拉拉們呢
0:07:10.50, No. 不行
0:07:11.13, Nothing. 毫無(wú)交集
0:07:12.61, I am so sorry we have to meet like this, 抱歉以這種方式和你們見(jiàn)面
0:07:14.94, but I'm sure you can understand, as parents, 但我想同為家長(zhǎng) 你們可以理解
0:07:16.72, the instinct to protect your child. 保護(hù)自己孩子的那種本能
0:07:19.21, Yeah, it's what makes me want to punch you in the neck right now. 是啊 所以我想一拳狠狠砸在你脖子上
0:07:21.66, Wow. I see where your son gets all of his aggression. 哇 我終于明白你兒子的暴力傾向源自何處了
0:07:24.03, Okay, let's all take a time-out. 好了 二位都消消火吧
0:07:25.88, That's a good idea. This is getting a little heated. 真是個(gè)好主意 戰(zhàn)火燒得有點(diǎn)大
0:07:27.73, Yeah, Pam, 是啊 帕姆
0:07:28.46, we don't want another incident like at the lumberyard. 別又鬧出上次在木材場(chǎng)那樣的事故
0:07:31.09, Oh, my god. You guys go to the lumberyard, too? D-- 天啊 你們也去木材場(chǎng)啊
0:07:33.94, I didn't know they had a ladies' night. 我不知道那兒也辦"女士之夜"呢
0:07:35.63, Not the bar, sally. 不是說(shuō)"木材場(chǎng)酒吧" 蠢蛋
0:07:37.34, Okay, you know what? He's trying to be nice, 其實(shí) 他是想友善示好
0:07:39.24, And you just called him "Sally." 你卻叫他蠢蛋
0:07:40.54, Yeah, you're not being very helpful, peppermint patty. 是啊 你簡(jiǎn)直是越幫越亂 小甜心
0:07:42.72, Okay. Let's just stick to our actual names. 好吧 我們就叫真名好嗎
0:07:44.57, Enough. 夠了
0:07:45.72, I'm gonna give you a little homework assignment. 我要給你們分配一項(xiàng)家庭作業(yè)
0:07:47.94, I want you and your kids to have a family playdate. 我希望你們和孩子們一起來(lái)個(gè)家庭歡聚會(huì)
0:07:50.96, Maybe if the four of you can get along, 如果你們四個(gè)可以和睦相處
0:07:52.26, You can set a better example for your children. 也可以為孩子們樹(shù)立個(gè)好榜樣
0:07:54.57, I think that's a wonderful idea. Pam? 我覺(jué)得那是個(gè)好主意 帕姆
0:07:57.67, Fine.-Cam? 好吧-小卡
0:07:58.95, Fine. We'll host, obviously. 好吧 不過(guò)顯然是由我們來(lái)主持
0:08:00.86, Obviously? 顯然嗎
0:08:01.70, I assume you have an unfinished woodworking project at your house. 我猜想你們家一定還有木工活沒(méi)做完吧
0:08:04.28, You've got a lot of nerve. 你真是膽大 出言放肆
0:08:05.57, Yeah, and you've got half a canoe in our living room. 是啊 你做了半個(gè)獨(dú)木舟還在我們家客廳里呢
0:08:09.38, I look forward to your frittata. 我很期待嘗嘗你們做的餡餅
0:08:11.30, Oh. Why, are you visiting us in 2008? 那么老套的東西 你當(dāng)現(xiàn)在是2008年啊
0:08:13.53, Oh, my god. 老天啊
0:08:21.23, You have some explaining to do. 你得好好解釋一下為什么生個(gè)黑娃了
0:08:23.16, I'm so sorry that you had to find out like this, Jay. 我很抱歉娃出生了你才發(fā)現(xiàn)我的奸情 杰
0:08:27.43, Wow, you two are really far along. 哇 你肚子那么大了 懷孕挺久了吧
0:08:29.54, We're, uh, we're still in our first trimester. 我們才剛剛處于懷孕前三個(gè)月
0:08:31.70, Ay, that's nice. 真好
0:08:32.94, Yeah, we've been trying to get pregnant for ages. 是啊 我們多年來(lái)一直都在努力生個(gè)孩子
0:08:35.00, She's Latina. You just gotta look at her funny. 她是拉丁人 做個(gè)鬼臉笑笑都能懷孕
0:08:38.36, Okay, now that everyone has their doll, 好了 現(xiàn)在大家手上都有娃娃了
