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聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)-摩登家庭第三季 第11集:遲到的體檢結(jié)果





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00:00.15, So how's the family? 家里人還好嗎
00:01.51, Great. Kids are getting so big. Haley's about to go off... 挺好的 孩子們都長(zhǎng)大了 海莉準(zhǔn)備要
00:05.30, You can stop holding your stomach in. 你可以不用使勁收腹了
00:06.59, - To college. - You still exercising? 去上大學(xué)了-你堅(jiān)持鍛煉嗎
00:09.71, Clearly. 顯然啊
00:11.19, I look at a Clint Eastwood 我看到克林特·艾斯伍德
00:12.18, or Chuck Norris and I think, 和查克·諾里斯那種體魄 就想著
00:13.64, there's no reason I can't stay tough like.. 我也可以像他們那樣健壯...
00:15.23, Oh, tickles! 癢死人家啦
00:18.67, But... 不過
00:20.53, That hurt? 痛嗎
00:21.65, No. Not r--ow. 不 不太...嗷
00:26.01, What? 怎么了
00:26.40, It's probably nothing. You feeling okay? 應(yīng)該沒大礙 你感覺還好吧
00:28.96, - Yeah. - Maybe we'll just run a couple of tests, just to be safe. 很好-保險(xiǎn)起見 做幾個(gè)檢查吧
00:31.54, What kind of tests? 什么檢查呢
00:32.33, If there's anything wrong, I'll give you a call. 如果有問題 我會(huì)打電話給你的
00:35.79, Okay.
00:36.99, So how's the real estate market doing? 房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)現(xiàn)在如何
00:39.39, Well, interest rates are low, so it's a great time to be a buyer, 貸款利率很低 正是購(gòu)房的好時(shí)機(jī)
00:42.38, But if you're a seller, you really have to... 如果你是要賣房 那就得
00:44.29, Bend over? 卑躬屈膝?
00:45.14, True, but a quality property is still a quality-- 沒錯(cuò) 不過房子質(zhì)量好的話
00:46.87, No, no, no. I need you to bend over. 不 我是讓你弓腰屈膝
00:49.58, Oh. Right. 好吧
00:51.35, Well, let's dim the lights, crank up the Norah Jones, 把燈調(diào)暗 諾拉·瓊斯的音樂調(diào)大點(diǎn)
00:54.27, and get this over with. 速戰(zhàn)速?zèng)Q吧
00:58.08, Oh, hey. How'd it go? 回來啦 進(jìn)展如何
00:59.78, Amazing. I was so proud of him. 棒極了 我真為他驕傲
01:02.03, Oh, thanks, honey. 謝了 親愛的
01:03.26, I'm kind of proud of me, too. 我也挺為自己驕傲的
01:05.59, Look at what they gave me. 看看他們發(fā)給我的
01:07.15, California State Bar Association Award 加州律師專業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)
01:09.36, For Distinguished Service in The Field of Environmental Law. 環(huán)保法領(lǐng)域 杰出貢獻(xiàn)獎(jiǎng)
01:12.64, You should have seen it. They called his name, 你真該去看看 他們念到他的名字
01:14.11, He went up on stage, he gave a great speech. 他走上臺(tái) 發(fā)表了很棒的得獎(jiǎng)感言
01:16.36, It was humble, inspirational, 既謙虛 又鼓舞人心
01:18.09, with a touch of dry humor at the end. 最后還冷冷地幽了一默
01:19.49, It was very Colin Firth. 超級(jí)有科林·費(fèi)斯的范兒
01:20.31, Oh, Cam, thank you, 謝謝你小卡
01:22.18, But... it's hardly an Oscar. 不過 又不是奧斯卡那種大獎(jiǎng)
01:25.15, In the environmental law community, 在環(huán)保法領(lǐng)域
01:26.89, it kinda is an Oscar. 其實(shí)就相當(dāng)于奧斯卡啦
01:28.76, So how was Lily? I hope you weren't too bored. 莉莉還好嗎 你們倆不會(huì)太無聊吧
01:30.40, Oh, please,are you kidding me? 你開玩笑嗎
01:31.91, I love talking to her. She knows more words than Haley. 我可愛和她聊天了 她懂的詞比海莉還多
01:34.23, Oh, that looks great up there! 放在那里真好看
01:37.23, How impressed are you with your uncle right now? 此時(shí)此刻很崇拜你舅舅吧
01:39.65, So impressed. 崇拜得五體投地
01:41.36, I didn't wanna ruin their moment 我不想毀了他們的興致
01:42.61, by telling them how many awards I've gotten, 就忍著沒說出我得過的各種獎(jiǎng)
01:44.52, But let's just say 簡(jiǎn)而言之
01:45.46, I don't get out of bed for a trophy that size. 那種大小的獎(jiǎng) 我都懶得起床去領(lǐng)
01:50.56, Darn it! 該死的
01:51.62, I'm trying to send an e-mail. 我想發(fā)個(gè)郵件
01:52.77, This mouse keeps sticking. 鼠標(biāo)卻老是卡住
01:55.97, Pretty big reaction. It's 10 bucks, tops. 反應(yīng)那么大 這最多值十塊錢
01:58.04, You just reminded me about my dream last night. 你正好讓我想起昨晚的夢(mèng)
02:02.34, I was in the middle of a meadow, coming down a staircase, 我身處牧場(chǎng)之中 正在下樓梯
02:05.61, then suddenly a black mouse showed up. 突然一只黑老鼠出現(xiàn)了
02:09.13, He stopped, stared at me in the eyes, 他停下來 直視我的雙眼
02:12.28, and opened his little mouth. 張開他的小嘴
02:16.09, What did it say? 它說什么了
02:17.85, What did he say, Jay? 它還能說什么 杰
02:18.98, He was a mouse. They don't know how to talk. 它就是只老鼠 不會(huì)說話
02:20.90, Now you're playing logic police? 你現(xiàn)在開始講邏輯了
02:22.30, You're standing on a staircase in a meadow? 你還站在牧場(chǎng)的樓梯上呢
02:24.88, In my country, when somebody dreams about a black mouse, 在我們國(guó)家 要是有人夢(mèng)到了黑老鼠
