"Come out of that, ye pirates! roared the captain, now menacing them with a pistol in each hand, just brought to him by the steward. Come out of that, ye cut-throats!
"Steelkilt leaped on the barricade, and striding up and down there, defied the worst the pistols could do; but gave the captain to understand distinctly, that his (Steelkilt's) death would be the signal for a murderous mutiny on the part of all hands. Fearing in his heart lest this might prove but too true, the captain a little desisted, but still commanded the insurgents instantly to return to their duty.
"Will you promise not to touch us, if we do? demanded their ringleader.
"Turn to! turn to! I make no promise; to your duty! Do you want to sink the ship, by knocking off at a time like this? Turn to! and he once more raised a pistol.
"Sink the ship? Cried Steelkilt. Aye, let her sink. Not a man of us turns to, unless you swear not to raise a rope-yarn against us. What say ye, men? turning to his comrades. A fierce cheer was their response.
"The Lakeman now patrolled the barricade, all the while keeping his eye on the Captain, and jerking out suchsentences as these:It's not our fault; we didn't want it; I told him to take his hammer away; it was boy's business; he might have known me before this; I told him not to prick the buffalo;