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聽美劇學英語-摩登家庭第三季 第5集:非暴力不能解決問題





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00:00.75, Hey, sir. Duane Bailey, running for, uh, 你好 先生 我是杜恩·貝利
00:02.57, town council reelection. 準備參加鎮(zhèn)議員改選
00:04.25, - Oh, don't look. There's that jerk Duane Bailey. - Oh, yuck. -別看 是杜恩·貝利那個混蛋 -唉 真衰
00:07.91, I should say something to him, shouldn't I? 你說我是不是該損損他
00:09.66, I gotta be honest, I was just walking off your tone. 實話說 我剛剛只是婦唱夫隨
00:11.70, Who's Duane Bailey and why do we hate him? 杜恩·貝利是誰 我們?yōu)槭裁匆奕思野?/span>
00:13.24, Honey, he's that councilman who shot down my stop sign. 親愛的 他就是否決我停車牌議案的那貨
00:16.21, - Big phony - Yeah. 傻大缺-沒錯
00:17.36, Hey! Duane Bailey seeking reelection town council. 你好 我是杜恩·貝利 競選鎮(zhèn)議員連任
00:19.40, Hope I can count on your vote. 希望你能投我一票哦
00:21.25, Well, you just got it. 好啊 我一定投你
00:23.26, You don't remember meeting me,do you. 你不記得見過我 是吧
00:25.19, Claire Dunphy,last month town council meeting. 克萊爾·鄧菲 上個月鎮(zhèn)會議上見過
00:28.47, Oh, yes I do. 哦 當然
00:29.89, Yes I remember you. 我當然記得你
00:31.42, I want a stop sign. 給老娘個停車牌
00:34.38, Just having fun. Here, have a pen. 開個玩笑啦 來 拿支筆吧
00:37.89, Duane bailey. 杜恩·貝利
00:38.77, Councilman. Citizen. Puggle breeder. 忠誠議員 良好市民 哈巴小獵犬愛好者
00:41.55, I love them. 我愛哈巴小獵犬
00:42.28, Because they're a different mix of breeds, 因為那是種族大融合的產(chǎn)物
00:44.59, just like America. 恰似美利堅合眾國
00:46.27, I like what he's saying, Claire. 我很贊同他的話 克萊爾
00:47.68, - He isn't saying anything. - Look at his... 他說的完全狗屁不通-看這個
00:48.87, We need a stop sign at our intersection. 我家路口需要立個停車牌
00:51.98, Everyone says that, 誰都想立停車牌
00:52.87, But pretty soon, 若是聽之任之
00:53.71, we're stopping at every single corner. 我們就要"轉(zhuǎn)角遇到停車牌"了
00:55.51, Why don't you go ask Canada how that's working out? 加拿大倒是停車牌遍布 在那兒開車多悲劇啊
00:57.69, - He nailed it. - Hi. Duane Bailey. 他真有才-你好 我是杜恩·貝利
01:01.84, Actor/writer/director who packs a punch. 身兼演員編劇導演 鐵拳勇猛誰敢爭先
01:03.87, - Oh, Sylvester Stallone. - Sylvester Stallone. 是席爾維斯特·史泰龍-席爾維斯特·史泰龍
01:05.00, I said it first. 我先說的
01:08.34, Oh, my god. 我的天啊
01:09.22, This guy brought his kids, Mitchell. 這人居然帶孩子來 米奇爾
01:10.69, What, to this movie? Isn't it supposed to be super violent? 讓孩子看這影片 這片子可是暴力無下限啊
01:13.36, I'm sorry. I don't mean to overstep, but I don't know 抱歉 我不是想多管閑事 但是
01:16.14, that this movie is really appropriate for children. 這部電影好像有點"少兒不宜"吧
01:18.45, I'm terrified to see it. That's why we're here during the day. 我都不敢看 所以我們才挑白天來
01:21.57, It's okay. We're good. 沒事 我們受得了
01:24.47, Okay. 好吧
01:25.63, I tried. 我盡力了
01:26.20, Yeah. All you can do. 是啊 盡你所能了
01:29.11, You know, I've--I've read this book, 知道嗎 我讀過原著的
01:30.83, And I know what's gonna happen, and it's very disturbing. 知道大致劇情 的確很可怕
01:33.70, I really think you might be inviting 我覺得 您這是自找罪受
01:35.35, some pretty serious nightmares here. 想晚上做噩夢吧
01:36.89, Hey, buddy, they're my kids. I got it. 兄弟 聽好 我的孩子我做主
01:39.70, Yeah, but I don't think you do. 是嗎 我可不覺得
01:40.65, Cam. Cam. He says he's got it, all right? 小卡 小卡 他說了他做主
01:42.94, You said your piece. Just watch the movie. 你仁至義盡了 好好看電影吧
01:47.06, Oh, uh, Gwyneth Paltrow. 是格溫妮絲·帕特洛
01:48.15, - I really must insist you not traumatize your kids... - Cam. 您真不該毒害您的孩子...-小卡
01:50.83, - by exposing them to gratuitous violence... - Stop it. Shh! 不該讓他們過早接觸暴力影片-別說了
01:52.68, - and graphic depictions of-- - Daddy, I'm scared. 以及血腥影像-爸爸 我嚇到了
01:55.59, Yeah, well, you're gonna be. 是啊 待會兒更嚇死你
01:56.74, I'm gonna tell you one more time. 我最后警告你一次
01:57.78, - No, I'm gonna tell you one more time. - Okay. -不 是我最后警告你一次 -好了
02:00.44, It was "The Muppet" Movie. 人家看的電影是《布偶》
02:01.93, We were in the wrong theater. 我們進錯放映廳了
02:05.83, Enjoy the show. I was always a fan of the Muppets, 好好看哦 我一直都很喜歡布偶系列的
02:08.25, Especially the two guys in the theater 尤其是那兩個在劇場
02:09.88, - who wouldn't shut up. - Just leave. -喋喋不休的"好人" -趕緊走