02:28.53, It means that something bad is going to happen! 就意味著有壞事將要發(fā)生
02:30.66, Ah, don't worry about it. 別擔(dān)心
02:31.55, I dreamt about a lucky blue cow. 我夢(mèng)到了一頭預(yù)示好運(yùn)的藍(lán)牛
02:33.55, - We're good to go. - Hey, Jay, 我們就扯平了-杰
02:35.04, this is what I'm wearing for golfing tomorrow. 這是我明天去打高爾夫球的行頭
02:36.54, Wanted to give you a heads up in case there's some overlap. 抬頭看看 明天別跟我穿撞衫了
02:38.72, What are you going for here? 你玩的是哪般啊
02:39.79, Matt damon in "Bagger Vance." you didn't get that? 《重返榮耀》里的馬特·戴蒙 你沒看出來
02:42.06, I did. I think you look just like him. 我看出來了 你簡(jiǎn)直以假亂真
02:44.71, It's the whole reason I asked you to teach me to golf. 我叫你教我打高爾夫就是為了這個(gè)
02:46.88, Any sport where you can wear this, I'm in. 任何能穿得如此拉風(fēng)的運(yùn)動(dòng) 我都愿參加
02:51.28, Who is that? It's 10:00 at night. 誰呀 都晚上十點(diǎn)了
02:52.99, - I'll get it. - Hold on, Gatsby. 我去開-等等 蓋茨比
02:55.90, Hola! It's Javier! Open up! 有人嗎 我是哈維爾 開門啊
02:58.07, Dad! 爸爸
03:01.38, There's my campeon! 我的小冠軍
03:03.52, There's your black mouse. 他就是你夢(mèng)中的黑老鼠
03:04.72, Hola, Javier, what are you doing in town? 哈維爾 你到這兒來干什么
03:06.66, Well, I missed Manny's birthday, plus I have a free week. 我錯(cuò)過了曼尼的生日 而這周正好沒事
03:09.86, You're staying a week? 你要待一整周嗎
03:11.07, Make that go away. 趕快讓他走
03:12.03, So, Manny, tomorrow, 曼尼 明天
03:13.10, In honor of you becoming a man, 為了慶祝你長(zhǎng)大成人
03:14.51, I am taking you to the racetrack 我?guī)闳タ促愸R
03:16.69, to enjoy the sport of kings, hmm? 享受國(guó)王的運(yùn)動(dòng)
03:18.31, That's so cool! 太好了
03:19.44, Actually, Manny and I have plans to play golf tomorrow. 實(shí)際上 曼尼明天要和我去打高爾夫
03:21.91, Golfing? Pfft! That is for old men 高爾夫 那是給老頭子
03:23.53, and for women who like women. 和喜歡女人的女人們玩的
03:25.07, Come on. Your dad is in town. Let's go to the races. 乖 你老爸大駕光臨 我們一起去看賽馬
03:27.52, Yeah, can we all go? 我們能一起去嗎
03:28.72, Ay, no, baby, I can't. 抱歉 寶貝 我不行
03:29.67, I promised Haley that I was gonna help her with her Spanish. 我答應(yīng)了海莉教她西班牙語(yǔ)
03:32.47, - But Jay's going to go with you. - What? 不過杰會(huì)跟你們一起去的-什么
03:35.09, I'm not gonna let Manny take off with Javier by himself. 我不會(huì)讓曼尼和哈維爾單獨(dú)出去的
03:39.01, Once, when Manny was 6, 有一次 曼尼6歲時(shí)
03:40.13, Javier took him to the petting zoo, 哈維爾帶他去"愛撫動(dòng)物園"
03:42.32, which later, I found out 結(jié)果我發(fā)現(xiàn)
03:43.89, that was the name of the stripper club. 那是家脫衣舞俱樂部的名字
03:46.94, A real petting zoo would have been cleaner. 真正的動(dòng)物園都比那里干凈
03:50.11, - But I was looking forward to playing-- - You're going. 可我很期待打-你去定了
03:52.85, That I don't miss. 你媽還是老樣子
04:03.34, 摩登家庭 第三季 第十一集
04:12.23, Would you look at that? 那是什么玩意兒啊
04:13.75, Oh, yeah, you know, 哦 那個(gè)
04:14.80, I never saw us as trophy on the mantle people, 我自認(rèn)為我們不是喜歡顯擺榮耀的人
04:16.58, but yours looked so gosh darned good up there, 可你的獎(jiǎng)杯放在上面光彩奪目
04:18.02, I figured, why not be proud of what we've done? 我就想 為何不曬出我們的輝煌呢
04:21.62, Uh, "First Place, Basscatcrsrs Spring Fish-Off, 巴斯卡特斯春季釣魚賽第一名
04:25.64, Missouri North Division." 密蘇里州北部分賽區(qū)
04:27.68, 2-day total of 10 smallmouth bass 2天釣到10條小口黑鱸
04:29.52, weighing 34.24 pounds 總計(jì)34.24磅
04:31.20, with a 4 1/2-pound kicker. 最大的是一條4.5磅重魚王
04:33.19, So you beat all the other boys aged 12 through 17? 所以你打敗了其他所有12到17歲的男孩
04:36.38, Sure did. 當(dāng)然
04:38.32, Look at our trophies up there. 看看我們的獎(jiǎng)杯
04:40.46, We're a couple of winners, aren't we? 我們真是強(qiáng)強(qiáng)結(jié)合啊 是不
04:43.07, Are we? 是嗎
04:44.48, Claire? 克萊爾
04:46.05, Where are all my razor blades? 我的剃須刀片呢
04:47.19, - They're not in that box? - No. 沒在盒子里嗎-沒
04:48.50, Well, I guess they're gone. 可能是用完了
04:49.64, They can't be gone. 不可能用完
04:50.90, In my 20s, I went on a game show 我二十幾歲時(shí) 參加了一個(gè)競(jìng)賽節(jié)目
04:53.02, and won a lifetime supply of razor blades. 贏得了夠用一輩子的剃須刀片
04:55.96, Okay, Phil, time is up. What is your answer? 菲爾 時(shí)間到了 你的答案是
04:59.10, 3.14159. 3.14159[圓周率
05:03.69, Oh! I'm sorry, Phil. 抱歉 菲爾
05:05.40, The correct answer is banana cream. 正確答案是香蕉奶油
05:08.80, Banana cream. 香蕉奶油
05:09.52, Banana cream. Well, you got me there, chip. 香蕉奶油 被你考到了
05:11.86, But you're not leaving empty-handed, no. 可你也不會(huì)空手而歸
05:13.64, You're going home with a lifetime supply 你將獲得夠用一輩子的
05:16.05, of Genesis twin-blade razors. 創(chuàng)世紀(jì)牌雙面剃須刀片
