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聽美劇學(xué)英語-摩登家庭第三季 第6集:體驗(yàn)





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00:00.47, There she is. 總算到了
00:01.60, The old library. That's some late nights in there. 老圖書館 曾在里面度過漫漫長夜啊
00:04.94, Some of them I even spent studying. Don't tell your mom. 的確有些夜晚是在學(xué)習(xí)呢 別告訴老媽
00:08.35, And maybe don't tell me. 那就不該告訴我
00:11.30, College! 大學(xué)生
00:13.00, He was shielding his eyes from the sun. 他舉起手是為了擋陽光 免得晃眼
00:14.61, Knew it when I hit it. 擊掌時(shí)才反應(yīng)過來
00:15.77, Phil is taking Haley to visit his alma mater. 菲爾要帶海莉拜訪他的母校
00:18.35, Loved college. 深愛的大學(xué)
00:20.22, Mm, we were hoping some of that enthusiasm rubs off on her. 我們希望父親的激情也激起女兒對(duì)大學(xué)的向往
00:23.52, Go Bullfrogs! 加油 "斗牛蛙"隊(duì)
00:25.21, Dogs! 是斗牛犬隊(duì)
00:26.92, Bulldogs! 斗牛犬隊(duì)
00:27.61, I feel like you do that on purpose. 我覺得你是故意的
00:29.47, No, it's just... 不 只是
00:30.77, I say "bull", and I can't remember it's frogs or dogs. 我知道是"斗牛" 就是忘記是"蛙"還是"犬"了
00:33.63, When I talk to my old branch from college. 我跟大學(xué)哥們打電話時(shí)
00:35.47, do we croak or do we bark? 我們是"呱呱"叫 還是"汪汪"叫
00:38.84, I got it. 我來接
00:42.15, Hello?
00:50.41, No way! 不是吧
00:51.41, Haley, no way! Check it out! 不是吧 海莉 快來看
00:53.94, After a few beers, my buds and I would jump on these lunch trays 我和哥們喝完啤酒后 會(huì)跳到這些午餐盤上
00:56.32, and race down this same hill. Hop on. 就從這坡上比賽滑下去 上來試試
00:57.92, - I don't want to to hop on. - Seriously, you'll get the giggles. 我不想試-不騙你 你馬上就會(huì)傻樂
01:00.10, I don't want the giggles. 我不想傻樂
01:03.92, Hey, honey. 喂 親愛的
01:04.53, - How's the trip going? - So good. 游覽進(jìn)行得怎樣-非常好
01:06.42, Go, Bullfrogs. 加油 斗牛蛙隊(duì)
01:09.49, It's dogs. 是"犬"
01:10.87, Oh, sorry. 不好意思
01:11.82, How's Haley doing? 海莉表現(xiàn)怎樣
01:13.25, She's... 她啊
01:16.53, She's loving it. She's loving it. 她喜歡 她喜歡這里
01:18.97, I showed her the student union. We visited the dorms. 我?guī)タ戳藢W(xué)生會(huì) 參觀了宿舍
01:22.77, We sat in on a class. 我們?nèi)ソ淌衣犃斯?jié)課
01:24.75, I really think she's starting to see what college has to offer. 我覺得她開始發(fā)現(xiàn)大學(xué)的美好了
01:28.45, Oh, hang on, Claire. 克萊爾 稍等
01:32.42, Go, Bulldogs! 加油 斗牛犬
01:47.14, Manny, who is this Bella girl? 曼尼 這個(gè)叫貝拉的女孩是誰
01:49.08, And why is her name all over your notebook? 你的筆記本上怎么滿是她的名字
01:51.85, Bella's no girl, mom. 媽 貝拉已經(jīng)不是小女孩了
01:53.18, She has recently blossomed, like a purple lilac in April. 她最近開苞了 就像四月的丁香花
01:56.54, What do you mean, she blossom? 你說的"開苞"是什么意思
01:58.94, Like, the poo-berty? 春情躁動(dòng)期嗎
02:00.11, Yeah. 沒錯(cuò)
02:01.22, I'll get it. 我去開門
02:02.82, Hey, Gloria, your show's about to start. 歌洛莉亞 你愛看的節(jié)目要開始了
02:05.37, Record it. 錄下來吧
02:06.11, No, the DVR's filling up. 不行 錄像機(jī)都滿了
02:07.67, Let's just watch and get it over with. 咱就把它看完算了
02:09.78, Gloria's always saying 歌洛莉亞總是說
02:10.99, we should do more stuff together. 我們應(yīng)該多些夫妻共享時(shí)光
02:12.78, So I agreed to watch this 所以我答應(yīng)看她喜歡的這部
02:14.62, crazy Colombian soap opera she loves. 瘋狂的哥倫比亞肥皂劇
02:16.66, Fuego y hielo. 《肥龜爺髏》
02:18.09, Which apparently, is Spanish for "Big hair and yelling." 顯然 就是"長發(fā)鬼之亂吼"的西班牙語叫法
02:21.98, Fire and ice. 水深火熱
02:23.41, It's about human suffering. 講的是人間疾苦
02:25.75, I relate to it. 人家可喜歡了
02:27.39, I'm just saying, the guy's a judge. He can put a shirt on. 我是說 那家伙是個(gè)法官 總該穿件衣裳
02:31.44, Ay, what is that? 哎呀 那是什么
02:32.80, Oh, nothing. 沒什么
02:33.69, That doesn't look like a nothing. What is inside? 那可不像"沒什么"哦 里面是什么
02:36.48, Oh, it's just something I bought. 只是我買的點(diǎn)東西
02:37.98, I'm gonna go open it in my room. 我回房間再拆開
02:41.13, I don't like this. 可不是什么好現(xiàn)象啊
02:42.45, Manny has never kept a secret from me. 曼尼從來不背著我有小秘密
02:44.69, Don't worry about it. 別擔(dān)心