02:21.10, 摩登家庭 第三季 第五集
02:27.12, - Hello? - I'm running late. 喂-我要晚一點了
02:28.94, This knucklehead's kept me waiting for over an hour. 那傻缺讓我等了一個多小時
02:31.63, I never had to wait like this when his dad was running things. 他爸當權(quán)的時候 都沒讓我等這么久
02:33.95, Yeah. 是啊
02:34.57, And soda was a nickel. 改朝換代政策變
02:36.21, Just tell them that your family is coming over. 直接告訴他 你家人要來參加家庭聚會
02:38.61, This guy fired his own father. 那貨把他老爸都給炒了
02:39.97, He's not gonna care about my family. 他才不會鳥我的什么家人呢
02:41.37, Okay, then just leave. 那你就直接走唄
02:42.87, You don't need his money. 你又不需要他的錢
02:44.46, Once a week, I have eight family members 每個禮拜 都有八張嘴
02:46.28, coming to my house for free food. 來咱家白吃白喝
02:47.93, I'm not going anywhere. 我走不起
02:49.04, Okay. I see you when I see you. 行 那就回家再見吧
02:54.64, Are you okay? What is wrong? 你怎么了 出什么事了嗎
02:56.54, I want to be homeschooled. 我真想在家自學
02:58.08, Really, Manny? Do you want me to learn you English? 當真嗎 曼尼 你想讓我"學"你英語嗎
03:01.37, What is going on? 到底怎么了
03:02.59, I have a big report due, 有份報告要做
03:04.20, And the teachers don't seem to care about the substance. 但老師根本不在乎文章內(nèi)容
03:06.38, All they care about is the flash. 他們只重視花巧外表
03:08.07, Manny, sometimes you can be a little bit old-fashioned. 曼尼啊 有時候你有點守舊
03:11.08, Remember the first time 還記得你第一次
03:12.09, you saw the kids with the backpacks with wheels 看見小朋友用滑輪背包時
03:14.34, and you thought they were too flashy? 你還覺得太花哨
03:16.67, You're going to school, not boarding a flight to Denver. 我是去上學 又不是要登機去丹佛
03:19.05, It's getting absurd. 真是荒謬
03:20.15, Reuben freestyle-rapped his report on Irish immigrants. 雷本那篇愛爾蘭移民報告 竟是說唱形式表現(xiàn)的
03:22.91, That doesn't even make sense. 真是莫名其妙
03:24.55, Maybe you do a Riverdance. Maybe. 或許他可以跳個愛爾蘭踢踏舞 又怎樣
03:26.95, - What is your report on? - The Mafia. 報告是什么主題-黑手黨
03:29.34, Perfect. We do a papier-mache Tommy gun. 太好了 我們做個沖鋒槍紙模
03:32.55, Oh, no. We shouldn't have to jazz it up. 不 我們不搞那些花里胡哨的
03:34.26, Okay, then we go upstairs and we get your old rocking horse 那好 我們?nèi)巧习涯愕呐f木馬拿來
03:36.76, and we chop the head off. 斬首示眾 以顯主題
03:37.74, No, that's a terrible idea. I love Brownie! 不 太殘忍了 我喜歡布朗尼
03:40.50, Do you want to send a message or not? 你到底想不想"殺馬震師"啊
03:44.31, Jay never wants me to help him with his business, 杰從不讓我插手他的生意
03:46.60, And now suddenly, manny doesn't want to listen to me either. 突然間 曼尼也不聽我的話了
03:49.75, It's very frustrating. 真讓老娘郁悶啊
03:51.54, I have all the answers. 老娘可是萬事通
03:54.49, Hey! There he is. 嘿 你來了
03:55.64, - Bring it in , Jay. How you doing, Joshie? -快進來 杰 -你好嗎 喬小希
03:57.99, - It's Josh now. - Have a seat. 還是叫我喬希吧-請坐
04:01.03, Ah, all right. 那好
04:01.69, So I flipped through your proposal, 我大概看了一下你的方案
04:03.94, And here's the thing-- 是這樣...
04:05.38, We're about to build our largest luxury condo complex yet. 我們的超規(guī)模豪華復合式公寓 開建在即
04:08.44, And I have an important question for you-- 有個重要的問題要問你
04:10.61, what is it you want to build? 你想要構(gòu)筑什么
04:14.47, Closets. 壁櫥
04:16.55, See, I was kinda hoping you'd say "Dreams." 你看 我指望你會說"構(gòu)筑夢想"呢
04:19.05, I thought that was implied. 我暗含那個意思
04:20.94, Jay, I'm looking for closets nobody's ever seen before, 杰 我的壁櫥可要是空前絕后的
04:23.84, You know, a big "Wow!" 驚艷之作
04:25.36, You know what I'm saying? 明白我的意思嗎
04:26.12, You want a nice closet with sharp design, 你追求的是上好的壁櫥
04:27.69, quality materials, and expert craftsmanship. 要設(shè)計新銳 質(zhì)量上乘 做工精湛
04:31.07, Uh, I mean, I want it to be like, bam! 不止如此 我還要它舉世皆驚
04:33.77, You know, people are gonna walk in there and go 大家走進來然后說
04:35.19, Whoa! What do I hang first? 哇 先掛哪件好呢
04:38.08, I wanted to hang myself. 先掛了我吧
04:40.52, Yeah, let's talk more specific. 談點詳細的吧
04:42.78, What exactly do you like and what don't you like? 您的喜厭好惡到底怎樣
04:44.87, All right, fair enough. Uh... 好吧 有道理
04:47.13, I don't like this. This makes me sad. 我不喜歡談細節(jié) 很不爽
