With my credit cards maxed and my own clothes too slutty, I had no choice other than to ask a friend for help.
But all the girls I knew were either drunk or at soulcycle, which left...
Hold the elevator!
Bryn, I am so screwed.
I have this work wedding, and I don't have anything appropriate to wear.
And if you help me, I swear will never anonymously complain to management about your book club again.
I knew that was you!
You are lucky "Make-unders" are my everything.
Bryn was on board.
What I didn't realize was that meant the rest of her book club was on board, too.
Come in. Come in.
How about the peach one?
Oh, yeah, I love the peach one, but it might be small in the bust.
Oh, because of these?
Oh, no, these aren't real.
Still, it might be tight in the rear.
Oh, because of this?
Oh, no, this isn't real.
Okay. We might be in business now.
Take a seat.
Were you planning on doing your own hair and makeup?
Because I don't think that's a good idea.
As Wren cleaned out the litter box of my cat who died six months ago and Eyelet dumped my old lo mein into the trash,
I had to wonder...is this what friends do for each other?