0:08:41.91, Let's talk about swaddling. 我們先來(lái)講一下怎么包孩子
0:08:43.70, Now you want to start by turning one corner of the blanket 首先 你們要把毯子的一角
0:08:46.45, toward you, like a diamond, 折向自己 折個(gè)菱形
0:08:48.48, And folding the top down, 從上面折起來(lái)
0:08:51.35, Like this. 就像這樣
0:08:52.72, I think they made a mistake at the hospital. 我覺(jué)得醫(yī)院把我們的孩子搞錯(cuò)了
0:08:57.79, Tough room. 全教室的人都沒(méi)笑點(diǎn)
0:08:58.98, Now we are going to pull the other corner 'round, 然后將另外一個(gè)角折過(guò)來(lái)
0:09:02.19, And tuck it in nice and snug 整齊服帖地掖到一起
0:09:05.24, Like a burrito. 就像玉米煎餅一樣
0:09:06.28, Done! I win. 完成 我勝了
0:09:08.79, It's not a race. 這不是比賽
0:09:09.90, You're darn right. It wasn't even close. 你說(shuō)得太對(duì)了 跟比賽差遠(yuǎn)了
0:09:14.89, Okay, it's good, but it's a little tight. 好吧 你包得不錯(cuò) 但有點(diǎn)太緊了
0:09:18.14, It's a burrito. You don't want the meat to fall out. 是你說(shuō)玉米煎餅的啊 不能讓里面的肉掉出來(lái)
0:09:20.88, Here. And try like this. 看著 像這樣
0:09:25.58, And see? 瞧見(jiàn)了嗎
0:09:27.92, Now your baby can breathe. 現(xiàn)在你們的寶寶可以呼吸了
0:09:31.93, I wrapped my son with one hand while driving a stick. 我一手開(kāi)車(chē) 一手都能將我兒子包好
0:09:35.62, I think I know how to keep a baby safe. 我很清楚該怎樣保證寶寶的安全
0:09:41.42, Man, I love being back in the dorms. 天啊 我真喜歡重歸宿舍的感覺(jué)
0:09:43.41, It's like I never left. 就像我從未離開(kāi)過(guò)
0:09:45.94, Throw up a David Copperfield poster, 貼張大衛(wèi)·科波菲爾的海報(bào)
0:09:47.36, this could be my room. 簡(jiǎn)直就跟我的宿舍一模一樣
0:09:49.06, Honey, Haley and I have to go fill out some paperwork. 親愛(ài)的 我陪海莉去填一些文件
0:09:51.56, Why don't you throw the linens on the bed? 你就把亞麻衣服放床上吧
0:09:53.97, - Oh, and move the car before they tow us. - Okay. -然后把車(chē)挪個(gè)位置 別被拖走了 -好
0:09:56.41, Oh, my god. What is that shirt?! 老天啊 你那T恤是怎么回事
0:09:57.79, Pretty sweet, huh? "Haley Dunphy moving co." 超有愛(ài)的吧 海莉·鄧菲搬家公司
0:10:00.33, cause we're moving you here and here. 因?yàn)槲覀円涯?quot;搬"到這里 上面也是
0:10:02.92, And also... 還有...
0:10:04.91, Here. 心里
0:10:06.71, Man, you used to love it when we swung you like that. 女兒 以前你可喜歡拉著我們的手蕩秋千了
0:10:09.35, I bet we could still do it. 我覺(jué)得現(xiàn)在還是可以做的吧
0:10:10.87, - Yeah! - Yeah. 是啊-是啊
0:10:11.99, Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. 噢不不不不
0:10:13.21, Don't you dare pick me up! And take that shirt off. 你們敢來(lái)拉我 還有 趕快把那衣服脫了
0:10:14.99, - What? Why? - It's cute! -什么 為什么 -多有愛(ài)啊
0:10:17.21, It's not cute! Do you see what's happening out there? 一點(diǎn)都沒(méi)有愛(ài) 你沒(méi)看見(jiàn)現(xiàn)在的狀況嗎
0:10:19.55, People are walking around and judging each other. 大家都轉(zhuǎn)來(lái)轉(zhuǎn)去互相吐槽鄙視
0:10:21.73, No, they're not. 不 才沒(méi)有呢
0:10:22.86, Oh, really? 是嗎
0:10:23.45, You didn't see the way 你們沒(méi)看見(jiàn)
0:10:24.04, muffin top across the hall was looking at me? 大廳對(duì)面向我投來(lái)的各種淫邪眼光嗎