04:50.30, I do like getting my mind blown. 我喜歡奇思妙想
04:52.96, I love your enthusiasm. 你的狂熱我很欣賞
04:55.18, Uh, before I go off in the wrong direction, 為免我思路偏差 不合你意
04:57.60, How about an example? 給個例子行嗎
04:58.39, All right, check this out. 好吧 聽著
04:59.14, So, like, three weeks ago, I'm down in South Beach. 三周前 我去南部海灘度假
05:01.63, I walk into this thumpin' club. 我走進搖滾俱樂部
05:03.70, Bartender says, "What do you wanna drink?" 酒保問我"你要喝什么"
05:05.85, I say, "Wow me." 我說"給我個驚喜"
05:07.83, He mixes this thing together. I take one sip, 他調(diào)了杯酒 我就喝了一小口
05:10.28, and I'm like, "Hello, nurse!" 再醒來時 我說"護士姐姐好"
05:12.23, And she's like, "You've been unconscious for two days." 護士告訴我 "你已經(jīng)昏迷兩天了"
05:15.26, That's what I want in a closet. 我的壁櫥要的就是這個感覺
05:18.43, I don't think I need to hear any more. 我想我不需要再聽了
05:24.86, Whatcha doing there? Homework? 你干啥呢 做作業(yè)嗎
05:26.69, What do you want? 有話快說
05:28.13, I need to borrow some money. It's really important. 我想借點錢 江湖救急
05:31.08, How much? 借多少
05:32.66, $900.00 900美元
05:34.29, What?! 什么
05:35.11, Come on. If you were in trouble, 拜托了 如果你遇到困難
05:36.86, I would do anything for you. 我會傾囊相助的
05:39.05, We're not just sisters. 我們是姐妹以上
05:41.92, We're best friends. 閨蜜已滿啊
05:45.07, Look, I would if I could, 不是我不幫
05:47.09, but I don't have any money. 我是真的沒錢啊
05:49.37, And since we're talking, 既然話都說開了
05:50.53, I never told anyone this before, and it... 我就老實說吧 那誰誰
05:54.35, ...wipe that smug smile off his stupid face. 別蠢臉堆笑充市花了
05:57.41, His face is stupid. 他那張臉是夠蠢
05:58.58, Oh! I can't believe ridiculous people like him end up in office. 這種跳梁小丑竟能當上公務(wù)員
06:02.34, Well, why don't you run? 你為什么不參選呢
06:04.51, You're smart, you care about the community, 你聰明過人 關(guān)愛社區(qū)
06:06.31, and you're easy on the eyes when you put a little effort into it. 稍微打扮下 也蠻有紅顏鐵娘子風范
06:09.50, - Are you serious? - Yeah, you know, 說真的嗎-是啊
06:10.70, maybe change out of the sweaty gym clothes every once in while. 別整天穿著汗?jié)竦倪\動裝就行
06:13.22, I thought you were talking about running for office. 我知道 你是問參選那句嗎
06:16.08, Go on. 接著說
06:17.15, I'd be lying if I said I'd never thought about it. 說沒想過肯定是騙人
06:19.00, I mean, I know it's a ridiculous little local thing, 我知道那只是個芝麻官
06:21.21, but it might be fun to get out there and contribute. 但踏出家門 奉獻市民 也未嘗不好
06:23.62, Plus I think I'd be good at it. 再說 我覺得自己能夠勝任
06:24.98, - You'd be great. - Mm. How would this work? 你一定很出色-但如何能行呢
06:27.64, I mean, who would be here for the kids after school? 孩子放學后誰照顧
06:30.18, Who would take them to practice and recitals 誰帶他們?nèi)ヅ啪?去朗誦會
06:32.85, and keep them from burning the house down? 阻止他們上房揭瓦呢
06:35.08, It must be so hard being a single mom. 單親媽媽真心不容易
06:38.57, Claire, I will. 克萊爾 有你老公在呢
06:41.38, If you wanna fly, 如果你想高飛
06:42.08, I'm not gonna hold your feet to the ground. Hmm. 我絕不扯你后腿
06:44.21, I wanna be the one to push you off the cliff. 我會助力一臂 推你離地
06:47.86, I think I'm gonna do it. 我決定了
06:49.17, Great. 很好
06:50.77, - Go fly. - Phil. 飛吧-菲爾
06:52.20, - No. - Oh, phil! 天啊-菲爾
06:54.97, I'll admit it. I'm turned on by powerful women-- 我得承認 我就是女強人控
06:57.28, Michelle Obama, Oprah, Condoleezza Rice, 米歇爾·奧巴馬 奧普拉 康多莉扎·賴斯
07:00.07, Serena Williams-- 塞雷娜·威廉姆斯[小威廉姆斯
07:01.31, Wait a minute. 慢著 不對[菲爾提到的都是黑人
07:04.40, - Do you want a fry? - No, I can't eat. 要吃薯條嗎-不要 我吃不下
07:06.32, We should've stayed and seen "The Muppets." 我們還不如留下來看《布偶》
07:08.19, I can't even look at ketchup without seeing blood. 我現(xiàn)在一看番茄醬 還覺得滿目血腥
07:10.15, Ooh, runaway curly fry. You know these are good luck. 漏網(wǎng)卷薯條 好運的象征
07:16.42, - Oh, my god. What was that? - We just got rear-ended. -天啊 怎么回事 -追尾了
07:18.60, Oh, pull off to the side street. Pull off to the side street. 靠邊停車 靠邊停車
07:20.85, - Are you okay? - Oh, I think I cut the roof of my mouth on the straw. 你還好嗎-上牙膛被吸管劃破了
07:23.39, - Oh, my god. Mm! - So yes. 我的老天-所以說沒事咯
07:28.05, Oh, boy. 天啊