02:46.18, What do you think it could be? 你覺得那是什么東西
02:47.99, Well, right now I'm a little worried 我現(xiàn)在擔(dān)心那東西
02:49.20, it could be the rest of my evening. 能讓你一整晚煩著我
02:52.78, Mwah! Bye-bye. Love you. 再見 我愛你
02:53.63, Hey, Claire, listen. Uh, if you want, 克萊爾 等等 你有興趣
02:55.28, some of the moms are gonna stay and watch "Gone with the wind" 和其他幾位媽媽一起 共賞《亂世佳人》嗎
02:57.36, in my new screening room. 在我家的新放映室哦
02:58.92, I got pinot! 有葡萄酒喝哦
03:00.59, I would love to, but I'm not feeling that great, 我很樂意 可我身體不太舒服
03:02.58, so I'm probably just gonna go home and rest. 所以我還是回家歇著吧
03:05.04, Plus I've seen that movie. 況且我看過這電影了
03:06.40, No, I never saw "Gone with the Wind," 沒 我從來沒看過《亂世佳人》
03:07.86, But I have two kids at sleepovers, 但我的倆孩子今晚不回家睡
03:09.88, And Haley's out of town with Phil. 而且菲爾帶海莉去外地了
03:11.83, That means I have one night to myself, 所以今晚就我一個(gè)人在家
03:13.58, which happens once every never. 這是千載難逢的好機(jī)會(huì)啊
03:15.67, I am not spending it 我可不會(huì)去和那幫
03:16.90, with some gossipy mom who was mean to me in high school. 高中時(shí)就跟我有仇的八卦媽媽們混一晚上
03:19.94, I need a fun night out. 今晚我要出去找點(diǎn)樂子
03:23.08, Yes. 真棒
03:23.75, What the hell is this? No. 這是什么鬼地方 不對(duì)
03:25.84, I asked you guys for a fun night out, not this. 我是叫你們帶我體驗(yàn)狂歡之夜 不是來這兒
03:28.35, I-I-I need music and dancing and secondhand smoke. 我要的是縱情歌舞 烏煙瘴氣
03:31.86, Oh, please give this place a chance. It's a great value. 求你試試這兒吧 絕對(duì)超值
03:33.72, The room is so cozy. 這兒環(huán)境舒適
03:35.13, And the potpies are to die for. 肉餡餅好吃得要命
03:37.78, Are you really comfortable with what you just said? 你不覺得你剛說的那些無聊到死嗎
03:39.85, Come on. What happened to the party people 拜托 我的派對(duì)達(dá)人是怎么了
03:41.78, who took me to a rave, and I got to wear a tube top, 你們以前還帶我去銳舞派對(duì) 讓我穿"魔力挺"
03:44.12, and I stuffed cash in a caged go-go boy's speedo? 我還往艷舞男孩的小內(nèi)褲里塞錢呢
03:46.65, We're still party people. 我們依舊是派對(duì)達(dá)人
03:48.20, Oh, Joanne, before I forget, can I get a punch? 喬安 能給我來杯潘趣酒嗎[無酒精
03:50.77, One away from a free potpie. 差一杯就能有一份免費(fèi)餡餅了
03:52.35, If that was your gay card, it would be revoked. 如果那是你們的基佬卡 就該吊銷了
03:54.20, Okay, you know what, Claire? 克萊爾 你知道嗎
03:55.62, You're being a little high school you. 你有點(diǎn)兒像回到高中時(shí)代了
03:56.83, I am sorry, Mitchell, but I get one free night, 米奇爾 對(duì)不起 但我難得一夜自由
03:58.97, And I can't spend it at a place 我不能把一晚上浪費(fèi)在這
04:00.46, that is a proud supporter of Wilson Elementary. 威爾森小學(xué)的榮譽(yù)贊助餐館
04:03.06, We all need to give back, Claire. 我們都該回饋社會(huì)才對(duì) 克萊爾
04:04.38, Give me back my night. 把大好夜晚"回饋"給我吧
04:05.75, Okay, well, Longinus did invite us to a boutique opening, 好吧 朗吉納斯邀請(qǐng)我們?nèi)€(gè)精品店的開業(yè)晚宴
04:08.91, You know, cocktails, DJ. 你懂的 有雞尾酒和音樂
04:11.16, But it'll--it'll be a whole scene, though. 但是會(huì)很瘋很鬧的
04:13.64, A scene? A scene is perfect. That's great. 鬧啊 鬧好啊 棒極了
04:15.89, I will get in the car before you guys change your mind. 趁你們還沒改變主意 咱們趕緊上車
04:17.45, Come on. Let's go. Let's go. 快 走吧 出發(fā)
04:19.39, So does that mean no potpies? 這么說沒餡餅吃咯
04:21.14, Uh, hey, Joanne? Two number nines to go. 喬安 兩個(gè)九號(hào)的打包
04:24.67, Was I wrong? 沒說錯(cuò)吧
04:25.85, Are these not the best wings you've ever had in your life? 敢說這雞翅不是你平生未嘗的美味嗎
04:27.82, - Oh, my god. - And you didn't wanna get 40. 贊不絕口啊-你還說吃不了40個(gè)
04:30.45, Oh, and by the way, this is just the start of your evening. 順便說 這只是美好夜晚的開始喔
04:33.95, Next up, it's over to the quad 下一個(gè)節(jié)目 去方庭
04:35.00, for a musical interlude from tenors, anyone? 欣賞一組男高音表演 要跟我去嗎
04:38.06, - It's an all-male singing group... - Got it. 是一個(gè)全男性聲樂團(tuán)...-我懂的
04:40.47, Oh, hey! 喂 你好
04:41.79, Oh, hey. Weren't you on my tour this morning? 你不是今早在我游覽隊(duì)伍里那個(gè)嗎
04:43.88, Yeah, I'm Haley, and this is my d-- 對(duì) 我叫海莉 這是我老...