0:10:25.49, People can be cruel. So take it off. 大學(xué)生的嘴是很惡毒的 趕緊脫下來(lái)
0:10:28.53, Fine. 好吧
0:10:31.75, Oh, my god! Put on a shirt! 天啊 快把衣服穿上
0:10:33.29, I don't know what you want from me! 我不知道你到底想讓我搞哪樣
0:10:35.23, You only get one chance at a first impression. 第一印象一旦定下就無(wú)法更改
0:10:37.85, I suggest Julia Child, because it's easy to do." 我建議模仿廚神茱莉亞 因?yàn)槟呛芎?jiǎn)單
0:10:41.97, Save the giblets. 留著內(nèi)臟別扔
0:10:46.27, Time to go to the beach! 該去沙灘了
0:10:47.62, You're gonna go to the beach with a dog? 你想帶著狗去沙灘嗎
0:10:49.93, I don't know what I did 我真不知道我干了什么好事
0:10:50.78, - to deserve this. - Yeah. 得到這樣一個(gè)好孩子-是啊
0:10:52.76, I want to show Connor my toys. 我想帶康納去看我的玩具
0:10:54.53, Oh, okay. You do that, sweetie. 好啊 去吧 寶貝
0:10:56.17, Hey, Connor, uh, no hair pulling. 嘿 康納 別再扯人家頭發(fā)了
0:10:58.44, Thank you for that. 謝謝你
0:10:59.62, Okay, we have an assortment of spring rolls here. 好了 我做了各種春卷
0:11:03.38, All vegetarian, of course. 都是素餡的 當(dāng)然了
0:11:05.18, Oh, 'cause I'm a lesbian, I'm automatically a vegetarian? 因?yàn)槲沂抢?我就肯定是個(gè)素食主義者嗎
0:11:08.26, Well, I saw it on "The L word." 我在《拉字至上》那部劇中看到的
0:11:08.98, I assume they have consultants. 人家編劇也不是亂編的吧
0:11:10.44, I'm just saying it's an offensive stereotype. 我想說(shuō) 那是世人對(duì)拉拉冒犯性的刻板印象
0:11:12.21, Okay, Pam, you are a vegetarian. 夠了 帕姆 你確實(shí)是素食主義者啊
0:11:15.72, Knock it off. 別裝了吧
0:11:16.52, Worked out. 碰對(duì)了
0:11:18.62, Yeah. So glad that we are doing this. 是啊 真高興我們可以這樣和睦地相處
0:11:21.00, - Yeah. Yeah, me, too. - Yeah. -是啊 我也是 -是啊
0:11:22.84, I mean, we're the only gay parents in the class. 我們是班里唯一的同性戀家長(zhǎng)
0:11:24.90, Yeah, we should be supporting one another. 是啊 我們?cè)摶ハ嘀С植艑?duì)
0:11:26.43, I mean, we have so much in common. 我是說(shuō) 我們有那么多共同點(diǎn)
0:11:28.27, Exactly. 就是啊
0:11:33.36, So... 所以
0:11:35.16, Tell us about yourselves. 介紹一下你們自己吧
0:11:36.23, I'm an environmental lawyer. 我是個(gè)環(huán)保法律師
0:11:38.04, Uh, and I'm a homemaker. 我是個(gè)家庭主夫
0:11:41.72, And--and, uh, and what do you do? 你 你們是干什么的
0:11:43.22, I'm a financial consultant. 我是個(gè)理財(cái)顧問(wèn)
0:11:45.06, I'm a contractor. 我是個(gè)承包商
0:11:48.63, You thought I was a P.E. teacher? 你以為我是個(gè)體育老師嗎
0:11:50.31, Well, figured. 猜的
0:11:51.40, Hey, I have a question real quick. 我有個(gè)小問(wèn)題要問(wèn)
0:11:52.46, How do you guys get the car seat on the motorcycle? 你們是怎么把兒童座椅綁上摩托車(chē)的
0:11:54.53, Uh, you know, Connor is having a birthday next week. 話(huà)說(shuō) 康納的生日會(huì)就在下周
0:11:57.01, Maybe Lily would like to come. 不知道莉莉愿不愿意去
0:11:58.32, Oh, she would love that. 她一定非常樂(lè)意
0:11:59.51, Oh, great. Are you guys having a clown? 真好 你們要請(qǐng)小丑嗎
0:12:01.08, Oh, god, no. 天啊 當(dāng)然不要
0:12:02.34, I hate clowns they're so creepy. 我最討厭小丑了 慎得慌
0:12:04.64, Maybe you just don't like them because they wear makeup. 你不喜歡 或許是因?yàn)樗麄儠?huì)化妝吧
