The poor fellow whom Queequeg had handled soroughly, was swept overboard; all hands were in apanic; and to attempt snatching at the boom tostay it, seemed madness. It flew from right to left,and back again, almost in one ticking of a watch, andevery instant seemed on the point of snapping intosplinters. Nothing was done, and nothing seemedcapable of being done; those on deck rushed towardthe bows, and stood eyeing the boom as if it werethe lower jaw of an exasperated whale. In the midstof this consternation, Queequeg dropped deftly tohis knees, and crawling under the path of the boom, whipped hold of a rope, secured one endto the bulwarks, and then flinging the other like a lasso, caught it round the boom as it sweptover his head, and at the next jerk, the spar was that way trapped, and all was safe. Theschooner was run into the wind, and while the hands were clearing away the stern boat,Queequeg, stripped to the waist, darted from the side with a long living arc of a leap. Forthree minutes or more he was seen swimming like a dog, throwing his long arms straight outbefore him, and by turns revealing his brawny shoulders through the freezing foam. I lookedat the grand and glorious fellow, but saw no one to be saved. The greenhorn had gone down.Shooting himself perpendicularly from the water, Queequeg, now took an instant's glancearound him, and seeming to see just how matters were, dived down and disappeared. A fewminutes more, and he rose again, one arm still striking out, and with the other dragging alifeless form. The boat soon picked them up. The poor bumpkin was restored. All hands votedQueequeg a noble trump; the captain begged his pardon. From that hour I clove to Queequeglike a barnacle; yea, till poor Queequeg took his last long dive.