05:18.60, What?! Two blades in one razor? 什么 一把剃須刀有兩面刀片
05:21.24, Man, it'll ever get be better than that! 老兄 我從未遇過這等好事
05:25.55, You must have used them all up. 你一定是把它們用完了
05:26.63, They said "lifetime supply." 它說的是夠用一輩子
05:28.36, Honey, you got 15 years of free razor blades. 親愛的 你都用了15年免費(fèi)剃須刀片了
05:31.16, Put that in the "Win" column and move on. 你已經(jīng)夠贏了 別貪心了
05:34.18, Mom, is it okay if my friend Walt comes over 老媽 我朋友沃特能來我們家
05:36.42, to play "Rebel Fighters 3"? 和我一起玩《反叛者3》嗎
05:37.62, Honey, don't you think it is a little weird 寶貝 你不覺得和一個(gè)八十歲的老頭兒
05:39.55, that one of your best friends is an eighty-year-old man? 關(guān)系那么好有點(diǎn)奇怪嗎
05:41.49, No, it makes it more fun, because he was in a real war. 不 忘年交很有趣 他經(jīng)歷過真正的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)
05:44.54, He says cool things like 他會(huì)說些很酷的話
05:45.76, See you in hell, Klaus. 比如"地獄再會(huì)吧 克勞斯"
05:48.94, I don't even know what that means. 我都不知道那話是什么意思
05:51.28, Oh, hey, dad, some doctor called for you. 對(duì)了老爸 有個(gè)醫(yī)生打電話來找過你
05:54.68, Dr. Sendroff? 桑德弗醫(yī)生嗎
05:55.82, Yeah, that's it. You're in the shower. 對(duì) 是他 你當(dāng)時(shí)在洗澡
05:57.46, What did he say? 他說什么了
05:58.62, He wants you to call him right away. 他叫你盡快回電話
06:01.10, Oh, well. See you in hell, Klaus. 那就地獄再會(huì)吧 克勞斯
06:04.54, What's wrong? 怎么了
06:05.19, I don't know. 我不知道
06:06.39, He ran a few tests on me yesterday. 他昨天給我做了一些檢查
06:07.57, He said he'll call if something was wrong. 他說如果有問題會(huì)打電話給我
06:08.80, And now he's calling. 現(xiàn)在他打了
06:10.06, Hi, this is Phil Dunphy. 你好 我是菲爾·鄧菲
06:11.46, I'm returning Dr. Sendroff's call 桑德弗醫(yī)生打過電話給我
06:14.90, Are you serious? 你在開玩笑嗎
06:15.85, - What? - He's on a flight to London. 怎么了-他在去倫敦的飛機(jī)上
06:17.35, Um, is there any way I can reach him, 有什么辦法可以讓我聯(lián)系到他嗎
06:18.94, or--uh, uh, someone else I can talk to? 或者 我能和其他什么人談?wù)剢?/span>
06:23.29, Okay. Fine. 好吧
06:24.28, Please just tell him it's urgent. 請(qǐng)告訴他是緊急事件
06:26.26, Thank you. 謝謝
06:28.34, Oh, boy. 天吶
06:29.40, Honey, I am sure it's nothing. 親愛的 我相信沒事的
06:31.08, Claire, I'm tender under my arm. 克萊爾 我胳膊下酸軟無力
06:32.91, Maybe Luke hit you with his broomstick 也許是盧克用掃帚打到你了
06:34.69, when you guys play Quidditch. 就是你們上次玩魁地奇游戲的時(shí)候
06:35.76, I'm way too fast he never touched me. 我飛得多快啊 他沒有碰到過我
06:37.96, I can assure you you are perfectly fine. 我可以保證 你絕對(duì)沒事
06:39.87, That's very comforting, 你的安慰"真有效"
06:41.14, coming from a marketing major at a party school. 你大學(xué)專業(yè)是市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷 又不是醫(yī)學(xué)
06:50.85, I like the number 4 horse. 我看好4號(hào)馬
06:51.90, He loves this track, 它熟悉這個(gè)賽道
06:52.64, his dad won the Preakness, 而且它爸爸贏過普里克內(nèi)斯大獎(jiǎng)賽
06:54.43, Last three finishes were in the money. 最近三次比賽押它的人都賺了
06:56.54, I like Miranda's miracle. 我看好"米蘭達(dá)的奇跡"
06:57.84, Why? 為什么
06:58.57, There's this girl Miranda in my class, 我們班上有個(gè)女生叫米蘭達(dá)
07:00.41, and she is really pretty. 她是個(gè)美女
07:01.53, If she likes me back, it will be a miracle. 如果她也喜歡我 那一定是個(gè)奇跡
07:04.49, Would you bet $2 on that one for me, Jay? 你能幫我押兩塊錢在它身上嗎 杰
07:06.24, Sure, but you are throwing your money away. 沒問題 不過你這錢一定是打水漂
07:07.72, You both are. 你們倆都是
07:09.06, The winner of the race will be number 7-- 7號(hào)馬才是最終的贏家
07:11.65, my hometown. 君之鄉(xiāng)
07:13.24, Number 7... 七號(hào)
07:14.90, Well, he's carrying 3 extra pounds, 它多了三磅肥膘
07:16.81, And he hates the distance. 而且它不擅于長(zhǎng)跑
07:18.05, Those are just words on a page. 那些都是紙上談兵
07:19.94, I look the horse in the eye, 我和那只馬對(duì)視時(shí)
07:21.49, And he tells me... he is the winner. 它告訴我 它會(huì)是贏家
07:23.97, Tells ya? 馬會(huì)說話嗎
07:25.19, - Perhaps this will sound crazy. - No need for the qualifier. 聽上去也許有些瘋狂-無需解釋
07:27.54, But I have always been able to see into the soul of a horse. 不過我確實(shí)能感知馬的靈魂
07:31.62, It is a gift, and I do not question it. 絕對(duì)是我的天賦 我從不懷疑
07:33.94, Just like I always end up on the shortest line at the bank. 就像我在銀行排隊(duì)時(shí) 總在最短的那條
07:37.51, Maybe I should bet on your horse. 也許我應(yīng)該押你這匹馬
07:38.57, Are you kidding me? These aren't just words. 你在開玩笑吧 這可不是紙上談兵
07:41.31, They give you all this information, 上面給你提供了各種各樣的信息
07:43.22, so you can make an informed decision 讓你全面掌握情況
