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聽美劇學英語-摩登家庭第三季 第23集:逆耳的實話





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00:02.20, Oh Phil, honey you're still up. 菲爾 親愛的怎么還不睡
00:04.02, Ok. How's this sound? 你聽聽這樣如何
00:05.80, Mitchell, I love you very much, 米奇爾 我很愛很愛你
00:07.98, not only love you but I admire you 我不光愛你 更欽佩你
00:10.54, and someday I hope to... 有朝一日我愿...
00:11.36, Are you firing him or proposing to him? 你是在炒魷魚還是表白啊
00:13.22, Honey, this was supposed to be a part-time job. 親愛的 那本來就只是份兼職
00:15.47, He was gonna be done in the summer anyway. 何況他原本也只打算干到夏天
00:17.44, - Just be direct. - I should have warned him. 直接說就好了-之前應該給他提個醒的
00:19.99, How do you tell someone 可叫我怎么開口
00:20.57, they have a reputation for being lazy? 指出他懶名遠揚呢
00:22.85, Mitchell? Lazy? 米奇爾 懶?
00:23.93, Yeah. Yeah. He handed in a couple of contracts late, 沒錯 好幾份合同他都遲遲才交
00:26.36, but I didn't want to say anything 我又不好對此說三道四
00:27.75, because he's practically doing this for free. 因為他基本算是在義務勞動了
00:29.88, I can't do this! 我辦不來
00:30.74, This isn't the face of a cold-blooded hatchet man. 我就不是做冷血殺手的料
00:33.85, Will you do it? 要不你來
00:37.35, Oh, I'm sorry. Did we wake you up? 抱歉 我們把你吵醒了嗎
00:40.23, No, I was up. 不 一直就沒睡
00:42.06, I'm worried about tomorrow. 為明天的事犯愁呢
00:43.23, My art teacher acts like I don't exist, 我的美術(shù)老師一直對我熟視無睹
00:45.33, but I have one last chance 不過我還有最后一次機會
00:46.87, to impress him at our year-end art fair. 在期末美術(shù)展上一鳴驚人
00:48.61, A few students are doing living versions of famous paintings. 有幾個學生準備制作名畫的現(xiàn)實版
00:51.51, I've chosen this one, and I'm using my own family. 我選了這幅 我們一家老小齊上陣
00:54.05, Brilliant, right? 有才吧
00:55.48, When I told him, he said, "That's nice, Alice." 當我告訴他時他說 "不錯啊愛麗絲"
00:58.35, It's been a year. 都上了一年課了
00:59.84, Alice? Really? 愛麗絲 名字都叫錯
01:01.72, Honey, do you think you're nervous 寶貝 你這么緊張
01:03.07, because you've got a little crush on Mr. Jarvis? 是因為你其實有點暗戀賈維斯老師嗎
01:04.98, No.-are you sure? 才不是-確定嗎
01:05.97, Because I've seen the way you look at him-- 你瞅他那眼神我可見識過
01:06.82, Sounds like you're the one with the crush! Mm. 我看有點暗戀他的人是你吧
01:09.27, I've just never had a teacher not like me before. 我只是從沒碰見過不喜歡我的老師
01:11.49, Well, Ms. Davis. Mm. 戴維斯老師對你不咋地
01:12.75, Please. She's a gym teacher. 拜托 她是教體育的好不好
01:14.31, She is to teaching what Dr. Seuss is to medicine. 她的執(zhí)教能力就和瑟斯博士的醫(yī)療知識一樣
01:14.31, [名字有醫(yī)生之意 其實是兒童文學家 徒有其名  
01:16.86, And to think she didn't like you. 怪不得她看你不順眼
01:19.68, You? What's your problem? 那位 你怎么也沒睡
01:21.60, Nothing. I'm just excited for tomorrow. 沒事 就是對明天有點小興奮
01:23.96, I'm getting a medal at school 學校要為我頒發(fā)獎牌
01:25.00, because I put out a fire. 因為我撲滅了一場火
01:27.53, Maybe that's what I should be when I grow up... 也許我長大后可以往這方面發(fā)展發(fā)展
01:30.25, A professional medal-getter. 獲獎專業(yè)戶
01:35.34, Luke, what happened? 盧克 出什么事了
01:36.75, I don't know. 我不知道
01:37.87, I was just walking by and I smelled flames. 我剛才路過時聞到了煙味而已
01:41.73, I was there. 案發(fā)當時我也在現(xiàn)場
01:43.21, I don't like this. 你別瞎搞
01:43.97, We're not supposed to be in here. 我們壓根就不該來這兒
01:45.21, Just keep a lookout! 你專心點幫我望風
01:46.46, We're ten seconds away from creating Luketonium. 再過十秒 "盧克元素"就要問世了
01:50.51, - Oh, crap! - Look what you did! 糟了-看看你做的好事
01:54.35, Luke, what happened? 盧克 出什么事了
01:55.80, I don't know. 我不知道
01:57.01, I was just walking by and I smelled flames. 我剛才路過時聞到了煙味而已
02:03.16, Okay, guys, you're gonna be dragging tomorrow 好了 各位 再不上床睡覺
02:04.95, if you don't go to bed right now. Let's go. Go. 明天都該爬不起床了 去睡吧
02:06.47, Fine. Come on, Alice. 好 走吧 愛麗絲
02:08.62, I'll be up in a minute. 我一會兒就上樓睡
02:13.58, Mitchell, 米奇爾
02:15.06, I can't tell you how hard... 有一件事我實在開不了口
02:17.33, How hard this..." 開不了口"
02:18.42, No, that's-- no, it's not personal enough. 不 這樣顯得太生疏
02:26.38, Okay, okay. 夠了 夠了
02:28.06, I can't tell you how hurt and angry this makes me, 我對你真是失望透頂 憤怒至極
02:30.99, but you've been late too many times. 一而再再而三的不遵守時間
02:33.21, I'll need your keys." 請把鑰匙還給我吧"
02:34.19, Daddy, no! I'm so sorry! 爸爸 別這樣 我錯了
02:36.07, Honey, I didn't hear you come downstairs. 寶貝 我怎么沒聽見你下樓的聲音
02:38.04, You couldn't sleep, either? 你今晚也睡不著是吧
02:39.18, Uh, yeah. 是的
02:40.70, No, there's just, like, a lot on my mind with graduation, 我滿腦子都在想畢業(yè)典禮的事
02:47.04, and what to wear. How does this look? 該穿什么去呢 這套怎么樣
02:49.62, Wait a second. You're carrying your shoes. 等一下 你手上拎著鞋呢