04:45.67, Big brother. You bought it for a second. 老哥 你信了你信了
04:47.63, How are you? Oh, oops. 你好嗎 噢糟糕
04:49.72, Okay. Anyway, you know what? 好吧 不管怎樣 你知道嗎
04:52.46, There is a student mixer going on tonight. 今晚有個(gè)學(xué)生聯(lián)誼會(huì)
04:54.66, If you wanna go, me and a bunch of other girls 你想去的話 我和其他一些女孩
04:55.82, are gonna head over there. 打算一起過去
04:56.69, Oh! Uh, you know what? That's okay. 噢 那個(gè) 我想說 還是算了
05:00.66, My dad's got this whole thing planned... 我老爸都計(jì)劃好了
05:02.41, but thank you anyway. 不管怎樣多謝了
05:03.71, No problem. Well, it was nice meeting you. 客氣 很高興見到你
05:05.61, Nice meeting you. 我也是
05:08.25, How fun is this? Just me and you. 多歡樂啊 就我們兩個(gè)
05:11.45, I was a little nervous 我有點(diǎn)緊張
05:12.01, you wouldn't see what's so special about this place. 怕你沒看出這里的獨(dú)特之處
05:13.98, Not that I'm pushing you to come here. You know, you're-- 我不是逼你一定要考這里 你知道 你
05:16.72, You're gonna make your own decisions. 你得自己做決定
05:19.76, You wanna go with them, don't you? 你想跟她們一起去 是不是
05:21.65, No, we're doing our thing. 不 按我們的計(jì)劃來
05:22.55, Yeah, quick. Before they leave. 去吧 晚了她們就走了
05:24.59, - Are you sure? - Go. I can handle it. 真的嗎-去吧 我搞得定
05:26.48, You're not the first girl to leave me at this table 你又不是第一個(gè)在滿是雞腿的餐桌前
05:28.31, with a plateful of chicken wings. 離我而去的女孩子
05:30.11, I'm kidding! 我開玩笑的
05:32.33, I wish I was kidding. 真希望我是開玩笑
05:33.94, - I... - You weren't supposed to hear that. Have fun. 我...-本不想讓你聽到的 好好玩
05:35.81, Okay. 好的
05:37.16, Love you. 愛你喔
05:37.77, Love you. 愛你喔
05:44.04, Nose job. 鼻子整形了
05:47.38, Butt lift. 提臀了
05:48.03, Last summer, that thing was 4 inches off the ground. 去年夏天 那玩意兒都快垂到地面了
05:49.83, What do they do with all the butt they take out? 她們屁股上的贅肉都跑哪兒去了
05:52.54, I have a theory. 我想我知道答案了
05:56.21, Oh, damn! Here comes my ex. 該死 我前男友來了
05:57.62, - Who? Randolph? - Marcus? -誰啊 蘭多夫嗎 -還是馬可斯
05:58.92, LaMichael? 勒邁克爾嗎
05:59.66, No. Matt. I gotta go. 不 是馬特 我得走了
06:02.31, Drama. Love it! 狗血N角戀 好喜歡
06:04.35, This is what I wanted. 姐要的就是這個(gè)
06:06.50, Who needs a drink? 誰要再來一杯嗎
06:07.27, I could use a little seltzer water. 我還是要點(diǎn)礦泉水吧
06:08.79, More bubbly, Claire? 再來點(diǎn)香檳嗎 克萊爾
06:09.64, Mm, I will be after I get a drink. 再來我就"檳至如歸"了
06:11.29, See, that's what gay is supposed to be like. 看 他那才叫好基友的風(fēng)范嘛
06:15.11, Okay, I don't know about you, 你怎么樣我不清楚
06:16.00, but I got about five minutes of fabulous left in me. 我內(nèi)心的激情歡樂只剩5分鐘了
06:17.71, Yeah, in my mind, I'm already in our kitchen. 我早就幻想自己在咱家廚房里了
06:19.35, I'm watching my potpie rotate in the microwave. 我在看誘人的肉餅在微波爐里旋轉(zhuǎn)
06:22.29, Okay. Okay. When did hats come back? 好吧 好吧 帽子什么時(shí)候又流行回來了
06:24.39, That one's come back about eight times. 那女人已經(jīng)來回折騰八趟了
06:25.76, Pick a side of the room, lady. 老實(shí)待一邊去吧 老女人
06:27.67, All right, there's, like, 那啥 那邊貌似
06:28.64, a thousand people waiting for wine. 有上千人在排隊(duì)拿酒
06:31.00, I wanna try on a couple of dresses, 我要試幾套衣服
06:32.46, And then Julian here's gonna take us to a club across town. 然后朱利安哥帶我們?nèi)コ墙嫉木瓢赏?/span>
06:35.35, I think we're gonna go home. 我想我們要回家了
06:37.20, What? Why? It's 9:30. 啥 為啥 才九點(diǎn)半
06:39.13, It's 9:30? 都九點(diǎn)半了
06:40.56, When did you two become such old women? 什么時(shí)候起你們變成居家老婦了
06:42.94, First, you take me to that senior center for porridge, 起初 你們帶我去老人院喝麥片粥
06:45.03, and now you can't even stay up past Luke's bedtime? 現(xiàn)在連盧克都比你們能熬夜
06:46.97, - It's Friday. We get tired on fridays. - We get very tired. -今天周五 我們都很累 -很疲勞的說
06:49.66, I have 3 children. I've been tired since 2005. 我同時(shí)照顧3孩子 累了好多年了
06:53.20, Let's rally. You're my ride. 跟姐瘋狂去吧 你們開車送我
06:55.15, If you want to stay out, I can take you home. 如果你想去玩 我可以送你回家
06:57.34, Really? 真的嗎
06:57.95, Of course. 當(dāng)然
06:59.64, Okay. All right, girls, go home, 那好吧 姐妹們 回家吧
07:01.82, roll up your hair, clap out the lights, 長發(fā)盤好 關(guān)關(guān)燈
07:04.16, cause this guy, who I just met, 而這個(gè)人 素昧平生
07:06.11, is gonna show me a good time. 就能帶我出去好好樂一番
07:08.54, Okay, well, if he was straight, 好吧 如果他是直男
07:09.67, this would be just like high school. 這會(huì)就是高中重現(xiàn)了
07:13.46, This is ridiculous. 劇情太腦殘了
07:14.95, She's obviously got a pistol under that poncho. 明顯她在斗篷里藏了把手槍
07:18.15, How do you watch this stuff? 你怎么能看下去啊
07:20.30, He's been up there for more than one hour. 他都在樓上折騰一個(gè)多小時(shí)了
07:22.29, - I can't stand this. - Who's been up there? 我受不了了-誰在樓上啊