0:12:08.33, You know what? I'm out. 算了 我走了
0:12:10.23, Okay.-Pam. 好吧-帕姆
0:12:11.21, Connor, we're leaving! 康納 我們要走了
0:12:12.24, - You--you don't understand. - Pam! Pam! 你誤會(huì)了-帕姆 帕姆
0:12:13.72, Cam used to be a clown. 小卡曾經(jīng)是個(gè)小丑
0:12:14.67, Used to be? Once a clown, always a clown. 曾經(jīng)嗎 一日為小丑 終身為小丑
0:12:16.20, God! Not now! Not now! 天啊 別現(xiàn)在發(fā)作 別挑現(xiàn)在
0:12:18.27, Connor, let's go. 康納 我們走了
0:12:19.52, Pam. 帕姆
0:12:24.39, Why is this door locked? 為什么門(mén)是鎖著的
0:12:25.27, Here. Let me, please. 過(guò)來(lái) 讓我來(lái)
0:12:27.31, Lily, open this door right now. 莉莉 立刻把門(mén)打開(kāi)
0:12:30.29, Okay. I'm not hearing anything. 好吧 里面一點(diǎn)聲音都沒(méi)有
0:12:32.22, I'm sure they're fine. 我確定他們平安無(wú)事的
0:12:33.41, Oh, how are you sure? 你怎么確定的
0:12:35.70, Connor! 康納
0:12:36.57, - Lily! - Connor! 莉莉-康納
0:12:37.91, Lily! 莉莉
0:12:45.65, Make the water comfortably warm 將水溫調(diào)到舒適的溫度
0:12:47.86, 90 to 100 degrees max. 最多90-100華氏度
0:12:50.27, And never leave the tub unsupervised. 千萬(wàn)別將寶寶一個(gè)人放在澡盆里
0:12:55.70, Is there something you two want to share with the class? 你們有什么好笑的事要跟全班人分享一下嗎
0:12:58.21, No. It's dirty. 沒(méi)有 是下流的笑話(huà)
0:13:00.45, Excuse me. We're trying to learn here. 不好意思 你們不學(xué)我們還想學(xué)呢
0:13:02.91, Don't worry so much. Babies are tougher than you think. 別太擔(dān)心 寶寶們是很強(qiáng)悍的
0:13:06.88, When I was 5 years old, my babysitter was a goat. 我5歲的時(shí)候 我的保姆是只山羊
0:13:09.88, What? 什么
0:13:10.77, Ay, please. You know about Lupe. 別驚訝 我跟你說(shuō)過(guò)洛佩的啊
0:13:12.56, You never said she was a goat. 你從來(lái)沒(méi)說(shuō)她是只山羊
0:13:13.70, You know, it's great that we have 其實(shí) 班里能有一對(duì)
0:13:14.87, a couple of experienced parents in the class. 有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的父母是件好事
0:13:18.13, Perhaps you can share some of your wisdom with the rest of us. 或許你們可以和大家分享一下你們的育兒經(jīng)
0:13:21.60, Absolutely. It's not rocket science. 必須的 又不是造火箭那種高科技
0:13:23.46, It's babies. They're hungry, you feed 'em. 不就是寶寶嘛 餓了 你就喂
0:13:25.22, They're teething, you give 'em some scotch. 他們出牙的時(shí)候 就喂他們喝蘇格蘭酒
0:13:26.76, Scotch? 蘇格蘭酒
0:13:27.32, Really? Are you serious? 真的嗎 當(dāng)真嗎
0:13:28.93, What? 怎么了
0:13:30.50, So we left. 然后我們就離開(kāi)了
0:13:31.56, I didn't need a lecture from Mary Poppins. 我可不需要那個(gè)人來(lái)教導(dǎo)我
0:13:33.72, And I was suddenly in a mood for a burrito. 而我突然想去吃玉米煎餅了
0:13:43.81, I'd like admission to your student body. 請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我"進(jìn)入"你學(xué)生般的嬌嫩身體
0:13:46.50, Oh, my goodness! 噢 老天啊
0:13:47.35, I am so sorry. I thought you were my wife. 我很抱歉 我以為你是我妻子
0:13:49.05, What's going on? 發(fā)生什么事了
0:13:49.88, He grabbed me and said-- 他抓了我 而且說(shuō)