02:52.58, How am I supposed to judge the whole outfit? 你得穿個全套我才好評價啊
02:54.58, Put 'em on. 把鞋穿上
03:06.09, 摩登家庭 第三季 第二十三集
03:09.28, So make sure you give this menu here 請你務必認真仔細地
03:11.44, a good, thorough reading. 讀一讀這份菜單
03:13.36, - Soup. - You didn't even look at it. 要份湯-你根本看都沒看
03:16.12, - Soup. - Check out what's below the soup-- 還是湯-仔細看看湯一欄下面的
03:18.27, Sandwiches. 三明治
03:19.28, Have you check out what is below this outfit? 你有仔細看看我這裙內(nèi)的風光嗎
03:22.01, This doesn't come from sandwiches. 可不是靠吃三明治吃出來的
03:24.08, Look! 瞧啊
03:25.84, The Jay Pritchett? 杰·普里契特
03:27.82, I don't understand. 我給弄糊涂了
03:29.52, They named you after a sandwich? 你這名字取自一種三明治嗎
03:31.39, No! They named a sandwich after me! 不對 這三明治是以我命名的
03:33.63, Turkey, bacon, swiss cheese, 火雞肉 腌肉 瑞士奶酪
03:35.89, red peppers, anchovies on wheat"? 紅辣椒 鳳尾魚 全麥面包
03:37.65, Most people would stop after the salty bacon, 一般人加到咸腌肉就差不多了
03:39.46, But I double down with the anchovies. 可我這寶貝里鳳尾魚都是雙層
03:41.22, Were you making a sandwich or attracting deer? 你是做三明治呢 還是配獵鹿的誘餌呢
03:43.70, Is this bum bothering you, miss? 老無賴騷擾你了嗎 小姐
03:45.38, Oh, I should get a picture of this-- 我真該把這一幕照下來留念
03:46.68, An actual waitress sighting in this dump. 這破地方居然還有個女招待
03:49.35, I took a chance and put in an order for your sandwich, 我本指望靠你那三明治來招攬生意
03:52.03, although most people like their Jay Pritchetts to go. 結(jié)果多數(shù)人更愿意"杰·普里契特"打包[走人
03:55.37, What's happening? 這是唱的哪一出啊
03:56.36, Gloria, it's Maxine. 歌洛莉亞 來見過瑪克辛
03:57.76, So you're married to Jay. 你就是下嫁杰的那位
03:59.47, Where'd you tie up your seeing eye dog? 你把你的導盲犬拴在哪里了
04:01.82, No, no, I'm not, um... 不 不是 我沒有瞎
04:04.48, Okay, I get it. I get it. 好吧 我聽懂了 聽懂了
04:06.26, Here's that number for that neck doctor I want you to see. 那頸部醫(yī)生的電話 我一直推薦你去看的那個
04:08.67, - Thanks. - What's wrong with your neck? 謝了-你脖子怎么了
04:10.25, For 30 years, I've been hearing it's a handball injury. 三十年了 他總說這是玩手球時受的傷
04:12.91, But it always seems to get worse with stress. 不過每次壓力一大 病就加重
04:15.47, Maybe it's that audit he's got coming up. 我估計是給最近那審計鬧的
04:17.37, - Audit? - It's nothing. 審計-沒多大事
04:18.98, Oh, isn't that cute? He doesn't want you to worry. 真貼心 他不想讓你操心
04:22.78, Here's your sandwich. 你的三明治來了
04:24.29, Now you should worry. 現(xiàn)在輪到你操心了
04:25.84, Look at it-- my prettiest child. 瞧瞧 我視如己出的寶貝
04:28.10, Why didn't you tell me about your neck? 你怎么不告訴我脖子的事呢
04:30.10, It's fine. Take a bite. 沒啥大事 嘗一口
04:31.61, - Your company's getting audited? - Nothing! 你們公司要被審計嗎-沒事
04:33.48, Three bad days, then it's over. 熬三天就過去了
04:34.79, Come on! I'm--I'm anxious to hear what you think. 開吃吧 我急著等你的評價呢
04:38.92, I see it growing on ya. 嘗出點滋味了吧
04:40.51, It's like Maxine when she first tried it. 跟瑪克辛第一次嘗它時一樣
04:42.28, - You know, she-- - I don't like it. 你知道她也-我不喜歡這玩意兒
04:43.66, You probably didn't get all-- 你還沒全吃完呢
04:44.71, Jay, I try it. I don't like it. 杰 我吃過了 不喜歡
04:47.17, That's all you can say? 這就是你的評價嗎
04:48.18, It tastes bad in my mouth. 這玩意兒味道差極了
04:49.90, It's like a fish and a turkey 就像一條魚和一只火雞
04:51.74, beat themselves to death with a pepper. 用胡椒做武器斗個你死我活
04:54.23, Okay, fair enough. Maybe a little picky, though, 你盡管說 雖說有點吹毛求疵
04:56.59, from someone who prepared a colombian specialty 可每次你做完哥倫比亞特色菜
04:58.50, and said, "Why are you not eating the hooves? 不也會反問我 "你怎么不嘗一口蹄子
05:00.65, They're the best part." 那可都是精華啊"
05:04.08, I'm back! 我回來了
05:05.09, Oh, hey, uncle Cam. 小卡舅夫你回來了
05:07.29, Oh, thanks again for picking me up last night. 謝謝你那天晚上來接我
05:09.45, You're welcome, but you have to be more careful. 小意思 不過你得更加小心才是
05:11.58, I was the responsible one. 我才是負責任的那個
05:13.17, Lisa was drinking, and I took her keys, 麗薩喝多了 我收了她的車鑰匙
05:14.82, - and then e-- - I understand. 然后-我明白
05:16.44, My senior year, I had a pretty crazy night myself 舅夫高三那會兒也有過瘋狂之夜
05:18.97, involving a bottle of corn mash and an overturned plow. 俺們農(nóng)場那些碎玉米啊翻犁頭什么的
05:21.62, - Seriously? - Yeah. You don't know terror until you've had to 不是吧-你是沒見過當時那陣仗
05:23.76, stare down the eyes of a Missouri State trooper 我直視著密蘇里州騎警的雙眼
05:25.52, and talk your way out of a P.U.I. 為自己酒后擾亂治安辯解
05:30.15, Honey, you don't drink coffee. 親愛的你又不喝咖啡的
05:31.84, I do when I've been up half the night 我昨晚大半夜都沒睡踏實
05:32.93, worrying about a project that's only one-third done, 擔心我那只完工了三分之一的作業(yè)
05:34.78, and I still have an apron to sew, scenery to paint, 還有一條圍裙要縫 一副風景畫要畫
05:36.71, plus my normal crushing workload. So... 再加上工作表全亂套了 所以...