07:23.57, Ronaldo's doing the dishes right in front of her. 羅納爾多就在她面前洗碗啊
07:25.69, Manny, in his bedroom. 我是說曼尼 在他房間里
07:27.04, Gloria, are you even watching this? 歌洛莉亞 你看進(jìn)去了嗎
07:28.98, I'm doing this for you. 我為你才看的
07:30.44, What does he has in that box that he cannot show to me? 他到底盒子里藏了什么 不想給我看呢
07:34.35, Little boys are supposed to keep secrets from their mothers. 小男孩都會(huì)背著媽媽藏秘密
07:36.86, Wait. The judge just peeked through the window. 等等 法官從窗縫里偷窺
07:39.77, Is he interested in Celia now? 他現(xiàn)在看上了西莉亞了嗎
07:41.82, She could be his daughter. 她都能當(dāng)他女兒了
07:43.17, I bet it's a birthday gift for me. 我猜是給我的生日禮物
07:45.87, Yeah, that sounds right. What's he saying? 有道理 他說什么呢
07:48.51, I've never seen him this mad. 從沒見過他這么惱火
07:50.52, Wait a minute. 等一等
07:52.48, I already found my birthday gift underneath his bed. 我已經(jīng)在他床底下發(fā)現(xiàn)給我的生日禮物了
07:55.86, It's a giant hat. 是個(gè)大帽子
07:57.71, When did hats came back anyway? 什么時(shí)候起 帽子又流行回來了
07:59.59, Now she's reaching under the poncho. 她伸手到斗篷下面了
08:01.15, Like she's gonna shoot Ronaldo. 貌似她要朝羅納爾多開槍
08:03.25, He's the main character, right? 主角怎么會(huì)死呢 當(dāng)觀眾白癡啊
08:04.85, That's it. I'm going up there. 不管了 我要上去看看
08:06.13, Wait, Gloria. No. Don't go. 等下 歌洛莉亞 別去
08:07.85, - Why not? - Think about it. 為什么-你想啊
08:09.05, 13-year-old boy, talks about girls all day long. 一個(gè)13歲的小男孩 整天思春
08:11.86, We have more security on these computers than the Pentagon. 我們電腦的綠壩比五角大樓都嚴(yán)密
08:14.72, What do you think he's doing up there... Alone? 你覺得他在上面會(huì)做什么 獨(dú)自一人
08:19.38, Do you think he ordered some movies? 你覺得他是租了"愛情動(dòng)作片"嗎
08:21.18, Movies, magazines, whatever the hell. 電影 雜志 一切皆有可能
08:23.12, How dare do you say that, Jay?! 你怎么可以這么說呢 杰
08:25.83, He's a little boy! He's just a boy. 他只是個(gè)小男孩 只是個(gè)小孩
08:28.39, I don't want to talk to you. I'm gonna take a walk. 我不想跟你說話 我要出去走一走
08:30.26, Gloria, come on. 歌洛莉亞 別這樣
08:31.56, Come back. I know you're not mad at me. 回來吧 我知道你不是沖我發(fā)火
08:33.90, You just... 你只是
08:36.17, Oh! What'd she do? 她干了什么
08:38.29, Ronaldo! 羅納爾多
08:41.91, Wang chung! 紅中
08:43.55, Pay up, gentlemen! 付錢吧 先生們
08:46.53, Yes! 爽啊
08:48.73, Thank you! 多謝了
08:49.84, Really? That's so nice. 這么多 真給力
08:51.77, Another pitcher, my good woman. 再來一大罐酒 我的好姑娘
08:53.19, Claire would have killed me if she'd known 要是克萊爾知道 肯定會(huì)殺了我的
08:54.94, that I let Haley go off alone 我讓海莉單獨(dú)參加派對(duì)
08:56.35, while I chilled in a bar with some undergrads, 自己卻和一群學(xué)生在酒吧玩樂
08:58.07, But I happen to trust my daughter. 不過我信任我的女兒
09:01.63, Also, I was tracking her location with the GPS on her phone. 但我還是利用她手機(jī)上的GPS來追蹤她的位置
09:05.20, Fellas, Cedar and Los alamos. That's, uh... 各位 洛斯阿拉莫斯是哪兒啊
09:08.56, Pi chi house? 是在派凱屋嗎
09:09.79, Pi chi? 派凱屋
09:20.55, Oh, come on. Why is my bluetooth not working? 真是的 我的藍(lán)牙怎么用不了
09:23.45, Oh, god. It's Longinus. He's gonna be so mad at us. 天啊 是朗吉納斯 他一定很生我們的氣
09:26.62, Hey, Longe. Don't be mad at us for leaving. 朗吉 不要怪我們先走了
09:28.65, I went back to our spot, and everybody was gone. 我回到我們那桌 所有人都走了
09:30.50, Who does that to a sister?! 誰會(huì)對(duì)好姐妹做這種事啊
09:32.08, We're sorry, but the sitter called, 抱歉 可小保姆打電話來
09:33.91, and, uh, lily was running a fever. 說莉莉發(fā)燒了
09:35.47, So... We feel even worse 所以 我們也很抱歉
09:36.94, about dumping Claire on you and your hot date. 把克萊爾丟給你和你的火辣男友
09:39.66, Who is gorgeous, by the way. Seems super funny, too. 隨便一提 他真是又帥又風(fēng)趣啊
09:43.13, Perfect for you. 天生一對(duì)
09:44.03, Please, I wish that was a date. 拜托 我也希望他是我對(duì)象
09:45.88, He's my trainer, and he's straight. 他是我的教練 是個(gè)直男
09:47.47, What? Julian's straight. Oh, I love it 什么 朱利安是直男嗎 這樣才贊呢
09:49.99, when a straight person and a gay person go out together. 直男和同志一起出去玩
09:52.49, I'd love it a lot more if he was gay. 如果他是同志我會(huì)更開心的
09:54.11, Oh, my god. This isn't our car. 我的天啊 這不是我們的車
09:55.70, - What? - This isn't our Prius! 什么-這不是我們的普銳斯
09:57.78, They--they must've given us the wrong one at the valet. 泊車小弟肯定給錯(cuò)車了
09:59.76, That's why the bluetooth isn't working. 所以這藍(lán)牙才用不了
10:01.46, We stole a car? Are you serious? 我們偷了一輛車 你說真的嗎
10:02.75, What's happening? 出什么事了
10:03.44, Oh, we stole a car. Uh, we gotta go. 我們偷了別人的車 我們得掛了
10:05.20, Okay, we did not steal a car, Cam. It was given to us. 我們沒偷車 小卡 是別人給錯(cuò)了車