07:28.80, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. 真抱歉 都是我的錯
07:30.92, Are you guys okay? 你們還好嗎
07:31.91, W-well, I-I sustained a minor mouth injury. 我嘴里受了點小傷
07:34.92, We're fine. Thank you. It's... 我們沒事 謝謝
07:35.89, Look, I feel terrible. 我真過意不去
07:37.53, Um, don't worry. I'm gonna take care of everything. 別擔心 我來處理這件事
07:39.20, Let me just get my insurance info. 我去拿保險單
07:40.62, Okay. Thank you. 好的 謝謝
07:42.15, Well, he seems nice. 這個人不錯啊
07:43.74, You know, if this were a romantic comedy, 按愛情喜劇片標準情節(jié)
07:45.19, this would be our meet cute. 這就是我和他的意外邂逅
07:46.61, We'd spend the rest of the afternoon 我們一起打發(fā)這個午后
07:48.00, drinking wine, eating food, 喝喝小酒 吃點小飯
07:49.92, flying a kite, you know, doing montage-y stuff. 放風箏 此處蒙太奇慢放
07:51.95, Yeah, am I in this movie of yours? 我在你的電影里嗎
07:53.25, Yeah, you're the gay best friend. 在啊 你是我的"Gay蜜"
07:55.89, - Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! We have a runner! 我的天-我的天 這貨逃逸了
07:57.56, Um, it's d-w-y-- I can't read it. 車牌是D W Y 我看不清了
07:59.50, - Come on! Let's go! Let's go! - Go where? -快點 跑啊 -跑去哪
08:01.20, - We have to chase him down! - No, we're not supposed to do that! 我們得去追他-不能這么做
08:03.60, Help! Stop that car! 來人啊 攔住那輛車
08:05.26, He's getting away! Help! 他逃逸了 來人啊
08:07.44, Yeah, you almost got him, Cam. You almost got him. 馬上就追到了 小卡 馬上就追到了
08:10.19, He's getting away! 他逃逸了
08:15.68, Whatcha doing? Playing? 你干啥呢 玩游戲嗎
08:17.68, Yeah. 是啊
08:19.59, Do you have any money saved up? 你有存私房錢嗎
08:22.66, I'm comfortable. 小康生活吧
08:24.37, I've saved $1,217. 我攢了1217美元
08:27.48, It wasn't even that hard. 不費吹灰之力
08:29.07, Don't forget your lunch. 別忘了帶午餐
08:31.11, Thanks, mom. 謝了 老媽
08:33.41, Don't forget your lunch money, buddy. 午餐錢拿好 兄弟
08:35.09, Thanks, dad. 謝了 老爸
08:35.86, You bet. 那當然
08:41.96, Please. It's really important. 求你了 我真是急需用錢
08:43.85, Look, I'd love to help you out, 我是真想幫你
08:46.19, but I'm not very liquid right now. 可我最近周轉(zhuǎn)不靈
08:48.11, It's in a block of ice. 錢都凍在冰磚里了
08:49.97, I got the idea 我聽說過
08:50.68, when I heard about rich guys with frozen assets. 有錢人"凍結(jié)資產(chǎn)"的事 靈光一現(xiàn)
08:55.66, Assets. 資產(chǎn)啊
08:59.88, I am running for town council, 我準備參選市政議員
09:02.21, and I understand that I can pick up a form here. 申請表是在這領(lǐng)吧
09:05.15, Fourth floor. 去4樓
09:06.36, Elevator down the hall. 電梯在大廳那邊
09:07.78, Beyonce, when'd you start working here? 碧昂絲 你怎么來這上班了
09:10.68, Oh, Duane. He's always saying stuff like that. 又是杜恩 他老說這些俏皮話
09:13.99, Duane Bailey. Running for reelection. 我是杜恩·貝利 正在競選連任
09:16.42, You're joking. 真是貴人多忘事
09:17.33, I just saw you in the parking lot two hours ago. 我們兩小時前才在停車場見過
09:19.58, Oh, hey. It's you! 原來是你啊
09:21.41, Oh, it's you. 怎么是你啊
09:23.03, What... Are you doing here? 你 來這兒干嘛
09:24.50, I am entering the race for town council, 我也要參加鎮(zhèn)議會的選舉
09:26.40, and I am running against you. 我要和你唱對臺戲
09:28.44, Oh. Well, don't you have pluck. 好吧 真是勇氣可嘉
09:30.68, No, I plan on winning, so... 不 我志在必得 所以
09:32.18, Oh, yeah, I bet you do. 我猜你就這么想
09:33.00, Marcia! Rocking the bangs! Love it. 瑪莎 打扮得不錯啊 愛死了
09:35.68, Do you know why, of all the dogs in the world, 你知道嗎 為何世上小狗千千萬
09:37.32, I breed puggles? 我獨愛哈巴小獵犬
09:38.24, Why do I feel like this is a rhetorical question, 我預(yù)感你是要自問自答吧
09:40.43, - And you're about to l-- - It's because they're lovable, yes, 接著你就要...-因為他們不光討人愛
09:42.25, but they're also tenacious hunters who won't quit 還是頑強的獵手 不咬死獵物
09:45.18, until the kill is complete. 誓不罷休
09:46.95, Really? 'cause I feel like they just yip a lot. 真的嗎 我倒是覺得他們老是汪個不停
09:48.95, Look, lady, you're going down. 女士 你會一敗涂地的
09:50.83, I've won six straight elections. 我六次選舉一路全勝
09:52.41, I don't plan on losing to some bored housewife, 我可不會輸給居里閑人
09:54.04, so don't quit your lack of a day job. 接著當主婦吧 小心失業(yè)
09:58.33, Excuse me! 你給我站住
09:59.42, Excuse me! 你給我站住
10:02.44, Excuse me. 您請等一下
10:04.95, Hello?