05:39.82, Unless you have a better way for me to stimula-- 除非你有個更好的辦法幫我提神
05:42.86, Oh, god. 哦天吶
05:43.86, God, coffee's bitter. 老天 咖啡真苦
05:45.13, That was your first sip? 你這是第一次喝嗎
05:46.91, Okay, I got the chafing dish, 好了 我拿來了砂鍋
05:48.74, salt and pepper shakers-- perfect matches, both. 鹽罐和胡椒罐 黃金搭檔
05:51.86, I may have to readjust my grapes. 我得把葡萄重新擺放一下
05:53.62, Oh. Ow. I'll just give you a little privacy. 是嗎 那我還是回避一下吧
05:57.55, Welcome back to the light show. Hi. 燈光秀又回來了
06:00.31, Hi, lily. 嗨 莉莉
06:01.65, Hi, daddy. 嗨 爹地
06:03.97, Lily... 莉莉
06:05.13, Sweetheart, no. 親愛的 不行
06:06.35, No, no, no, no. We're-- we're not gonna do that today. 不行 不行 今天不能這么玩
06:08.86, Actually-- actually, Claire, 等一下 克萊爾 實際上
06:09.49, We're--we're trying not to use the word "No" So much. 我們正在盡量不對女兒說"不"字
06:12.14, We just read a book that said 我們剛讀過的一本書上說
06:13.18, children learn to rebel against that word. 孩子們會從"不"字學會叛逆
06:15.43, So we redirect her into a new activity instead. 所以我們要換種活動去誘導她
06:18.51, Oh. Here--well, just watch this. 看好了
06:20.49, Lily, sweetie, hi. It's daddy here. 乖女兒 爹地在這兒
06:22.83, Would you like to listen to some music? 你想聽點音樂嗎
06:24.98, Okay. There you go. 好的 聽吧
06:27.18, See?
06:28.36, Every new generation thinks 每一代人都覺得
06:29.68, they have cracked the code on child rearing. 自己掌握了教育孩子的秘訣
06:31.69, What's the latest theory? Never say "No." 最新的秘訣 就是不要說"不"
06:34.25, I say "No" Every day in this house. 不就是老娘每天在家里的口頭禪
06:36.63, But at night, she's a "Yes" Machine. 可夜半回床上 她就忍不住狂喊"真爽"[是
06:38.39, No. 沒有
06:40.86, Oh, it doesn't seem that she is redirecting her own energy 看來你的新辦法非但不能讓她消停會兒
06:44.14, as much as using a lot of ours. 還讓我們浪費了更多電
06:45.73, But do you see how she's slowly transitioning 但你注意到?jīng)] 她正在逐漸把注意力
06:48.12, from the lights to the music? 從燈光轉(zhuǎn)移到音樂上嗎
06:50.72, Yeah. Yeah, I do. 對 對 我看到了
06:53.07, It's hard to believe there was ever a time 輕松得都讓我 忘記曾經(jīng)必須親自
06:54.74, when we just said, "Stop doing that." 費口舌說"住手停下"的時光了
06:59.23, Oh. The garbage disposal. 天吶 別玩垃圾處理器
07:00.09, Lily, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 莉莉 不行 不行
07:01.84, Now let's redirect you into a nap, huh? 不如我們誘導你去睡個小覺吧
07:05.23, Actually, we're doing this new thing 實際上我們在嘗試新辦法
07:06.79, where we let her tell us when she wants to take a nap. 孩子想睡覺的時候 讓她自己告訴我們
07:09.44, It's called "Being your own nap captain." 這叫"我的睡眠我做主"
07:12.77, Come on, sweetie. 過來 乖女兒
07:20.66, Phil. 菲爾
07:22.39, Did you ring the doorbell? 你按門鈴了嗎
07:23.85, Oh, no, 'cause I have these two coffees. 沒有 拿著咖啡沒騰出手
07:26.66, One is for you. 一杯給你
07:27.82, Thank you. 謝謝
07:28.38, Here's my life-- a full-time job, 我的生活大致如下 一份全職工作
07:30.74, a 3-year-old, and a second one on the way. 一個三歲的女兒 還有一個正待領(lǐng)養(yǎng)
07:33.31, and as a favor, 加上為了幫忙
07:34.93, I agreed to do a little work for Phil's agency. 我答應幫菲爾他們公司做一點事
07:37.47, The problem is, I'm very good, 麻煩就是 我太出色了
07:40.10, and the more I do, the more they want me. 我做得越好 他們越離不開我
07:42.62, I-I even turned in a few assignments late 一些任務我甚至故意晚些交工
07:44.71, so that they'd fall out of love with me a little bit. 為了讓他們不要對我死纏爛打
07:47.50, Right. 可不就得這樣
07:48.89, How--how long have you been standing here? 你在門外站了多久了
07:50.20, Are--are you-- are you all right? 你沒事吧
07:51.68, Oh, yeah. 沒事
07:52.42, cause you're-- you're really blinking. 你眼睛怎么眨個不停
07:56.62, I'm a stress blinker, 我一有壓力就眨眼
07:58.14, and what really gets me going is confrontation. 尤其是跟別人對峙的時候
08:01.54, I hate it. I-I avoid it at all costs. 很討厭那感覺 能避免就避免
08:03.99, Terrible at it. 手足無措
08:04.99, Once, I, uh, I tried to break up with a girl, 有一次 我想跟一個女孩提分手
08:07.27, and I danced around it so much, 我繞了好大一個圈子
08:08.91, she didn't know I had broken up with her. 結(jié)果她都不知道我跟她分手了
08:11.94, 20 years later, we're still married. 結(jié)果我跟她一結(jié)婚就是20年
08:13.93, I am... Really... Sorry... 我 非常 抱歉
08:18.81, about the cold coffee. 咖啡都涼了
08:20.23, It's not that cold. It's lukewarm, so... 沒那么涼 還溫[盧克熱]著呢
08:23.37, - Okay, so-- - Funny story about that expression-- 我得走了-你用那詞讓我想到個事兒
08:25.27, when the kids were younger, um, we had a, uh, 我家娃還小的時候 我們...