10:07.92, Why are you giving me attitude? You're the one that stole a car. 你對(duì)我大呼小叫干什么 你才是偷車的人
10:10.42, How is this a stolen car?! How?! 這怎么能算偷車呢 從何說起
10:13.53, I don't know! I'm confused! 我不知道 我都糊涂了
10:14.98, Do you have an aspirin? 你車上有阿司匹林嗎
10:15.99, This isn't my car! 這不是我的車
10:22.23, Hey, Lukie. Hi. What's going on? 小克 你好啊 出什么事了
10:25.50, Oh, I don't know. 我不知道
10:26.90, I'll check. 我找找
10:28.40, I have it. 在我這兒
10:29.99, Well, I could bring it by 我可以送過來
10:31.30, and meet you outside in 20 minutes? 20分鐘后在外面見 好嗎
10:33.61, No, sw--out--out-- outside, sweetie. 不 外面 在外面 親愛的
10:35.34, Okay. Bye-bye. 好 一會(huì)兒見
10:37.46, Do you mind swinging by my kid's sleepover? 你介意順道去一下我兒子過夜的地方嗎
10:40.01, I gotta give him this retainer. 我得把這個(gè)矯牙器給他
10:41.66, It's on the way to the club. 就在去酒吧的路上
10:42.61, Sure, no problem. 當(dāng)然 沒問題
10:44.01, Oh! You are so sweet. 你人太好了
10:45.34, Holy pythons, batman. Do you ever leave the gym? 堅(jiān)實(shí)美臂啊 蝙蝠俠 你都泡在健身房嗎
10:48.98, Uh, no. Actually, I'm a trainer and a masseur. 其實(shí)我是健身教練兼按摩師
10:51.33, Oh, my god. 天啊
10:53.13, I'm gonna have to try out that second one. 我可得讓你按摩一下
10:55.05, Zip, please. 幫我拉開拉鏈
10:57.18, I gotta say, 不得不說
10:58.02, this night is turning out to be a lot more fun than I expected. 今晚比我期待得要好玩多了
11:01.26, I've got two kids at sleepovers 我有兩個(gè)孩子在別人家過夜
11:03.18, and one upstate with daddy. 另一個(gè)和她爸出城了
11:04.98, The fun is just beginning. 好戲才剛剛開始呢
11:12.37, Unbelievable. 難以置信
11:13.52, The valet gave our car away to someone, like, 泊車小弟把我們的車給了其他人
11:15.17, an hour and a half ago. 一個(gè)半小時(shí)前就給錯(cuò)了
11:16.44, You know what that means. 你知道這意味著什么
11:18.24, Our potpies could be anywhere by now. 我們的肉餡餅現(xiàn)在有可能在任何地方
11:21.70, They probably went home. If--if we knew their address, 他們可能回家了 如果能找到他們的地址
11:24.00, maybe we could see if our car was there. 也許能看看車在不在那兒
11:25.67, Oh, yeah. And how do you propose we do that? 好啊 那你準(zhǔn)備怎么找呢
11:27.94, Calculating route home. 正在計(jì)算回家路線
11:29.44, Yeah. 就是這樣
11:30.57, Oh, you're good. Mm. 你挺能干的嘛
11:31.71, Oh, and look. Only .6 miles away. 看 只有半英里多而已
11:34.01, Prepare to turn right in 500 feet. 在前方500英尺處右轉(zhuǎn)
11:37.05, Notice how she didn't wait 聽聽 她在過路口前
11:38.41, until after the turn to tell me, Cam? 竟然知道提醒我 小卡
11:40.02, Really? This? Now? 不是吧 現(xiàn)在要開吵嗎
11:41.23, I'm just... 我只是
11:42.39, Oh, look. They went to see Jay-Z. 看 他們?nèi)ヂ燡ay-Z演唱會(huì)了
11:43.63, We almost went to see Jay-Z, didn't we? 我們差點(diǎn)就去看Jay-Z了 不是嗎
11:45.46, - No, no, no, 'cause remember it started at 8:30. - Oh, yeah, -沒有 誰讓它8點(diǎn)半才開始呢 -對(duì)
11:47.56, which meant he wouldn't have gone on until 10:00. 也就是說到十點(diǎn)才能結(jié)束
11:49.47, And then that parking nightmare. 還有那沒地停車的噩夢(mèng)
11:50.77, Oh, and those stairs. 觀眾席要命的階梯
11:52.75, Okay, I'm hearing it now. 好 我現(xiàn)在發(fā)現(xiàn)問題了
11:54.84, Is Claire right? Are we in a rut? 克萊爾說的對(duì)嗎 我們現(xiàn)在很墨守成規(guī)
11:56.41, Well, we might be, especially compared to these people. 也許吧 特別是和這些人比
11:58.73, Look at this. Cancun luggage tickets. 看這個(gè) 去坎昆的行李票
12:01.27, A parking pass to Yosemite. 優(yōu)勝美地國家公園的停車票
12:03.18, A triathlon bib. This is living. 鐵人三項(xiàng)的號(hào)碼牌 這才是生活啊
12:05.68, No, but you know what? We have Lily, okay? 可是回過頭想 我們有莉莉 對(duì)嗎
12:07.87, - I know. - You can't do that with a child. 我知道-你帶著小孩干不了那些事的
12:09.40, They have a car seat. 他們也有兒童專用座椅
12:11.79, Okay, fine, we're in a rut. 好吧 我們是保守又無聊
12:13.33, Destination ahead in 900 feet. 目標(biāo)在前方900英尺
12:15.89, You know, maybe we just need to be around 也許我們只需要多和
12:17.34, more stimulating people. 有帶動(dòng)作用的人在一起
12:18.55, Well, we're gonna be in about 900 feet. 前方900英尺內(nèi)就有這樣的人
12:20.42, It's not the craziest idea. They seem like fun people. 這主意或許可行 他們看起來是有趣的人
12:22.69, - Yeah, and maybe we can be new couples friends with them. -Yeah. -沒錯(cuò) 也許我們能做伴侶好友 -對(duì)
12:24.82, You know, we can go out to concerts, 我們可以一起去聽演唱會(huì)
12:26.79, try exciting new food, maybe do some luxury camping. 試吃新品 結(jié)伴豪華野營
12:29.51, Yeah, hitch our wagon to their star 沒錯(cuò) 讓我們胸懷他們的大志
12:30.81, and see how fast they spice up our life. 看他們激揚(yáng)我們的人生
12:33.46, You have arrived. 你已經(jīng)到了
12:34.61, I believe we have. 我想也到了
12:36.93, You dumb son of a bitch! 你個(gè)傻逼狗娘養(yǎng)的
12:39.07, - Oh, my god. - Oh, my god! Oh, my god! 我的天啊-我的天啊
12:39.80, Oh, my god! Oh, my god. What's happening?! 我的天啊-什么情況啊
