Yael: I know there've been a few extinctions, Don,but not that many!
Don: Yep. Many were of prehistoric bacteria and other single-celled microorganisms. But inthe past 540 million years or so there have been about five mass extinctions, mainly of marineplants and animals but also of land organisms.
Yael: Well, I know that the dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago, possibly due to alarge meteor that crashed into earth and blotted out the sun. But what caused all those otherextinctions?
Don: That's been a mystery for a long time. But now some scientists think that most massextinctions have been driven by the rise and fall of sea level. That may sound strange, butconsider that millions of years ago a shallow sea covered the entire middle section of NorthAmerica. That sea grew and shrank back several times. Each time it drained it caused entirespecies of sea plants and creatures to die off. The last time it drained was around 65 millionyears ago—when the dinosaurs disappeared.
Yael: OK, I understand how a sea vanishing would kill off marine life. But did the sea'sdisappearance also have something to do with the dinosaurs going extinct?
Don: Maybe. When a sea disappears it has a big effect on climate. All that water provides heatand moisture. And when a sea drains, the climate becomes drier and colder. So the change inclimate may have combined with the meteor impact to kill off the dinosaurs.