07:45.18, - and beat the odds. - Yes, of course, 一押即中-當(dāng)然
07:46.57, And this is why everybody with a racing form is rich. 所以手拿賽馬報(bào)的人"都能發(fā)財(cái)"嘛
07:49.59, Now come on. It's time to place our bets. 來吧 是時(shí)候下注了
07:52.29, What's it gonna be, Manny? 你的決定是什么 曼尼
07:56.90, $2 on my hometown. 兩塊錢押"君之鄉(xiāng)"
07:58.47, You really think he's going to win? 你確定它會(huì)贏嗎
07:59.74, Well, I only know what he tells me with his eyes. 我只知道它的眼睛是這么告訴我的
08:02.37, Don't ask me why, but maybe in some previous life, I was a horse. 別問我為什么 也許我前世是一匹馬
08:06.32, Or part of a horse. 或者"牛頭馬嘴"
08:13.86, Oh, hey, Alex called. 嘿 艾麗克斯打過電話
08:14.61, She left her cell phone here. 她把手機(jī)落在我們這兒了
08:15.65, She's gonna come back and get it. 她等下會(huì)回來取
08:16.76, Cam, did you do something to your fish trophy? 小卡 你對(duì)你的釣魚獎(jiǎng)杯做了什么嗎
08:18.83, Oh, yeah, I forgot about this fun middle part. 對(duì) 我之前忘了它中間那段有趣的部分
08:21.02, You see, now it looks like a fish jumping out of the water. 它現(xiàn)在看起來像是一只魚歡快地躍出水面
08:23.23, Yeah, right over mine. 對(duì) 剛好蓋過了我的光芒
08:26.57, Do I sense something, Mitch? 我是不是嗅到了酸味 米奇
08:27.64, You know, just because mine's a little taller than yours, 只是我的獎(jiǎng)杯稍稍高出一點(diǎn)
08:30.05, doesn't make yours any less important. 不代表你的獎(jiǎng)杯就不受重視了
08:31.79, Oh, no. That's not what I was feeling, 不 我沒有那么想
08:34.14, not even a little bit. 毫無那種自私狹隘的想法
08:37.01, Oh, my god. You don't like that I put my trophy up. 天吶 你壓根就不想看到我的獎(jiǎng)杯被擺出來
08:38.83, I just think it's a little weird 我只是覺得有點(diǎn)奇怪
08:39.93, that immediately after I win a trophy, 恰恰在我剛贏回一個(gè)獎(jiǎng)杯時(shí)
08:41.83, You feel the need to dig this thing up 你就把你的陳年舊獎(jiǎng)翻出來
08:43.63, and plop it down next to mine. 大搖大擺地放在我的獎(jiǎng)杯旁邊
08:45.63, I'll have you know 我想你應(yīng)該知道
08:46.70, that I want to display this for quite some time. 我一直都想把這個(gè)獎(jiǎng)杯擺出來
08:48.99, But I put it in box in the garage 但是我把它裝箱放在車庫(kù)
08:50.85, with all my other awards-- 和我的其他獎(jiǎng)杯們塵封在一起
08:52.00, Yes, award-z-- 沒錯(cuò) 復(fù)數(shù)哦 獎(jiǎng)杯們-
08:54.32, Out of courtesy to a sadly award-less you. 只是不想刺激從沒得過獎(jiǎng)的你
08:57.34, It looks ridiculous. 你那獎(jiǎng)杯太可笑了
08:59.42, Mine is a distinguished professional award 我得的是杰出的專業(yè)獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)
09:02.20, given to me by my peers, 由我的同行頒發(fā)給我
09:03.87, and yours was given to you on a pier. 而你的呢 是在碼頭上頒發(fā)給你的
09:06.70, Okay, well, for your information, 你要知道
09:07.64, when I won this, it was a very big deal. 我得獎(jiǎng)的時(shí)候排場(chǎng)可大了
09:10.27, I cut a ribbon at the grocery store and signed autographs. 我在雜貨店出席了剪彩儀式和簽名會(huì)
09:13.53, Best fishes, Cameron Tucker 捕魚能手 卡梅隆·塔克
09:17.55, Oh, you know what? I just remembered! 你知道嗎 我也想起來了
09:19.09, Mine comes with a really fun pedestal, too! 我的獎(jiǎng)杯也有一個(gè)有趣的底座呢
09:22.27, Oh! Look at that! 噢 來看看
09:24.35, Oh, and proper hierarchy is restored. Mm-hmm. 如此一來才是正確的等級(jí)排序嘛
09:27.56, Unless you suddenly remember 除非你突然想起來
09:28.36, that your fish came with a top hat. 你的小魚還戴著一頂高帽
09:32.10, Okay. you know what? 好吧
09:32.77, I'm gonna go get Lily from her party and go to the park. 我要去接莉莉然后去公園
09:34.83, OK. 去吧
09:36.37, This award has changed you, Mitchell. 得獎(jiǎng)后你變了 米切爾
09:38.37, You may be flying high now, 你現(xiàn)在飄飄然飛得很高
09:39.72, but pretty soon, you're gonna be free falling, Tom Petty... 但很快 你會(huì)摔得很慘 湯姆·派迪
09:43.51, Because you're petty. 因?yàn)槟阈男鬲M隘
09:45.50, Tom Petty. 湯姆·狹隘
09:46.75, Hmm? Get it? 聽懂了嗎
09:47.60, About three sentences ago. 早就懂了
09:51.48, Hola, Haley. 你好啊海莉
09:52.56, Hi, Gloria. Thanks for coming over. 嘿 歌洛莉亞 謝謝你能過來
09:54.12, En espanol, por favor. 請(qǐng)說西班牙語(yǔ)
09:56.03, Uh, hola, Gloria. 乃好 歌洛莉亞
09:59.15, Gracias for coming over. 謝謝你"大駕光迎"
10:01.16, No, the whole thing. 不對(duì) 要說完整
10:02.38, I don't know the whole thing. 我不知道后半句怎么說
10:03.86, Why do I even need to learn Spanish? 為什么我要學(xué)西班牙語(yǔ)
10:05.62, I live in california. I'm never gonna use it. 我住在加州 用不著西班牙語(yǔ)的
10:08.63, That's the problem with Americans. 這就是美國(guó)人的毛病
10:10.74, They expect all of us to know their language, 他們希望所有人都學(xué)會(huì)說他們的語(yǔ)言
10:12.90, but they don't even make the effort to learn ours. 但卻不愿意花點(diǎn)精力學(xué)學(xué)我們的語(yǔ)言
10:15.26, Win a war sometime. 有本事你們也到處打勝仗啊