10:06.30, Anne. 是安妮啊
10:08.87, Haley did that? 海莉真干得出來
10:10.61, Oh, god. Okay. Um... 天啊 好吧
10:13.78, I'll call you right back. 我一會再打給你
10:15.79, For your information, sir, 您有必要知道 先生
10:17.51, I am no bored housewife. 我才不是居里閑人
10:19.61, No, I-I would kill for "Bored." Why isn't this lighting up? 我是想閑閑不下來呢 指示燈怎么還不亮
10:23.42, Oh, it's because it's, uh, staff only. 因為這是員工專用
10:25.69, Yeah. 沒錯
10:27.16, Here. Allow me to... 來 請允許我
10:29.29, Not get that for you. 不為你效勞了
10:31.23, Good luck! 祝你好運
10:36.54, Dad, I cut my arm. 老爸 我把胳膊劃傷了
10:38.35, Oh, wow. You sure did, buddy. 劃得夠深的呀 老弟
10:40.85, I'll get you fixed up. 我來幫你處理
10:42.86, Where's mom? 老媽去哪兒了
10:44.11, She belongs to the people now. 她現(xiàn)在屬于人民群眾了
10:46.53, My allergies are acting up again. 我的過敏癥又犯了
10:48.35, Well, it is your lucky day, 今天你走運了
10:50.85, Because, missy, 因為呢 小姐
10:52.98, Dr. Dad has everything you need. 醫(yī)生老爹應(yīng)有盡有
10:56.16, Behold the healing powers of grape flavoring. 瞧這葡萄味靈丹圣水的魔力吧
11:00.19, Where's mom? 媽媽去哪兒了
11:01.21, Some people took her. 她移情別"人"了
11:02.40, Drink this. 喝了
11:03.42, Listen, guys, your mom is taking on more responsibilities 孩子們 你媽媽現(xiàn)在除了家務(wù)之外
11:06.69, outside of the... house, 還另有職責
11:08.42, But don't you worry. 不過別擔心
11:10.45, Good old... Dad-- oh, my goodness! 金牌奶爸全 我的媽呀
11:12.84, I'm so sorry! 對不起
11:15.30, You punched me! 你打到我了
11:16.56, Dad, you gave me the drowsy kind. 爸 你給我的是催睡型的
11:18.70, There's a drowsy kind?! 過敏藥還有催睡型的嗎
11:20.19, I have to study for a test! 我還要復習備考呢
11:22.04, Oh! It really hurts! 真的好痛啊
11:23.36, - Well, I'll get you some ice. - No. No, no, no. 我?guī)湍阏尹c冰塊-別 別 別
11:25.38, I'll get it. 我自己來吧
11:31.96, Oh, you made it. How was it? 你總算趕上了 事情辦得怎么樣
11:34.91, Why? What's wrong, babe? 怎么了 出什么事了 親愛的
11:36.23, - I don't want to talk about it. - Do it anyways. 我不想說這個-說來聽聽嘛
11:38.91, Uh, this stupid kid's been in the business about ten minutes. 那個蠢貨才剛剛踏入這個行業(yè)
11:41.44, He barely looks at my proposal, 他基本上沒看我的方案
11:43.17, and he says he wants more "Wow." 還說他想要"驚艷之作"
11:45.01, What does he mean by more "Wow"? 他所謂的"驚艷"是什么
11:46.95, It's the "Bieber-ization" of America. 是種典型"比伯式"美化說法
11:48.79, What do beavers have to do with anything? 關(guān)水獺什么事
11:50.56, The beavers--they build the dams all over the country 水獺啊 他們?nèi)珖教幮匏畨?/span>
11:52.69, so there's no floods, 使美國免遭洪災(zāi)
11:53.91, is the "Beaver-ization" Of the Americas. 這就是美國的水獺化
11:57.31, I'm finding there's less and less we can talk about. 我們之間的共同語言越來越少
12:00.43, So why didn't you tell him 那你怎么不告訴他
12:02.35, that you've been in the business for such a long time-- 你干這行經(jīng)驗豐富
12:04.42, It's not gonna make any difference. 說了也沒用
12:05.24, He wants to make a change. 他一心想要改革
12:06.51, And I got a factory full of people depending on this. 全工廠上下都要靠這個單子養(yǎng)活
12:08.98, - Yeah, but maybe if you tell him that -- - Gloria, please. 不然你就告訴他-拜托 歌洛莉亞
12:10.71, I-I-I've had a tough day. 我今天很不順
12:12.43, Can we please not talk about it? 先不談這事了好嗎
12:13.99, But I want to help. 可人家想幫你嘛
12:15.39, Trust me. I wish you had the answers. 相信我 我倒希望你能幫上忙
12:16.96, I do! 我能的
12:19.38, - Hey, guys. - Hey, grandpa. 各位-外公好
12:21.60, - Hey, Jay. - What's with her? -你好啊 杰 -她怎么了
12:23.59, Just tired. Growth spurt. 只是困了 青春期嗜睡
12:26.89, - Hi, guys. - Hi, baby girl. 大家好啊-嗨 小姑娘
12:28.88, Hola, Lily. How are you? 莉莉 你好嘛
12:31.68, Dads are fighting. 大爸二爸吵架了
12:33.06, No, uh, we're not fighting. 沒有 我們沒吵架
12:34.60, No, not at all, honey. 寶貝 絕對沒有
12:35.35, No. Okay, uh, go play, sweetheart. Okay? 沒吵架 寶貝 玩去吧 好嗎
12:37.80, Let's go play with some blocks. Let's go stack some blocks. 我們玩積木去吧 堆積木去
12:39.08, All right. Okay, the reason we're fighting 好吧 我們之所以吵架是因為
12:41.41, is 'cause this one thinks he's dirty Harry. 他竟然自以為是警探哈里
12:43.26, Having a hard time picturing Clint Eastwood in that shirt. 真難想象伊斯特伍德穿你那樣的"基情襯衫"
12:45.44, Okay, let me ask you something. 好 我問問你
12:46.66, Today, at a stoplight, a guy ran into our car, 今天 有個家伙在紅燈時撞了我們的車
12:49.35, and then just took off. 然后肇事潛逃
12:50.52, I wanted to chase after him. Mitchell... 我想去追他 而米奇爾