0:13:51.49, I thought she was my wife. My wife works out a lot. 我以為你是我老婆 我老婆經(jīng)常健身的
0:13:53.41, Dad? 老爸
0:13:54.56, How'd he grab you? 他怎么抓你的
0:13:55.45, He squeezed my butt. 他捏了我的屁股
0:13:57.58, He what? 他什么
0:13:58.15, - Phil! - I thought it was you! 菲爾-我以為那是你
0:14:00.11, Believe me, sir. I'm a respected realtor. 相信我 先生 我是個(gè)受人尊敬的房產(chǎn)中介
0:14:02.07, This is an innocent mistake. 我絕對(duì)是無(wú)心之過(guò)
0:14:03.16, Honey, turn around and show him your--your butt. 親愛(ài)的 轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)去 讓他看看你的屁股
0:14:04.91, - It--it's uncanny. - Dad. 簡(jiǎn)直讓人不可思議-爸
0:14:06.49, I am very normal. Please do not judge me based on them. 我很正常的 千萬(wàn)別認(rèn)為上梁不正下梁歪
0:14:09.17, Are those your my little pony sheets? 那是你的小馬床單嗎
0:14:10.80, What? No! 什么 不
0:14:12.77, I ordered them online. 我在網(wǎng)上淘的
0:14:14.01, They must've sent the wrong ones. I'm very sorry. 肯定是發(fā)錯(cuò)了圖案 非常抱歉
0:14:15.31, That's what was in the box. 直接從箱子里拿出來(lái)的
0:14:19.80, Okay. 好吧
0:14:20.78, Uh, for the record, I am a respected realtor. 我澄清下 我是個(gè)受人尊敬的房產(chǎn)中介
0:14:24.35, Those are not my condoms. 那些不是我的安全套
0:14:26.02, She bought 'em. 她買(mǎi)的
0:14:27.31, Oh, my god. 我的天
0:14:28.26, Apparently, that's what people do these days-- 很顯然 如今的家長(zhǎng)就會(huì)這么做
0:14:29.91, Buy condoms for their kids. 給自己的孩子買(mǎi)安全套
0:14:31.74, When I went to college, 我上大學(xué)的時(shí)候
0:14:32.31, my parents bought me a bicycle helmet. 我爸媽給我買(mǎi)的是單車(chē)安全頭盔
0:14:33.78, That was their idea of safety. 那是他們對(duì)安全的概念
0:14:35.31, Certainly didn't need condoms. 顯然不需要安全套
0:14:36.44, Mm, not if you were wearing 你戴著單車(chē)安全頭盔
0:14:37.29, a bike helmet around campus, you didn't. Am I right? 在校園里溜達(dá)當(dāng)然用不上安全套了 對(duì)嗎
0:14:41.56, Why don't we let you guys finish, 你們先收拾好吧
0:14:43.40, and we'll come back later? 我們等下再來(lái)
0:14:45.04, Okay. 好的
0:14:46.08, Yeah. 就這樣
0:14:46.63, Yep.
0:14:47.92, Yeah, that sounds good. 好 這主意好
0:14:49.54, See you on parents weekend! 周末家長(zhǎng)活動(dòng)時(shí)見(jiàn)啦
0:14:52.67, They seem nice. 他們看起來(lái)不錯(cuò)哦
0:14:54.40, - Guys, I-- - I know. I know. -爸媽 我 -我知道 我知道
0:14:55.80, Look, we need to reorganize a little. 我們需要重新整理下
0:14:57.30, Your dad will go out and get us some new sheets. 你爸出去買(mǎi)新的床單
0:14:59.40, You and I can hang up all the pictures on the walls. 我們可以把照片掛在墻上
0:15:01.78, You know what? I think it's best if you guys get going. 知道嗎 我覺(jué)得你們最好還是離開(kāi)
0:15:04.91, But we--we wanted to help you, sweetie. 但我們想幫你 親愛(ài)的
0:15:06.64, No, I got it. 不 我可以的
0:15:07.85, W-what if you wanna move the furniture around? 如果你想把家具挪個(gè)地方呢
0:15:09.54, And we were gonna take you to dinner before we left. 我們想在離開(kāi)前帶你去吃晚餐
0:15:11.52, I like the furniture where it is, and I'm not hungry. 我喜歡家具現(xiàn)在的擺放位置 而且我也不餓
0:15:14.04, So... 所以...