10:17.20, Then we'll start talking like you. 那我們就會(huì)開始學(xué)習(xí)你們的語(yǔ)言了
10:19.32, Ha. So wrong. 哈 錯(cuò)的離譜
10:21.40, Oh, hey, Gloria. 嘿 歌洛莉亞
10:22.50, Hi, Phil. How are you? 嘿 菲爾 你好嗎
10:23.82, I wish I knew. 我真希望我知道
10:24.49, Why? What's wrong? 此話怎講 發(fā)生什么了
10:25.68, Uh, I don't wanna bum you out. 我不希望惹你心煩
10:27.42, My doctor did some tests 我的醫(yī)生讓我做了些檢查
10:28.50, and said he'd call if something was wrong, 說如果發(fā)現(xiàn)什么問題他會(huì)打電話
10:31.07, and he called this morning. 今天早上他打了
10:32.14, And what did he say? 他說了什么
10:32.91, I don't know. I missed the call. 我不知道 我沒有接到那個(gè)電話
10:33.86, Now I can't reach him. 現(xiàn)在我聯(lián)系不到他了
10:35.84, The black mouse. 那只黑色老鼠
10:37.33, What?-in My dream. 什么-在我夢(mèng)里
10:38.67, It was a bad omen. 是個(gè)兇兆
10:40.50, But probably not for you. 但應(yīng)該不是沖你來的
10:43.51, The staircase. 樓梯
10:45.68, No, no, no. You're fine. You're fine. 不不不 你沒事 你肯定沒事的
10:47.17, Am I? Get this -- 是嗎 聽著
10:49.34, 15 years ago, I won a lifetime supply of razor blades. 15年前 我贏了夠用一輩子的剃須刀片
10:52.05, They ran out... 但如今卻用完了
10:53.64, today. 就在今天
10:56.79, What's with the spitting? Are you warding off death? 你吐口水干嘛 驅(qū)趕閻王爺嗎
10:58.90, No. When I did 沒有 我剛吸氣
11:00.34, I think I suck in a little bug. 好像吸個(gè)蟲子進(jìn)嘴了
11:04.23, $16 for the first race, $10 from the second race, 第一場(chǎng)贏了16 第二場(chǎng)贏了10塊
11:07.46, plus $34--$60? 再加上34塊 一共贏了60啊
11:09.58, You're a genius, dad. 老爸你真是天才
11:10.46, Well, I cannot take all the credit. 功勞也不都在我
11:12.27, It is a particularly chatty group of horses today. 今天那些馬都很健談 告訴我很多信息
11:14.78, I love gambling! It's so easy! 賭博我好愛 鈔票輕松來
11:16.75, It's not easy. 可沒那么輕松
11:17.48, Well, not for you. You've lost, what, three in a row? 對(duì)連輸三場(chǎng)的人來說 當(dāng)然不輕松
11:19.80, Oh, burn, Jay! 怒火中燒吧 杰
11:22.41, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. 抱歉 我不該刺激你的
11:24.02, This is all so heady. 贏錢贏得腦袋暈
11:25.59, $50 on little bacon to win. 50塊押"小培根"贏
11:27.46, Ooh-ee. 嘖嘖
11:28.35, - Yeah, ooh-ee. - What? What ooh-ee? -是啊 嘖嘖 -搞什么 你們咂什么嘴
11:30.32, There is something not right about that horse. 小培根有點(diǎn)不大對(duì)勁
11:32.29, - I think I saw it, too. - You didn't see anything. 我也看出來了-你看出來個(gè)屁
11:34.03, This horse is a heavy favorite. 小培根可是奪冠熱門
11:35.29, The rest of the pack couldn't beat a merry-go-round. 其余的還沒旋轉(zhuǎn)木馬跑得快呢
11:36.97, I'm sticking with little bacon. 我鐵了心壓"小培根"了
11:38.34, It's your funeral. 等著受死吧
11:39.68, Who are we going with, dad? 我們押哪匹 老爸
11:41.00, Nobody in this race, papito. 我們不跟 寶貝
11:42.94, It was quiet down there in the paddock just now-- 剛剛下面馬圈里一片寂靜無聲
11:45.62, too quiet. 簡(jiǎn)直萬馬齊喑
11:46.23, Oh, gee. You know what? Make it $300. 好吧 爺就不信了 給我押三百
11:48.66, Oh, my. 下血本啊
11:49.24, I'm telling you, kid, this is the one. 告訴你小子 我此次押的絕對(duì)錯(cuò)不了
11:51.82, And you know how I know? 想知道為什么嗎
11:53.32, cause it said, "pfft." 因?yàn)樗l(fā)出的聲音是 "不輸"
11:56.81, They don't talk like that. 馬才不會(huì)發(fā)出那種聲音
11:59.93, Maria bought a beautiful white dress for her wedding. 瑪利亞為婚禮買了條美麗的白裙子
12:05.86, Um, Maria compro 瑪利亞買了條
12:09.75, un hermoso vestido blanco 白色滴裙子
12:13.96, para su-- I-I'm sorry. 圍了... 不好意思
12:16.04, I cannot concentrate with him here. 他盯著我我沒法專心
12:17.91, What are you doing? 你干嘛呢
12:20.47, Just taking it all in. 將你的模樣永遠(yuǎn)銘記在心
12:27.59, You're a beautiful, intelligent woman... 你是個(gè)美麗聰慧的女人
12:29.86, And don't you ever forget it. 永遠(yuǎn)記住這一點(diǎn)
12:34.95, Wow, he is so weird sometimes. 他有時(shí)候真是腦筋不正常
12:36.79, No, he's not weird! He's a saint! 不 他正常得很 他是個(gè)圣人
12:39.49, And you will miss him when he's gone... 他一旦去世了你會(huì)想念他的
12:41.94, One day. 我是說將來
12:45.06, Hey, uncle Mitchell. 米奇爾舅舅好
12:46.17, Your, uh, phone's on the table. 你手機(jī)在桌上
12:51.02, What's that? 那是什么
12:51.60, Oh, Cam's old fishing trophy. 小卡以前獲得的釣魚獎(jiǎng)杯
12:53.56, Yeah, when I woke up this morning, 早上我一睜眼
12:54.88, That's where I found it. 它就矗在那了
12:56.29, Right after you got yours? 就在你把獎(jiǎng)杯放那之后嗎
12:57.58, Thank you! 謝謝支持
12:58.30, Oh, my god. Welcome to my world. 天吶 我們可真是同病相憐
13:00.28, Last week, I got this beautiful plaque 上周 組織授予我一枚獎(jiǎng)?wù)?/span>
13:02.54, from the debate team for outstanding achievement, 因?yàn)槲以谵q論隊(duì)表現(xiàn)極其出色
13:03.75, and what did my mom do? 你知道我媽做了什么嗎
