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英語趣味課堂:萬圣節(jié) Halloween




Todd: OK, guys we're going to talk about Halloween. So, what do you think about Halloween?

Adrienne: I actually like it. It's a fun holiday for kids especially because you get to dress up in costumes and you get lots of candy if you go trick-or-treating. I have a lot of good memories. of Halloween growing up.

Todd: OK, what is trick-or-treating? Why do you trick-or-treat?

Adrienne: Trick-or-treat is when you go, you dress up in your costume on Halloween and you go door-to-door ringing doorbells, knocking on doors. One person comes to the door, you say, "Trick-or-treat" and usually these days they give you a treat which is candy or apples or something like that but in the older days, you could, if they didn't give you a treat, then you could play a trick on them or they could play a trick on you, instead of giving you a treat, something like that.

Mike: I always thought that it was they performed, the person at the door performed some kind of trick for the kids because they didn't have candy to give, but I could be wrong.

Adrienne: Yeah, I don't know exactly. It's one of those three options.

Todd: Yeah, I think it's you play a trick on them.

Mike: Oh, really

Todd: You throw trash against their house.

Adrienne: Toilet paper their.

Todd: Toilet paper, eggs,

Mike: Egg their window.

Todd: Dog pooh in the paper bag on fire. On fire!

Adrienne: Yuck.

Todd: Yeah, that's gross. So, Mike, you're from Canada, so do you have Halloween American-style in Canada? Do you celebrate trick-or-treating? Do you do trick-or-treating?

Mike: Oh, yeah, I think it is the same as in the U.S. I believe it is a little bit different in Europe, maybe. They don't have the same kind of traditions but, yeah, exactly the same as in the U.S. We watched all the Snoopy, Charlie Brown Halloween kind of things, just like everybody....

Todd: OK. That's good. I'm glad because now we can diverge. What was, what were your costumes when you were younger?

Adrienne: Ah, I had so many. My mom was a seamstress so she used to make a lot of my costumes. I designed them and she would make them for me and my sister so one year I was bat girl, another year I was Wonder Woman. Another year I was Princess Lea from Star Wars, I was a rainbow and a clown and a cat, and a witch and everything, basically that you're supposed to be for Halloween I was.

Todd: A lot of heroines in there.

Adrienne: Of course. Strong women!

Todd: Mike, how about you?

Mike: I was goat boy.

Todd: Goat boy!

Mike: I was always goat boy because there...

Todd: Every year?

Mike: Yeah, we, I couldn't afford to get a decent costume every year.

Todd: So how were you goat boy? What did you look like?

Adrienne: Where did you get goat boy from?

Mike: They just put some sort of, they put a lot of trash on me, and forced me to eat a can. It's OK. I got lots of candy but then the other kids would beat me up and steal it from me. That's OK.

Adrienne: That's the saddest thing I've ever heard.

Mike: Well, you know. That's all right. It toughened me up when I got older.

1 costume



She had excellent taste in costume.她對衣著特別講究。

The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan.和服是日本民族服裝的一部分。

2 costumes



The costumes and lighting in the play were restrained. 這出戲的服裝和燈光都很樸實。

The waitresses are all done up in costumes. 女服務(wù)生都穿著制服。

3 options

n.選擇(option的名詞復(fù)數(shù) );選項;選擇權(quán),選擇能力;[經(jīng)濟]買賣的特權(quán)


She considered her options. 她仔細(xì)考慮了自己的各種選擇。

We are considering the options available to us in this no-win situation. 在這種取勝無望的情形下,我們在考慮有什么選擇。

4 gross



The gross weight of the box of chocolates is 500 grams.那盒巧克力的全部重量是500克。

I consider this a gross oversight on your part.我把這件事看作是你的一大疏忽。

5 diverge



This is where our opinions diverge from each other.這就是我們意見產(chǎn)生分歧之處。

Don't diverge in your speech.發(fā)言不要離題。

6 clown



Doesn't the clown look funny!這小丑看上去真是滑稽!

A clown's job is to amuse the spectators.小丑的工作就是娛樂觀眾。

7 witch



The witch changed the prince into a frog.巫婆把王子變成了青蛙。

The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.狠心的女巫對孤苦無助的小女孩施了妖術(shù)。

8 basically



His heart is basically sound.他的心臟基本上健康。

Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的計劃。

9 heroines

n.女英雄,女主角( heroine的名詞復(fù)數(shù) )


the heroines of the revolution 那場革命中的各位女英雄

"Oh, one of the heroines--I don't know." “噢,是女主角之一,我也不記得是哪個了。” 來自英漢文學(xué) - 嘉莉妹妹

10 decent



We want to raise our children to be decent men and women.我們盼望把孩子們培養(yǎng)成優(yōu)秀人才。

There isn't even a decent table in this room.這屋里連張像樣的桌子也沒有。


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