0:15:15.17, Okay.-Okay. 好的-好吧
0:15:16.55, Um, well, uh, before we leave, 那個(gè) 在我們離開(kāi)前
0:15:18.82, I wanted to give you a little present. 我要送你一樣小禮物
0:15:20.33, It's actually not a little present. 其實(shí)不是什么小禮物
0:15:21.68, It's probably the best present you're ever gonna get. 有可能是你這輩子收到的最好禮物
0:15:24.89, - It's a collection of all the things I've learned-- - Thanks. 這是我的人生感悟精選集-多謝
0:15:29.56, Attention. 請(qǐng)注意
0:15:30.36, Dorm meeting in the common room. 宿舍會(huì)議在公共休息室舉行
0:15:31.98, Okay, so... 好啦
0:15:33.54, I better go. 我要去開(kāi)會(huì)了
0:15:34.88, - I know. - Okay. 我知道-去吧
0:15:35.75, Okay, come here. That's my girl. 過(guò)來(lái)抱抱 我的寶貝女兒
0:15:38.95, - Let me get in there. - Okay. 給老爸抱下-好
0:15:40.86, - All right. - Bye! 好啦-拜
0:15:42.19, Bye.
0:15:45.92, The most amazing things that can happen to a human being 作為人來(lái)說(shuō)可以遇到的最美妙的事情
0:15:49.39, will happen to you 你也會(huì)遇到
0:15:50.97, if you just lower your expectations." 只要你降低期望值
0:15:55.37, Oh, they've got something over the hole. 他們把鎖孔也擋住了
0:15:57.43, - Lily! - Connor! 莉莉-康納
0:15:59.38, We can't see anything from outside. 從外面什么也看不見(jiàn)
0:16:00.65, The curtains are closed. 窗簾關(guān)上了
0:16:02.67, Open up, Connor! We'll let you have a hot dog! 開(kāi)門(mén) 康納 開(kāi)門(mén)了就給你吃熱狗
0:16:05.71, What if something happened to them? 如果他們出了事怎么辦
0:16:07.11, What kind of hazards do you keep in there? 里面有沒(méi)有什么危險(xiǎn)物品
0:16:08.73, Well, let's see. That's where we keep our gun collection, 我想想 我們?cè)诶锩娣胖鴺屩詹?/span>
0:16:10.53, our abandoned refrigerator, 我們家的廢棄冰箱
0:16:11.73, and our chocolate-covered hypodermic needles. 還有涂滿(mǎn)巧克力的皮下注射針
0:16:13.20, Why are gay men always so sarcastic? 為什么基佬說(shuō)話(huà)總是冷嘲熱諷的
0:16:14.93, It's my coping mechanism! 那是我的應(yīng)對(duì)機(jī)制
0:16:16.04, Okay, that's it! 夠了
0:16:17.45, Lily, Connor, if you can hear me, 莉莉 康納 如果你們能聽(tīng)到
0:16:20.02, back away from the door. I'm gonna break it down. 離門(mén)遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn) 我要撞門(mén)了
0:16:22.01, I'll help you. 我來(lái)幫你
0:16:22.59, I don't want Connor to go! 我不要康納走
0:16:24.72, I wanna stay! 我要留下
0:16:26.12, Oh, thank god they're alive! 謝天謝地他們還活著
0:16:27.66, I love him! 我愛(ài)他
0:16:28.73, No, you love the idea of him. Now open this door, sweetie. 不 你只是喜歡這個(gè)想法 快開(kāi)門(mén) 寶貝
0:16:32.31, Can we really have hot dogs? 我們真的可以吃熱狗嗎
0:16:34.39, Yes, we promise. 是的 我保證
0:16:38.09, Oh! Come here, sweetheart. 快過(guò)來(lái) 小甜心
0:16:39.62, If you ask me... 要我說(shuō)
0:16:40.74, Sometimes we get so hang up on our differences. 有時(shí)候我們太過(guò)關(guān)注我們的差異
0:16:43.43, We forget there's one thing that we have in common. 我們忘記了彼此最大的共同點(diǎn)
0:16:45.70, When it comes to the safety and well-being of our children, 當(dāng)涉及到我們孩子的安全與幸福時(shí)
0:16:48.81, we're all a little bit nuts. 我們都會(huì)抓狂
0:16:52.14, You have dainty little hands, just like your daughter. 你的纖纖小玉手和你的女兒一樣
0:16:54.63, You have boots like my dad. 你的大腳丫子跟我爸一樣
0:16:57.99, I'm not saying that the goat put me to sleep or brushed my teeth. 我又沒(méi)說(shuō)那只山羊哄我睡覺(jué)給我刷牙
0:17:01.86, It just stayed outside my bedroom window 它只是待在我的臥室窗戶(hù)外面