13:04.81, She found one of Luke's "participant" ribbons 她翻出盧克的一條"參與獎(jiǎng)"綬帶
13:06.69, and a certificate Haley got for showing up somewhere on time, 以及海莉的什么"準(zhǔn)時(shí)簽到"證書
13:09.08, and put all three of them together on the same shelf! 然后把那倆玩意兒跟我的放在一個(gè)架子上
13:11.18, It's, like, so unfair! 那含金量能一樣嗎
13:13.10, I was so glad I talked to Alex, 我很高興跟艾麗克斯說了這事
13:14.68, because she agreed with every single thing I was feeling-- 因?yàn)樗业母惺芎?jiǎn)直完全一樣
13:17.29, which made me realize 那讓我意識(shí)到
13:18.66, that I was acting like a 14-year-old girl. 我表現(xiàn)得 就像個(gè)幼稚少女 羞澀捂臉
13:28.07, Ah, come on, kid. 給點(diǎn)力啊 小破孩
13:29.90, I just lost an arm 'cause of you. 你都害我損失了件裝備了
13:32.00, Now get your head in the game. 給我專心點(diǎn)玩
13:33.19, Sorry. I can't concentrate with my dad staring at me. 抱歉 我爸盯著 我集中不起精神
13:37.04, I just love you so much. 我實(shí)在太愛你了
13:38.60, I hope he's talking to you. 希望他不是在對(duì)我表白
13:42.68, Ugh. Oh, great, now I'm dead. 這下好了 我死了
13:45.30, I'm going to the bathroom. 我得去趟洗手間
13:46.99, You know, they say that happens. 常言道 生死乃游戲家常事
13:52.84, Hey, Walt. 嘿 沃特
13:56.92, You ever think about death? 你有想過死亡嗎
13:59.13, I'm 85. Death is my roommate. 我都85了 死神天天盯著我呢
14:01.98, I got a call from the doctor. 醫(yī)生給我打電話了
14:04.01, There's a 60% chance I'm gonna die. 我有60%的可能性會(huì)死
14:06.10, Ha! Doctors-- 哈 可笑的醫(yī)生
14:07.57, said I'd be dead ten years ago. 十年前就說我要死了
14:08.83, Look at me. 你看我
14:09.57, I'm healthy as a-- 依然健康得如同...
14:13.19, I gotta go change my tank. 我得去換塊電池了
14:17.81, Phil, you've gotta let this go. 菲爾 你得放寬心
14:19.84, I'm sorry, Claire. 對(duì)不起 克萊爾
14:20.71, I don't know how to react 我實(shí)在是手足無措
14:21.76, when I find out there's a 70% chance I'm gonna die. 因?yàn)槲野l(fā)現(xiàn)自己有70%的可能會(huì)死
14:25.92, Honey, listen to me. 親愛的 聽我說
14:27.43, You're gonna be fine. 你不會(huì)有事的
14:29.12, - You really think so? - I know so. 你真這么想-我確定
14:33.12, Claire's my rock. 克萊爾是我的后盾
14:34.64, You know when you're on a plane and there's turbulence, 當(dāng)你在飛機(jī)上遇上氣流顛簸
14:36.38, you look at the flight attendants, 你看看那些空姐空少
14:37.35, and if they're still smiling and serving drinks, 如果他們笑容依舊地端茶倒水
14:38.88, you know everything's gonna be okay? 你就會(huì)覺得心安
14:40.18, That's Claire. 克萊爾就像那樣
14:42.45, I could also picture her as a cop. 我也可以把她想象成一名警察
14:44.79, And into the final furlong it's little bacon 率先進(jìn)入最后兩百米的是"小培根"
14:46.82, followed by Bradswaxjacket 其次是"布拉德的蠟光皮衣"
14:48.34, Go little bacon. Go little bacon. 沖啊"小培根" "小培根"沖啊
14:50.29, You got this! You got this! 你可以的 你可以的
14:51.77, Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 沖啊沖啊沖啊
14:53.70, And the winner is NO.9 little bacon by 3 lengths. 冠軍是九號(hào)"小培根" 領(lǐng)先了三馬身的距離
14:56.30, Yes! I knew it! 太棒了 我就知道
14:58.29, You see that, Manny? Dumb luck always runs out. 看到了嗎 曼尼 狗屎運(yùn)沒那么多的
15:01.05, But if you live in the real world, 但如果你腳踏實(shí)地
15:02.21, and you use your head, 動(dòng)動(dòng)腦子
15:03.58, not have it in the clouds like Dr. Dolittle there, 而非像怪醫(yī)杜立德糊涂一世聰明一時(shí)
15:05.97, You'll do okay. 你會(huì)贏的
15:07.31, Guess we should have listened to Jay on this one, dad. 或許這次我們應(yīng)該聽杰的 老爸
15:08.99, You got that right. You should have listened to Jay. 這話沒錯(cuò) 不聽杰之言 吃虧在眼前
15:10.51, And I'll tell you something else. 我還要告訴你
15:11.84, You can't look in a horse's eyes 光看著馬的眼睛
15:13.42, and tell there's something wrong. 是看不出個(gè)所以然的
15:14.70, You can't even look in their eyes at the same time -- 你甚至無法同時(shí)看著馬的兩只眼睛
15:16.54, One's here and one's here! 不在一邊啊
15:18.56, Come on. Let's go to the window, kid. 走吧 我們?nèi)ゴ翱陬I(lǐng)錢
15:20.17, I may need some help carrying my winnings. 我一個(gè)人可拿不動(dòng)那么多
15:22.16, Oh. Wait. 且慢
15:24.09, Jay, look. 杰 你看
15:27.27, Inquiry. 調(diào)查中
15:28.18, What's that? 那是什么意思
15:29.67, It is when a horse has committed an infraction. 就是有匹馬違規(guī)了
15:31.85, Possible infraction. Usually it's nothing. 可能違規(guī) 通常沒什么大礙
15:33.60, I'm sure... 我確定
15:34.64, The number 9 horse little bacon 九號(hào)馬"小培根"
15:36.08, has been disqualified for interference. 由于"非法阻擋"被取消冠軍資格
15:37.65, What?! 搞什么
15:38.25, The winner is number 6 bradswaxjacket. 冠軍是6號(hào)馬 "布拉德的蠟光皮衣"
15:41.51, You see? 瞧見沒
15:43.30, The eyes... 眼睛
15:45.32, They do not lie. 不撒謊
15:48.28, Tough break, Jay. 倒霉啊 杰
15:50.66, Here...
