A scientist who studies ethology, or animal behavior, might ask how prehistoric shepherds firstcoaxed such useful behavior from their domesticated wolves, the ancestors of today'ssheepdogs.
As a matter of fact, a sheepdog's herding instinct isn't so different from the natural huntinginstincts that all wolves share. For example, when a pack of wolves hunts a herd of caribou,they begin by circling their prey, crouching low if the caribou become too alarmed.
Occasionally, if a caribou bolts, a wolf will jump up and nip at its neck, steering it back towardthe herd. These hunting instincts help gather the prey together, making it easier to bringthem down when the pack leader jumps in for the kill.
Early shepherds took advantage of these wolf instincts when training their domesticated dogs.The dogs viewed the shepherd as their pack leader, and they controlled the flock of sheep thesame way their wolf cousins would control a herd of caribou in the wild always steering theflock toward the shepherd.
Indeed, it's difficult to persuade modern sheepdogs to steer their flock in any other direction.The wild instinct of directing prey toward the pack leader is still too strong. Centuries ofselective breeding have refined these instincts to a considerable degree, but thefoundation of a sheepdog's behavior comes from the wild.