08:27.86, a wading pool... 有一個嬉水池
08:29.15, and occasionally, Luke would have an accident, 間或盧克總搗鼓出點亂子
08:30.86, and, um, Alex would scream, 然后艾麗克斯就嚇得直叫
08:32.47, and we'd say, um, "It's okay, honey, 然后我們就說 親愛的沒事
08:34.51, he's just making it lukewarm." 只不過把水"盧克熱"一下
08:39.65, - Wow, so-- - So I gotta get going, 那么-我得走了
08:41.01, - but I-I'll see-- - Okay, wait! 回頭見-好吧 等一下
08:42.45, I'm just gonna come straight out and say it. 我還是開門見山地說吧
08:44.00, Mitchell, you've done a wonderful job for the agency 米奇爾 你在我們公司做得很好
08:46.10, Since you decided you'd help us out for just a little bit. 既然你決定幫我們這個小忙
08:48.40, And we couldn't ask for more, could we? 而我們也不該再麻煩你 對吧
08:50.78, I wish it didn't have to end. 但我不希望合作就此結(jié)束
08:53.15, In fact, if it was up to me, you'd stay on forever... 如果能由我決定 你可以一直干下去
08:55.37, - Phil, Phil... - But it is not just up to me, is it? -菲爾 菲爾 -但我說了不算數(shù) 對吧
08:57.81, - So... - I... Phil, I saw this coming, 所以-菲爾我早知會如此
08:59.82, And--and look... 而且 你看啊
09:02.89, I bailed. I made an excuse and left. 我逃了 我找了個借口就跑了
09:06.31, But I-I-I've gotta be straight with him. 但我必須和他實話實說
09:08.11, Phil, I cannot stay on with your firm forever. 菲爾 我不能永遠幫你們公司干活
09:10.98, Oh! God, it's gonna crush him. 天吶 那一定會讓他很傷心
09:14.79, Maybe I can get Claire to do it. 要不讓克萊爾幫我傳個話
09:16.92, Well, that was easy! 挺簡單就說出口了嘛
09:20.92, We're really proud of you, buddy. 我們以你為豪
09:22.00, See you at the ceremony. 頒獎典禮上見
09:26.91, - You're not a hero. -I put out a fire. 你不是英雄-是我把火滅了
09:28.88, A fire you started. 你自己點的火
09:29.85, - Was there a fire? - Yes. 當時是不是起火了-是的
09:31.40, - Did I put it out? - That's not-- 火是我滅的嗎-這不
09:32.59, Answer the question. 你就回答這個問題
09:34.29, Yes. 是的
09:35.30, I'm getting an award for it. 他們要為此給我發(fā)獎
09:36.95, If they gave awards for starting fires, 如果他們要給縱火的發(fā)獎
09:38.70, I'd be getting one of those, too. 我還會再拿一項獎
09:40.13, I know you have a conscience, Luke. 盧克 我知道你是個有良心的人
09:42.77, Do you see this flag? It stands for justice. 你看這國旗 它是正義的象征
09:45.84, So when that fire marshall gets here, 等火警部的人來了后
09:47.66, I know you're going to look at that flag 我知道你會注視著國旗
09:49.43, and do the right thing. 做正確的事情
09:58.34, You were very quiet all the way home. 你回家路上一句話也沒說
10:01.20, Are you upset at me because I honked at that old lady? 你不高興 是不是因為我沖老太太摁喇叭了
10:04.11, Normally, we leave the honking to the driver, 一般來說 摁喇叭是司機的事
10:06.24, but I'm used to it. 但我已經(jīng)習慣了
10:07.50, Is it because of the sandwich? 是因為那三明治嗎
10:09.22, Ah, you maybe could have eaten half of it... 你其實可以吃掉一大半
10:11.45, said a couple of nice things. 然后再美言幾句
10:12.78, It's just a sandwich, Jay. 杰 不就是個三明治嘛
10:14.53, It's not about the delicious sandwich, Gloria. 歌洛莉亞 這不是三明治的問題
10:16.88, It's about being respectful of a person's feelings. 而是你尊不尊重他人感受的問題
10:19.82, But I was just being honest. 但我只是實話實說啊
10:21.28, You don't have to be honest 一段感情中并不是每件小事
10:22.32, about every little thing in a relationship. 你都要實話實說告訴另一半的
10:23.87, Some things you say, some things you don't. 有時該說實話 有時不該說
10:27.42, What are the things that you don't say? 有什么事你沒說實話
10:29.01, Gloria, I really don't wanna do this anymore. 歌洛莉亞 我實在不想談這個
10:30.46, Oh, really? 真的嗎
10:31.11, But you cannot just try to teach me a lesson, 可你不能光顧著教訓我
10:33.37, - and then not even.. - Okay, fine. 卻不...-好好
10:34.48, I don't say this, 雖然不想這么說
10:35.54, But it... Bothers me a little bit 可有件事確實讓我有點煩
10:38.23, That you're just a tiny bit... loud. 你說話的動靜有些許 聒噪
10:41.14, Loud?-not all the time. 聒噪-也不是每時每刻
10:42.23, Only when you, you know, when you talk. 只是 在你開口說話時
10:44.78, So I embarrass you? 我讓你覺得丟人嗎
10:46.18, Gloria...-What? 歌洛莉亞-干嘛
10:48.27, Am I being too loud again? 我說話又太聒噪了嗎
10:49.61, All right. Buckle up. 好吧 又有得斗了
10:50.81, Oh, I'm gonna go and try to do the laundry, 我現(xiàn)在要去洗衣服了
10:53.97, and I'm gonna do it very quietly 我會躡手躡腳輕言輕語地
10:55.31, so I don't bother you. Maybe Manny can help me. 不想煩你 或許曼尼能幫我
10:59.11, Manny! 曼尼
11:01.01, - I get it. - Manny! 意思到了就好了-曼尼
11:03.12, I get it. 我懂了
11:07.29, Now you're not even making any noise. 現(xiàn)在你一點聲都沒有了
11:11.32, Okay, this is way too many grapes, 葡萄放太多了
11:14.15, and this spoon is modern day, 而且這勺子不夠復古
11:15.31, so if we use it, everyone at the table has to react in shock 如果我們用了 餐桌上的所有人都會驚異于
11:17.68, at the spoon from the future. 這從未來穿越來的勺子
11:19.54, Okay. And that went down the drain. 好吧 這下穿越進下水道了