12:52.53, kept a level head and called the police. 很淡定地報了警
12:54.79, Pfft. Police. Aren't they too busy winning the war on drugs? 切 警察 他們不都忙著掃黃禁藥嗎
12:59.34, Okay, so which one of us did the right thing? 你們評評理 我們倆誰的處理方法正確
13:01.28, Hit and run. Gotta chase him down. 肇事逃逸 必須追捕
13:02.93, I chase the people all the time. 我成天就追著人跑
13:05.68, No. No. That's--that's irresponsible and dangerous. 不不 那樣既不負責任 又危險
13:07.02, Okay, well, what if he had been armed? 好吧 要是他有槍怎么辦
13:08.42, He wasn't armed. He had a Hillary bumper sticker. 他車尾貼著希拉里的頭像 肯定是個禁槍派
13:10.76, This isn't an isolated incident. 不只這一回
13:12.62, This morning he flipped out at somebody at the muppet movie. 今早他看布偶電影時還沖別人發(fā)瘋
13:15.36, You saw the muppet movie without me? 你們撇下我去看布偶電影嗎
13:17.76, Oh, no. 不是的
13:18.38, No, honey. Just the first two numbers. 寶貝 不是的 我們是進錯影廳看錯片了
13:20.13, No, lily. Wait. 莉莉 不是的
13:21.24, Hi. Hi. Hi. Phil, where are you, honey? 大家好 菲爾 你在哪兒 寶貝
13:23.24, I need to talk to you. Do you know what our daughter did? 有事跟你談 你知道咱女兒闖什么禍了嗎
13:25.45, Nothing. She's fine. She's reading. 沒啥 她很好 在看書呢
13:27.49, No, not her. Haley. Haley! 不是她 是海莉 海莉給我出來
13:29.38, - Come over here. I want to talk to you. -There she is. -過來 我有話問你 -她在這兒呢
13:31.63, Not a scratch on her. 沒缺胳膊少腿
13:33.19, Do you have something you want to say to us? 你有什么要告訴我們的嗎
13:34.76, Uh...-Mm... Let me help you out here. 這個...-讓我?guī)湍阏f吧
13:37.99, Fake ID's? 偽造身份證
13:39.32, - What?! - Mm-hmm. 什么-正是
13:40.82, Haley tried to get her and her friends some fake ID's. 海莉想給自己和她朋友弄些假身份證
13:44.23, I wasn't gonna use them for drinking. 我買假身份證不是為了買酒
13:46.27, We just wanted to get into this club to see a band. 我們只是想去酒吧看場樂隊表演
13:48.67, She took a bunch of money from them and then she lost it. 她收了他們一筆錢 然后弄丟了
13:51.81, - How much? - $900. -多少錢啊 -900美元
13:53.94, - Oh, my god! Oh! - You're kidding me! 我的天-開什么玩笑
13:56.01, It's not my fault! 真不怨我
13:57.39, I gave money to this guy. He's the one who ripped us off. 我把錢給了那家伙 他把我們給忽悠了
14:00.34, What happened to your face? 你的臉怎么了
14:02.06, - Oh. I ran into a door. - Yeah. -噢 我撞門上了 -是啊
14:05.29, - What happened to your face? - Dad hit me. 你的臉怎么了-老爸打的
14:07.30, It was an accident. 純屬意外
14:08.17, - Phil! - I was trying to open up a band-aid! 菲爾-我當時是想撕開創(chuàng)可貼
14:11.32, What's wrong with her? 她怎么了
14:12.26, - Growth spurt. - What's wrong with her? 青春期嗜睡吧-到底怎么了
14:13.97, - I drugged her. - Phil! 我給她下藥了-菲爾
14:15.32, I accidentally gave her the nighttime allergy medicine. 我不小心給她吃了夜間服用的過敏藥
14:18.26, Mm. All right, one thing at a time. 好吧 先一樁樁的來
14:20.29, Haley, how are you going to repay your friends? 海莉 你打算如何把錢還給你朋友
14:23.34, I don't know. 我不知道
14:24.57, I know. You go there with a couple of guys-- 我知道 你帶上幾個弟兄去找他
14:27.16, She's gotta get the money back. Who is this kid? 她會把錢拿回來的 那小鬼是誰
14:29.16, A guy at school's cousin's friend. He lives in Gardena. 是我同學表哥的朋友 他住在加迪納
14:31.79, Well, if you know where he lives, just call the police. 知道他的老巢在哪兒還不簡單 報警就是了
14:33.66, No cops. We can't afford a scandal right now. 不能報警 咱家現(xiàn)在不能有丑聞
14:36.83, Claire's running for town council. 克萊爾要競選鎮(zhèn)議員呢
14:38.42, That was before, 那是之前
14:39.41, when I thought you could take care of the children. 我以為你能照顧好孩子們
14:41.59, I take my eye off the ball for one minute, 我就一小會兒沒盯著孩子
14:43.38, and I've got one in a coma, one with a black eye, 他們就一個倒地不起 一個變熊貓眼
14:45.83, and one running a crime ring. 還有一個在組織犯罪團伙
14:47.17, Well, to be fair, Haley started her crime ring 說句公道話 海莉的"小犯罪團伙"
14:49.94, when your eye was still on the ball. 早在你盯著的時候就已經(jīng)開始形成了
14:51.77, It's not a crime ring. 那可不是犯罪團伙
14:53.64, I just gotta get my hands on that $900. 我就是想拿回我那900元
14:56.31, I know how the mafia would handle this. 我知道黑手黨一般怎么解決這事兒
15:00.18, The kid is right. I'm sick of these smart-ass punks 孩子說得對 我最討厭那些小混混
15:02.74, who keep changing the rules 出爾反爾 亂了道上規(guī)矩
15:03.71, and think they can get away with anything they want. 目中無人 自以為凌駕一切
15:05.79, I'm gonna pay this guy a visit. 我要去會會那家伙
15:07.02, Haley, text me his address. 海莉 把他地址發(fā)給我
