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聽電影學(xué)英語-足球老爹 13




[00:02.15]We won. 我們贏了

[00:04.15](all cheering)

[00:06.04]Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? 2,4,6,8 我們今天贏了誰?

[00:09.67]Vultures. Vultures. 禿鷲隊,禿鷲隊

[00:10.97]Good job, guys. 干得好,伙計們

[00:11.04]Yeah! 耶!

[00:18.45]Phil, it’s freezing out here. 菲爾,這里真冷

[00:20.00]It’s not Phil. It’s Coach Weston. 別叫我菲爾,叫我韋斯頓教練

[00:24.08]And it’s not freezing out here. 而且這里也不怎么冷

[00:25.60]Then why did you build a fire? 那我們生堆火干嘛?

[00:26.89]Because fire is the stuff of warriors. 因為火是勇士的象征

[00:32.22]And that’s what we are, right? Warriors? 我們是誰?我們就是勇士

[00:34.15]The Hopi lndians called fire... 霍皮印第安人把火稱為

[00:35.67](speaking gibberish)

[00:39.71]Coach, what are we doing out here, anyway? 教練,我們究竟在這里干嘛?

[00:43.19]We’re bonding. We’re becoming a team. 訓(xùn)練我們的團隊精神

[00:46.82]Surviving the elements, here in the backyard. 在這個院子里面,聚集我們的能量

[00:50.82]Coach, did you order the pizzas yet? 教練,你訂了批薩沒有啊?

[00:51.60]In due time, Connor. In due time. 到時候我會訂的,康納,一到時候我就訂

[00:54.70]However, I want all of you to know 不過,我得先告訴你們

[00:57.89]if the pizzas don’t arrive, 我已經(jīng)決定了

[01:00.89]I’ve already made the decision 如果沒有批薩

[01:03.85]that we will eat Byong Sun. 我們就把孫伯洋吃了

[01:07.26]All right. We’re not gonna eat him. 好吧,我們不吃他

[01:07.93]But he does look delicious, you have to admit, right, 但你得承認,他看起來還是挺好吃的,不是嗎?

[01:12.26]if we had to eat someone? 如果我們一定得吃人…

[01:12.93]Dad, you’re getting a little creepy. 爸,太嚇人了

[01:15.67]I know, let’s all bay at the moon. 我知道,讓我們一起對著月亮號叫

[01:17.71]You know, howl like a wolf. 你知道的,像狼一樣號叫

[01:19.04]What? 什么?


[01:26.48](woman) Shut up out there! 閉嘴!

[01:27.63]You shut up in there! 你給我閉嘴!

[01:31.97]Come on, everyone. Bay at the moon. 來,大家一起,沖著月亮號叫


[01:35.00](all howling)


[01:44.26](all screaming)

[01:45.56](dogs barking)

[01:52.71](woman) Ooh, I don’t know. 噢,我不知道

[01:55.71]The lrish Cream sounds good, huh? 愛爾蘭奶油聽起來不錯

[01:56.97]What’s that? 那是什么?

[01:57.74]Uh, it’s cream and it’s, uh, it’s lrish. 呃,這是一種奶油 而且,呃,是愛爾蘭的

[02:01.22]Hurry up and order. 快點點單

[02:03.63]Excuse me. Thank you. 別急,謝謝你了

[02:06.63]How about a smoothie? What’s in that? 冰沙是什么?里面都有啥?

[02:10.85]Smoothie’s a juice drink. We want coffee. 冰沙是一種果汁飲料,我們要買咖啡

[02:12.15]Buddy, relax. 哥們,別著急

[02:13.52]No, you relax. 不,我著急

[02:14.78]I’m a regular here. This line needs to move. 我可是這兒的??停蠡飪憾嫉饶憷习胩炝?/p>

[02:17.15]I beg your pardon. 那就請你多多包涵了

[02:17.93]Do you have scones? 你們這兒有司康餅嗎?

[02:21.41]Tall, non fat, double latte-- 我要一杯外帶中杯雙份濃縮無因拿鐵咖啡

[02:21.93]Sir, you’re at the back of the line. 先生,您排在最后一個

[02:23.60]Cut it out or you’re out of here. 你最好別鬧了,不然就得請你出去

[02:25.04]I recognize that! 我知道!

[02:26.08]You can’t kick me out! 你不能趕我出去!

[02:27.08]You know, you’re--you’re really invading my ear space. 知道嗎?我的耳朵都快被你吵聾了

[02:29.45]I’m a frequent coffee drinker. 我是個經(jīng)常喝咖啡的人

[02:31.71]I’m part of the club. I have a card. 我是這個店的???,我有這兒的顧客卡

[02:32.34]Do you have a card? Do you have a card? 你有卡嗎?你有卡嗎?

[02:33.22]No, I don’t have a card. 沒有,我沒卡

[02:35.11]Does anyone here have a card? 這里有人像我一樣有卡嗎?

[02:36.97]We don’t have frequent drinker cards. 我們沒有發(fā)過顧客卡

[02:37.48](screams) That’s a video club card. 那是張租碟店的卡

[02:40.22]Zip it there, Sporty Spice. 收聲,運動白癡

[02:41.89]Yeah. Wanna go? 是啊,你夠膽嗎?

[02:42.22]Are we doing this? Is this happening now? 你什么意思? 找茬是吧?

[02:43.52]Great. I’d love to. 好極了,我可不會客氣

[02:45.37]Let’s do it. Come on. 行啊,你出招啊

[02:46.15]You’re hurting me! You’re hurting me! 你們傷到我了! 你們傷到我了!