11:21.65, And you need a nap. 你趕緊去打個盹吧
11:23.09, You need a nap. 你才要打個盹呢
11:24.66, I got it. Ooh, I lost it. Shoot. 我撿到了 又掉了 擦
11:27.30, Let me know if I can eliminate any distractions for you. 需要我?guī)湍銣p少一些外界干擾嗎
11:29.78, Oh, I got it. No, I got a finger on it. There it is. 撿到了 我手指夠到了 快了
11:31.63, Oh, lost it again. 又掉了
11:33.15, Maybe you should just wait until it comes to you. 或許你該等它自己出來
11:34.90, You know, make it the captain of its own spoon platoon. 你懂的 讓勺子自己做主嘛
11:37.65, I understand the point you're making, Claire, but... 克萊爾 我知道你想說什么 但是
11:39.91, Oh! Now I'm stuck. 啊 我被卡出了
11:40.91, Yeah, Cam, you are stuck. 是啊 小卡 你確實卡住了
11:42.06, You are stuck on a philosophy that clearly doesn't work. 你卡在了一個根本不管用的方法論上
11:44.48, Sometimes, you need to say "No" to a child. 有時 你必須對孩子說"不"
11:47.23, Yeah, and sometimes you need to say "No" to an adult. 是啊 有時 你也需要對一個大人說"不"
11:49.79, No, Claire. No, I don't need help raising my child. 不 克萊爾 我不需要別人教我怎么帶小孩
11:53.94, Oh. Okay. 好吧
11:55.49, Sorry. 不好意思
11:56.79, Guess I-I do have a lot to learn. 看來 我還有很多要學
11:59.43, Right now, I-I'm looking forward to learning 現(xiàn)在 我就想看看
12:01.81, if you will get your arm out of there 你能不能及時抽出手來
12:03.13, before Lily gets to the garbage disposal switch. 別等莉莉打開了水槽垃圾粉碎器的開關(guān)
12:09.12, Um... Lily, sweetie! 莉莉 寶貝兒
12:11.44, C-can you do something, please, Claire? 克萊爾 你能幫幫忙嗎
12:13.05, I would like to. Really, I would, 我愿意 真的 我愿意
12:14.42, But I would probably just say "No" 可我只會說"不"
12:15.57, and shred her confidence and mangle her self-esteem. 那會打擊她的自信心和自尊心
12:18.49, Okay, fine! I'm sorry! Just--here, 好啦 我錯了 看這兒
12:20.04, - Stop her! Stop her! Sweetie! - What to do with you? -阻止她 阻止她 寶貝 -看你怎么辦
12:22.30, Claire! Okay! 克萊爾 好吧
12:28.80, Ohh! Yes! 真好玩
12:34.54, - You think that's funny, don't ya? - Oh, sure. 你覺得這很好玩是吧-當然了
12:36.56, Yes. Well, it's wicked, Claire. It's wicked. 太壞了 克萊爾 你太壞了
12:38.70, Come on. We're leaving, lily! 過來 我們該走了 莉莉
12:40.47, Lily! 莉莉
12:41.48, It's living art. 簡直就是行為藝術(shù)
12:43.24, We stay perfectly still for 90 seconds, 整整90秒我們就筆直站在那
12:45.18, basically doing nothing. 幾乎紋絲不動
12:46.48, Sounds like my first wife. 我第一個老婆在床上也一動不動
12:48.03, I don't know. She always moved for me. 不是吧 她在我身上動得可歡呢
12:49.89, As long as you both agree it was only 90 seconds. 你們都承認只能堅持90秒就行了
12:52.15, Two nerds with one stone! 一石在手 二傻出糗
12:54.28, I love working in an office. 我就愛在辦公室里工作
12:56.02, Is that your brother-in-law? I thought you fired him. 那是你小舅子嗎 你不是把他解雇了嗎
12:58.09, I did, before work. 是啊 上班路上
12:59.78, Then what's he doing here? 那他在這兒干嘛
13:00.76, Is he disgruntled? He looks disgruntled. 憤憤不平嗎 他看起來是有點
13:02.54, No, he always looks like that. 不 他生下來就這德性
13:04.51, Hey. How's it going? 有事嗎
13:06.80, Hey, hey. Listen-- 聽著
13:08.45, Okay, I know this is uncomfortable... 我知道這很尷尬
13:09.70, but we really need to talk about my future here. 但我們需要談談我在這里的前景
13:12.34, But I-I-I thought we-- 但我 我以為我們
13:13.75, No, I know. I know I led you to believe 不 我知道我讓你誤以為
13:15.62, that I'd be able to stay on here indefinitely, 我能一直在這里工作下去
13:17.60, And--and... O-okay, 而且
13:18.96, Don't get all blinky. Oh. 別眨眼了
13:19.95, - No, it's not all bad news, okay? - Okay. 也不全是壞消息-好吧
13:22.31, You will have me until July, like we agreed. 就按我們商量好的 我會待到七月
13:24.19, - Okay, great. - Yes. 挺好-對
13:25.58, Hey, could you jump on the elevator with me real quick? 你能麻溜兒地跟我坐電梯下去一趟嗎
13:27.53, Yes.-Yes. I could use a hand carrying up some stuff from my car. 行-要麻煩你幫我從車里搬點東西上來
13:31.05, Oh! My goodness. I probably need some empty boxes, don't I? 對了 要先拿點空箱子 對嗎
13:34.42, You know what? You head down, 要不你先下去
13:35.84, I'll meet you at the glass doors. 我們在玻璃門那兒會合
13:37.03, There was something else. What was it? 我還想說什么來著 是什么呢
13:37.95, I know it's in there. Oh, yeah, you're fired. 就在腦邊了 對了 你被炒了
13:39.29, What? F-fired?! 什么 被炒了
13:42.82, W-what's going on with these things? 這門怎么了這是
13:45.86, You trying to open 'em? 你在幫忙打開嗎
13:47.87, I guess I better... get somebody. 我想我最好去叫些幫手
13:49.85, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait-- 等等
13:51.09, You're firing me? 你干嘛要炒我
13:52.54, I-I don't even like this job. 我壓根就不喜歡這份工作啊
13:54.10, That can't be safe. 這樣不安全
13:55.39, - Is someone trapped in there? - The guy they fired. 有人被困在里面了嗎-被炒的那個人
13:57.46, Oh, the lazy guy? 那個懶貨嗎
13:58.75, Lazy?! 懶貨?