12:40.70, I can't believe you came back here, you filthy, cheating pig! 你居然還敢回來 你個(gè)劈腿的王八蛋
12:44.22, Where is she? Where is she?! 她在哪 她在哪
12:45.94, Back up, I said! 倒車 快點(diǎn)
12:47.43, I'm trying! We are in a rut! 我正倒著呢 但我們"沉軌"了
12:49.26, Really? You wanna talk about that right now? 都這會(huì)了 你還想談"成規(guī)"的事
12:51.00, No, we are stuck! We're in an actual rut. We're stuck. 不是 我們卡住了 車輪沉在軌里了
12:53.83, Ohh! Oh, my god. Oh, my god! 我的天啊 我的天啊
12:56.02, We are victims of a hate crime right now! 由愛生恨大發(fā)泄 我們慘成受害者
12:57.85, - Go! Go! -Oh, my god! -走開 走開 -我的天啊
13:05.02, Oh, no, you don't. 不行 想都別想
13:06.71, Dad, what are you doing here? 爸 你在這干嘛啊
13:07.87, - What's this, buddy. - Ginger ale. -這是什么 伙計(jì) -姜汁汽水
13:09.81, Oh, really? 'cause is smells-- okay, it smells like ginger ale. 是嗎 可這聞著像 還真像姜汁汽水
13:12.03, But that doesn't prove anything. 但這說明不了什么
13:12.85, - What the hell? - We are leaving. 你搞什么啊-我們?cè)撟吡?/span>
13:14.27, I'm having a nice time with-- 我正玩的盡興呢
13:15.94, With this clown? And by the way, it's a little cliche 和這個(gè)蠢蛋玩 順便說一下 你也太老套了
13:17.86, to pick someone who looks exactly like your dad. 找個(gè)和你老爸一個(gè)款型的男人
13:20.23, I got your number, pi chi. 我知道你電話 小凱子
13:22.16, - I know you. - Yeah, you do. 我認(rèn)識(shí)你-沒錯(cuò) 你認(rèn)識(shí)
13:24.25, This is Ben Ford. He's in my class. 他叫本·福特 和我一個(gè)班的
13:25.85, He's visiting, too. 他也是來參觀的
13:27.00, You were my t-ball coach. 你還教過我兒童棒球呢
13:28.67, My dad's your doctor. He's right over there. 我爸是你的醫(yī)生 他就在那
13:33.55, What is wrong with you? 你有什么毛病啊
13:34.77, Are you trying to ruin college for me before I even get here? 你想把我大學(xué)生活扼殺在搖籃里嗎
13:37.44, No, I-I'm not. 不 我不是
13:38.64, I am so sorry. You are not a clown. 不好意思 你不是什么蠢蛋
13:40.86, You were an excellent backup shortstop. 你是個(gè)很棒的候補(bǔ)游擊手
13:42.80, Alecia. Bruce. 艾麗莎 布魯斯
13:44.05, Go, Bullfrogs-- dogs! 加油 斗牛蛙 斗牛犬隊(duì)
13:46.32, Go, Bulldogs. 加油 斗牛犬
13:47.40, Claire! 克萊爾
13:48.92, Wow. Really? 哇 真的嗎
13:50.85, No, it's just a shock, is all. 不是 只是很震驚啊
13:52.82, Jay?
13:54.12, So Celia's carrying the judge's baby. 這么說西莉亞懷著法官的孩子
13:56.56, No wonder she shot him. She's hormonal. 怪不得她開槍射他 孕期狂躁
13:58.79, - Who are you talking to? -The housekeeper. 你跟誰打電話呢-管家而已
14:00.43, Maria, I've gotta go. Thanks a lot. 瑪利亞 我得掛了 多謝劇透
14:03.93, Jay, I need you to talk to manny. 杰 我想讓你和曼尼談?wù)?/span>
14:06.33, - What? - Well, if he's doing what you think he's doing, 怎么了-他如果真在干你說的那事
14:08.41, Then he needs to talk to a man. 那他需要和一個(gè)男人談?wù)?/span>
14:10.10, I don't want him to be ashame of anything. 我不想讓他感到難堪啊
14:12.14, Then you don't want to send me in there. 那么你就不應(yīng)該讓我去
14:13.38, Yeah, but what if-- if he has questions? 是啊 但如果他有什么疑問呢
14:15.81, What if he doesn't know how to-- 如果他不知道該怎么
14:17.28, Gloria, Gloria, whatever he's going through, 歌洛莉亞 不論他在經(jīng)歷什么
14:18.80, he can work it out himself. 他都能自己領(lǐng)悟的
14:20.68, Help! I'm stuck! 救命 我卡住了
14:22.02, Ay, no, Jay, go. I beg of you! 不 杰 快去 我求你了
14:24.25, - Go! Go! Go! - Gloria. -快走 快走 -歌洛莉亞
14:25.37, I'm extremely reluctant to do this. 我真不愿做這事兒
14:27.42, Please hurry! 拜托 快點(diǎn)啦
14:29.26, Ay, no. I cannot look at this. 不行 這是"婦女不宜"內(nèi)容
14:31.45, What the hell? 搞什么啊
14:33.06, I can't get down, Jay. 我下不來了 杰
14:35.80, What? What happened to Manny?! 怎么了 曼尼出什么事了
14:37.47, -Ay, somebody say something to me! -Gloria, 快告訴我出什么事了啊-歌洛莉亞
14:40.24, It's okay. 沒事
14:40.80, Come on in. 進(jìn)來吧
14:42.27, Okay. 好的
14:44.22, He was hanging from that bar up there. 他剛才倒掛在這橫梁上了
14:46.03, What? Why? What do you have on your head? 啥 為什么啊 你頭上戴的什么東西
14:48.83, It's a weighted helmet to stretch me so I can get taller. 加重頭盔 通過伸展身體來讓我長高
14:52.28, Manny! Why do you have to get tall now? 曼尼 你為什么非要長高啊
14:55.43, Love, mom. Why else? 為了愛情 媽媽 還會(huì)為什么
14:57.10, I lost Bella to Durkus because, 我的貝拉跟德克斯跑了
14:59.03, in her words, "He's tall." 按她的話說就是"人家好高啊"
15:00.51, Everybody else is getting taller but me. 班里的同學(xué)都越長越高 除了我
15:03.11, You think it's the coffee? 你覺得這是咖啡惹的禍嗎
15:04.21, No. 不是
15:05.26, Maybe. But-- 有可能 但是
15:06.63, But hanging downside up is not gonna help you. 可是你這樣"倒掛金鐘"也是做無用功啊
15:09.45, The web site said it would. 網(wǎng)上說可以的
15:11.54, Listen, manny, 聽著 曼尼
15:12.65, You're already intelligent and beautiful and funny. 你已經(jīng)集美貌 智慧 風(fēng)趣于一身了
15:17.02, If you get tall, you're going to have everything, 如果你再長高點(diǎn) 你就過于完美了
15:19.84, And those poor boys 其他那些歪瓜裂棗