[02:50.37]What is wrong with you, Derrick? 德瑞克,你是怎么回事兒?

[02:51.41]I thought we were friends! 虧我一直把你當(dāng)朋友來看!

[02:53.15]My name is Andy! 我叫安迪!

[02:54.78]Your name is Liar, ’cause you’re telling lies. 你干嘛不叫騙子算了,因為你一直在撒謊

[02:55.93]You know what the odds are 你知道你們會損失什么嗎?

[02:58.30]I will never come back here again? 我不會再回到這了嗎

[02:58.56]There’s a good chance of that! 我給你一次機會

[03:00.67]That’s a chance we’ll have to take. 也給我們大家一個機會

[03:00.85]Okay, if that’s how you want to play it. 如果你希望那么做的話

[03:04.56]Okay. I am disappointed! 好的,我很失望

[03:06.08]Good. 很好

[03:08.71]Get the door! Get the-- 看好門,看好

[03:10.48](indistinct chattering)

[03:13.74]Fine! 好

[03:15.26](whistling) 隊員們,進場 加油!

[03:16.26]Tigers, bring it in. Let’s go.

[03:19.78](whistle blowing)

[03:21.22]Let’s go, guys. 加油啊!

[03:29.60]All right, Tigers. 好的,隊員們

[03:33.60]I don’t wanna see any laziness there, okay? 我不愿意看到任何懶散,好嗎

[03:33.82]Let’s get ready to play, huh? 大家準備好了

[03:36.97]We win this, we’re in the finals. 贏了這場,我們就進入決賽

[03:38.34]If we get a big lead, we gotta pummel these guys. 如果我們領(lǐng)先了,我們就要狠揍他們

[03:43.08]We gotta pummel them at all costs. 不惜一切代價的揍

[03:44.97]Dominate and hammer them. 鞭笞他們,痛擊他們

[03:46.85]I want you to play dirty, 在有必要的時候

[03:47.00]if you have to, but don’t get caught. 我要你們踢得野蠻 但不要被裁判抓到

[03:49.85]Byong Sun, stay low, okay? 孫伯洋,放低重心,好嗎?

[03:51.63]That’s easy for you. 對你來說很簡單

[03:55.22]Just chop block them in the back of the knee. 就是從后面去鏟球

[03:56.52]Ambrose, you’re big. 安布羅斯,你比較魁梧

[03:57.26]That’ll work well. 那會很有用

[03:59.04]Don’t be afraid to throw the elbow. 大膽的去用你的手肘

[03:59.56]If you break someone’s collarbone, 如果你讓某人鎖骨骨折

[04:02.30]that’s a good thing. That’s what the medic’s for. 那再好不過了,那時醫(yī)務(wù)就會派上用場

[04:05.26]Otherwise, he’s just sitting around, all right? 否則,那人就只好待著,懂嗎?

[04:06.45]You hear me? 你聽見了嗎

[04:08.08]I--l--I don’t think that’s a very good attitude. 我,我,我不認為那樣是正確的態(tài)度

[04:10.71]You can’t talk about hurting other players. 你不能叫我們?nèi)λ?/p>

[04:13.85]You don’t think? 你不認為?

[04:16.71]You don’t-- you don’t think? 你不,你不認為?

[04:17.63]I don’t think you should be butting in 我不覺得你應(yīng)該

[04:18.63]when I’m talking to my team. 在我和隊員講話時插嘴

[04:21.48]You’re my assistant, okay? 你是我的助理

[04:22.37]You’re supposed to back me up 你應(yīng)該支持我

[04:25.74]and go get me juice boxes when I tell you. 而且當(dāng)我叫你去拿飲料時 你就去拿

[04:27.26]Now go get me a juice box. 現(xiàn)在就幫我那罐飲料來

[04:27.30]You know who you’re talking to? 你知道你在和誰講話嗎?

[04:30.19]You’re crazy! 你瘋了

[04:30.37]I’m talking to the juice box guy. 我在和飲料男講

[04:31.93]I’m not crazy. I’m just thirsty. 我沒瘋 我就是口渴

[04:32.67]Why don’t you go to hell? 你怎么不去下地獄

[04:34.93]No, you go to hell! While you’re there, 不,你下地獄! 當(dāng)你在那的時候

[04:36.93]why don’t you grab me a juice box! 你不妨再幫我拿罐飲料來

[04:38.93]I’m no juice box boy, I’ll tell you that! 我告訴你,我不是什么飲料男孩

[04:40.82]Yes, you are! No, I’m not! 是,你就是 不,我不是

[04:42.71]Yes, you are! No, I’m not! 是,你就是 不,我不是

[04:43.45]Yes, you are! No, I’m not! 是,你就是 不,我不是

[04:44.97]You’re like your old man! 你很象你老爸

[04:46.34]I’m not like my old man! 我不象我老爸

[04:47.60]If it weren’t for these kids I would whip your butt! 如果不是為了這些孩子 我定會抽你屁股

[04:50.08]I can take a punch! 我會給你一拳

[04:51.22]I’m out of here. Bye-bye. 我閃行了吧 再見

[04:52.63]Mr. Big Time Coach. Bye-bye! 再見,一流教練

[04:53.08]I’ll see you, 再見

[04:54.26]I’m not like my old man! I’m a kind and gentle, 我根本不象我老爸 我善良且文雅

[04:56.74]compassionate human being, 一個富有同情心的人

[04:59.52]with a heart as big as a lion! 有一顆像獅子一樣大小的愛心


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