15:52.98, Little something for gas. 就當(dāng)是油錢
16:01.15, Cam was right. I-I was being petty. 小卡是對(duì)的 我太心胸狹隘了
16:04.67, So I found his box of old trophies 于是我找到他那箱獎(jiǎng)杯
16:07.06, and I decided to surprise him 決定給他驚喜
16:08.51, by having them on the mantle when he got home. 等他回家時(shí)會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)全擺在壁爐上
16:10.90, Well, I was the one who was surprised. 結(jié)果倒是我自己驚訝了一番
16:13.15, I had no idea how many trophies he had-- 我完全不知道他得過那么多獎(jiǎng)
16:15.87, First place, and all of them for different things. 都是第一名 五花八門的
16:18.12, Music, football, art show, science fair, 音樂 橄欖球 藝術(shù)展 科學(xué)展
16:21.66, a chili cook-off. 美食節(jié)
16:22.97, A lifetime of accolades hidden away 他藏起了人生中全部的榮耀
16:24.85, just so I wouldn't feel bad. 以免我自慚形穢
16:28.41, Aah! That's a mouse! That's a mou--oh! Ew! 老鼠 有老鼠 好惡心
16:31.88, Oh! Disgusting! 太惡心了
16:35.20, Oh, no! No, cam, I-I was gonna make a big display! 不 小卡 我是想把獎(jiǎng)杯全部展出來
16:38.31, I believe you have. 我想"也是"
16:40.88, No, no, Cam! There was a-- 你誤會(huì)了 小卡 里面有只...
16:43.14, Oh! Gross! 惡心
16:49.78, Listen, Manny, do me a favor 曼尼 幫我個(gè)忙
16:51.51, and get me a cappuccino from right over there, okay? 過去幫我買杯卡布奇諾好嗎
16:54.17, No, it's okay. I got it. 不用了 我現(xiàn)在是款爺
16:58.82, So... 那個(gè)
17:00.56, You wanna talk about what happened back there? 想聊聊剛才的事嗎
17:02.90, - Not at all. - You know... 完全沒興趣-其實(shí)
17:04.12, it is not just the horses whose souls I can read through their eyes. 我以眼觀心的本事 不只是針對(duì)馬
17:07.39, You really wanna know? I'll tell you. 你真想知道嗎 我告訴你
17:10.86, Okay. I'll leave you alone. 好吧 我不煩你了
17:12.36, All right, listen, hang on. 聽著 別走
17:13.33, I'm sorry I went after you like that in front of Manny. 很抱歉我在曼尼面前找你麻煩
17:15.38, That was wrong. 我錯(cuò)了
17:17.08, No, I get it. Nobody likes to lose at the races. 不 我懂的 沒人愿意輸?shù)舯荣?/span>
17:20.91, I don't owe this guy anything. 我不欠那家伙什么
17:23.32, He stops by a couple of times a year to see his kid. 他一年會(huì)來看兒子幾次
17:26.84, It used to be a relief, gave me a nice break. 以前對(duì)我來說是種解脫 可以休息下
17:29.36, But now Manny and I, we got our own thing. 可現(xiàn)在曼尼和我已經(jīng)情同父子
17:31.73, Look, I know I'm not his dad... 我知道自己不是他親爹
17:36.04, Maybe I don't like the reminder. 但我不喜歡他的到來讓我想到那一點(diǎn)
17:41.87, - Oh! Oh, my gosh! - Hey, what's up? 我的天啊-怎么啦
17:43.91, What?-We came as soon as We heard. 怎么啦-一聽到消息我們就來了
17:45.47, Heard what? 什么消息
17:46.31, We heard Phil got bad news from the doctor. 我們聽說菲爾從醫(yī)生那兒得到了噩耗
17:48.04, Who told you that? 誰說的
17:49.20, Gloria! 歌洛莉亞
17:50.40, No, I didn't say that he got bad news... 不 我沒說他確診了
17:53.91, I said that he was getting bad news. 我說的是有那個(gè)可能
17:55.94, You don't know that he's getting bad news. 你也只是猜測(cè)有可能
17:58.60, I saw a black mouse. 我看見黑耗子了
18:00.42, I saw a black mouse. 我也看見了
18:02.04, So he says. 誰信啊
18:03.15, - Okay. You guys... - Oh, this is worse than I thought! 好了各位-這比我想象的還糟
18:05.58, No, it's not. Listen to me. Listen. 沒事的 聽我說
18:07.56, Phil is fine. As a matter of fact, 菲爾沒事 事實(shí)上
18:08.66, you should go before he even knows you're here. 在他發(fā)現(xiàn)你們之前快閃人吧
18:09.80, No, no. We're staying. We're staying. 不不 我們不走 我們留下
18:12.44, We got here as soon as we could. 一聽到消息我們就來了
18:14.28, Did you bring the coffee cake? 有買咖啡蛋糕嗎
18:15.84, Yes, I have it right here. 有 在我這兒
18:17.27, He carried it in from the car. I paid for it. 他拿下車而已 我出的錢
18:19.13, Listen. Listen to me. 聽我說 聽著
18:21.37, I am very sorry for what you are going through. 對(duì)于你現(xiàn)在所受的煎熬 我深表同情
18:23.52, Thank you. 謝謝
18:24.94, Who is this? 這誰啊
18:25.62, Who, indeed? 何方神圣
18:26.96, I am Javier Delgado, Manny's father 我是哈維爾·迪爾加多 曼尼的親爹
18:28.86, and Gloria's former husband and lover. 歌洛莉亞的前夫兼愛人
18:31.84, I hope you do not think this is insensitive, 我說這話你別覺得我冷血
18:33.58, but you are a beautiful woman, 你是位美麗的女人
18:34.83, and you will have no trouble to find a man--... 再找個(gè)男人不難的
18:36.39, Javier! The body is not even cold yet! 哈維爾 人家老公尸骨未寒呢
18:39.96, The body is upstairs watching basketball. 行尸活的好好的 在樓上看籃球比賽呢
18:42.43, He is fine. 他沒事
18:43.74, - Gloria said he was sick. - No. 歌洛莉亞說他病了-沒有
18:45.37, He went to the doctor, he had some tests. 他去看了醫(yī)生 做了些檢查
18:47.30, The doctor called. That's it. 醫(yī)生來了電話 就是這樣
18:48.43, Plus today he run out of his lifetime supply of razors. 加上他終生供應(yīng)的剃刀 在今天用完了
18:53.03, That's a sign. 這是個(gè)征兆
18:54.17, This is a lot of hocus-pocus! 全都是無中生有
18:55.56, I can't believe I bought a coffee cake over this! 難以置信我買個(gè)蛋糕卻用在如此可笑的場(chǎng)合
18:57.72, Wait, wait, wait, no, no. I'm confused. 等等 我有點(diǎn)混亂
18:59.32, What did the doctor say exactly? 醫(yī)生到底怎么說的
19:00.79, I don't know. We missed his call this morning. 我不知道 今早的電話我們錯(cuò)過了
19:03.71, The doctor called on Saturday? 醫(yī)生在周六打來電話?