13:59.67, You handed in a couple of things late. 你遲交過一些材料
14:01.00, I should have warned you. 我該事先給你提個醒的
14:02.28, I'm terrible at breaking bad news. 我不擅長告訴別人壞消息
14:03.70, Well, then why did you come over to my house 那你為什么要跑到我家
14:05.15, and tell me how great I was? 把我吹得跟朵花似的
14:06.38, That was me trying to fire you! 我那是想炒你魷魚
14:08.45, I haven't felt like this since I tried to 上次這么糾結(jié)還是20年前
14:10.24, break up with Claire 20 years ago. 我打算跟克萊爾鬧分手
14:11.40, Someone's stuck again? 又有人困在里面了嗎
14:12.34, That lawyer with the attitude they just fired. 他們剛炒掉的那個態(tài)度惡劣的律師
14:14.46, They said it was your attitude, 人都說是因為你態(tài)度惡劣
14:16.15, like you were doing us a favor. 擺著譜像是給了我們多大恩惠
14:17.88, I was doing you a favor! 難道不是這樣嗎
14:20.06, - Why didn't he get the service like everyone else? - Lazy 他干了什么了這么遭人恨-偷懶
14:25.62, Don't worry. He can't get you. 別擔心 他打不著你
14:26.91, Two hours I was stuck in there 我在里面困了兩個小時
14:28.38, with the entire office of people staring at me, 整個辦公室的人都來圍觀
14:30.30, I-I finally had to lie down. 我 我最后只好躺下
14:34.72, doesn't help my reputation 讓我的形象更加惡劣
14:39.30, Figures. 瞧這熊樣
14:52.15, You guys nailed it. 你們干的棒極了
14:54.01, Dude, that was surreal. 小兄弟 神乎其神的
14:55.77, Dad, come on! 老爸 拜托
14:57.04, We have a minute to set up! 我們還剩一分鐘準備時間
14:59.50, Where are Mitchell and Cam? 米奇爾和小卡在哪里
15:01.07, Hey, Manny. Thanks for what you said before about the flag. 曼尼 謝謝你之前那些關(guān)于國旗的演說
15:03.82, It really got me thinking. 真的讓我思緒良多
15:05.08, I knew you had a conscience, Luke. 我知道你是有良知的 盧克
15:06.48, And more importantly, you've got a good... 更重要的是 你有一顆好...
15:09.05, You didn't. 你不是吧
15:09.90, Yep. And thanks to you, 沒錯 多虧了你
15:11.46, I had them move the ceremony to right under the flag. 我讓他們移師國旗下完成了儀式
15:14.12, I'll sign a picture for you. 我會給你張簽名照的
15:17.72, Oh, there you are. I was afraid you weren't coming. 你們來了 就怕你們放我鴿子
15:19.74, It was a discussion. 是商量著要不要來的
15:20.80, If we weren't gonna show up, 如果我們決定不來
15:21.68, we would have clearly let you know, 我們肯定會提前告訴你
15:23.63, and not humiliated you in public. 而不是在公共場合羞辱你
15:25.28, If it's any consolation, 權(quán)當是安慰吧
15:26.46, the lawyer we hired to replace you 我們新雇的律師
15:27.66, is already suing the elevator company. 已經(jīng)對那個電梯公司發(fā)起訴訟了
15:29.47, You're sitting on my hand. 你坐到我手上了
15:30.83, Be thankful you have two. 好歹你雙手都在
15:31.84, I almost lost one today. 我今天可差點廢掉一只
15:32.95, Oh, stop being such a baby. 別像個孩子似的
15:34.05, She was nowhere near that switch. 她離那個開關(guān)十萬八千里呢
15:35.38, shh! Keep your voices down.We're about to go on. 安靜點 我們要開始了
15:37.74, Why you looking at me? 你看著我干什么
15:38.78, Am I too loud? Is that what everybody thinks? 我很聒噪嗎 大家都這么認為嗎
15:41.13, - What? - There's a backstory here 怎么了-她這是事出有因
15:42.38, you don't wanna know about. 我就不折磨你們耳朵了
15:43.43, - I want turkey. - Save your appetite, baby girl. 我想要火雞-忍著 小甜心
15:46.07, And don't forget, afterwards, 別忘了 結(jié)束后
15:47.17, we're going to Lenny's for a bite to eat-- 我們要去"連記餐館"吃個簡餐
15:48.46, more than a bite if you value my feelings. 如果在乎我 到時候就多吃點
15:50.32, Oh! Great, we get to see Maxine. 太好了 我們能看到瑪克辛了
15:52.05, What? You know Maxine, too? 什么 你也知道瑪克辛嗎
15:54.00, - Oh, we all know Maxine. - Love. 我們都知道瑪克辛-超愛的
15:55.52, Second-best hugger in the world, 她有這世上第二棒的擁抱
15:56.85, [美國影星 因出演《不羈夜》榮獲金球獎最佳男配角獎  
15:56.85, after Mr. Burt Reynolds. Story to follow. 僅次于伯特·雷諾茲 說來話長
15:59.61, All right, guys, this will all be over in 90 seconds. 好了 90秒后就大功告成了
16:01.49, - Hold your poses. - Okay. 姿勢都給我定好-好
16:03.11, I really wanna impress Mr. Gorgeous. 我想給"迷死人"老師留個好印象
16:05.44, Jarvis! Shut up. 是賈維斯老師 閉嘴
16:07.42, Hey, Mitch, I know this isn't a good time, 米奇 我知道現(xiàn)在說這個不合適
16:09.22, I-I just want you to know, 我只是想要你知道
16:10.79, - I'm really-- - I know, Phil.You're really sorry, okay? 我真的-我知道 菲爾 你很抱歉
16:12.72, But this is gonna take me a little time to get over, all right? 但我需要一點時間平復心情 好嗎
