Just go about your day as you normally would.
Good morning. How are you?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
That bald dude from the 12th floor took total fart blanche in the elevator,
so if you catch a whiff of something, it's residual him...not me. LOL.
May I point something out?
Every day, you greet Eliza, do you not?
I sure do. I check in with everybody.
And in the entire time that you've worked here, has Eliza ever once asked how you are doing?
You know the first thing about this woman?
Do you, uh...Do you even know her name?
Charmonique. Charmon...
Charmonique. Like "Monique," but with a "Char."
Okay, but, in my defense, that's not a real name.
Lesson number one...Each and every morning as you pass by Charmonique's desk, I want you to ask how she's doing.
Totes. Coolio. Donezo.
Let's start now.
Open your lips and repeat after me...
How are you?
How are you?
How are you?
Then, if you will, a follow-up question...
For example, "How'd you sleep last night?"
You know what? Not great.
But that's because I had my 9-year-old in bed with me.
See, he has sleep apnea, so...
Did you hear that?
Put the phone down.
Off your phone.
Apparently, Charmonique and her son didn't sleep well last night.
Now it's your turn to say something sympathetic.
I'm really glad I don't have kids.