To visualize this process, think about taking some plastic kitchen wrap and covering a tub ofcream cheese with it. If you poked your finger into the wrap, and down into the cream cheesewithout breaking the wrap, you would be simulating the beginning of hair development. Inorder for a strand of hair to grow, skin cells must dive down to just below the epidermis. Thiscreates a tube-like structure, much like the one left over if you pulled your finger out of thecream cheese.
The cells that line this tubular structure are collectively referred to as the hair follicle. Hairproduction is the result of the cells of the hair follicle depositing layer after layer of proteininto this tubular space. These layers of protein grow out of the tubular space as a strand ofhair.
As the hair strand develops, hundreds of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes inject itwith pigment, giving a strand of hair its color. Melanocytes are only able to produce pigmentfor a genetically-determined number of years.
Once the melanocytes lose their ability to produce pigment, hair follicles continue to producehair, but instead of brown or red hair, they produce gray hair, which, technically speaking, ishair with no color at all.