16:15.29, Actually, I was gonna say I'm really gonna need your parking pass. 事實上 我是想讓你把公司停車卡還我
16:17.62, What?! 什么
16:18.51, Our next stage presentation will be Alex Dunphy's interpretation 下一個舞臺演出是由艾麗克斯·鄧菲帶來的
16:21.72, of Norman Rockwell's 1943 painting, 對諾曼·洛克威爾1943年的作品
16:24.13, Freedom from want 《免于匱乏的自由》的解讀
16:26.47, How do you sleep at night, Luke? 你晚上怎么能安心睡覺 盧克
16:27.96, With a medal around my neck. 把獎牌掛我脖子上唄
16:29.77, - I want turkey. - Lily, no! 我想吃火雞-莉莉 不要
16:31.72, She doesn't understand that word. 她應該不懂這個詞吧
16:32.90, Cram it, Claire. 收聲 克萊爾
16:33.92, Control your child, Cam. 管好你的孩子 小卡
16:35.57, It's not that difficult. I've raised three. 又不是啥難事 我養(yǎng)了三個呢
16:37.73, - Really? - Cam! 真的嗎-小卡
16:38.88, Why don't you ask Haley what time she got home last night? 你為什么不問問海莉昨晚幾點回的家
16:40.89, Uncle Cam! 小卡舅夫
16:41.39, Sorry, dear. Collateral damage. 對不起親愛的 傷及無辜了
16:42.97, What is he talking about? 他這是在說什么呢
16:44.40, Your arms are shaking. 你的手臂在抖
16:45.21, Oh, yeah, 怎么著
16:45.94, I'm sure that the great Maxine can do a better job! 那完美無缺的瑪克辛肯定比我做得好
16:48.87, You can criticize my parenting all you like, Cam, 隨便你怎么批判我的教育方式 小卡
16:50.88, but my son just won a medal. 但我兒子剛得了枚獎牌
16:52.87, For a fire he started. 那火是他自己放的
16:54.13, Luke, is that true? 盧克 是真的嗎
16:57.21, How long? It's getting heavy! 還要多久 我快撐不住了
16:59.09, You're not getting that parking pass back. 那停車卡你是別指望拿回去了
17:00.60, I tried to let you down easy. 我試過委婉地告訴你
17:01.99, You don't know how to talk to people, Phil. 你不懂得如何與人交流 菲爾
17:03.89, It's just like when Claire didn't even know you dumped her. 比如克萊爾當時完全不知道你把她甩了
17:05.96, What?-When did dad dump you? 什么-爸爸什么時候甩過你
17:07.41, I didn't dump her! I just tried to! 我沒甩她 只是想甩而已
17:09.38, I am losing it! 撐不住啦
17:11.04, Just a few more seconds! 再堅持幾秒種
17:13.22, I want turkey. 我要吃火雞
17:14.57, Lily, no! 莉莉 不
17:17.56, We really are trying to not say that word. 我們真的在嘗試少提這個字眼
17:20.13, B-minus, B-
17:21.77, But there was a silver lining. 不過聊以慰藉的是
17:24.90, I expected more, Alex. 我看好你哦 艾麗克斯
17:28.34, Alex! 艾麗克斯[總算叫對名字了
17:30.18, I am gonna call Haley and tell her 我打電話給海莉告訴她
17:31.79, we're not going to that deli. 我們不去"連記"吃了
17:32.96, I can't take another minute of Cam. 我實在受不了小卡了
17:34.55, You know, I'm not even sure 雖然我自己都不太確信
17:35.65, I believe all these new parenting theories, 能被這套全新的家教理論說服
17:37.33, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let her tell me they're wrong. 但讓她來對我指手畫腳 讓我死了算了
17:40.55, We are not going to dinner. 晚飯我看還是免了吧
17:42.10, I tried that sandwich. 我試過那個三明治了
17:43.56, It's not that good. You're not missing anything. 就那么回事 你不吃也沒事
17:45.64, I sure won't miss seeing Luke and that stupid medal. 我才不稀罕盧克和他的傻帽獎牌
17:48.04, I play by the rules. Where's my medal? 可我向來循規(guī)蹈矩 怎么不給我個獎牌
17:50.27, Jay can stay with that Maxine. 杰可以和那個瑪克辛一起吃
17:52.11, She's not loud like me. 她可沒我這么聒噪
17:53.92, In fairness, you can be a little quick to give advice. 憑心而論 你給人支招時常常不過腦
17:58.13, Well, I'm always ready to help, 我向來一心幫助他人
17:59.00, if that's what you mean, yeah. 如果你是這意思的話 那沒錯
18:00.88, Yeah, but if you're not careful, it can come off a little... 但如果你不注意下措詞 聽起來就有點
18:04.49, Know-it-all-y. 自以為知
18:05.92, That's not a word. 這是哪國語言
18:07.24, What you mean to say is, 你想說的應該是
18:08.20, it can come off like I know it all. 聽起來會讓人覺得有點"自以為是"
18:11.90, I've always been this way. 我一直就是這個做派
18:13.11, That's why I wanted to break up with you. 所以當時我才想甩了你
18:15.04, The word "Fired" doesn't even apply. 說"炒掉"這個詞根本不合適
18:17.47, You can't get fired from a favor. 幫忙而已 怎么能被炒掉呢
18:19.36, Okay, sweetie, maybe you should just let it go. 好了 親愛的 你還是別去想了
18:21.54, Like I always say, it's better to carry a tune than a grudge. 就像我常說的 耿耿于懷不如放手釋懷
18:24.12, Okay, you... you've never said that, but... 好吧 你從來沒說過這話
18:26.55, And--and what about this grudge you're holding against Claire? 那你對克萊爾的耿耿于懷又怎么說
18:28.85, I don't see you trading that in for a tune. 也沒見你放手釋懷啊