15:21.16, Are not gonna have anything to compete with you. 怎么再和你相提并論呢
15:24.01, Look at this. 看看這
15:25.59, You have a mark on your head now. 你頭上都有個(gè)傷痕了
15:27.89, I'm gonna go get you some ice, okay? 我給你拿些冰來 好不好
15:31.56, That's a lot of pretty words, but they don't help me tomorrow. 話倒挺好聽的 可我明天怎么辦啊
15:33.77, Sorry, kid. It's just one of those things. 抱歉 孩子 都浮云而已
15:35.30, You get taller when you get taller. 該長高時(shí)候自然就會(huì)長高
15:37.21, Why don't you get ready for bed? 你應(yīng)該睡覺了吧
15:46.12, Ah, jeez. 老天
15:48.23, You know, when I was your age, 我像你這么大的時(shí)候
15:49.95, I started working out to get the girls. 我靠健身來吸引女生
15:52.23, You think that would help? 你覺得有用嗎
15:53.28, Yeah. So tomorrow, we start working out. 沒錯(cuò) 明天 我們一起去健身
15:56.10, Okay? 好不好
15:58.33, Maybe I'll even show you a few pull-ups 要不然我來給你做幾個(gè)引體向上
15:59.97, On, uh, this bad boy here, huh? 就在這玩意上面
16:06.81, You see that? 你看見沒
16:09.04, Pretty soon, that's how strong... you're gonna be. 過不了多久 你也能 這么壯
16:14.02, - Thanks, mom. - Shh! -謝了 媽媽 -噓
16:15.35, - I don't want them to know I was here. - Okay. 我不想讓他們知道我在這-好的
16:17.31, Oh, Claire, I thought that was you. 克萊爾 我就知道是你
16:18.75, Thank god. Come in. 謝天謝地 快進(jìn)來
16:19.98, I can't. 'cause I'm sick, remember? Sorry. 不行 因?yàn)槲也×?記得不 抱歉
16:22.58, Well, my DVD player just broke, 其實(shí) 我DVD機(jī)壞了
16:23.88, and none of us know how "Gone With the Wind" Ends. 我們都沒看到《亂世佳人》的結(jié)局是什么
16:25.28, But you saw it, right? 但你看過 對(duì)吧
16:26.40, - Oh, is that Claire? - Yeah. 是克萊爾嗎-是
16:27.67, Can you tell us what happened? 能告訴我們結(jié)局嗎
16:28.97, I could, but I don't want to ruin it for you. 我能 但我不想給你們劇透啊
16:30.92, No, we really need to know. We need to know. 不會(huì) 我們真的想知道 我們真的想
16:32.44, Claire. Just tell us. -Um... 克萊爾 快告訴我們吧
16:34.69, Scarlett is... really mad at Clark Gable 郝思嘉真的很生克拉克·蓋博的氣
16:39.70, Because, um, he says so many bad things. 因?yàn)樗f了很多不好聽的話
16:42.73, And didn't he, um, burn down a farm or something? 是不是 還把 一農(nóng)場(chǎng)什么的給點(diǎn)了
16:45.97, Claire, have you been drinking? 克萊爾 你是不是醉了
16:49.95, I had a hot toddy. Made one for my throat. 我喝了點(diǎn)蘇格蘭熱托地 喉嚨有點(diǎn)不舒服
16:52.61, Pretty dressed up for a night in bed, right? 晚上臥床的話 你這也穿的太光鮮了吧
16:55.30, Yeah, I-I just threw on the first thing I could find... 我只是隨手拿了件衣服穿
16:57.11, when Luke called, and it was just right there on the chair. 盧克打電話來時(shí) 正好那件就在椅子上
16:58.88, She has a stamp on her hand. 看她手上還蓋著章呢
17:00.81, Okay. All right. 好吧
17:02.15, Before we bust out the pitchforks and the torches, 在大家點(diǎn)亮火把 群起而捉奸之前
17:04.24, May I remind you 可別忘了
17:05.54, that I've driven every one of your children home 我曾經(jīng)幫你們把孩子都送回家
17:07.18, and heimliched at least one, Bethenny. 還急救過至少一個(gè) 貝瑟妮
17:09.14, Hi.-Hello. 大家好-你好
17:10.51, This is totally inappropriate. But could I use your bathroom? 說來尷尬 我能借用下洗手間嗎
17:12.95, Sorry. You kept pushing the drinks. 抱歉 你一直灌我喝酒
17:14.32, I--friend. Gay friend. Gay. 他是我朋友 同志朋友
17:17.19, - I-I'm not gay. -Yes, you are. 我不是同志-你必須得是
17:18.89, I-I'm not gay. I'm--I'm french. 我不是同志 我只是法國人
17:20.79, You thought I was gay? 你以為我是同志
17:22.24, - Are you serious right now? - Well, are you? -你是認(rèn)真的嗎 -你對(duì)我是"認(rèn)真的"嗎
17:23.96, You've been throwing yourself at me all night. 你整晚都在投懷送抱
17:25.57, No, no. No, I have not. 哪有 我才沒有呢
17:27.30, - Bethenny, grab the pinot. - Bethenny, do not grab the pinot. -貝瑟妮 拿葡萄酒來 有好戲看了 -貝瑟妮 別聽她的
17:29.86, You undressed in front of me. You squeezed my arm. 你在我面前脫衣服 還捏我的手臂
17:33.49, You asked me for a massage. What was all that? 你還讓我替你按摩 那些都算什么
17:35.39, That was--that was me safely objectifying a gay person. 那時(shí)我以為你是個(gè)同志
17:39.60, Wow, Claire! 天哪 克萊爾
17:40.95, When I wrote "Don't ever change" in your yearbook, 當(dāng)時(shí)我在年鑒里寫"永遠(yuǎn)別變"
17:43.30, I didn't mean it like this. 可不是這個(gè)意思啊
17:44.47, Oh, ease up, Holly. 放輕松 霍麗
17:46.29, Okay, I lied. 我是撒謊了
17:48.42, I lied, but I get one night to myself, 我是撒謊了 我好不容易得到個(gè)自由之夜
17:51.95, and I just wanted to spend it with some fun gay people. 我只想和風(fēng)趣的同志朋友縱情歡樂
17:55.90, It's not my fault this one decided to be straight. 這人決定變直又不是我的錯(cuò)
17:57.96, I've always been straight. 我從來就是直的
17:59.08, Oh, you don't get to talk! 你沒資格說話
18:00.32, I took fashion advice from you! 我居然還向你咨詢了時(shí)尚觀點(diǎn)
18:02.79, Oh, my god. Do I even look good in this dress? 天哪 我穿這身衣服好看嗎
18:04.81, No. Not you. 不 絕不問你了
18:07.28, It's really short, isn't it? 太短了 是吧