0:17:04.11, and scared all the strangers away. 嚇跑所有的陌生人
0:17:05.81, Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little disappointed. 我不打算說(shuō)謊 我有點(diǎn)失望
0:17:07.86, Hey, kid! 嘿 孩子
0:17:09.13, Jay, mom, how was class? 杰 媽 課上得怎么樣
0:17:11.42, It was great. It was very educating and-- 非常棒 非常有教育意義
0:17:14.33, And now we know everything about the baby, no? 現(xiàn)在我們了解了關(guān)于寶寶的一切 對(duì)嗎
0:17:17.70, Interesting, because your teacher called, 有意思 因?yàn)槟銈兊睦蠋煷螂娫?huà)來(lái)
0:17:20.09, and you forgot your sunglasses when you left... 你離開(kāi)時(shí)忘了拿太陽(yáng)鏡
0:17:22.49, Three hours early. 三小時(shí)之前
0:17:25.04, Ay, Manny, don't be mad. 曼尼 別生氣
0:17:26.25, I'm not mad. Just disappointed. 我沒(méi)生氣 只是失望而已
0:17:29.32, I hate this. I prefer when he screams. 我討厭這樣 他尖叫我還好受些
0:17:31.64, Manny, it's no big deal. 曼尼 沒(méi)什么大不了的
0:17:33.19, They weren't telling us anything we didn't already know. 他們教的我們都已經(jīng)知道了
0:17:35.54, We're going to have a baby. 馬上就有寶寶要出世了
0:17:36.87, Am I the only one who's terrified? 難道只有我一個(gè)人害怕嗎
0:17:38.46, But why? 為什么呢
0:17:40.20, Why are you so terrified? 你為什么這么害怕呢
0:17:42.36, What if it doesn't know not to pick up knives 如果寶寶不知道不該拿刀
0:17:44.20, or stick its finger in an electric socket? 或是把手指插進(jìn)了電插孔怎么辦
0:17:46.19, You were pretty lax, mom. 你是個(gè)很馬虎的人 媽
0:17:47.75, I was the one who told you 是我告訴你
0:17:48.82, to turn the pot handles towards the stove 把水壺手柄轉(zhuǎn)向爐子
0:17:50.27, so I couldn't reach them. 這樣我就夠不著了
0:17:51.23, Manny, I didn't worry about those things 曼尼 我不操心這些事情
0:17:53.07, because you worried for the both of us. 因?yàn)橛心闾嫖覀儍蓚€(gè)操心
0:17:55.57, What if this baby doesn't think things through? 如果這個(gè)寶寶考慮事情不周全呢
0:17:57.63, It's part Jay. 有杰的遺傳在里面
0:17:58.54, No offense taken. 就當(dāng)你沒(méi)傷到我吧
0:18:00.97, If the baby's different, we'll be different. 如果寶寶和你不一樣 那我們的表現(xiàn)也會(huì)不一樣
0:18:03.47, Hey. 聽(tīng)我說(shuō)
0:18:05.43, When you were growing up, 你成長(zhǎng)的時(shí)候
0:18:06.42, you had to be the man of the house and the kid. 必須身兼家里的頂梁柱與小孩兩個(gè)角色
0:18:08.71, Now I'm here. You just have to be the kid. 現(xiàn)在有我 你只要做小孩就行了
0:18:11.25, I'm not gonna let anything happen to the baby, 我不會(huì)讓寶寶出任何事
0:18:13.48, just like I'm not ever gonna let anything happen to you. 就好像我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)讓你出任何事一樣
0:18:16.72, Okay? 好嗎
0:18:18.14, Okay. That is a load off. 好吧 真是松了口氣
0:18:21.13, Although you forgot to pick me up last week after tango class. 不過(guò)上周探戈課結(jié)束后 你們可是忘了接我
0:18:24.50, We didn't forget. We were just ten minutes late. 我們沒(méi)忘 我們只是遲了十分鐘
0:18:26.94, Ten minutes is a long time in a sketchy neighborhood. 在不安全社區(qū)十分鐘可是一段漫長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間
0:18:28.83, Please. It was between a gymboree 得了 教室旁邊是"金寶貝早教中心"
0:18:30.19, and a pottery barn. 和"陶瓷大谷倉(cāng)"
0:18:32.08, Dance until your feet hurt. 舞到腳痛
0:18:34.54, Sing until your lungs hurt. 唱到肺痛
0:18:37.32, Act until you're william hurt." 演到莎翁附體 心痛無(wú)比
0:18:44.26, How you doing? Are you okay? 你怎么樣 還好嗎
0:18:46.35, Yeah. No, I'm... 還好 我...