18:30.69, That is completely different. 那完全不是一回事
18:31.91, She insulted my parenting skills. 她詆毀了我為人父母的能力
18:33.70, Which, you have to admit, you can be pretty defensive about. 你就承認吧 有時候你是老虎屁股摸不得
18:38.88, Okay, so maybe we both can be a little sensitive. 好吧 也許我倆都過于敏感了
18:41.12, N-no. No. 不 不是
18:42.68, No. These--these are-- these are not equal. 不 那完全不是同一回事
18:45.20, No, you have no idea what it feels like to be fired. 你完全不了解被炒掉是什么感覺
18:47.36, Yes, I do. I've been fired. Everyone has. 我了解 我被炒過 誰沒有啊
18:49.95, Not me. 我沒有
18:51.58, Never?-No. 從來沒有?-沒有
18:53.39, Nope, I've always been very good at what I do. 沒有 我在工作上向來很優(yōu)秀
18:56.44, So then maybe what you're feeling 也許你只是第一次
18:58.17, is a little insecure about your work for the first time. 對你的工作產(chǎn)生了一點危機感
19:02.92, That's hogwash. 純屬廢話[豬食
19:04.53, As someone who's seen actual hogwash, 作為真正見識過豬食的人
19:06.11, I can assure you that it's not. 我可以保證還沒到那份上
19:08.47, I don't know why you're so bothered by Maxine. 我不理解為什么瑪克辛這么招你煩
19:10.76, She's nice. 她人不錯啊
19:11.89, Oh, good! Why don't you, Jay, and Maxine 好啊 那不如你 杰還有瑪克辛
19:14.27, live together, eating sandwiches forever?! 一起生活吧 快樂地吃著三明治直到永遠
19:17.87, Can I float a theory here, mom? 小哥斗膽給你把把脈 老媽
19:19.83, You sound like you're jealous. 你好像是吃醋了
19:21.35, Please! 得了吧
19:22.72, Me jealous of that woman? 我吃那個女人的醋
19:25.21, I just don't like the way they talk to each other! 我就是看不順眼他們講話的樣子
19:28.15, And the little jokes, 還有那私房笑話
19:29.90, and she knows everything about his life! 她對他的生活了如指掌
19:32.44, Just makes me feel like, em... 就是讓我感覺
19:37.92, Is that jealous? 這是吃醋嗎
19:41.48, Ay, my poor sisters. 我的媽呀
19:46.99, Just you? I thought the whole family was swinging by. 就你嗎 我以為你們?nèi)胰硕紩砟?/span>
19:49.89, Who knows what they're doing? 誰知道是怎么回事
19:50.82, Right now, they're all sniping at each other. 現(xiàn)在都看彼此不順眼
19:52.40, Ah, who needs 'em? 誰需要他們啊
19:53.55, Right. As long as I have you, Maxine... 是啊 只要我還有你 瑪克辛
19:54.93, I'm off in five. 我五點就下班
19:56.03, Hey, Luke! 盧克
19:57.54, What's with all the hardware? 這亮閃閃的獎牌是什么呀
19:59.09, Well, he set fire to a school and lied about it. 他在學校制造了火災 并且撒了謊
20:02.12, You know they give medals for anything these days. 這年頭屁大點事也要發(fā)個獎牌
20:03.82, It's going back tomorrow. 明天要還回學校
20:05.46, He doesn't get a lot of medals. 他沒什么機會能得獎牌
20:08.47, I just really need one of these. 我真的需要來一個"愛的抱抱"
20:11.66, Don't hold back. Oh! 使勁抱吧
20:13.79, My girls. There they are. Hi. 寶貝外孫女來了
20:15.46, Hello, hello. Hi, all. 大家好啊 好啊
20:17.01, Hey, Cam. Hey! 小卡
20:21.01, Come on in! 快來
20:24.72, I, uh, I appreciate your coming. 你能來太好了
20:27.04, And, again, I really, really--Thank you. 還有 我真的真的 謝謝
20:30.34, - There she is. - Well, look who made it. 她來了-看誰來了
20:32.39, Hola, Maxine. So nice to see you. 你好 瑪克辛 見到你很高興
20:34.76, Let me get you some menus. 我去給你們拿菜單
20:36.10, We don't need it. 不需要
20:37.03, It's Jay Pritchetts all around! 都要"杰·普里契特"三明治
20:41.21, Gloria, if you want your sandwich without anchovies, 歌洛莉亞 如果你的三明治不要鳳尾魚
20:43.43, I won't be offended. 我不會生氣的
20:45.79, [美國作曲家  
20:45.79, Of course, then it'll be a Jack Feldman. 不過這就要改名為"杰克·菲德曼"了
20:56.58, - Hey, man. - Is the repair guy here? 兄弟-修電梯的來了嗎
20:58.19, He's working on it. 在修了
20:59.92, Um, listen, uh, 聽我說
21:00.73, It's Katie's birthday, Skip's assistant. 今天是卡蒂的生日 司格普的助理
21:02.78, Big 3-0. Still no ring. 30好幾了 大齡剩女
21:04.79, You woke me up to tell me that? 你叫醒我就為說這個嗎
21:05.90, No, no. I-I grabbed you some cake. 不是 我給你拿了點蛋糕
21:07.62, Oh, sure it's not for employees only? 確定不是員工也可以吃嗎
21:09.68, Okay. Had that coming. 好吧 就知道會這樣
21:11.24, Who are you talking to, Phil? 你跟誰說話呢 菲爾
21:12.43, Mitchell.-Who? 米奇爾-誰
21:13.76, Mitchell, my br-- uh, the lazy guy. 米奇爾 我的小舅... 那懶鬼
21:15.91, I was doing you a favor. 我只是來幫你忙而已
21:18.83, All right, just give me the cake. I'm hungry. 好吧 蛋糕給我 我餓了
21:21.43, No! 不要啊


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