18:09.41, It's short. 的確
18:10.22, Yeah. 是啊
18:13.03, Please? 求你了
18:14.22, Please, just listen to me for one second. 求你了 就聽我說幾句
18:16.25, Go away! Stop following me! 離我遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn) 別跟著我
18:18.01, Hey, you wanna tell me why you're bothering this young lady? 能告訴我為何要騷擾這位女士嗎
18:20.19, Oh, no, no, no, no. Officer, this is my daughter. Tell him. 不是的 警官 這是我女兒 快告訴他
18:22.44, Tonight, I don't know who you are. 今晚 我根本不認(rèn)識(shí)你
18:23.96, She's... she's joking. 她是在開玩笑
18:26.16, I'm not dangerous. 我可不是危險(xiǎn)人物
18:27.53, In fact, I-I-I helped to put all the lights on this path. 實(shí)際上 我還曾幫這條小路裝過燈泡呢
18:29.60, 20 years ago, 20年前的事了
18:30.60, some friends and I took back the night. So... 我和朋友一些朋友參加完"維護(hù)女性"運(yùn)動(dòng)
18:32.74, I-I think I just... 我想我剛剛
18:33.97, - I embarrassed her a little. - "A little"? 有點(diǎn)讓她難堪了-只是有點(diǎn)嗎
18:37.51, That sweatshirt embarrasses me "A little." 程度過輕 你那衣服才叫讓我有點(diǎn)難堪
18:40.05, Yep, that's a daughter. 是女兒 鑒定完畢
18:42.91, Tonight was insane. 今晚是怎么了
18:44.38, Why did you have to act like that? 你干嗎要表現(xiàn)得那樣
18:46.36, You were at that party. 你正在參加一個(gè)派對(duì)
18:47.53, I see you talking to frat boys, and-- 我看到你正和某個(gè)兄弟會(huì)男孩說活
18:49.00, Isn't that why we're here, so I can experience college? 這不就是此行的目的嗎 感受大學(xué)校園
18:52.35, I mean, what are you gonna do when I actually go? 要是我真來了大學(xué) 你會(huì)怎么做
18:55.54, I don't know. Freak out, I think. 不知道 也許會(huì)抓狂
19:00.79, Look... 聽著
19:04.49, Your whole life, my job has been to protect you-- 你長這么大 都是我在保護(hù)你
19:07.43, A job I kinda love. 甜蜜的負(fù)擔(dān)
19:10.30, Now I feel like I'm being forced into early retirement. 現(xiàn)在看來我不得不提前退休了
19:14.23, I just needed to find you and make sure you were okay... 我只是想找到你 確保你安然無恙
19:18.77, For as long as I still get to do that. 堅(jiān)守到最后一口氣在
19:24.36, Just like you-- 你總是這樣
19:26.61, Piss me off and then say something sweet. 惹我發(fā)火然后又讓我感動(dòng)
19:30.85, I'm not leaving until the fall. 我要到秋季才走呢
19:33.42, Maybe by then I can figure out 也許那時(shí)能找到個(gè)方法
19:35.39, how to put a force field around you. 設(shè)計(jì)出什么東西保護(hù)著你
19:39.56, I've been working on that one 我一直在尋求解決之道
19:40.69, Since the first time I tried to fasten you into your car seat. 自從第一次幫你系安全帶起就開始了
19:45.40, I pinched your chunky little thigh. 當(dāng)時(shí)我把你綁的太緊了
19:51.05, Even though you basically just called me fat. 雖然你這是在間接說我胖
19:57.44, So... 好了
19:59.51, Is it really fun? 這真的很好玩嗎
20:01.31, What? 什么
20:08.79, No! 不會(huì)吧
20:10.69, We all struggle with limitations... 我們都糾結(jié)于為人之限
20:13.79, Some we're willing to accept... 有一些我們?cè)敢饨邮?/span>
20:15.69, You know, I just wanna be home, 我現(xiàn)在只想回家
20:17.27, reading on opposite ends of the sofa. 靠著沙發(fā)讀點(diǎn)書
20:19.81, And some we're not. 還有一些我們不愿接受
20:21.56, I'm so embarrassed I did that. 我那樣做太尷尬了
20:23.23, I'm just so happy that that was all it was. 你只是做那個(gè) 我們很欣慰
20:25.53, Why? What'd you think I was doing? 怎么 你以為我在做什么
20:28.53, It's never too late to grow in life. 永葆童心也未嘗不可
20:30.65, Oh, my god! 天哪
20:33.89, Thanks to our patented lengthenator, 有了我們的專利助長器
20:36.23, you can increase your height by up to 4 inches." 您將最高能增高4英寸
20:39.23, I can't believe he would spend $50 on this thing. 難以置信 他居然花了50美元來買
20:41.95, I know. 就是嘛
20:43.02, He could've got a 2-year subscription to "Playboy" For that. 這些錢都?jí)蛩唭赡甑幕ɑü恿?/span>
20:45.91, He's not getting the "Playboy" Ever! Ow! 他不會(huì)去訂什么花花公子
20:49.51, He's a little boy! 他只是個(gè)小孩
20:52.72, Wouldn't it be great if we woke up tomorrow 等我們明早起來會(huì)不會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)
20:54.05, and our car had found its way home? 我們的車已經(jīng)回來了
20:55.49, Yeah, I feel that's not the way it's gonna happen. 我覺得事情不會(huì)這么發(fā)展
20:57.55, Happened on the farm one time. 我在農(nóng)場(chǎng)就遇到過
20:58.94, A tornado scooped up one of our calves, 一場(chǎng)龍卷風(fēng)卷走了我們的一頭牛犢
21:00.89, Dropped it who knows where. Six months later, 誰知道卷到哪去了 可六個(gè)月后
21:02.78, A full-grown cow comes walking up the driveway-- 一頭成年牛沿著車道走回來了
21:05.36, Same markings, same moo. 一樣的花紋 一樣的叫聲
21:06.70, - That night, we-- - We ate like kings. -那晚 我們 -我們大餐了一頓
21:08.35, Okay, I've told it before. 之前我說過這故事
21:10.57, oh, my gosh! It's our car! 我的天哪 那是我們的車
21:14.26, I see you've met my wife. 看來你們見過我老婆了


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