0:18:48.02, I'm--I'm--I'm good. You? 我很好 你呢
0:18:49.55, Fine. Yeah. 我還好 沒(méi)事
0:18:51.37, Great. 很好
0:19:04.47, Take a lesson from parakeets. 要有鸚鵡學(xué)舌的精神
0:19:06.82, If you're ever feeling lonely, 如果你感覺(jué)孤單
0:19:08.84, Just eat in front of a mirror." 就在鏡子前吃飯吧
0:19:12.17, Never be afraid to reach for the stars, 永遠(yuǎn)不要害怕摘星星
0:19:14.73, because even if you fall, 因?yàn)榫退隳愕聛?lái)
0:19:16.48, [parachute降落傘 音近parent父母]  
0:19:16.48, you'll always be wearing a parent-chute." 你永遠(yuǎn)有"父母牌降落傘"防身
0:19:19.63, TM." 注冊(cè)專(zhuān)利
0:19:24.28, Haley. Hi, honey. You okay? 海莉 親愛(ài)的 你好嗎
0:19:27.22, Yeah. 很好
0:19:29.06, Where are you guys? 你們?cè)谀睦?/span>
0:19:29.98, Almost home, honey. 快到家了 寶貝
0:19:31.59, Dad, I really like that book. 爸 我真的很喜歡那本書(shū)
0:19:33.74, You do? 真的嗎
0:19:35.04, Sweetheart, is everything okay? 小甜心 一切都好嗎
0:19:37.31, Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you for everything, 很好 我只是想感謝你們所做的一切
0:19:41.24, you know, today and stuff. 今天 還有以前的一切
0:19:46.18, O-of course. 客氣什么
0:19:46.93, - Sure. - Of course. If--if you need anything at all... 應(yīng)該的-不用謝 如果你有任何的需要
0:19:48.89, You just call us. 打電話(huà)給我們就行
0:19:50.35, I'll probably need some more condoms soon. 我可能很快需要更多的安全套
0:19:52.11, Not funny. 不好笑
0:19:53.52, I'm sending you some care bear sheets. 我會(huì)給你寄愛(ài)心熊床單過(guò)去
0:19:55.65, Anyway, 總之
0:19:57.09, I should probably get going. We have orientation at 7:00 a.m. 我得掛了 明早7點(diǎn)有新生入學(xué)會(huì)
0:20:00.22, G-good luck with that, sweetie. 祝你好運(yùn) 寶貝
0:20:03.75, I love you, guys. 我愛(ài)你們
0:20:06.06, We love you, too, honey. 我們也愛(ài)你 親愛(ài)的
0:20:08.37, So, so much. 非常愛(ài)
0:20:09.95, Bye.
0:20:11.16, Bye, Haley. 拜 海莉
0:20:13.60, I'll miss you. 我會(huì)想你們的
0:20:29.33, Marry someone who looks sexy while disappointed. 結(jié)婚要找看起來(lái)性感與失望并存的人
0:20:34.48, See? 明白不
0:20:36.21, Older black ladies make the best iced tea. 年老的黑人女性做的冰茶最好喝
0:20:41.31, Success is 1% inspiration, 成功來(lái)自于1%的靈感
0:20:43.86, 98% perspiration, 98%的努力
0:20:46.72, and 2% attention to detail." 以及2%對(duì)細(xì)節(jié)的注意
0:20:49.51, You can tell a lot about a person from his biography. 通過(guò)一個(gè)人的自傳 你可以很好地了解他
0:20:55.16, Watch a sunrise at least once a day. 一天至少看一次日出
0:20:59.25, If you love something, set it free, 如果你愛(ài)著什么 給它自由
0:21:01.62, unless it's a tiger." 除非它是只老虎
0:21:04.37, If you're ever in jam, 如果你碰到塞車(chē)
0:21:05.85, a crayon scrunched up under your nose 兩嘴嘟起在鼻子下夾支蠟筆
0:21:07.53, makes a good pretend mustache." 就是一撇完美的假胡子
0:21:10.27, When life gives you lemonade, 生活給了你甜甜的檸檬水
0:21:10.27, [原文是生活給了你酸檸檬 你就把它變成檸檬水 意為不怕困難苦中作甜]
0:21:12.47, make lemons. 你就把它變成酸酸的檸檬
0:21:13.78, Life will be all like, 'what?!'" 生活就會(huì)大吃一驚說(shuō) 你搞毛啊


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