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  1. 用于泛指人們或任何人,包括說話人和聽話人,其用法與表泛指的you相似。如:

  One must believe in something. 人一定要有信仰。

  One shouldn’t be too hard on oneself. 一個人不能對自己太苛刻。

  One always thinks other people’s lives are more interesting. 人們總是認為別人的生活更加有趣。

  在美國英語里,如果one用在句首,后面提到這個one時常常用he, him 和his,但在英國英語里則仍用one。如:

  One cannot succeed at this unless he [one] tries hard. 除非你很努力,否則這事就成功不了。

  2. 用于表示某個不確定的人或事物,其意相當(dāng)于“不定冠詞+名詞”。如:

  I’d like one with a garden. 我想要一座帶花園的。(其中的one相當(dāng)于a house等)

  He talks to one like a teacher. 他和人談話就像個老師似的。(其中的one相當(dāng)于a person, a man等)

  3. 表示兩個或多個中的“一個”。如:

  One of my weaknesses is smoking too much. 我的缺點之一是抽煙太多。

  Here are two books. One is for Mary, the other is for Jack. 這里有兩本書,一本給瑪麗,一本給杰克。

  One person may like to spend his vacation at the seashore, while another may prefer the mountains. 一個人會喜歡在海濱度假,而另一個人會喜歡在山里度假。

  On its face, it has three hands. One is short, the other two are long. 其上有三根針,一根短,另兩根長。

  4. 用于習(xí)語one after the other或one after another,其意為“一個接一個地”“依次地”“陸續(xù)地”。如:

  Planes took off one after another. 飛機陸續(xù)起飛。

  The boy showed me his dirty hands one after the other. 那男孩把他臟兮兮的手依序伸給我看。

  5. 用于習(xí)語on the one hand...on the other (hand)...,其意為“一方面……另一方面……”。如:

  On the one hand he suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand he learned a great deal from the experience. 一方面,他蒙受了極大的損失;另一方面,他則由此教訓(xùn)學(xué)到很多經(jīng)驗。


  1. one只能代替可數(shù)名詞,其意相當(dāng)于“a / an +可數(shù)名詞”。如:

  I’m looking for a jacket. I’d like one with a bag. 我正在找一件夾克,我想要件帶兜的。


  Green apples often taste better than red ones. 綠蘋果往往比紅蘋果好吃。



  誤:Don’t use powdered milk. Use this fresh one.

  正:Don’t use powdered milk. Use this fresh (milk).


  誤:If you haven’t got fresh cream, I’ll take tinned one.

  正:If you haven’t got fresh cream, I’ll take tinned (cream).

  另外,用one代替抽象名詞也很少見。如下面一句中的the English system最好不要換成the English one:

  The Dutch grammatical system is very similar to the English system. 荷蘭語的語法體系與英語語法體系十分相似。

  2. 在a…one這類表達中,one前面原則上應(yīng)有形容詞,否則就應(yīng)省去不定冠詞。如:

  I’m looking for a flat. I’d like a small one with a garden. 我正在找一套公寓,想找一座小的帶花園的。

  I’m looking for a flat. I’d like one with a garden. 我正在找一套公寓,我想要一座帶花園的。(不能說:... a one with a garden.)


  1. 不要在所有格(含形容詞性物主代詞)之后誤用one或ones,可直接使用所有格或?qū)⑿稳菰~性物主代詞改為名詞性物主代詞。如:


  誤:We need a ladder. We can borrow our neighbour’s one.

  正:We need a ladder. We can borrow our neighbour’s.


  誤:I can’t find my pen. Can you lend me your one?

  正:I can’t find my pen. Can you lend me yours?

  2. 不要在基數(shù)詞(two, three等)后誤用one或ones。如:


  誤:Jack is the fastest runner of the three ones.

  正:Jack is the fastest runner of the three.


  誤:He has three rabbits and I have only two ones.

  正:He has three rabbits and I have only two.

  3. 不要在both后誤用one或ones。如:


  誤:Do question 4 or question 5, but not both ones.

  正:Do question 4 or question 5, but not both.

  4. 不要在one’s own 后誤用one或ones。如:


  誤:They treated the child as if she were their own ones.

  正:They treated the child as if she were their own.


  誤:Those books belong to the library, but this is my own one.

  正:Those books belong to the library, but this is my own.

  5. 不要在some或any后誤用one 或ones。如:


  誤:I hadn’t any eggs, so I went out to buy some ones.

  正:I hadn’t any eggs, so I went out to buy some.


  誤:Correct errors, if there are any ones.

  正:Correct errors, if there are any.

  但是,值得注意的是,若one / ones前有形容詞修飾,則可以用于所有格、基數(shù)詞以及some, any, both等之后。如:

  My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one. 我的相機便宜,但比他的昂貴相機拍出的照片還好。

  “Did you get any postcards?” “Yes, I bought four nice ones.” “你買明信片了嗎?”“買了,我買了四張精美的明信片。”

  I bought some sweet ones today. 我今天買了一些甜的。


  1. 當(dāng)one之前有帶定冠詞的比較級和最高級形容詞時,one可以省略。如:

  Smith said that his friend’s car was the most expensive (one). 史密斯說他的朋友的小車是最貴的。

  There were two sorts of dictionaries in the bookstore, he only bought the cheaper (one). 書店里有兩種字典,但他只是買了較便宜的。

  2. 當(dāng)one 前有定冠詞并與上下文形成對比的形容詞連用時可省略。如:

  I’d prefer the large battles to the small (ones). 我喜歡大瓶的,而不喜歡小瓶的。

  This house is bigger than my last (one). 這房子比我以前住的要大。

  3. 當(dāng)one的前置定語只有this, these, that, those, either, neither, another, the last, the next, which等限定詞時可省略。如:

  You can take this one; I’ll keep another (one). 你可以拿這個,我拿另一個。

  It doesn’t matter; either (one) will suit me. 沒關(guān)系,隨便哪一個我都合適。



  A:Can you lend me a pen? 你能借給我一支鋼筆嗎?

  B:Sorry. I haven’t got one. 對不起,我沒有鋼筆。

  A:Can I borrow your pen? 我能借你的鋼筆嗎?

  B:Sorry, I’m using it. 對不起,我正在用著。


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