19:04.81, - Yeah. So? - Nothing. -是的 那又如何 -沒什么
19:07.80, Not nothing. Not nothing. What? 有什么 有什么 快說
19:10.25, Well, it's just that, uh, 只是 那個(gè)
19:11.16, Doctors don't usually call on Saturday with good news 醫(yī)生在周六打電話 通常沒好事
19:15.08, But they could call-- 但是可能...
19:15.70, I mean, he could call with anything. 可能是因?yàn)槠渌虑?/span>
19:16.71, Do you think he's sick... 你覺得他真病了嗎
19:19.90, What's... what going on? 這是 怎么回事
19:22.35, Nothing. Nothing. Everybody just came by 沒什么 大家來串個(gè)門
19:24.90, for absolutely no reason at all. 沒什么特別原因
19:26.26, You look worried. 你一臉擔(dān)心的樣子
19:27.22, I'm not worried. 我沒擔(dān)心
19:28.79, Oh, god. The plane's in trouble. 天吶 飛機(jī)失事前
19:32.02, You put away the drink cart and you're strapping in. 空姐會(huì)收好小餐車 大家扣好安全帶
19:34.02, - You're gonna be fine, kid! - You are gonna be great! -你會(huì)沒事的 孩子 -肯定沒事的
19:37.68, I wish I looked this good. 你氣色比我還好呢
19:38.71, Stop, please! You're freaking me out. 拜托別說了 膽都被你們嚇破了
19:40.90, Are you gonna die? 你會(huì)死嗎
19:41.93, I don't know! There's stil a 5% chance I'll make it! 我不知道 我有5%的機(jī)會(huì)可以挺過去
19:48.77, - It's Dr. Sendroff. - Okay. Okay. 是桑德弗醫(yī)生-接吧
19:50.69, Guys, I don't know what's on 親人們 我不知道電話
19:51.52, the other end of this phone call... 那端會(huì)是什么消息
19:52.74, But whatever happens, I just want you to know, 但無論發(fā)生何事 只希望大家知道
19:55.36, you've already given me a lifetime supply of happiness. 你們已經(jīng)給了我終生用不完的幸福
19:58.51, I remember once as a child-- 我記得小時(shí)候
19:59.23, - Answer it! - Do it! 接電話呀-快接
20:02.32, Dr. Sendroff? 桑德弗醫(yī)生
20:04.27, What's the word? 找我什么事
20:08.56, - Are you serious? - What? 真的嗎-什么
20:12.18, That's it? 是這樣嗎
20:12.68, What is it?! 是怎么樣
20:14.24, H-hold on one second. 等等
20:15.88, He's calling about a real estate listing. I'm fine. 他打電話是問房子掛牌的事 我沒事
20:18.33, Ay, no. 就這個(gè)啊
20:19.18, Yesterday, you said you'd call if something was wrong. 昨天 你說有問題的話會(huì)打電話
20:22.00, Then you called, then you disappeared. 你打了電話 接著就消失了
20:24.72, That is the most irresponsible, unprofessional thing 這是我這輩子見過的最不負(fù)責(zé)任
20:26.99, I've ever heard of in my entire life! 最沒職業(yè)水準(zhǔn)的事
20:29.17, And do you have anyone to represent you 你想出售的房子
20:30.67, in the sale of your current house? 現(xiàn)在找好經(jīng)紀(jì)人了嗎
20:32.84, Look into his eyes. 我以眼觀心過了
20:33.65, I don't care what the doctor says. 無論醫(yī)生說什么
20:35.00, I give him six months. 我看他就半年命了
20:38.81, Stop staring. 別盯著人家看
20:47.66, So, Phil Ddunphy, tell us a little bit about yourself. 菲爾·鄧菲 介紹下你自己
20:50.36, Well, Chip, I'm married to a great lady--hi, Claire! 奇普 我娶了個(gè)好老婆 克萊爾
20:53.02, And I have a baby girl. 有個(gè)寶貝女兒
20:54.31, Um, I'm a real estate agent, and I enjoy playing checkers. 我是個(gè)房產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人 喜歡下跳棋
20:57.18, Okay.-Both chinese and american. 好的-中式西式跳棋都喜歡
20:59.55, And, uh, I am a fan of hip-hop. 還有 我超粉嘻哈風(fēng)
21:02.27, Well, good for you. 不錯(cuò)
21:03.07, Though I try to stay neutral in the whole east coast/west coast thang. 不過在東西岸嘻哈大對(duì)決中 我盡量保持中立
21:06.14, - Next up we have a-- - One quick thing-- 下一位...-馬上說完
21:07.66, Shout out to my, uh, college buddy Ling, 向我的大學(xué)哥們林問個(gè)好
21:09.84, who built his own helicopter and is taking his first flight today, 他自己造了架直升機(jī) 今天首航
21:13.02, and, uh, I also wanna wish a happy anniversary 我還要祝岳父岳母大人
21:15.23, to my in-laws Jay and Dede Pritchett. 杰·普里契特伉儷結(jié)婚周年快樂
21:17.18, Your eternal love is an inspiration to us all. 你們至死不渝的愛情給后輩作了好榜樣
21:19.84, Okay. That's enough. 好了 說夠了吧
21:21.80, Next up, we have a homemaker from West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. 下一位 來自賓州懷斯特米福的家庭主婦
21:24.91, Hi. 你好


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