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  英語中表示兩者的不定代詞主要有三個:both, either和neither。

  ① both的意思是“兩者都”。注意體會以下句子:

  Would you like milk or sugar or both? 你是想要牛奶還是糖,還是兩者都要?

  They have two grown children, both of whom live abroad. 他們有兩個成年子女,都住在國外。

  Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily visit both in a day. 牛津與斯特拉特福相距不遠,所以你可以方便地用一天時間參觀這兩個地方。

  To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or both. 為了更多地了解大英博物館,你可以利用因特網或前往圖書館,又或兩者一起(進行)。

  ② either 的意思是“兩者中的任意一個”。 注意體會以下句子:

  Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on either side of me. 真倒霉,餐桌上坐在我兩邊的人都抽煙。

  I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like either city very much. 我在紐約和芝加哥都住過,但兩個城市我都不太喜歡。

  There were glasses of champagne and cigars, but not many of either were consumed. 這里有香檳和雪茄,但兩樣東西都沒怎么動。

  They are able to talk openly to one another whenever either of them feels hurt. 他們倆無論誰感覺受到了傷害,都能夠向對方坦言相告。

  ③ neither 的意思是“兩者都不”。 注意體會以下句子:

  “Which one would you choose?” “Neither. They’re both terrible.” “你會哪一個?”“兩個都不要,它們都很糟糕。”

  Thompson had two strategies, neither of which seems to have worked very well. 湯普森有兩套行動計劃,效果似乎都不太好。

  We asked both John and Jerry, but neither one could offer a satisfactory explanation. 我們問了約翰和杰里,但兩人都沒有給出令人滿意的解釋。

  I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, neither of them answered it. 我昨天給父母打電話了。讓我失望的是,他們倆都沒有接電話。


  英語中表示三者或三者以上的不定代詞主要有四個:all, any, none和every。


  She’s got four children, all under the age of five. 她有四個孩子,都不滿五歲。

  There are 76 individually furnished bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. 這里有76間陳設各異的臥室,都配有獨立衛(wèi)生間。

 ?、?any 的意思是“任何一個”,表示三個或三個以上的人或物當中“任何一個都”。 注意體會以下句子:

  They’re all free — take any you like. 它們都是免費的——你喜歡哪個就拿哪個。

  Always check the details carefully before you sign any written agreement. 在簽任何文件之前都一定要仔細核對細節(jié)。

  There were a lot of computers at the exhibition, any (one) of which would have suited me perfectly. 展覽會上有很多電腦,無論哪一種都會非常適合我用。

  Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer any of them. 簡被問了許多問題,但是她一個也沒回答。

 ?、?none 的意思是“一個也不”“都不”,表示三個或三個以上的人或物當中“任何一個都不”。 注意體會以下句子:

  She went to the shop to get some oranges but they had none. 她去商店買橘子,但都賣完了。

  Although these were good students, none had a score above 60. 雖然這些都是好學生,但沒有一個得分超過60分。

  “Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.” “But none of them are in fashion now.” “哇! 你有這么多衣服。”“但是沒有一件是如今流行的。”


  I wish I could offer you some cake but there's none left. 我真想請你吃點蛋糕,但一點也沒剩。

  I turned to bookshops and libraries seeking information and found none. 我去了書店和圖書館查找資料,但什么也沒找到。

 ?、?every 的意思是“每個”, 表示三個或三個以上的人或物當中“每個都”。 注意體會以下句子:

  Julia wears a ring on every finger, but I wear only one. 朱莉婭每個手指上都戴戒指,而我只戴一個。

  The head teacher knows every child in school by name. 這個校長知道在校的每一個孩子的名字。

  Every guidebook in the series has been carefully written. 這套叢書中的導游手冊本本都寫得很細。


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