15:08.38, - I'm going with you. - Me, too. 我和你一起去-我也去
15:09.49, Oh, no. No. Nobody's going anywhere. 不不 誰也不能去
15:11.30, Okay, we're not vigilantes. 咱又不是治安隊的
15:12.98, Shotgun! 帶上槍
15:13.93, No! No weapons! 不 別抄家伙啊
15:19.59, In my country, it is tradition 按我老家的傳統(tǒng)
15:21.26, when the men are out seeking vengeance, 當男人出門尋仇時
15:23.18, The women--they stay home, and they drink. 女人們就在家喝酒
15:25.63, Sometimes I think you just make this stuff up. 有時我覺得你純粹是胡編亂造的
15:27.71, - Do you want a drink or not? - Oh, yeah. 你到底要不要來一瓶-樂意至極
15:30.61, So what happened? 到底是怎么回事
15:32.85, You were running for office, and now you're not? 你本來要去競選 現(xiàn)在又不干了嗎
15:34.98, Mm. I don't really want to talk about that. 我不太想談這個
15:36.82, I know. I am sick and tired of no one needing my help. 我就知道 我受夠不被人需要的感覺了
15:40.30, You are going to tell me what is wrong, 你得告訴我出什么岔子了
15:42.15, and I'm gonna give you the right answer, 而我會告訴你怎么解決
15:43.79, because I have all of them. 因為我是萬事通
15:46.05, So why are you not running for office? 說 你怎么又不去競選了
15:48.85, Because my family needs me too much. 因為我的家人缺了我不行
15:50.65, You saw what just happened. 你剛也看到我們家的各種亂子了
15:52.19, Why are you not running for office? 你怎么又不去競選了
15:54.02, That doesn't work on me. 這招對我可沒用
15:55.46, Why are you not running for office?! 你怎么又不去競選
15:57.33, Because I don't want to lose! 因為 我不想輸
15:59.19, I--pfft! 我靠
16:00.67, I haven't done anything outside of my house in 18 years. 我已經(jīng)18年沒在外工作了
16:04.44, I don't want the first thing I do to be a complete failure. 我不想我干的第一件事就一敗涂地
16:07.68, Okay. 好吧
16:10.02, I'm gonna tell you a story about a little girl 我要給你講個小女孩的故事
16:13.07, who entered a beauty pageant... 她去參加一次選美
16:14.98, even though she was very, very scared that she was going to lose. 盡管她非常非常害怕失敗
16:19.76, Let me guess. You won. 讓我猜猜 你贏了
16:21.76, Of course I won, 我當然贏了
16:22.37, But I was talking about my cousin Maria Conchita. 但我說的是我表妹瑪麗亞·肯奇塔
16:24.43, She had a nose like a toucan. 她鼻子大得像巨嘴鳥
16:25.54, She stuffed her body in this bikini. 非得把身體塞進比基尼里
16:27.53, And at the end, she finished dead last. 最后 她光榮犧牲了
16:31.34, How is that a good story? 這故事的啟迪作用在哪兒
16:33.19, Because she faced her fears, and it didn't kill her. 因為她直面恐懼 沒被恐懼嚇死
16:39.38, What killed her two weeks later was a bus. 她是兩周后被一輛公交車撞死的
16:41.19, Are you serious? 有沒有搞錯啊你
16:42.49, Yes, because she couldn't see anything coming with that big nose. 她那鼻子太大了擋視線 沒看見車碾過來
16:46.69, This guy has won six elections. 我的競爭對手贏過6次選舉
16:49.34, I am way out of my league. 我真是力不從心
16:50.85, Look, I don't know anything about this guy, 聽著 我不了解你那競爭對手
16:52.92, But I know that you're a tough lady, 但我知道你是個女強人
16:54.99, and I come from a family of tough ladies. 姐姐我從小就是在女強人家嚇大的
16:57.26, And I have to say, sometimes you scare me a little bit. 我必須承認 有時你的霸氣絕對嚇到我
17:00.57, And I know that you're strong enough to win 所以我堅信你必勝
17:03.33, And definitely strong enough to be okay if you lose. 就算輸了也會一笑而過
17:07.61, I scare you? 我有嚇到你
17:08.53, Are you kidding me? 那還用說
17:09.62, I want thanksgiving at my house! 今年感恩節(jié)要在老娘家過[上季劇情
17:12.63, Why does everybody think I talk like that? 為何人人都覺得我說話就是那樣的
17:18.21, This is it. 就是這兒了
17:21.54, W-w-wait. No, no. Come on. Do we have a plan? 等等 別急 我們有作戰(zhàn)計劃嗎
17:23.49, It doesn't seem like we have a plan. 貌似沒計劃好吧
17:25.09, Yeah, I got a plan. Either he gives us the money, 哥有計劃 那小兔崽子要是不還錢
17:27.14, Or he gets a private performance from England Dan and John Ford Coley. 就讓他嘗嘗哥的哼哼哈嘿雙截棍
17:30.66, That's not a good plan. That's not even a good band. 你那算毛的好計劃啊 那樂隊本身就爛死了
17:32.60, If all you're gonna do is criticize, just wait by the car. 你要是只想唧唧歪歪 還是在車里等著吧
17:35.08, Okay, fine. 好吧
17:36.40, I'll see you in jail. 等我去探監(jiān)你們吧
17:38.52, It's gonna be a big adjustment for two of you. 你倆可得花一大筆保釋金
17:49.87, Yeah?-you peter? 什么事-你是皮特嗎
17:51.56, What do you want? 有何貴干
17:52.32, You know haley dunphy? You owe her $900. 你認識海莉·鄧菲嗎 你欠她900塊
17:55.01, -We're here to collect. -You dig? 我們是來收錢的-明白嗎
17:56.60, I tried to call that girl, like, ten times, 我給她打了N次電話了
17:58.63, But her voice mail was always... Full. 但她語音信箱總是滿的
18:00.82, That does sound like Haley. 確實挺像海莉的風格啊
18:02.27, So how are you gonna make this right? 那你打算怎么挽救啊
18:04.62, You guys want the money, right? That's fine. 你們就是想要錢嘛 沒問題
18:06.40, I don't need any hassle. Hold on. 我也不想多費唇舌 等一下
18:08.74, I'll just... grab it. 我這就去取錢
18:14.96, That was easy. 輕松搞定
18:16.00, He's lucky he didn't put up a fight. 他倒是挺識趣 沒敢動手
18:17.85, I would've treated him to a reunion of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young! 否則哥讓他嘗嘗無影腳 倚天劍 加屠龍刀
18:24.14, -We got a runner! -Runner! 那小子跑了-抓住他
18:26.16, Stop! Stop! 站住 站住
18:27.32, Stop! 站住
18:31.76, No. No. No. 別跑 別跑
18:33.70, No. 別跑
18:36.32, I got him! 我抓住他了
18:37.67, -Oh, my god. You did! -Don't be so surprised. -天哪 你做到了 -別那么驚訝
18:40.20, Help! He's slipping out of his skinny jeans. 快幫我 他要"金蟬脫褲"啦
18:44.88, These are cute. I totally have these. 褲子好可愛哦 我也想要
18:50.71, There you go! 要回錢了
18:52.60, Oh, you got it back! Thank you! 你要回錢了 謝謝外公
18:54.85, Hey, don't thank me. Thank your uncle Mitchell. 別謝我 謝你米奇爾舅舅
18:56.72, He's the one who tackled the guy. 他才是擒賊英雄
18:58.69, -I got grass stains. -Well, I will tell you one thing. 我染上了光榮的草綠色-好吧 我只能說
19:02.04, I have learned my lesson. 我受到了深刻的教育
19:04.04, Disappointing my family and friends 讓我的家人和朋友失望
19:06.10, is punishment enough. 是對我最大的懲罰
19:07.60, Nice try. You're grounded for two weeks. 裝得挺像 你還是得禁閉兩周
19:11.59, Okay, we have big news. 來吧 我們有個大新聞
19:13.57, Claire has decided to run for mayor after all. 克萊爾最終決定參選鎮(zhèn)長
19:17.94, Thank you, but it's town council. 謝謝 實際上只是鎮(zhèn)議員而已
19:20.08, It doesn't matter. You're not going to win anyways. 無所謂職位 反正你也贏不了
19:22.98, But she's going to be okay. You see? 但她肯定會一笑而過的 看到了嗎
19:25.00, I help the people. 我能幫助他人
19:26.25, Why don't you two let me help you? 為什么不讓我助你們爺倆一臂之力呢
19:28.62, Well, I can't speak for Jay, 我不知道杰是什么原因
19:30.75, But I guess I'm just too proud to ask for help. 我反正是因為自尊心太強 不想求助
19:33.96, Are you serious? She cuts your steak. 有沒有搞錯 你連牛排都求你媽來切
19:36.33, What about you? 那你呢
19:37.63, I don't want to bother you with my business. 我不想讓生意上的事煩你
19:39.66, What else do I do every day? 那我每天還能干點啥
19:41.10, I don't know. I'm guessing the gym. 我不知道 我猜大概是去健身
19:42.39, And... One other thing? 還有 別的啥
19:44.70, Dad, you should listen to her. She might really help you. 爸 你應(yīng)該聽她的 或許她能幫到你哦
19:47.96, She could be an asset. 她能幫上"大"忙呢[胸大臀大 資本"豐厚"
19:51.57, Asset.-Heard it. "資本"-聽到了
19:55.73, And look at the shelves over here. 看看這些架子
19:57.68, They're for the shoes. Those are my favorite ones. 可以放鞋 這些都是我的最愛哦
20:00.82, So what do you think? 您覺得如何呢
20:04.29, Wow! 哇哦
20:07.99, Same... Exact... Closet. 與之前的壁櫥完全一樣
20:12.68, We never needed fake I.D.S on the farm. 想當年在農(nóng)場我們不需要什么假身份證
20:14.18, We figured if a 16-year-old could drive a tractor, 我們覺得如果16歲的孩子能開拖拉機
20:16.84, He could drink a beer. Not at the same time, of course. 那喝啤酒肯定也沒問題 當然不能一邊喝一邊開
20:19.58, It's Missouri, not Texas. 我們那兒是密蘇里州 可不是德克薩斯
20:21.04, I used a fake I.D. to get into an "R"-rated movie-- 我用假身份證去租過一部重口味電影
20:24.83, The Fabulous Baker Boys. 《貝克兄弟》
20:26.88, I found the title to be misleading. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)那片名簡直是誤導觀眾
20:28.58, Lot of Michelle Pfeiffer-- that's all I'm saying. 女主角戲份太重 不夠基情 太坑爹了
20:30.89, I remember when I got my fake I.D. 我記得我也搞過假身份證
20:33.12, Me, too. Crazy times. 我也是 年少輕狂
20:34.62, Hell, yeah. I tried to enlist in the army, 當年我想要應(yīng)征入伍
20:36.63, But they saw right through me, so me and a bunch of guys 結(jié)果被看穿了 之后我就跟一幫家伙們
20:38.43, drove across state lines, we got a bunch of booze. 開車越過國境線 搞到一些烈酒
20:40.53, We loaded up on fireworks, and I woke up in the morning-- 我們邊放煙火邊豪飲 等我醒過來
20:43.60, I kid you not-- in a mexican strip joint. 不騙你們 我們居然是在一個墨西哥脫衣舞場
20:48.15, You? 你呢
20:49.23, Uh, I used mine to rent some bowling shoes and kept 'em. 我用假身份證去借保齡球鞋 然后將之據(jù)為己有
20:52.85, Suckers probably spent months 那幫笨蛋大概會花好幾個月時間
20:54.41, trying to track down Dr. Richard Hertz. 去找那個所謂的理查德·赫茲博士
20:58.28, Think about it. 多瘋狂啊


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